Could you please tell why list variable have disappeared after "while" cycle?
def division(f, s):
result = []
tr = []
if len(s) > len(f):
return [Polynomial(0), Polynomial(f)]
while len(f) >= len(s):
r = []
k = 0
mf = 2*f[len(f)-1]
ms = 2*s[len(s)-1]
m = []
if mf < 0:
mf *= -1
if ms < 0:
ms *= -1
if mod(f[len(f)-1], mf) < mod(s[len(s)-1], ms):
return [Polynomial(0), Polynomial(f)]
while mod(f[len(f)-1], mf) >= k:
k += mod(s[len(s)-1], ms)
k -= mod(s[len(s)-1], ms)
r.append([k/mod(s[len(s)-1], ms), len(f)-len(s)])
if f[len(f)-1] > 0 and s[len(s)-1] < 0 or f[len(f)-1] < 0 and s[len(s)-1] > 0:
r[len(r)-1][0] *= -1
for i in xrange(r[len(r)-1][1]+1):
m[len(m)-1] = r[len(r)-1][0]
subtrahend = Polynomial.multiplication(Polynomial(m).Coefficients,
f = Polynomial.subtraction(f, subtrahend).Coefficients
print result
print result
o = []
for i in xrange(result[0][1]+1):
for i in xrange(len(result)):
o[i] = result[i][0]
if len(f) == 0:
f = [0]
return [Polynomial(o), Polynomial(f)]
f = Polynomial.subtraction(f, subtrahend).Coefficients
print result
print result
First print shows correct result, but second print (after end of cycle) shows nothing. If I try to redefine it like this:
f = Polynomial.subtraction(f, subtrahend).Coefficients
print result
result = 'asdf'
print result
nothing happened. Result variable is still None.
Your function returns early:
return [Polynomial(0), Polynomial(f)]
The code after the while loop is never reached if that return statement is executed, which happens if mod(f[len(f)-1], mf) < mod(s[len(s)-1], ms) is ever True.
With an = (an-2 + 1)×an-1 with a0 = 0 and a1 = 1 formula find dummy_numbers(max)
My code:
def dummy_numbers(nums):
binsize = (((nums - 2) +1) * (nums -1))
return map(lambda x: int(nums + binsize * x), range(nums))
for num in dummy_numbers(10):
my code prints different result than I expected
Use an actual generator with yield to make this easier. The tricky part here is keeping track of an-1 and an-2 as you iterate. This can be achieve like so:
second_last, last = None, None
for current in range(10):
second_last, last = last, current
assert (second_last, last) == (8, 9)
You also need to hardcode in the constant value that get returned for 0 and 1:
def dummy_numbers(an):
if an == 0:
yield 0
elif an == 1:
yield 0
yield 1
an_2, an_1 = None, None
for an_0 in dummy_numbers(an - 1):
an_2, an_1 = an_1, an_0
yield an_0
yield (an_2 + 1) * an_1
for num in dummy_numbers(10):
You could also make this non-recursive like so:
def dummy_numbers(an):
an_2, an_1 = None, None
for i in range(an):
if i == 0:
an_0 = 0
elif i == 1:
an_0 = 1
an_0 = (an_2 + 1) * an_1
yield an_0
an_2, an_1 = an_1, an_0
I have implemented some sorting algorithms including Insertion, Selection, Shell, two kinds of Merge. I found that the performance of my implements didn't accord with the description of Algorithms(4th).
For example, here are two kinds of Merge sorting. When sorting a list contains 100,000 elements, Merge1 takes about 0.6s, and Merge2 takes about 50+s. But Merge2 is almost the same as the one in Algorithms(4th) except I use python. I can't figure it out why Merge2 is so slow and how to improve it. Can somebody help me? Thanks!
class Merge1:
def merge(self, a, b):
i = 0; j = 0
res = []
while i < len(a) and j < len(b):
if a[i] < b[j]:
i = i + 1
j = j + 1
res = res + a[i:] + b[j:]
return res
def sort(self, source):
if len(source) <= 1:
return source
half = len(source) // 2
left = self.sort(source[:half])
right = self.sort(source[half:])
retval = self.merge(left, right)
return retval
def is_sort(self, source):
length = len(source)
for i in range(0, length-1):
if source[i] > source[i+1]:
return False
return True
class Merge2:
def merge(self, source, lo, mid ,hi):
i = lo
j = mid + 1
aux = source[:]
k = lo
while k <= hi:
if i > mid:
source[k] = aux[j]
j = j + 1
elif j > hi:
source[k] = aux[i]
i = i + 1
elif aux[i] < aux[j]:
source[k] = aux[i]
i = i + 1
source[k] = aux[j]
j = j + 1
k = k+1
def sort(self, source):
sz = 1
N = len(source)
while sz < N:
for lo in range(0, N-sz, sz+sz):
# pdb.set_trace()
self.merge(source, lo, lo+sz-1, min(lo+sz+sz-1, N-1))
sz = sz + sz
def is_sort(self, source):
length = len(source)
for i in range(0, length-1):
if source[i] > source[i+1]:
return False
return True
Here is the implement in Algorithms:
Here is the test code:
merge1 = Merge1()
source = np.random.randint(100000, size=100000).tolist()
start = time.time()
end = time.time()
print("Merge1 takes: {}s".format(end-start))
merge2 = Merge2()
source = np.random.randint(100000, size=100000).tolist()
start = time.time()
end = time.time()
print("Merge2 takes: {}s".format(end-start))
Merge1 takes: 0.6376256942749023s
Merge2 takes: 57.99568271636963s
Consider this modification. According to my quick tests, it improved the performance considerably (from nearly one minute down to less than 1 second). The main performance gain comes from avoiding to create that many copies of the whole list. The other alterations only increase performance marginally.
According to a simple comparison of the sum it should not mess up the list, but you should do some more tests if you like to use it.
class Merge4:
def merge(self, source, aux, lo, mid ,hi):
i = lo
j = mid + 1
a_j= aux[j]
a_i= aux[i]
k = lo
while k <= hi:
if i > mid:
source[k] = a_j
j += 1
a_j= aux[j]
elif j > hi:
source[k] = a_i
i += 1
a_i= aux[i]
elif a_i < a_j:
source[k] = a_i
i += 1
a_i= aux[i]
source[k] = a_j
j += 1
a_j= aux[j]
k += 1
# update the aux array for the next call
aux[lo:hi+1]= source[lo:hi+1]
def sort(self, source):
sz = 1
N = len(source)
while sz < N:
sz_2= sz * 2
# create the aux array, that will be maintained continuously
# and add one extra None, so the "prefetching" works also
# during the last iteration (refering to a_i and a_j)
aux= source[:]
for lo in range(0, N-sz, sz_2):
# pdb.set_trace()
self.merge(source, aux, lo, lo+sz-1, min(lo+sz_2-1, N-1))
sz = sz_2
def is_sort(self, source):
length = len(source)
for i in range(0, length-1):
if source[i] > source[i+1]:
return False
return True
I tried to implement merge-sort in Python. Somehow this piece of code runs correctly (and pretty fast), but I don't know why: There is no return-statement in mergeSort()
from sys import stdin
def mergeSort(A):
if len(A) > 1:
m = int(len(A)/2)
L = A[:m]
R = A[m:]
l = 0
r = 0
a = 0
while l < len(L) and r < len(R):
if L[l] < R[r]:
A[a] = L[l]
l += 1
A[a] = R[r]
r += 1
a += 1
while l < len(L):
A[a] = L[l]
l += 1
a += 1
while r < len(R):
A[a] = R[r]
r += 1
a += 1
def main():
A = []
for line in stdin:
if __name__ == "__main__":
NB: You may not use built-in typecasting: code this yourself.
def str2int(s):
result = 0
if s[0] == '-':
sign = -1
i = 1
while i < len(s):
num = ord(s[i]) - ord('0')
result = result * 10 + num
i += 1
result = sign * result
return result
i = 0
while i < len(s):
num = ord(s[i]) - ord('0')
result = result * 10 + num
i += 1
return result
NB: You may not use built-in str() or string template. Code this yourself.
def int2str(i):
strng = ""
if i > 0:
while i != 0:
num = i % 10
strng += chr(48+num)
i = i / 10
return strng[::-1]
while i != 0:
num = abs(i) % 10
strng += chr(48+num)
i = abs(i) / 10
return '-' + strng[::-1]
I am a newbie and I have to write code based on basic. I write these function by myself but these look weird. Can you help me to improve code? Thank you
This maybe a better question for
Not withstanding there is no error checking, one obvious comment is you have common code that can be factored out. Only capture in the if, else what is unique rather than repeat the while loop:
def str2int(s):
if s[0] == '-':
sign = -1
i = 1
sign = 1
i = 0
result = 0
while i < len(s):
num = ord(s[i]) - ord('0')
result = result * 10 + num
i += 1
return sign * result
It is generally considered better form in python to iterate over list rather than indices:
def str2int(s):
sign = 1
if s[0] == '-':
sign = -1
s = s[1:]
result = 0
for c in s:
num = ord(c) - ord('0')
result = result * 10 + num
return sign * result
These last lines are equivalent to a standard map and reduce (reduce is in functools for py3). Though some would argue against it:
from functools import reduce # Py3
def str2int(s):
sign = 1
if s[0] == '-':
sign = -1
s = s[1:]
return sign * reduce(lambda x,y: x*10+y, map(lambda c: ord(c) - ord('0'), s))
There are similar opportunities to do the same for int2str().
I am not sure why do i get this error from the console:
print stirngp[state[i][j]]
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
Furthermore it seems that the IDE put a red close on the following code line
line = raw_input("Enter:")
I am not sure what did i do wrong, the following code is as shown below
def isTerminal(state):
stateT = zip(*state)
for i in range(3):
if all(state[i][0] == j for j in state[i]) and state[i][0] != 0:
return state[i][0]
if all(stateT[i][0] == j for j in stateT[i]) and stateT[i][0] != 0:
return stateT[i][0]
if (state[0][0] == state[1][1] == state[2][2]) or \
(state[0][2] == state[1][1] == state[2][0]):
if state[1][1] != 0:
return state[1][1]
for i in range(3):
if 0 in state[i]:
return None
return 0
def succ(state):
# print state
countX = 0
countO = 0
for i in range(3):
for j in range(3):
if state[i][j] == 1: countX = countX + 1
if state[i][j] == -1: countO = countO + 1
if countX > countO:
player = "MIN"
player = "MAX"
succList = []
v = {"MIN":-1,"MAX":1}
for i in range(3):
for j in range(3):
if state[i][j] == 0:
succ = [k[:] for k in state]
succ[i][j] = v[player]
succList = succList + [succ]
# print succList
return succList
def nextplay(player):
if player == "MIN":
return "MAX"
return "MIN"
def minimax(state,alpha,beta,player):
value = isTerminal(state)
if value != None:
# print "TERMINAL:", state, value, player
return value
if player == "MIN":
for y in succ(state):
beta = min(beta, minimax(y,alpha,beta,"MAX"))
if beta <= alpha: return alpha
return beta
if player == "MAX":
for y in succ(state):
alpha = max(alpha, minimax(y,alpha,beta,"MIN"))
if alpha >= beta: return beta
return alpha
def printing(state):
p = {-1:"O",0:".",1:"X"}
for i in range(3):
for j in range(3):
print p[state[i][j]],
print ""
print ""
def main():
state = [[0,0,0],
val = isTerminal(state)
while val == None:
line = raw_input("Enter:")
x = line.split(",")
a = int(x[0]); b = int(x[1])
state[a][b] = 1
if isTerminal(state) != None:
# determine which successive state is better
succList = succ(state)
succValList = []
for i in succList:
succValList = succValList + [(minimax(i,-1,1,"MAX"),i)]
succValList.sort(key=lambda x:x[0])
state = succValList[0][1] # can also randomly choose other states of the same minimax value
val = isTerminal(state)
if __name__ == '__main__':
As far as i know you can't use raw_input() in Python 3. It's been changed to just input()
also what is stringp? is it an existing list?
if so then state[i][j] MUST return an integer so you can retrieve the item at that index of stringp[]