SyntaxError related to line.rfind - python

In the past I was using line.rfind to find a fixed variable and my script worked fine. However, now that I am trying to use line.rfind to find a changing variable, I am getting a syntax error for a line of code that used to work. Here is the code I have.
#!usr/bin/env python
import urllib
from datetime import datetime
from datetime import timedelta
date =
date1 = date + timedelta(days=1)
class city :
def __init__(self, city_name, link, latitude, longitude) : = city_name
self.url = link
self.low0 = 0
self.high1 = 0
self.high2 = 0
self.low1 = 0
self.low2 = 0 = latitude
self.long = longitude
def retrieveTemps(self) :
filehandle = urllib.urlopen(self.url)
# get lines from result into array
lines = filehandle.readlines()
# (for each) loop through each line in lines
line_number = 0 # a counter for line number
for line in lines:
line_number = line_number + 1 # increment counter
# find string, position otherwise position is -1
position0 = line.rfind('title="{}"'.format(date1.strftime("%A"))
# string is found in line
if position0 > 0 :
self.low0 = lines[line_number + 4].split('&')[0].split('>')[-1]
The error I am getting says...
if position0 > 0 :
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
Any ideas on what is wrong? I assume it is somehow related to the change I made in this line...
position0 = line.rfind('title="{}"'.format(date1.strftime("%A"))
Thank you for your help!

You simply forgot to use closing bracet ')'. Change to:
position0 = line.rfind('title="{}"'.format(date1.strftime("%A")))


ValueError: substring not found on lip reading code

This is what I have gotten while trying to run step 3 of this source code:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\User\Desktop\lazykh-main\code\", line 93, in
OS_nextIndex = originalScript.index(wordString,OS_IndexAt)+len(wordString)
ValueError: substring not found
import argparse
import os.path
import json
import numpy as np
import random
def addPhoneme(p, t):
global prevPhoneme
global f
if p != prevPhoneme:
strings[4] += (str.format('{0:.3f}', t)+",phoneme,"+p+"\n")
prevPhoneme = p
def pickNewPose(t):
global pose
global prevPose
global prevPhoneme
global f
newPose = -1
while newPose == -1 or newPose == pose or newPose == prevPose:
newPose = int(random.random()*POSE_COUNT)
prevPose = pose
pose = newPose
strings[3] += (str.format('{0:.3f}', t)+",pose,"+str(pose)+"\n")
prevPhoneme = "na"
strings = [""]*5
emotions = {}
emotions["explain"] = 0
emotions["happy"] = 1
emotions["sad"] = 2
emotions["angry"] = 3
emotions["confused"] = 4
emotions["rq"] = 5
mouthList = [["aa","a"],["ae","a"],["ah","a"],["ao","a"],["aw","au"],
["oov","m"]] # For unknown phonemes, the stick figure will just have a closed mouth ("mmm")
mouths = {}
for x in mouthList:
mouths[x[0]] = x[1]
STOPPERS = [",",";",".",":","!","?"]
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='blah')
parser.add_argument('--input_file', type=str, help='the script')
args = parser.parse_args()
INPUT_FILE = args.input_file
f = open(INPUT_FILE+".txt","r+")
originalScript =
f = open(INPUT_FILE+".json","r+")
fileData =
data = json.loads(fileData)
WORD_COUNT = len(data['words'])
pose = -1
prevPose = -1
prevPhoneme = "na"
emotion = "0"
pararaph = 0
image = 0
OS_IndexAt = 0
strings[1] += "0,emotion,0\n"
strings[0] += "0,paragraph,0\n"
strings[2] += "0,image,0\n"
strings[4] += "0,phoneme,m\n"
for i in range(WORD_COUNT):
word = data['words'][i]
if "start" not in word:
wordString = word["word"]
timeStart = word["start"]
OS_nextIndex = originalScript.index(wordString,OS_IndexAt)+len(wordString)
if "<" in originalScript[OS_IndexAt:]:
tagStart = originalScript.index("<",OS_IndexAt)
tagEnd = originalScript.index(">",OS_IndexAt)
if OS_nextIndex > tagStart and tagEnd >= OS_nextIndex:
OS_nextIndex = originalScript.index(wordString,tagEnd)+len(wordString)
nextDigest = originalScript[OS_IndexAt:OS_nextIndex]
if "\n" in nextDigest and data['words'][i-1]['case'] != 'not-found-in-audio' and (prevPhoneme == "a" or prevPhoneme == "f" or prevPhoneme == "u" or prevPhoneme == "y"):
addPhoneme("m", data['words'][i-1]["end"])
print(str(OS_IndexAt)+", "+str(OS_nextIndex))
pickedPose = False
for stopper in STOPPERS:
if stopper in nextDigest:
pickedPose = True
if "<" in nextDigest:
leftIndex = nextDigest.index("<")+1
rightIndex = nextDigest.index(">")
emotion = emotions[nextDigest[leftIndex:rightIndex]]
strings[1] += (str.format('{0:.3f}', timeStart)+",emotion,"+str(emotion)+"\n")
prevPhoneme = "na"
if "\n\n" in nextDigest:
pararaph += 1
image += 1 # The line of the script advances 2 lines whenever we hit a /n/n.
strings[0] += (str.format('{0:.3f}', timeStart)+",paragraph,"+str(pararaph)+"\n")
prevPhoneme = "na"
if "\n" in nextDigest:
image += 1
strings[2] += (str.format('{0:.3f}', timeStart)+",image,"+str(image)+"\n")
prevPhoneme = "na"
if not pickedPose:
pickNewPose(timeStart) # A new image means we also need to have a new pose
phones = word["phones"]
timeAt = timeStart
for phone in phones:
timeAt += phone["duration"]
phoneString = phone["phone"]
if phoneString == "sil":
truePhone = "m"
truePhone = mouths[phoneString[:phoneString.index("_")]]
if len(truePhone) == 2:
addPhoneme(truePhone[0], timeAt-phone["duration"])
addPhoneme(truePhone[1], timeAt-phone["duration"]*0.5)
addPhoneme(truePhone, timeAt-phone["duration"])
OS_IndexAt = OS_nextIndex
f = open(INPUT_FILE+"_schedule.csv","w+")
for i in range(len(strings)):
if i < len(strings)-1:
print(f"Done creating schedule for {INPUT_FILE}.")
ValueError: substring not found
occurs when you try to find the index of a substring in a string which does not contain it in the specified (or default) section, using the index function.
The index method takes 3 parameters:
and it searches for the value between start and end.
So, the error occurred because the substring was not found in the section where it was searched for. The line of
OS_nextIndex = originalScript.index(wordString,tagEnd)+len(wordString)
searches for wordString, starting from tagEnd and searches for the likes of
, but in your case it was not found. You can do one of the following to solve the issue:
you can fix your input if it should always have a match for the search
you can handle the error when the index throws the error
you can use find instead, see
Note that find also has three parameters, as you can read from

ValueError: time data does not match

So I got this error raised
ValueError: time data '8/16/2016 9:55' does not match format '%m/&d/%Y
I know that %m is the format for month with two digits (zero-padded). And as we can see that '8' (August) does not have zero padded. Is that the problem for this error? And how I fix this?
import datetime as dt
result_list = []
for a in ask_posts:
result_list.append([a[6], int(a[4])])
counts_by_hour = {}
comments_by_hour = {}
date_format = '%m/&d/%Y %H:%M'
for row in result_list:
date = row[0]
comment = row[1]
time = dt.datetime.strptime(date, date_format).strftime("%H")
``` I want to extract the Hour only```
if time not in counts_by_hour:
counts_by_hour[time] = 1
comments_by_hour[time] = comment
counts_by_hour[time] += 1
comments_by_hours[time] += comment
you have an error in your dateformat % not &
import datetime as dt
result_list = []
for a in ask_posts:
result_list.append([a[6], int(a[4])])
counts_by_hour = {}
comments_by_hour = {}
date_format = '%m/%d/%Y %H:%M' # change & with %
for row in result_list:
date = row[0]
comment = row[1]
time = dt.datetime.strptime(date, date_format).strftime("%H")
``` I want to extract the Hour only```
if time not in counts_by_hour:
counts_by_hour[time] = 1
comments_by_hour[time] = comment
counts_by_hour[time] += 1
comments_by_hours[time] += comment

What is wrong with this code during enumeration

import datetime
with open("fine.txt","r") as f, open("fine1.txt","a") as fine1:
lines ="\n")
for i in range(2):
var = input("reg : ") # registration number(reg_num)
enter = input('Time entered camera 1(24hrs)in the format HH:MM:SS: ')
ext = input('Time enterd camera 2 (24hrs)in the format HH:MM:SS : ')
total_time = '%H:%M:%S'
enter_time = datetime.datetime.strptime(enter, total_time)
ext_time = datetime.datetime.strptime(ext, total_time)
if enter_time > ext_time:
ext_time += datetime.timedelta(hours=24)
t_diff = ext_time - enter_time
time = t_diff.total_seconds() / 3600
speed = 1 / time
reg = var[0:1].isalpha() and var[2:3].isdigit() and var[4].isspace() and var[5:7].isalpha() and var.isupper()
if reg == True:
for i, line in enumerate(lines):
if var in line:
num = int("{}".format(i))
var =
name = (var[num]) #the problem
address = (var[num + 0])
if speed > 70:
print("ovrspeeding", (var[num + 0]))
The whole code had to inputted, otherwise you will not understand what i am trying to do.
fine.txt is a file that has already been made and looks like:
reg_num1 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
reg_num2 bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
reg_num3 ccccccccccccccccccc
this code takes in inputs of the registration number(e.g. AA01 SSS) and 2 time formats (which will later be used to calculate the speed). i want this code to find the line in fine.txt that have the registration number i inputted and if that vehicle is overspeeding(speed >70mph)the whole line needs to be appended into the file fine1.txt.
the problem is that when i run the code the error massage states that:
name = (var[num])
IndexError: string index out of range
i dont what this means, so can you help me with this.

Parse the HTML Table

I have an HTML table that I need to parse into a CSV file.
import urllib2, datetime
olddate = datetime.datetime.strptime('5/01/13', "%m/%d/%y")
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
def genqry(arga,argb,argc,argd):
return arga + "," + argb + "," + argc + "," + argd
part = 1
row = 1
contenturl = ""
soup = BeautifulSoup(urllib2.urlopen(contenturl).read())
table = soup.find('table', attrs={'class': 'catalog-listing'})
rows = table.findAll('tr')
for tr in rows:
if row != 1:
cols = tr.findAll('td')
for td in cols:
if part == 1:
keep = 0
dates = td.find(text=True)
part = 2
if part == 2:
location = td.find(text=True)
part = 2
if part == 3:
name = td.find(text=True)
for a in tr.findAll('a', href=True):
url = a['href']
# Compare Dates
if len(dates) < 6:
newdate = datetime.datetime.strptime(dates, "%m/%d/%y")
if newdate > olddate:
keep = 1
keep = 0
newdate = datetime.datetime.strptime(dates[:6], "%m/%d/%y")
if newdate > olddate:
keep = 1
keep = 0
if keep == 1:
qry = genqry(dates, location, name, url)
row = row + 1
part = 1
row = row + 1
except (RuntimeError, TypeError, NameError):
print("Error: " + name)
I need to be able to get every VEX Event in that table that is after 5/01/13. So far, this code gives me an error about the dates, that I can't seem to be able to fix. Maybe someone that is better than me can fix this code? Thanks in advance, Smith.
EDIT #1: The Error That I am Getting Is:
Value Error: '\n10/5/13' does not match format '%m/%d/%y'
I think that I need to remove newlines at the beginning of the string first.
EDIT #2: Got it to run, without any output, any help?
Your question is very poor. Without knowing what the exact error, I would guess the problem is with your if len(dates) < 6: block. Consider the following:
>>> date = '10/5/13 - 12/14/13'
>>> len(date)
>>> date = '11/9/13'
>>> len(date)
>>> date[:6]
One suggestion to make your code more Pythonic: Instead of doing row = row + 1, use enumerate.
Update: Tracing your code, I get the value of dates as follows:
>>> dates
u'\n10/5/13 - 12/14/13 \xa0\n '

Why is my Code Printing the same Last Name?

The Code Below I wrote takes input from a sample file which contains First and Last names. Then it converts those names to sample emails. For some reason the Script keeps printing the same Last name over and over.
namess.txt looks like this:
import os, re, time, getpass, linecache
Original = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), 'Desktop','namess.txt')
File = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), 'Desktop','output.txt')
badNames = []
Names = []
def RemCommas():
outfile = open(os.path.join('C:\\', 'Users', getpass.getuser(), 'Desktop','output.txt'),'w')
Filedata = open(Original).read()
outfile.write(re.sub(',', ' ', Filedata))
def ClassNum():
count = 6
Year = int(time.strftime('%Y'))
Class = str((Year - 2013) + 6)
return Class
def ReadStoreFile():
i = 0
OpenFile = open(File)
LenFile = len(OpenFile.readlines())
while i < LenFile:
i += 1
badNames.append(linecache.getline(File, i))
def CleanNames():
i = 0
while i < len(badNames):
cleaned = badNames[i].rstrip()
i += 1
def NamePrint():
Interns = ''
arrayname = []
i = 0
j = 0
m = 0
while m < len(Names):
Name = Names[m]
Name = Name.lower()
InternName = Name[0] + Name[1]
#------------Checking for space and first name--
while i < len(Name):
if Name[i] == ' ':
i = Name.index(' ')
i += 1
#---------------adding last name in an array----
Namelen = len(Name) - (i+1)
while j < Namelen:
j += 1
i += 1
#---------------Final Name Print----------------
Lastname = ''.join(arrayname)
#print arrayname
#Lastname = Lastname.strip(' ')
#print InternName + Lastname + ClassNum() + Interns
file = open('C:\\Users\\username\\Desktop\\emails.txt', 'a')
file.write(InternName + Lastname + ClassNum() + Interns + '\n')
m += 1
print ''
The reason the last name doesn't change is because you are not resetting arrayname in your loop. You keep appending names to it, and the program picks the first one. So you should put your arrayname = [] after the while m < len(Names):
I guess this what you are trying to do:
import os
import re
import time
def create_mails(input_path, output_path, year, addr):
with open(input_path, 'r') as data:
mail = re.sub(r'(\w+)\s*,\s*(\w+)\n?', r'\1\g<2>%s%s\n' % (year, addr),
with open(output_path, 'w') as output:
print 'Mail addresses generated and saved to', output_path
os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), 'Desktop', 'namess.txt'),
os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), 'Desktop', 'output.txt'),
str(int(time.strftime('%Y')) - 2013 + 6),
If namess.txt is something like this:
First, Last
Spam, Ham
Cabbage, egg
Then output.txt is going to be like this:

