Is there a way to avoid this memory error? - python

I'm currently working through the problems on Project Euler, and so far I've come up with this code for a problem.
from itertools import combinations
import time
def findanums(n):
l = []
for i in range(1, n + 1):
s = []
for j in range(1, i):
if i % j == 0:
if sum(s) > i:
return l
start = time.time() #start time
limit = 28123
anums = findanums(limit + 1) #abundant numbers (1..limit)
print "done finding abundants", time.time() - start
pairs = combinations(anums, 2)
print "done finding combinations", time.time() - start
sums = map(lambda x: x[0]+x[1], pairs)
print "done finding all possible sums", time.time() - start
print "start main loop"
answer = 0
for i in range(1,limit+1):
if i not in sums:
answer += i
print "ANSWER:",answer
When I run this I run into a MemoryError.
The traceback:
File "", line 20, in <module>
sums = map(lambda x: x[0]+x[1], pairs)
I've tried to prevent it by disabling garbage collection from what I've been able to get from Google but to no avail. Am I approaching this the wrong way? In my head this feels like the most natural way to do it and I'm at a loss at this point.
SIDE NOTE: I'm using PyPy 2.0 Beta2(Python 2.7.4) because it is so much faster than any other python implementation I've used, and Scipy/Numpy are over my head as I'm still just beginning to program and I don't have an engineering or strong math background.

As Kevin mention in the comments, your algorithm might be wrong, but anyway your code is not optimized.
When using very big lists, it is common to use generators, there is a famous, great Stackoverflow answer explaining the concepts of yield and generator - What does the "yield" keyword do in Python?
The problem is that your pairs = combinations(anums, 2) doesn't generate a generator, but generates a large object which is much more memory consuming.
I changed your code to have this function, since you iterating over the collection only once, you can lazy evaluate the values:
def generator_sol(anums1, s):
for comb in itertools.combinations(anums1, s):
yield comb
Now instead of pairs = combinations(anums, 2) which generates a large object.
pairs = generator_sol(anums, 2)
Then, instead of using the lambda I would use another generator:
sums_sol = (x[0]+x[1] for x in pairs)
Another tip, you better look at xrange which is more suitable, it doens't generate a list but an xrange object which is more efficient in many cases (such as here).

Let me suggest you to use generators. Try changing this:
sums = map(lambda x: x[0]+x[1], pairs)
sums = (a+b for (a,b) in pairs)
Ofiris solution is also ok but implies that itertools.combinations return a list when it's wrong. If you are going to keep solving project euler problems have a look at the itertools documentation.

The issue is that anums is big - about 28000 elements long. so pairs must be 28000*28000*8 bytes = 6GB. If you used numpy you could cast anums as a numpy.int16 array, in which case the result pairs would be 1.5GB - more manageable:
import numpy as np
anums = np.array([anums],dtype=np.int16)
#compute the sum of all the pairs via outer product
pairs = (anums + anums.T).ravel()


Find all combinations of positive integers in increasing order that adds up to a given positive number n

How to write a function that takes n (where n > 0) and returns the list of all combinations of positive integers that sum to n?
This is a common question on the web. And there are different answers provided such as 1, 2 and 3. However, in the answers provided, they use two functions to solve the problem. I want to do it with only one single function. Therefore, I coded as follows:
def all_combinations_sum_to_n(n):
from itertools import combinations_with_replacement
combinations_list = []
if n < 1:
return combinations_list
l = [i for i in range(1, n + 1)]
for i in range(1, n + 1):
combinations_list = combinations_list + (list(combinations_with_replacement(l, i)))
result = [list(i) for i in combinations_list if sum(i) == n]
return result
If I pass 20 to my function which is all_combinations_sum_to_n(20), the OS of my machine kills the process as it is very costly. I think the space complexity of my function is O(n*n!). How do I modify my code so that I don't have to create any other function and yet my single function has an improved time or space complexity? I don't think it is possible by using itertools.combinations_with_replacement.
All answers provided by Barmar, ShadowRanger and pts are great. As I was looking for an efficient answer in terms of both memory and runtime, I used and selected python 3.8 to compare the answers. I used six different values of n and in all cases, ShadowRanger's solution had the highest score. Therefore, I chose ShadowRanger's answer as the best one. The scores were as follows:
You've got two main problems, one causing your current problem (out of memory) and one that will continue the problem even if you solve that one:
You're accumulating all combinations before filtering, so your memory requirements are immense. You don't even need a single list if your function can be a generator (that is iterated to produce a value at a time) rather than returning a fully realized list, and even if you must return a list, you needn't generate such huge intermediate lists. You might think you need at least one list for sorting purposes, but combinations_with_replacement is already guaranteed to produce a predictable order based on the input ordering, and since range is ordered, the values produced will be ordered as well.
Even if you solve the memory problem, the computational cost of just generating that many combinations is prohibitive, due to poor scaling; for the memory, but not CPU, optimized version of the code below, it handles an input of 11 in 0.2 seconds, 12 in ~2.6 seconds, and 13 in ~11 seconds; at that scaling rate, 20 is going to approach heat death of the universe timeframes.
Barmar's answer is one solution to both problems, but it's still doing work eagerly and storing the complete results when the complete work might not even be needed, and it involves sorting and deduplication, which aren't strictly necessary if you're sufficiently careful about how you generate the results.
This answer will fix both problems, first the memory issue, then the speed issue, without ever needing memory requirements above linear in n.
Solving the memory issue alone actually makes for simpler code, that still uses your same basic strategy, but without consuming all your RAM needlessly. The trick is to write a generator function, that avoids storing more than one results at a time (the caller can listify if they know the output is small enough and they actually need it all at once, but typically, just looping over the generator is better):
from collections import deque # Cheap way to just print the last few elements
from itertools import combinations_with_replacement # Imports should be at top of file,
# not repeated per call
def all_combinations_sum_to_n(n):
for i in range(1, n + 1): # For each possible length of combinations...
# For each combination of that length...
for comb in combinations_with_replacement(range(1, n + 1), i):
if sum(comb) == n: # If the sum matches...
yield list(comb) # yield the combination
# 13 is the largest input that will complete in some vaguely reasonable time, ~10 seconds on TIO
print(*deque(all_combinations_sum_to_n(13), maxlen=10), sep='\n')
Try it online!
Again, to be clear, this will not complete in any reasonable amount of time for an input of 20; there's just too much redundant work being done, and the growth pattern for combinations scales with the factorial of the input; you must be more clever algorithmically. But for less intense problems, this pattern is simpler, faster, and dramatically more memory-efficient than a solution that builds up enormous lists and concatenates them.
To solve in a reasonable period of time, using the same generator-based approach (but without itertools, which isn't practical here because you can't tell it to skip over combinations when you know they're useless), here's an adaptation of Barmar's answer that requires no sorting, produces no duplicates, and as a result, can produce the solution set in less than a 20th of a second, even for n = 20:
def all_combinations_sum_to_n(n, *, max_seen=1):
for i in range(max_seen, n // 2 + 1):
for subtup in all_combinations_sum_to_n(n - i, max_seen=i):
yield (i,) + subtup
yield (n,)
for x in all_combinations_sum_to_n(20):
Try it online!
That not only produces the individual tuples with internally sorted order (1 is always before 2), but produces the sequence of tuples in sorted order (so looping over sorted(all_combinations_sum_to_n(20)) is equivalent to looping over all_combinations_sum_to_n(20) directly, the latter just avoids the temporary list and a no-op sorting pass).
Use recursion instead of generating all combinations and then filtering them.
def all_combinations_sum_to_n(n):
combinations_set = set()
for i in range(1, n):
for sublist in all_combinations_sum_to_n(n-i):
combinations_set.add(tuple(sorted((i,) + sublist)))
return sorted(combinations_set)
I had a simpler solution that didn't use sorted() and put the results in a list, but it would produce duplicates that just differed in order, e.g. [1, 1, 2] and [1, 2, 1] when n == 4. I added those to get rid of duplicates.
On my MacBook M1 all_combinations_sum_to_n(20) completes in about 0.5 seconds.
Here is a fast iterative solution:
def csum(n):
s = [[None] * (k + 1) for k in range(n + 1)]
for k in range(1, n + 1):
for m in range(k, 0, -1):
s[k][m] = [[f] + terms
for f in range(m, (k >> 1) + 1) for terms in s[k - f][f]]
return s[n][1]
import sys
n = 5
if len(sys.argv) > 1: n = int(sys.argv[1])
for terms in csum(n):
print(' '.join(map(str, terms)))
Let's define terms as a non-empty, increasing (can contain the same value multiple times) list of postitive integers.
The solution for n is a list of all terms in increasing lexicographical order, where the sum of each terms is n.
s[k][m] is a list of all terms in increasing lexicographical order, where the sum of each terms in n, and the first (smallest) integer in each terms is at least m.
The solution is s[n][1]. Before returning this solution, the csum function populates the s array using iterative dynamic programming.
In the inner loop, the following recursion is used: each term in s[k][m] either has at least 2 elements (f and the rest) or it has 1 element (k). In the former case, the rest is a terms, where the sum is k - f and the smallest integer is f, thus it is from s[k - f][f].
This solution is a lot faster than #Barmar's solution if n is at least 20. For example, on my Linux laptop for n = 25, it's about 400 times faster, and for n = 28, it's about 3700 times faster. For larger values of n, it gets much faster really quickly.
This solution uses more memory than #ShadowRanger's solution, because this solution creates lots of temporary lists, and it uses all of them until the very end.
How to come up with such a fast solution?
Try to find a recursive formula. (Don't write code yet!)
Sometimes recursion works only with recursive functions with multiple variables. (In our case, s[k][m] is the recursive function, k is the obvious variable implied by the problem, and m is the extra variable we had to invent.) So try to add a few variables to the recursive formula: add the minimum number of variables to make it work.
Write your code so that it computes each recursive function value exactly once (not more). For that, you may add a cache (memoization) to your recursive function, or you may use dynamic programming, i.e. populating a (multidimensional) array in the correct order, so that what is needed is already populated.

Randomly sampling numerals from a list whose aggregate needs to be at least greater than a given benchmark

I have a list of tuples formed by 1000 object ids and their scores, i.e.:
scored_items = [('14',534.9),('4',86.0),('78',543.21),....].
Let T be the aggregated score of the top 20 highest scoring items.
That's easy. Using python:
top_20 = sorted(score_items, key=lambda k: k[1],reverse = True)[:20]
T = sum(n for _, n in top_20)
Next, let t equal a quarter of T. I.e. in python: t = math.ceil(T/4)
My question is: what's the most efficient way to randomly select 20 items (without replacement) from scored_items such that their aggregated score is equal to or greater than (but never lower than) t? They may or may not include items from top_20.
Would prefer an answer in Python, and would prefer to not rely on external libraries much
Background: This is an item-ranking algorithm that is strategy proof according to an esoteric - but useful - Game Theory theorem. Source: section 2.5 in this paper, or just read footnote 18 on page 11 of this same link. Btw strategy proof essentially means it's tough to game it.
I'm a neophyte python programmer and have been mulling how to solve this problem for a while now, but just can't seem to wrap my head around it. Would be great to know how the experts would approach and solve this.
I suppose the most simplistic (and least performant perhaps) way is to keep randomly generating sets of 20 items till their scores' sum exceeds or equals t.
But there has to be a better way to do this right?
Here is an implementation of what I mentioned in the comments.
Since we want items such that the sum of the scores is large, we can weight the choice so that we are more likely to pick samples with large scores.
import numpy as np
import math
def normalize(p):
return p/sum(p)
def get_sample(scored_items, N=20, max_iter = 1000):
topN = sorted(scored_items, key=lambda k: k[1],reverse = True)[:N]
T = sum(n for _, n in topN)
t = math.ceil(T/4)
i = 0
scores = np.array([x[1] for x in scored_items])
while i < max_iter:
sample_indexes = np.random.choice(a=range(len(ids)), size=N, replace=False, p=p)
sample = [scored_items[x] for x in sample_indexes]
if sum(n for _, n in sample) >= t:
print("Found a solution at iteration %d"%i)
return sample
print("Could not find a solution after %d iterations"%max_iter)
return None
An example of how to use it:
ids = range(1000)
scores = 10000*np.random.random_sample(size=len(ids))
scored_items = list(zip(map(str, ids), scores))
sample = get_sample(scored_items, 20)
#Found a solution at iteration 0
print(sum(n for _, n in sample))
Though this is not guaranteed to get a solution, I ran this in a loop 100 times and each time a distinct solution was found on the first iteration.
Though I do not know of a efficient way for huge lists something like this works even for 1000 or so items. You can do a bit better if you don't need True randomness
import random
testList = [x for x in range(1,1000)]
T = sum(range(975, 1000))/4
while True:
rs = random.sample(testList, 15)
if sum(rs) >= t: break
print rs

Nested Loop or 'in', which is faster?

I am a python novice and was studying some basic coding challenges and was hoping to someone could explain which of the following snippets of code would run faster. The point is to see if there are pairs of integers within the list that add up to 100:
list = [1,2,3,99,5]
for i in list:
for j in list:
if i + j == 100:
return True
list = [1,2,3,99,5]
for i in list:
diff = 100 - i
if diff in list:
return True
This homemade, randomized benchmark demonstrates that the solution using in is significantly faster in most case. I did not investigate, but I did encounter some runs where the solution with the nested for-loops was slightly faster when toying with the sample size.
import time, random
def time_it(f, rep=100000):
sample = [[random.randint(0, 100) for _ in range(20)] for _ in range(rep // 100)]
start = time.time()
for i in range(rep):
f(sample[i % len(sample)])
return (time.time() - start)
def nested_for(lst):
for i in lst:
for j in lst:
if i + j == 100:
return True
def nested_in(lst):
for i in lst:
diff = 100 - i
if diff in lst:
return True
print('for:', time_it(nested_for))
print('in:', time_it(nested_in))
for: 0.7093353271484375
in: 0.24253296852111816
Removing the assignation of j on every iteration is probably what removes a big overhead in the solution with the in.
Although note that both solutions are O(n2). You can achieve O(n) by using a set. Since a set hashes its items, lookup is O(1).
def contains_diff(lst):
elements = set(lst)
return any(100 - i in elements for i in elements)
print(contains_diff([1, 2, 3, 99])) # True
print(contains_diff([1, 2, 3])) # False
Interestingly enough, if you benchmark the above it will be generally slower than the in solution. This is because the probability of in finding a sum of 100 quickly in a randomized list is relatively high. If you let the difference you want to find grow, then the overhead of building a set is rapidly compensated by the speed of set lookup.
As a sidenote, you should not be using the list as a variable name as it overwrites the builtin list.

Determining index of maximum value in a list - Optimalization

I have written few lines of code to solve this problem, but profiler says, that it is very time-consuming. (using kernprof line-by-line profiler)
Here is the code:
comp = [1, 2, 3] #comp is list with always 3 elements, values 1, 2, 3 are just for illustration
m = max(comp)
max_where = [i for i, j in enumerate(comp) if j == m]
if 0 in max_where:
some action1
if 1 in max_where:
some action2
if 2 in max_where:
some action3
Profiler says that most time is consumed in max_where calculation. I have also tried to split this calculation into if-tree to avoid some unnecessary operations, but results were not satisfactory.
Please, am I doing it wrong or is it just python?
If it's always three elements, why not simply do:
comp = [1, 2, 3]
m = max(comp)
if comp[0] == m:
some action
if comp[1] == m:
some action
if comp[2] == m:
some action
If you're doing this many times, and if you have all the lists available at the same time, then you could make use of numpy.argmax to get the indices for all the lists.
You say that this is a time-consuming operation, but I sincerely doubt this actually affects your program. Have you actually found that this is causing some problem due to slow execution in your code? If not, there is no point optimizing.
This said, there is a small optimization I can think of - which is to use a set rather than a list comprehension for max_where. This will make your three membership tests faster.
max_where = {i for i, j in enumerate(comp) if j == m}
That said, with only three items/checks, the construction of the set may well take more time than it saves.
In general, with a list of three items, this operation is going to take negligible amounts of time. On my system, it takes half a microsecond to perform this operation.
In short: Don't bother. Unless this is a proven bottleneck in your program that needs to be sped up, your current code is fine.
Expanding upon Tobias' answer, using a for loop:
comp = [1, 2, 3]
m = max(comp)
for index in range(len(comp)):
if comp[index] == m:
# some action
Since indexing starts at 0, you do not need to do len(comp) + 1.
I prefer using indexing in a for loop instead of the actual element, because it speeds things up considerably.
Some times in a process, you may need the index of a specific element. Then, using l.index(obj) will waste time (even if only insignificant amounts --- for longer processes, this becomes tedious).
This also assumes that every process (for the comp[index]) is very similar: same process but with different variables. This wouldn't work if you have significantly different processes for each index.
However, by using for index in range(len(l)):, you already have the index and the item can easily be accessed with l[index] (along with the index, which is given by the loop).
Oddly, it seems that Tobias' implementation is faster (I thought otherwise):
comp = [1, 2, 3]
m = max(comp)
from timeit import timeit
def test1():
if comp[0] == m: return m
if comp[1] == m: return m
if comp[2] == m: return m
def test2():
for index in range(len(comp)):
if comp[index] == m: return m
print 'test1:', timeit(test1, number = 1000)
print 'test2:', timeit(test2, number = 1000)
test1: 0.00121262329299
test2: 0.00469034990534
My implementation may be faster for longer lists (not sure, though). However, writing the code for that is tedious (for a long list using repeated if comp[n] == m).
How About this:
sample = [3,1,2]
dic = {0:func_a,1:func_b,2:func_c}
x = max(sample)
y = sample.index(x)
As mentioned and rightfully downvoted this does not work for multiple function calls.
However this does:
sample = [3,1,3]
dic = {0:"func_a",1:"func_b",2:"func_c"}
max_val = max(sample)
max_indices = [index for index, elem in enumerate(sample) if elem==max_val]
for key in max_indices:
This is quite similar to other solutions above. I know some time passed but it wasn't right how it was. :)

Python: speed up removal of every n-th element from list

I'm trying to solve this programming riddle and although the solution (see code below) works correctly, it is too slow for succesful submission.
Any pointers as how to make this run
faster (removal of every n-th element from a list)?
Or suggestions for a better algorithm to calculate the same; seems I can't think of anything
else than brute-force for now...
Basically, the task at hand is:
L = [2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,........]
1. Take the first remaining item in list L (in the general case 'n'). Move it to
the 'lucky number list'. Then drop every 'n-th' item from the list.
2. Repeat 1
Calculate the n-th number from the 'lucky number list' ( 1 <= n <= 3000)
My original code (it calculated the 3000 first lucky numbers in about a second on my machine - unfortunately too slow):
SPOJ Problem Set (classical) 1798. Assistance Required
sieve = range(3, 33900, 2)
luckynumbers = [2]
while True:
wanted_n = input()
if wanted_n == 0:
while len(luckynumbers) < wanted_n:
item = sieve[0]
items_to_delete = set(sieve[::item])
sieve = filter(lambda x: x not in items_to_delete, sieve)
print luckynumbers[wanted_n-1]
EDIT: thanks to the terrific contributions of Mark Dickinson, Steve Jessop and gnibbler, I got at the following, which is quite a whole lot faster than my original code (and succesfully got submitted at with 0.58 seconds!)...
sieve = range(3, 33810, 2)
luckynumbers = [2]
while len(luckynumbers) < 3000:
if len(sieve) < sieve[0]:
del sieve[::sieve[0]]
while True:
wanted_n = input()
if wanted_n == 0:
print luckynumbers[wanted_n-1]
This series is called ludic numbers
__delslice__ should be faster than __setslice__+filter
>>> L=[2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12]
>>> lucky=[]
>>> lucky.append(L[0])
>>> del L[::L[0]]
>>> L
[3, 5, 7, 9, 11]
>>> lucky.append(L[0])
>>> del L[::L[0]]
>>> L
[5, 7, 11]
So the loop becomes.
while len(luckynumbers) < 3000:
item = sieve[0]
del sieve[::item]
Which runs in less than 0.1 second
Try using these two lines for the deletion and filtering, instead of what you have; filter(None, ...) runs considerably faster than the filter(lambda ...).
sieve[::item] = [0]*-(-len(sieve)//item)
sieve = filter(None, sieve)
Edit: much better to simply use del sieve[::item]; see gnibbler's solution.
You might also be able to find a better termination condition for the while loop: for example, if the first remaining item in the sieve is i then the first i elements of the sieve will become the next i lucky numbers; so if len(luckynumbers) + sieve[0] >= wanted_n you should already have computed the number you need---you just need to figure out where in sieve it is so that you can extract it.
On my machine, the following version of your inner loop runs around 15 times faster than your original for finding the 3000th lucky number:
while len(luckynumbers) + sieve[0] < wanted_n:
item = sieve[0]
sieve[::item] = [0]*-(-len(sieve)//item)
sieve = filter(None, sieve)
print (luckynumbers + sieve)[wanted_n-1]
An explanation on how to solve this problem can be found here. (The problem I linked to asks for more, but the main step in that problem is the same as the one you're trying to solve.) The site I linked to also contains a sample solution in C++.
The set of numbers can be represented in a binary tree, which supports the following operations:
Return the nth element
Erase the nth element
These operations can be implemented to run in O(log n) time, where n is the number of nodes in the tree.
To build the tree, you can either make a custom routine that builds the tree from a given array of elements, or implement an insert operation (make sure to keep the tree balanced).
Each node in the tree need the following information:
Pointers to the left and right children
How many items there are in the left and right subtrees
With such a structure in place, solving the rest of the problem should be fairly straightforward.
I also recommend calculating the answers for all possible input values before reading any input, instead of calculating the answer for each input line.
A Java implementation of the above algorithm gets accepted in 0.68 seconds at the website you linked.
(Sorry for not providing any Python-specific help, but hopefully the algorithm outlined above will be fast enough.)
You're better off using an array and zeroing out every Nth item using that strategy; after you do this a few times in a row, the updates start getting tricky so you'd want to re-form the array. This should improve the speed by at least a factor of 10. Do you need vastly better than that?
Why not just create a new list?
L = [x for (i, x) in enumerate(L) if i % n]

