I want a function to refer to itself. e.g. to be recursive.
So I do something like that:
def fib(n):
return n if n <= 1 else fib(n-1)+fib(n-2)
This is fine most of the time, but fib does not, actually, refer to itself; it refers to the the binding of fib in the enclosing block. So if for some reason fib is reassigned, it will break:
>>> foo = fib
>>> fib = foo(10)
>>> x = foo(8)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "<stdin>", line 2, in fib
TypeError: 'int' object is not callable
How can I prevent this from happening (from inside fib), if at all possible? As far as I know, the name of fib does not exist before the function-definition is fully executed; Are there any workarounds?
I don't have a real use case where it may actually happen; I am asking out of sheer curiosity.
I'd make a decorator for this
from functools import wraps
def selfcaller(func):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
return func(wrapper, *args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
And use it like
def fib(self, n):
return n if n <= 1 else self(n-1)+self(n-2)
This is actually a readable way to define a Fixed Point Combinator (or Y Combinator):
fix = lambda g: (lambda f: g(lambda arg: f(f)(arg))) (lambda f: g(lambda arg: f(f)(arg)))
fib = fix(lambda self: lambda n: n if n <= 1 else self(n-1)+self(n-2))
def fib(self):
return lambda n: n if n <= 1 else self(n-1)+self(n-2)
The binding here happens in the formal parameter, so the problem does not arise.
There's no way to do what you're trying to do. You're right that fib does not exist before the function definition is executed (or, worse, it exists but refers to something completely different…), which means there is no workaround from inside fib that can possibly work.*
However, if you're willing to drop that requirement, there are workarounds that do work. For example:
def _fibmaker():
def fib(n):
return n if n <= 1 else fib(n-1)+fib(n-2)
return fib
fib = _fibmaker()
del _fibmaker
Now fib is referring to the binding in the closure from the local environment of a call to _fibmaker. Of course even that can be replaced if you really want to, but it's not easy (the fib.__closure__ attribute is not writable; it's a tuple, so you can't replace any of its cells; each cell's cell_contents is a readonly attribute, …), and there's no way you're going to do it by accident.
There are other ways to do this (e.g., use a special placeholder inside fib, and a decorator that replaces the placeholder with the decorated function), and they're all about equally unobvious and ugly, which may seem to violate TOOWTDI. But in this case, the "it" is something you probably don't want to do, so it doesn't really matter.
Here's one way you can write a general, pure-python decorator for a function that uses self instead of its own name, without needing an extra self parameter to the function:
def selfcaller(func):
env = {}
newfunc = types.FunctionType(func.__code__, globals=env)
env['self'] = newfunc
return newfunc
def fib(n):
return n if n <= 1 else self(n-1)+self(n-2)
Of course this won't work on a function that has any free variables that are bound from globals, but you can fix that with a bit of introspection. And, while we're at it, we can also remove the need to use self inside the function's definition:
def selfcaller(func):
env = dict(func.__globals__)
newfunc = types.FunctionType(func.__code__, globals=env)
env[func.__code__.co_name] = newfunc
return newfunc
This is Python 3.x-specific; some of the attribute names are different in 2.x, but otherwise it's the same.
This still isn't 100% fully general. For example, if you want to be able to use it on methods so they can still call themselves even if the class or object redefines their name, you need slightly different tricks. And there are some pathological cases that might require building a new CodeType out of func.__code__.co_code. But the basic idea is the same.
* As far as Python is concerned, until the name is bound, it doesn't exist… but obviously, under the covers, the interpreter has to know the name of the function you're defining. And at least some interpreters offer non-portable ways to get at that information.
For example, in CPython 3.x, you can very easily get the name of the function currently being defined—it's just sys._getframe().f_code.co_name.
Of course this won't directly do you any good, because nothing (or the wrong thing) is bound to that name. But notice that f_code in there. That's the current frame's code object. Of course you can't call a code object directly, but you can do so indirectly, either by generating a new function out of it, or by using bytecodehacks.
For example:
def fib2(n):
f = sys._getframe()
fib2 = types.FunctionType(f.f_code, globals=globals())
return n if n<=1 else fib2(n-1)+fib2(n-2)
Again, this won't handle every pathological case… but the only way I can think of to do so is to actually keep a circular reference to the frame, or at least its globals (e.g., by passing globals=f.f_globals), which seems like a very bad idea.
See Frame Hacks for more clever things you can do.
Finally, if you're willing to step out of Python entirely, you can create an import hook that preprocesses or compiles your code from a Python custom-extended with, say, defrec into pure Python and/or bytecode.
And if you're thinking "But that sounds like it would be a lot nicer as a macro than as a preprocessor hack, if only Python had macros"… then you'll probably prefer to use a preprocessor hack that gives Python macros, like MacroPy, and then write your extensions as macros.
Like abamert said "..there is no way around the problem from inside ..".
Here's my approach:
def fib(n):
def fib(n):
return n if n <= 1 else fib(n-1)+fib(n-2)
return fib(n)
Someone asked me for a macro based solution for this, so here it is:
# macropy/my_macro.py
from macropy.core.macros import *
macros = Macros()
def recursive(tree, **kw):
tree.decorator_list = []
wrapper = FunctionDef(
return_call = Return(
func = Name(id=tree.name),
args = tree.args.args,
keywords = [],
starargs = tree.args.vararg,
kwargs = tree.args.kwarg
return_call = parse_stmt(unparse_ast(return_call))[0]
wrapper.body = [tree, return_call]
return wrapper
This can be used as follows:
>>> import macropy.core.console
0=[]=====> MacroPy Enabled <=====[]=0
>>> from macropy.my_macro import macros, recursive
>>> #recursive
... def fib(n):
... return n if n <= 1 else fib(n-1)+fib(n-2)
>>> foo = fib
>>> fib = foo(10)
>>> x = foo(8)
>>> x
It basically does exactly the wrapping that hus787 gave:
Create a new statement which does return fib(...), which uses the argument list of the original function as the ...
Create a new def, with the same name, same args, same decorator_list as the old one
Place the old function, together followed by the return statement, in the body of the new functiondef
Strip the original function of its decorators (I assume you'd want to decorate the wrapper instead)
The parse_stmt(unparse_ast(return_call))[0] rubbish is a quick hack to get stuff to work (you actually can't just copy the argument AST from the param list of the function and use them in a Call AST) but that's just detail.
To show that it's actually doing that, you can add a print unparse_ast statement to see what the transformed function looks like:
def recursive(tree, **kw):
print unparse_ast(wrapper)
return wrapper
which, when run as above, prints
def fib(n):
def fib(n):
return (n if (n <= 1) else (fib((n - 1)) + fib((n - 2))))
return fib(n)
Looks like exactly what you want! It should work for any function, with multiple args, kwargs, defaults, etc., but I'm too lazy to test. Working with the AST is a bit verbose, and MacroPy is still super-experimental, but i think it's pretty neat.
Suppose I have a recursive function like fibonacci:
fun fibonacci(n: Int): BigInteger =
if (n < 2)
fibonacci(n-1) + fibonacci(n-2)
This is slow because I'm recalculating known values a bunch of times. I can fix this by adding a "memo":
val memo = ConcurrentSkipListMap<Int, BigInteger>()
fun mFibonacci(n: Int): BigInteger =
memo.computeIfAbsent(n) {
if (n < 2)
mFibonacci(n-1) + mFibonacci(n-2)
Works like a charm, but can I do this without touching the function? My first thought was to use a wrapper class:
class Cached<in T, out R>(private val f: (T) -> R) : (T) -> R {
private val cache = ConcurrentSkipListMap<T, R>()
override fun invoke(x: T): R = cache.computeIfAbsent(x, f)
cFibonacci = Cached(::fibonacci)
... but the problem is, this only memoizes the outer-most call. If I call cFibonacci with a "big" number like 42, it takes a long time and then puts the correct value in the memo; subsequent calls with the 42 will be fast, but 41 will be slow again. Compare this to mFibonacci, which runs fast the first time, and populates the memo with values from 0 up to 42.
In Python, I can write a "decorator" which does this.
def memoized(f):
def helper(t):
if x in helper.memo:
return helper.memo[t]
r = f(t)
helper.memo[t] = r
return r
helper.memo = {}
return helper
def fib(n):
if n < 2:
return n
return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)
This works just like mFibonacci above. I can also call it as fib = memoized(fib) if I imported fib from somewhere else and don't have access to the definition. Interestingly, c_fib = memoized(fib) works like Cached/cFibonacci above, hinting that maybe mutability of function reference is necessary.
The question is: (how) can I wrap/"decorate" a recursive function in a way that affects the inner calls in Kotlin the way I can in Python?
I'll suggest a workaround in the absence of a solution. This pattern requires access to the definition of the function (i.e. it can't be an import):
object fibonacci: (Int) -> BigInteger {
private val memo = ConcurrentSkipListMap<Int, BigInteger>()
override fun invoke(n: Int): BigInteger = fibonacci(n)
private fun fibonacci(n: Int): BigInteger = memo.computeIfAbsent(n) {
if (n < 2)
fibonacci(n-1) + fibonacci(n-2)
There are few decisions here that may need justification:
I'm using a camelCase name instead of PascalCase. Despite the fact that object is a class, it's being called as a function and so I feel the naming convention of a function is better. With this, you can call the fibonacci function exactly as you normally would.
I've renamed invoke to fibonacci. Without this, the recursive calls use invoke which seems less readable to me. With this, you can read and write the fibonacci function (almost*) exactly as you normally would.
In general, the idea is to be the least intrusive as possible while still adding the desired functionality. I'm open to suggestions on how to improve it though!
*Something to note is that the function is defined using lambda syntax, so there is no return. If you have a single return at the end of the function, you just remove the return keyword. If you have multiple returns, you'll have to use the less-than-beautiful return#computeIfAbsent for the short-circuits.
As requested, this is a variation of #AlexJones's workaround that doesn't wrap the function in an object with unconventional naming. I did not test this--it's based on the assumption that the other solution works. The following code would be at the top level of a .kt file.
private val memo = ConcurrentSkipListMap<Int, BigInteger>()
fun fibonacci(n: Int): BigInteger = fibonacciImpl(n)
private fun fibonacciImpl(n: Int): BigInteger = memo.computeIfAbsent(n) {
if (n < 2)
fibonacci(n-1) + fibonacci(n-2)
Consider the Python function line defined as follows:
def line(m, b):
def inner_function(x):
return m * x + b
return inner_function
This function has the property that for any floats m and b, the object line(m, b) is a Python function, and when line(m, b) is called on a float x, it returns a float line(m, b)(x). The float line(m, b)(x) can be interpreted as the value of the line with slope m and y-intercept b at the point x. This is one method for writing a Python function that "depends on parameters" m and b.
Is there a special name for this method of writing a Python function that depends on some parameters?
Is there a more Pythonic and/or computationally efficient way to write a function that does the same thing as line above?
This is called a closure, and it's a perfectly reasonable way to write one, as well as one of the most efficient means of doing so (in the CPython reference interpreter anyway).
The only other common pattern I know of is the equivalent of C++'s functors, where a class has the state as attributes, and the additional parameters are passed to __call__, e.g. to match your case:
class Line:
def __init__(self, m, b):
self.m = m
self.b = b
def __call__(self, x):
return self.m * x + self.b
It's used identically, either creating/storing an instance and reusing it, or as in your example, creating it, using it once, and throwing it away (Line(m, b)(x)). Functors are slower than closures though (as attribute access is more expensive than reading from nested scope, at least in the CPython reference interpreter), and as you can see, they're more verbose as well, so I'd generally recommend the closure unless your needs require the greater flexibility/power of class instances.
I support #ShaddowRanger's answer. But using partial is another nice approach.
import functools
def f(m, b, x):
return m * x + b
line = functools.partial(f, 2, 3)
=> 13
One thing which is worth pointing out is that lambda objects, and OP's inner_function aren't pickleable, whereas line here, as well as #ShaddowRanger's Line objects are, which makes them a bit more useful.
This is a little shorter:
def line(m,b):
return lambda x: m*x+b;
I am using this way of decorating all methods
import inspect
def decallmethods(decorator, prefix='test_'):
def dectheclass(cls):
for name, m in inspect.getmembers(cls, inspect.ismethod):
if name.startswith(prefix):
setattr(cls, name, decorator(m))
return cls
return dectheclass
class TestCase(object):
def setUp(self):
def test_1(self):
print "test_1()"
def test_2(self):
print "test_2()"
This is working but it applies at the top , if i have other decorators.
I mean
Now the result is
def test_2(self):
print "test_2()"
But i want
def test_2(self):
print "test_2()"
This is most certainly a bad idea, but what you want to do can be done in some extent, and this is going to take a lot of time to explain. First off, rather than thinking of decorators as a syntax sugar, think of them as what they really are: a function (that is a closure) with a function that exist inside it. Now this is out of the way, supposed we have a function:
def operation(a, b):
print('doing operation')
return a + b
Simply it will do this
>>> hi = operation('hello', 'world')
doing operation
>>> print(hi)
Now define a decorator that prints something before and after calling its inner function (equivalent to the other decorator that you want to decorator later):
def other(f):
def other_inner(*a, **kw):
print('other start')
result = f(*a, **kw)
print('other finish')
return result
return other_inner
With that, build a new function and decorator
def o_operation(a, b):
print('doing operation')
return a + b
Remembering, this is basically equivalent to o_operation = other(operation)
Run this to ensure it works:
>>> r2 = o_operation('some', 'inner')
other start
doing operation
other finish
>>> print(r2)
Finally, the final decorator you want to call immediately before operation but not d_operation, but with your existing code it results in this:
def inject(f):
def injected(*a, **kw):
print('inject start')
result = f(*a, **kw)
print('inject finish')
return result
return injected
def i_o_operation(a, b):
print('doing operation')
return a + b
Run the above:
>>> i_o_operation('hello', 'foo')
inject start
other start
doing operation
other finish
inject finish
As mentioned decorators are really closures and hence that's why it's possible to have items inside that are effectively instanced inside. You can reach them by going through the __closure__ attribute:
>>> i_o_operation.__closure__
(<cell at 0x7fc0eabd1fd8: function object at 0x7fc0eabce7d0>,)
>>> i_o_operation.__closure__[0].cell_contents
<function other_inner at 0x7fc0eabce7d0>
>>> print(i_o_operation.__closure__[0].cell_contents('a', 'b'))
other start
doing operation
other finish
See how this effectively calls the function inside the injected closure directly, as if that got unwrapped. What if that closure can be replaced with the one that did the injection? For all of our protection, __closure__ and cell.cell_contents are read-only. What needs to be done is to construct completely new functions with the intended closures by making use of the FunctionType function constructor (found in the types module)
Back to the problem. Since what we have now is:
i_o_operation = inject(other(operation))
And what we want is
o_i_operation = other(inject(operation))
We effectively have to somehow strip the call to other from i_o_operation and somehow wrap it around with inject to produce o_i_operation. (Dragons follows after the break)
First, construct a function that effectively calls inject(operation) by taking the closure to level deep (so that f will contain just the original operation call) but mix it with the code produced by inject(f):
i_operation = FunctionType(
Since i_o_operation is the result of inject(f) we can take that code to produce a new function. The globals is a formality that's required, and finally take the closure of the nested level, and the first part of the function is produced. Verify that the other is not called.
>>> i_operation('test', 'strip')
inject start
doing operation
inject finish
Neat. However we still want the other to be wrapped outside of this to finally produce o_i_operation. We do need to somehow put this new function we produced in a closure, and a way to do this is to create a surrogate function that produce one
def closure(f):
def surrogate(*a, **kw):
return f(*a, **kw)
return surrogate
And simply use it to construct and extract our closure
o_i_operation = FunctionType(
Call this:
>>> o_i_operation('job', 'complete')
other start
inject start
doing operation
inject finish
other finish
Looks like we finally got what we need. While this doesn't exactly answer your exact problem, this started down the right track but is already pretty hairy.
Now for the actual problem: a function that will ensure a decorator function be the most inner (final) callable before a given original, undecorated function - i.e. for a given target and a f(g(...(callable)), we want to emulate a result that gives f(g(...(target(callable)))). This is the code:
from types import FunctionType
def strip_decorators(f):
Strip all decorators from f. Assumes each are functions with a
closure with a first cell being the target function.
# list of not the actual decorator, but the returned functions
decorators = []
while f.__closure__:
# Assume first item is the target method
f = f.__closure__[0].cell_contents
return decorators, f
def inject_decorator(decorator, f):
Inject a decorator to the most inner function within the stack of
closures in `f`.
def closure(f):
def surrogate(*a, **kw):
return f(*a, **kw)
return surrogate
decorators, target_f = strip_decorators(f)
result = decorator(target_f)
while decorators:
# pop out the last one in
decorator = decorators.pop()
result = FunctionType(
return result
To test this, we use a typical example use-case - html tags.
def italics(f):
def i(s):
return '<i>' + f(s) + '</i>'
return i
def bold(f):
def b(s):
return '<b>' + f(s) + '</b>'
return b
def underline(f):
def u(s):
return '<u>' + f(s) + '</u>'
return u
def hi(s):
return s
Running the test.
>>> hi('hello')
Our target is to inject the underline decorator (specifically the u(hi) callable) into the most inner closure. This can be done like so, with the function we have defined above:
>>> hi_u = inject_decorator(underline, hi)
>>> hi_u('hello')
Works with undecorated functions:
>>> def pp(s):
... return s
>>> pp_b = inject_decorator(bold, pp)
>>> pp_b('hello')
A major assumption was made for this first-cut version of the rewriter, which is that all decorators in the chain only have a closure length of one, that one element being the function being decorated with. Take this decorator for instance:
def prefix(p):
def decorator(f):
def inner(*args, **kwargs):
new_args = [p + a for a in args]
return f(*new_args, **kwargs)
return inner
return decorator
Example usage:
>>> #prefix('++')
... def prefix_hi(s):
... return s
>>> prefix_hi('test')
Now try to inject a bold decorator like so:
>>> prefix_hi_bold = inject_decorator(bold, prefix_hi)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "<stdin>", line 18, in inject_decorator
ValueError: inner requires closure of length 2, not 1
This is simply because the closure formed by decorator within prefix has two elements, one being the prefix string p and the second being the actual function, and inner being nested inside that expects both those to be present inside its closure. Resolving that will require more code to analyse and reconstruct the details.
Anyway, this explanation took quite a bit of time and words, so I hope you understand this and maybe get you started on the actual right track.
If you want to turn inject_decorator into a decorator, and/or mix it into your class decorator, best of luck, most of the hard work is already done.
I am trying to create a set of functions in python that will all do a similar operation on a set of inputs. All of the functions have one input parameter fixed and half of them also need a second parameter. For the sake of simplicity, below is a toy example with only two functions.
Now, I want, in my script, to run the appropriate function, depending on what the user input as a number. Here, the user is the random function (so the minimum example works). What I want to do is something like this:
def function_1(*args):
return args[0]
def function_2(*args):
return args[0] * args[1]
x = 10
y = 20
i = random.randint(1,2)
f = function_1 if i==1 else function_2
return_value = f(x,y)
And it works, but it seems messy to me. I would rather have function_1 defined as
def function_1(x):
return x
Another way would be to define
def function_1(x,y):
return x
But that leaves me with a dangling y parameter.
but that will not work as easily. Is my way the "proper" way of solving my problem or does there exist a better way?
There are couple of approaches here, all of them adding more boiler-plate code.
There is also this PEP which may be interesting to you.
But 'pythonic' way of doing it is not as elegant as usual function overloading due to the fact that functions are just class attributes.
So you can either go with function like that:
def foo(*args):
and then count how many args you've got which will be very broad but very flexible as well.
another approach is the default arguments:
def foo(first, second=None, third=None)
less flexible but easier to predict, and then lastly you can also use:
def foo(anything)
and detect the type of anything in your function acting accordingly.
Your monkey-patching example can work too, but it becomes more complex if you use it with class methods, and does make introspection tricky.
EDIT: Also, for your case you may want to keep the functions separate and write single 'dispatcher' function that will call appropriate function for you depending on the arguments, which is probably best solution considering above.
EDIT2: base on your comments I believe that following approach may work for you
def weigh_dispatcher(*args, **kwargs):
#decide which function to call base on args
if 'somethingspecial' in kwargs:
return weight2(*args, **kwargs)
def weight_prep(arg):
#common part here
def weight1(arg1, arg2):
#rest of the func
def weight2(arg1, arg2, arg3):
#rest of the func
alternatively you can move the common part into the dispatcher
You may also have a function with optional second argument:
def function_1(x, y = None):
if y != None:
return x + y
return x
Here's the sample run:
>>> function_1(3)
>>> function_1(3, 4)
Or even optional multiple arguments! Check this out:
def function_2(x, *args):
return x + sum(args)
And the sample run:
>>> function_2(3)
>>> function_2(3, 4)
>>> function_2(3, 4, 5, 6, 7)
You may here refer to args as to list:
def function_3(x, *args):
if len(args) < 1:
return x
return x + sum(args)
And the sample run:
>>> function_3(1,2,3,4,5)
I'm new to programming.
def start():
x = 4
def addition():
n = 3
def exponential():
z = 2
def multiplication():
l = 2
print(x + n ** z * l)
return multiplication
equals = start()
why am I getting a "Nonetype" object is not callable error?
You're confusing a bunch of programming concepts:
Don't declare a function whenever you only need a statement
You're confusing function declaration with function call (invocation), and also the nesting is pointless. Declaring nested fn2 inside of fn1 doesn't magically also call fn2 and also transmit its return-value back to fn1. You still have to use an explicit return-statement from each fn.(If you forget that, you're implicitly returning None, which is almost surely not what you want)
For now, just don't ever nest functions at all.
Functions with no arguments are essentially useless, they can't take inputs and compute a result. Figure out what their arguments should be.
Specifically for the code you posted, addition(), multiplication() don't have any return value at all, i.e. None. exponential() returns multiplication, i.e. a function which only returns None. But then, both addition() and start() ignore that anyway, since they don't have a return-statement either, hence they implicitly return None.
Calling start() just gives you None, so you're just assigning equals = None. Not the result of some mathematical expression like you intended.
reduce every unnecessary function to just a statement
declare each of your functions separately (non-nested)
each fn must have args (in this case at least two args, to make any sense)
each fn must have a return statement returning some value
only declaring a function and never calling it means it never gets run.
put an empty line in between function declarations (Then it's obvious if you forgot the return-statement)
Credits goes to #BrenBarn for being first to answer this. But I wanna post the code to make it more clear, and point out to some ways to make it better.
def start():
x = 4
def addition():
n = 3
def exponential():
z = 2
def multiplication():
l = 2
print (x + n ** z * l)
return multiplication()
return exponential()
return addition()
equals = start()
print equals #Output: 22
However, this is not the best way to list different methods. You should learn how to use a class in your python code.
I am going to define a class called "mathOperations". I will define three methods (functions): addition,exponential, multiplication. These functions are reusable.
class mathOperations():
def addition(self,x,y):
return x+y
def exponential(self,x,y):
return x**y
def multiplication(self,x,y):
return x*y
m= mathOperations()
result= m.addition(x,m.multiplication(m.exponential(n,z),l))
print result #Output:22
You should learn how to make your code reusable, try to google "procedural programming"; "Oriented Object Programming", or check "Learn Python the hard way" book. These are first and most used approach to make your code reusable. Think of it like a generic mathematical function to solve problems.