How to substitute symbol for matrix using symPy and numPy - python

I'm trying to substitute two symbols in my equation for the matrix form of each of them.
I created a commutator function which formed my expression:
t, vS, = sy.symbols('t, vS', commutative = False)
hS = t + vS
eta = myComm(t,hS)
dHs = myComm(eta,hS)
print dHs.expand()
yielding the correct expression I want:
2*t*vS*t + t*vS**2 - t**2*vS - 2*vS*t*vS - vS*t**2 + vS**2*t
So now I wish to substitute the symbols t and vS with matrices, however when using subs I get an error, "unhashable type: 'list'" I assume it has to do with my initialization of the matrices or how they should be properly substituted as I'm new to both numPy and symPy.
The rest of the code:
tRel = ([e0, 0],[0,e1])
vtmp = ([v0, v1],[v2,v3])
dHs = dHs.subs(t, tRel)
dHs = dHs.subs(vS, vtmp)
print dHs

Perhaps use lambdify:
import sympy as sy
import numpy as np
from import x, y
z = ((x+y)**2).expand()
# x**2 + 2*x*y + y**2
X = np.arange(6).reshape(2,3)
Y = np.arange(1,7).reshape(2,3)
f = sy.lambdify((x, y), z, 'numpy')
print(f(X, Y))
# [[ 1 9 25]
# [ 49 81 121]]
assert np.allclose(f(X, Y), (X**2 + 2*X*Y + Y**2))


plug np.array into sympy expression

I need to subs a numpy.array into an indexed symbol of Sympy expression to numerically calculate the sum. (1+2+3+4+5=15).
My below code still produce symbolic expression. Please help~
from sympy import *
import numpy as np
i = Symbol("i")
y = Symbol("y")
y_ = np.array([1,2,3,4,5])
h = Sum(Indexed("y","i"),(i,0,4))
smichr answer is solid, however considering that the numerical values of h_ are going to be converted by SymPy to symbolic numbers, the easiest and fastest way is to do this:
new_h = h.subs(y, Array(y_))
# out: Sum([1, 2, 3, 4, 5][i], (i, 0, 4))
# alternatively:
# new_h = h.subs(y, sympify(y_))
# out: 15
Another alternative is to convert your symbolic expression to a numerical function with lambdify. However, this approach works as long as the there is not infinity on the bounds of the summation:
f = lambdify([y], h)
# out: 15
Perhaps something like this will work?
>>> y = IndexedBase("y")
>>> h = Sum(y[i],(i,0,4));h.doit()
y[0] + y[1] + y[2] + y[3] + y[4]
>>> _.subs(dict(zip([y[i] for i in range(len(y_))],y_)))

How to plot sympy differential-with-array-and-loop-method?

i'm a newbie in python and I tried to plot a (x**2 + 4*x + 4) and it's differential with sympy diff. the first function works fine but the differential value always show 0. is there anyway i can assign value on sympy differential?
import sympy as sym
from math import *
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#array penampung titik pada grafik
sets = []
sets2 = []
#membuat turunan dari fungsi x**2 + 4*x +4
x = sym.symbols('x')
a = sym.diff(x**2 + 4*x +4)
#mengisi array
for x in range(0, 6):
sets.append(x**2 + 4*x +4)
for x in range(0, 6):
#just checking
#menampilkan array dalam grafik
i've tried making the function inside for, using while, but it still give me errors
Your variable x is getting replaced with numerical values by your loops. How about
f = x**2 + 4*x + 4
df = f.diff()
for xi in range(6):
sets.append(f.subs(x, xi))
sets2.append(df.subs(x, xi))

How to make Python reading a user input function?? (like f(x)=2x^2+3x+1)

I'm solving a problem in which i need to find the derivative of a function, but want the user to type-in the function, I can't use the 'input' command because the function is detected as 'string'
I tried using:
y=float(input(print('Type the function:\n')
but i get:
ValueError: could not convert string to float
This is my code:
import sympy as sp
import numpy as np
y=float(input(print('Type the function:\n')))
As I said earlier, i need the derivative of the function but is detected as a string.
from sympy import sympify, Symbol
import numpy as np
x = Symbol('x')
y=sympify(input('Type your function:'))
#y = x**2 + 1
yprime = y.diff(x)
print('the derivate of your function is :',yprime)
You can use eval function to read a mathematical expression:
>>> x = 1
>>> y = 2
>>> eval('x + y')
y = input("Type the function:\n")
newY = ""
for i in range(len(y)):
if y[i] == "^":
newY = newY + "**"
newY = newY + y[i]
if i<len(y)-1:
if y[i].isdigit() and y[i + 1].isalpha():
newY = newY+"*"
y = eval(newY)

How to evaluate this line integral (Python-Sympy)

The idea is to compute the line integral of the following vector field and curve:
This is the code I have tried:
import numpy as np
from sympy import *
from sympy import Curve, line_integrate
from import x, y, t
C = Curve([cos(t) + 1, sin(t) + 1, 1 - cos(t) - sin(t)], (t, 0, 2*np.pi))
line_integrate(y * exp(x) + x**2 + exp(x) + z**2 * exp(z), C, [x, y, z])
But the ValueError: Function argument should be (x(t), y(t)) but got [cos(t) + 1, sin(t) + 1, -sin(t) - cos(t) + 1] comes up.
How can I compute this line integral then?
I think that maybe this line integral contains integrals that don't have exact solution. It is also fine if you provide a numerical approximation method.
In this case you can compute the integral using line_integrate because we can reduce the 3d integral to a 2d one. I'm sorry to say I don't know python well enough to write the code, but here's the drill:
If we write
C(t) = x(t),y(t),z(t)
then the thing to notice is that
z(t) = 3 - x(t) - y(t)
and so
dz = -dx - dy
So, we can write
F.dr = Fx*dx + Fy*dy + Fz*dz
= (Fx-Fz)*dx + (Fy-Fz)*dy
So we have reduced the problem to a 2d problem: we integrate
G = (Fx-Fz)*i + (Fx-Fz)*j
t -> x(t), y(t)
Note that in G we need to get rid of z by substituting
z = 3 - x - y
The value error you receive does not come from your call to the line_integrate function; it comes because according to the source code for the Curve class, only functions in 2D Euclidean space are supported. This integral can still be computed without using sympy according to this research blog that I found by simply searching for a workable method on Google.
The code you need looks like this:
import autograd.numpy as np
from autograd import jacobian
from scipy.integrate import quad
def F(X):
x, y, z = X
return [y * np.exp(x), x**2 + np.exp(x), z**2 * np.exp(z)]
def C(t):
return np.array([np.cos(t) + 1, np.sin(t) + 1, 1 - np.cos(t) - np.sin(t)])
dCdt = jacobian(C, 0)
def integrand(t):
return F(C(t)) # dCdt(t)
I, e = quad(integrand, 0, 2 * np.pi)
The variable I then stores the numerical solution to your question.
You can define a function:
import sympy as sp
from sympy import *
def linea3(f,C):
P = f[0].subs([(x,C[0]),(y,C[1]),(z,C[2])])
Q = f[1].subs([(x,C[0]),(y,C[1]),(z,C[2])])
R = f[2].subs([(x,C[0]),(y,C[1]),(z,C[2])])
dx = diff(C[0],t)
dy = diff(C[1],t)
dz = diff(C[2],t)
m = integrate(P*dx+Q*dy+R*dz,(t,C[3],C[4]))
return m
Then use the example:
f = [x**2*z**2,y**2*z**2,x*y*z]
C = [2*cos(t),2*sin(t),4,0,2*sp.pi]

How to make scipy.interpolate give an extrapolated result beyond the input range?

I'm trying to port a program which uses a hand-rolled interpolator (developed by a mathematician colleage) over to use the interpolators provided by scipy. I'd like to use or wrap the scipy interpolator so that it has as close as possible behavior to the old interpolator.
A key difference between the two functions is that in our original interpolator - if the input value is above or below the input range, our original interpolator will extrapolate the result. If you try this with the scipy interpolator it raises a ValueError. Consider this program as an example:
import numpy as np
from scipy import interpolate
x = np.arange(0,10)
y = np.exp(-x/3.0)
f = interpolate.interp1d(x, y)
print f(9)
print f(11) # Causes ValueError, because it's greater than max(x)
Is there a sensible way to make it so that instead of crashing, the final line will simply do a linear extrapolate, continuing the gradients defined by the first and last two points to infinity.
Note, that in the real software I'm not actually using the exp function - that's here for illustration only!
As of SciPy version 0.17.0, there is a new option for scipy.interpolate.interp1d that allows extrapolation. Simply set fill_value='extrapolate' in the call. Modifying your code in this way gives:
import numpy as np
from scipy import interpolate
x = np.arange(0,10)
y = np.exp(-x/3.0)
f = interpolate.interp1d(x, y, fill_value='extrapolate')
print f(9)
print f(11)
and the output is:
You can take a look at InterpolatedUnivariateSpline
Here an example using it:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import InterpolatedUnivariateSpline
# given values
xi = np.array([0.2, 0.5, 0.7, 0.9])
yi = np.array([0.3, -0.1, 0.2, 0.1])
# positions to inter/extrapolate
x = np.linspace(0, 1, 50)
# spline order: 1 linear, 2 quadratic, 3 cubic ...
order = 1
# do inter/extrapolation
s = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(xi, yi, k=order)
y = s(x)
# example showing the interpolation for linear, quadratic and cubic interpolation
plt.plot(xi, yi)
for order in range(1, 4):
s = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(xi, yi, k=order)
y = s(x)
plt.plot(x, y)
1. Constant extrapolation
You can use interp function from scipy, it extrapolates left and right values as constant beyond the range:
>>> from scipy import interp, arange, exp
>>> x = arange(0,10)
>>> y = exp(-x/3.0)
>>> interp([9,10], x, y)
array([ 0.04978707, 0.04978707])
2. Linear (or other custom) extrapolation
You can write a wrapper around an interpolation function which takes care of linear extrapolation. For example:
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from scipy import arange, array, exp
def extrap1d(interpolator):
xs = interpolator.x
ys = interpolator.y
def pointwise(x):
if x < xs[0]:
return ys[0]+(x-xs[0])*(ys[1]-ys[0])/(xs[1]-xs[0])
elif x > xs[-1]:
return ys[-1]+(x-xs[-1])*(ys[-1]-ys[-2])/(xs[-1]-xs[-2])
return interpolator(x)
def ufunclike(xs):
return array(list(map(pointwise, array(xs))))
return ufunclike
extrap1d takes an interpolation function and returns a function which can also extrapolate. And you can use it like this:
x = arange(0,10)
y = exp(-x/3.0)
f_i = interp1d(x, y)
f_x = extrap1d(f_i)
print f_x([9,10])
[ 0.04978707 0.03009069]
What about scipy.interpolate.splrep (with degree 1 and no smoothing):
>> tck = scipy.interpolate.splrep([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [1, 4, 9, 16, 25], k=1, s=0)
>> scipy.interpolate.splev(6, tck)
It seems to do what you want, since 34 = 25 + (25 - 16).
Here's an alternative method that uses only the numpy package. It takes advantage of numpy's array functions, so may be faster when interpolating/extrapolating large arrays:
import numpy as np
def extrap(x, xp, yp):
"""np.interp function with linear extrapolation"""
y = np.interp(x, xp, yp)
y = np.where(x<xp[0], yp[0]+(x-xp[0])*(yp[0]-yp[1])/(xp[0]-xp[1]), y)
y = np.where(x>xp[-1], yp[-1]+(x-xp[-1])*(yp[-1]-yp[-2])/(xp[-1]-xp[-2]), y)
return y
x = np.arange(0,10)
y = np.exp(-x/3.0)
xtest = np.array((8.5,9.5))
print np.exp(-xtest/3.0)
print np.interp(xtest, x, y)
print extrap(xtest, x, y)
Edit: Mark Mikofski's suggested modification of the "extrap" function:
def extrap(x, xp, yp):
"""np.interp function with linear extrapolation"""
y = np.interp(x, xp, yp)
y[x < xp[0]] = yp[0] + (x[x<xp[0]]-xp[0]) * (yp[0]-yp[1]) / (xp[0]-xp[1])
y[x > xp[-1]]= yp[-1] + (x[x>xp[-1]]-xp[-1])*(yp[-1]-yp[-2])/(xp[-1]-xp[-2])
return y
It may be faster to use boolean indexing with large datasets, since the algorithm checks if every point is in outside the interval, whereas boolean indexing allows an easier and faster comparison.
For example:
# Necessary modules
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
# Original data
x = np.arange(0,10)
y = np.exp(-x/3.0)
# Interpolator class
f = interp1d(x, y)
# Output range (quite large)
xo = np.arange(0, 10, 0.001)
# Boolean indexing approach
# Generate an empty output array for "y" values
yo = np.empty_like(xo)
# Values lower than the minimum "x" are extrapolated at the same time
low = xo < f.x[0]
yo[low] = f.y[0] + (xo[low]-f.x[0])*(f.y[1]-f.y[0])/(f.x[1]-f.x[0])
# Values higher than the maximum "x" are extrapolated at same time
high = xo > f.x[-1]
yo[high] = f.y[-1] + (xo[high]-f.x[-1])*(f.y[-1]-f.y[-2])/(f.x[-1]-f.x[-2])
# Values inside the interpolation range are interpolated directly
inside = np.logical_and(xo >= f.x[0], xo <= f.x[-1])
yo[inside] = f(xo[inside])
In my case, with a data set of 300000 points, this means an speed up from 25.8 to 0.094 seconds, this is more than 250 times faster.
I did it by adding a point to my initial arrays. In this way I avoid defining self-made functions, and the linear extrapolation (in the example below: right extrapolation) looks ok.
import numpy as np
from scipy import interp as itp
xnew = np.linspace(0,1,51)
f = itp(xnew,x,y)
I don't have enough reputation to comment, but in case somebody is looking for an extrapolation wrapper for a linear 2d-interpolation with scipy, I have adapted the answer that was given here for the 1d interpolation.
def extrap2d(interpolator):
xs = interpolator.x
ys = interpolator.y
zs = interpolator.z
zs = np.reshape(zs, (-1, len(xs)))
def pointwise(x, y):
if x < xs[0] or y < ys[0]:
x1_index = np.argmin(np.abs(xs - x))
x2_index = x1_index + 1
y1_index = np.argmin(np.abs(ys - y))
y2_index = y1_index + 1
x1 = xs[x1_index]
x2 = xs[x2_index]
y1 = ys[y1_index]
y2 = ys[y2_index]
z11 = zs[x1_index, y1_index]
z12 = zs[x1_index, y2_index]
z21 = zs[x2_index, y1_index]
z22 = zs[x2_index, y2_index]
return (z11 * (x2 - x) * (y2 - y) +
z21 * (x - x1) * (y2 - y) +
z12 * (x2 - x) * (y - y1) +
z22 * (x - x1) * (y - y1)
) / ((x2 - x1) * (y2 - y1) + 0.0)
elif x > xs[-1] or y > ys[-1]:
x1_index = np.argmin(np.abs(xs - x))
x2_index = x1_index - 1
y1_index = np.argmin(np.abs(ys - y))
y2_index = y1_index - 1
x1 = xs[x1_index]
x2 = xs[x2_index]
y1 = ys[y1_index]
y2 = ys[y2_index]
z11 = zs[x1_index, y1_index]
z12 = zs[x1_index, y2_index]
z21 = zs[x2_index, y1_index]
z22 = zs[x2_index, y2_index]#
return (z11 * (x2 - x) * (y2 - y) +
z21 * (x - x1) * (y2 - y) +
z12 * (x2 - x) * (y - y1) +
z22 * (x - x1) * (y - y1)
) / ((x2 - x1) * (y2 - y1) + 0.0)
return interpolator(x, y)
def ufunclike(xs, ys):
if isinstance(xs, int) or isinstance(ys, int) or isinstance(xs, np.int32) or isinstance(ys, np.int32):
res_array = pointwise(xs, ys)
res_array = np.zeros((len(xs), len(ys)))
for x_c in range(len(xs)):
res_array[x_c, :] = np.array([pointwise(xs[x_c], ys[y_c]) for y_c in range(len(ys))]).T
return res_array
return ufunclike
I haven't commented a lot and I am aware, that the code isn't super clean. If anybody sees any errors, please let me know. In my current use-case it is working without a problem :)
I'm afraid that there is no easy to do this in Scipy to my knowledge. You can, as I'm fairly sure that you are aware, turn off the bounds errors and fill all function values beyond the range with a constant, but that doesn't really help. See this question on the mailing list for some more ideas. Maybe you could use some kind of piecewise function, but that seems like a major pain.
The below code gives you the simple extrapolation module. k is the value to which the data set y has to be extrapolated based on the data set x. The numpy module is required.
def extrapol(k,x,y):
for i in range(0,length):
Standard interpolate + linear extrapolate:
def interpola(v, x, y):
if v <= x[0]:
return y[0]+(y[1]-y[0])/(x[1]-x[0])*(v-x[0])
elif v >= x[-1]:
return y[-2]+(y[-1]-y[-2])/(x[-1]-x[-2])*(v-x[-2])
f = interp1d(x, y, kind='cubic')
return f(v)

