Unittest Tkinter File Dialog - python

Is there any way to automate a tkFileDialog selection to run it through unittest? The following is the only use of tkinter in my application:
root = Tkinter.Tk()
types = [('Comma Separated Values', '.csv'), ('All Files', '*')]
filename = tkFileDialog.askopenfilename(parent=root,
Edit: I didn't mention that this part of the code was trapped in a method call from a class outside my control.
I've built a local app that creates an http server on localhost and runs its GUI with HTML/CSS/JS in a web browser. Because of browser restrictions, I can't use the built-in file dialog and so have to send this request through Python. I want this to run on a OSX with the built-in Python 2.5. I'm not very familiar with Tcl/Tk.
Attempt #1
If I could get to the underlying widgets, I could generate the clicks like in this question. However, looking at the dialog source, it appears to me that the Tcl call in lines 48-50 is blocking. Is this a correct assumption?
Attempt #2
I thought there might be a way using Tcl commands directly through root.tk.call. Since I'm on Python2, I think the underlying Tcl is a single call to tk_getOpenFile. Would I have to ensure the Tcl interpreter is threaded? Is there any Tcl/Tk command that can help me out here?
Attempt #3
I could implement the file selection from scratch using os.listdir etc. (Probably in a separate HTML page communicating back and forth with the server). It would be more than a little painful and hopefully avoidable.
Based on A. Rodas's answer below, I came up with the following:
import tkFileDialog
old_dialog = tkFileDialog.askopenfilename
tkFileDialog.askopenfilename = lambda *args, **kw: filename
# First test dialog cancelled
filename = ''
# run some assertions
# Next test a valid file name with valid contents
filename = self.VALID_FILENAME
# run some assertions
# Now test a valid file name with invalid contents
# run some assertions
# Now test an invalid file name
filename = self.INVALID_FILENAME
# run some assertions
tkFileDialog.askopenfilename = old_dialog

Unit testing of Tkinter code is not an easy issue. For instance, the IDLE does not have a proper test suite, even though it is part of the standard library. Since you mention that this is going to be the only use of Tkinter in your application, I'd suggest to make unit tests for the outcome of this code: the value of filename.
For instance, you can have a test for a .csv file, and another one for an incorrect file extension. Since tkFileDialog returns an empty string if it is closed by the user, add also a test where filename = ''.
import unittest
class TestFileDialog(unittest.TestCase):
def test_dialog_closed(self):
filename = ''
# ...
def test_incorrect_extension(self):
filename = '/path/to/another/filetype'
# ...
def test_csv_extension(self):
filename = '/path/to/correct/file.csv'
# ...

You could just patch the calls to tkinter:
patch tk.Tk() because most CI's will error because they don't have displays.
Also patch the file dialog so you can simulate return values and that it is being called with what you expect.
def test_your_stuff(self, Tk)
with #patch('your_module.tkFileDialog.askopenfilename') as file_dialog:
expected = 'expected return value'
assert expected = your_function_calling_file_dialog()
file_dialog.assert_called_once_with(whatever, you, expect, it, to, be, called, with)


What is Python's version of "file.choose()" from R [duplicate]

I have a simple script which parses a file and loads it's contents to a database. I don't need a UI, but right now I'm prompting the user for the file to parse using raw_input which is most unfriendly, especially because the user can't copy/paste the path. I would like a quick and easy way to present a file selection dialog to the user, they can select the file, and then it's loaded to the database. (In my use case, if they happened to chose the wrong file, it would fail parsing, and wouldn't be a problem even if it was loaded to the database.)
import tkFileDialog
file_path_string = tkFileDialog.askopenfilename()
This code is close to what I want, but it leaves an annoying empty frame open (which isn't able to be closed, probably because I haven't registered a close event handler).
I don't have to use tkInter, but since it's in the Python standard library it's a good candidate for quickest and easiest solution.
Whats a quick and easy way to prompt for a file or filename in a script without any other UI?
Tkinter is the easiest way if you don't want to have any other dependencies.
To show only the dialog without any other GUI elements, you have to hide the root window using the withdraw method:
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import filedialog
root = tk.Tk()
file_path = filedialog.askopenfilename()
Python 2 variant:
import Tkinter, tkFileDialog
root = Tkinter.Tk()
file_path = tkFileDialog.askopenfilename()
You can use easygui:
import easygui
path = easygui.fileopenbox()
To install easygui, you can use pip:
pip3 install easygui
It is a single pure Python module (easygui.py) that uses tkinter.
Try with wxPython:
import wx
def get_path(wildcard):
app = wx.App(None)
style = wx.FD_OPEN | wx.FD_FILE_MUST_EXIST
dialog = wx.FileDialog(None, 'Open', wildcard=wildcard, style=style)
if dialog.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
path = dialog.GetPath()
path = None
return path
print get_path('*.txt')
pywin32 provides access to the GetOpenFileName win32 function. From the example
import win32gui, win32con, os
filter='Python Scripts\0*.py;*.pyw;*.pys\0Text files\0*.txt\0'
customfilter='Other file types\0*.*\0'
fname, customfilter, flags=win32gui.GetOpenFileNameW(
File='somefilename', DefExt='py',
print 'open file names:', repr(fname)
print 'filter used:', repr(customfilter)
print 'Flags:', flags
for k,v in win32con.__dict__.items():
if k.startswith('OFN_') and flags & v:
print '\t'+k
Using tkinter (python 2) or Tkinter (python 3) it's indeed possible to display file open dialog (See other answers here). Please notice however that user interface of that dialog is outdated and does not corresponds to newer file open dialogs available in Windows 10.
Moreover - if you're looking on way to embedd python support into your own application - you will find out soon that tkinter library is not open source code and even more - it is commercial library.
(For example search for "activetcl pricing" will lead you to this web page: https://reviews.financesonline.com/p/activetcl/)
So tkinter library will cost money for any application wanting to embedd python.
I by myself managed to find pythonnet library:
Overview here: http://pythonnet.github.io/
Source code here: https://github.com/pythonnet/pythonnet
(MIT License)
Using following command it's possible to install pythonnet:
pip3 install pythonnet
And here you can find out working example for using open file dialog:
Let me copy an example also here:
import sys
import ctypes
co_initialize = ctypes.windll.ole32.CoInitialize
# Force STA mode
import clr
from System.Windows.Forms import OpenFileDialog
file_dialog = OpenFileDialog()
ret = file_dialog.ShowDialog()
if ret != 1:
If you also miss more complex user interface - see Demo folder
in pythonnet git.
I'm not sure about portability to other OS's, haven't tried, but .net 5 is planned to be ported to multiple OS's (Search ".net 5 platforms", https://devblogs.microsoft.com/dotnet/introducing-net-5/ ) - so this technology is also future proof.
If you don't need the UI or expect the program to run in a CLI, you could parse the filepath as an argument. This would allow you to use the autocomplete feature of your CLI to quickly find the file you need.
This would probably only be handy if the script is non-interactive besides the filepath input.
Another os-agnostic option, use pywebview:
import webview
def webview_file_dialog():
file = None
def open_file_dialog(w):
nonlocal file
file = w.create_file_dialog(webview.OPEN_DIALOG)[0]
except TypeError:
pass # user exited file dialog without picking
window = webview.create_window("", hidden=True)
webview.start(open_file_dialog, window)
# file will either be a string or None
return file
Environment: python3.8.6 on Mac - though I've used pywebview on windows 10 before.
I just stumbled on this little trick for Windows only: run powershell.exe from subprocess.
import subprocess
sys_const = ssfDESKTOP # Starts at the top level
# sys_const = 0x2a # Correct value for "Program Files (0x86)" folder
powershell_browse = "(new-object -COM 'Shell.Application')."
powershell_browse += "BrowseForFolder(0,'window title here',0,sys_const).self.path"
ret = subprocess.run(["powershell.exe",powershell_browse], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
Note the optional use of system folder constants. (There's an obscure typo in shldisp.h that the "Program Files (0x86)" constant was assigned wrong. I added a comment with the correct value. Took me a bit to figure that one out.)
More info below:
System folder constants

Apply function decorator on print function across all files without having to import and/or reapply?

Edit: My first attempt at asking this might be a bit unfocused/poorly worded here's a better explanation of what I'm trying to do:
I'm trying to modify the default behavior of the print function for the entire environment python is running in without having to modify each file that's being run.
I'm attempting to decorate the print function (I know there are many ways to do this such as overriding it but that's not really the question I'm asking) so I can have it print out some debugging information and force it to always flush. I did that like so:
def modify_print(func):
# I made this so that output always gets flushed as it won't by default
# within the environment I'm using, I also wanted it to print out some
# debugging information, doesn't really matter much in the context of this
# question
def modified_print(*args,**kwargs):
return func(f"some debug prefix: ",flush=True,*args,**kwargs)
return modified_print
print = modify_print(print)
print("Hello world") # Prints "some debug prefix Hello World"
However what I'm trying to do is modify this behavior throughout my entire application. I know I can manually decorate/override/import the print function in each file however I'm wondering if there is some way I can globally configure my python environment to decorate this function everywhere. The only way I can think to do this would be to edit the python source code and build the modified version.
Here's the behavior I wanted implemented, thank you Match for your help.
It prints out the line number and filename everywhere you call a print function within your python environment. This means you don't have to import or override anything manually in all of your files.
import site
import os
import pathlib
# Big thanks to Match on StackOverflow for helping me with this
# see https://stackoverflow.com/a/48713998/5614280
# This is some cool hackery to overwrite the default functionality of
# the builtin print function within your entire python environment
# to display the file name and the line number as well as always flush
# the output. It works by creating a custom user script and placing it
# within the user's sitepackages file and then overwriting the builtin.
# You can disable this behavior by running python with the '-s' flag.
# We could probably swap this out by reading the text from a python file
# which would make it easier to maintain larger modifications to builtins
# or a set of files to make this more portable or to modify the behavior
# of more builtins for debugging purposes.
customize_script = """
from inspect import getframeinfo,stack
def debug_printer(func):
# I made this so that output always gets flushed as it won't by default
# within the environment I'm running it in. Also it will print the
# file name and line number of where the print occurs
def debug_print(*args,**kwargs):
frame = getframeinfo(stack()[1][0])
return func(f"{frame.filename} : {frame.lineno} ", flush=True,*args,**kwargs)
return debug_print
__builtins__['print'] = debug_printer(print)
# Creating the user site dir if it doesn't already exist and writing our
# custom behavior modifications
pathlib.Path(site.USER_SITE).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
custom_file = os.path.join(site.USER_SITE,"usercustomize.py")
with open(custom_file,'w+') as f:
You can use usercustomize script from the site module to achieve something like this.
First, find out where your user site-packages directory is:
python3 -c "import site; print(site.USER_SITE)"
Next, in that directory, create a script called usercustomize.py - this script will now be run first whenever python is run.
One* way to replace print is to override the __builtins__ dict and replace it with a new method - something like:
from functools import partial
old_print = __builtins__['print']
__builtins__['print'] = partial(old_print, "Debug prefix: ", flush=True)
Drop this into the usercustomize.py script and you should see all python scripts from then on being overridden. You can temporarily disable calling this script by calling python with the -s flag.
*(Not sure if this is the correct way of doing this - there may be a better way - but the main point is that you can use usercustomize to deliver whatever method you choose).
There's no real reason to define a decorator here, because you are only intending to apply it to a single, predetermined function. Just define your modified print function directly, wrapping it around __builtins__.print to avoid recursion.
def print(*args, **kwargs):
__builtins.__print(f"some debug prefix: ", flush=True, *args, **kwargs)
print("Hello world") # Prints "some debug prefix Hello World"
You can use functools.partial to simplify this.
import functools
print = functools.partial(__builtins.__print, f"some debug prefix: ", flush=True)

Is there a way to open a text file into python code (similar to doing CTRL+O on windows)? [duplicate]

I have a simple script which parses a file and loads it's contents to a database. I don't need a UI, but right now I'm prompting the user for the file to parse using raw_input which is most unfriendly, especially because the user can't copy/paste the path. I would like a quick and easy way to present a file selection dialog to the user, they can select the file, and then it's loaded to the database. (In my use case, if they happened to chose the wrong file, it would fail parsing, and wouldn't be a problem even if it was loaded to the database.)
import tkFileDialog
file_path_string = tkFileDialog.askopenfilename()
This code is close to what I want, but it leaves an annoying empty frame open (which isn't able to be closed, probably because I haven't registered a close event handler).
I don't have to use tkInter, but since it's in the Python standard library it's a good candidate for quickest and easiest solution.
Whats a quick and easy way to prompt for a file or filename in a script without any other UI?
Tkinter is the easiest way if you don't want to have any other dependencies.
To show only the dialog without any other GUI elements, you have to hide the root window using the withdraw method:
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import filedialog
root = tk.Tk()
file_path = filedialog.askopenfilename()
Python 2 variant:
import Tkinter, tkFileDialog
root = Tkinter.Tk()
file_path = tkFileDialog.askopenfilename()
You can use easygui:
import easygui
path = easygui.fileopenbox()
To install easygui, you can use pip:
pip3 install easygui
It is a single pure Python module (easygui.py) that uses tkinter.
Try with wxPython:
import wx
def get_path(wildcard):
app = wx.App(None)
style = wx.FD_OPEN | wx.FD_FILE_MUST_EXIST
dialog = wx.FileDialog(None, 'Open', wildcard=wildcard, style=style)
if dialog.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
path = dialog.GetPath()
path = None
return path
print get_path('*.txt')
pywin32 provides access to the GetOpenFileName win32 function. From the example
import win32gui, win32con, os
filter='Python Scripts\0*.py;*.pyw;*.pys\0Text files\0*.txt\0'
customfilter='Other file types\0*.*\0'
fname, customfilter, flags=win32gui.GetOpenFileNameW(
File='somefilename', DefExt='py',
print 'open file names:', repr(fname)
print 'filter used:', repr(customfilter)
print 'Flags:', flags
for k,v in win32con.__dict__.items():
if k.startswith('OFN_') and flags & v:
print '\t'+k
Using tkinter (python 2) or Tkinter (python 3) it's indeed possible to display file open dialog (See other answers here). Please notice however that user interface of that dialog is outdated and does not corresponds to newer file open dialogs available in Windows 10.
Moreover - if you're looking on way to embedd python support into your own application - you will find out soon that tkinter library is not open source code and even more - it is commercial library.
(For example search for "activetcl pricing" will lead you to this web page: https://reviews.financesonline.com/p/activetcl/)
So tkinter library will cost money for any application wanting to embedd python.
I by myself managed to find pythonnet library:
Overview here: http://pythonnet.github.io/
Source code here: https://github.com/pythonnet/pythonnet
(MIT License)
Using following command it's possible to install pythonnet:
pip3 install pythonnet
And here you can find out working example for using open file dialog:
Let me copy an example also here:
import sys
import ctypes
co_initialize = ctypes.windll.ole32.CoInitialize
# Force STA mode
import clr
from System.Windows.Forms import OpenFileDialog
file_dialog = OpenFileDialog()
ret = file_dialog.ShowDialog()
if ret != 1:
If you also miss more complex user interface - see Demo folder
in pythonnet git.
I'm not sure about portability to other OS's, haven't tried, but .net 5 is planned to be ported to multiple OS's (Search ".net 5 platforms", https://devblogs.microsoft.com/dotnet/introducing-net-5/ ) - so this technology is also future proof.
If you don't need the UI or expect the program to run in a CLI, you could parse the filepath as an argument. This would allow you to use the autocomplete feature of your CLI to quickly find the file you need.
This would probably only be handy if the script is non-interactive besides the filepath input.
Another os-agnostic option, use pywebview:
import webview
def webview_file_dialog():
file = None
def open_file_dialog(w):
nonlocal file
file = w.create_file_dialog(webview.OPEN_DIALOG)[0]
except TypeError:
pass # user exited file dialog without picking
window = webview.create_window("", hidden=True)
webview.start(open_file_dialog, window)
# file will either be a string or None
return file
Environment: python3.8.6 on Mac - though I've used pywebview on windows 10 before.
I just stumbled on this little trick for Windows only: run powershell.exe from subprocess.
import subprocess
sys_const = ssfDESKTOP # Starts at the top level
# sys_const = 0x2a # Correct value for "Program Files (0x86)" folder
powershell_browse = "(new-object -COM 'Shell.Application')."
powershell_browse += "BrowseForFolder(0,'window title here',0,sys_const).self.path"
ret = subprocess.run(["powershell.exe",powershell_browse], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
Note the optional use of system folder constants. (There's an obscure typo in shldisp.h that the "Program Files (0x86)" constant was assigned wrong. I added a comment with the correct value. Took me a bit to figure that one out.)
More info below:
System folder constants

Python: Passing values from GUI to other python script

I have a python script (we'll say "script.py") that I want to grab values from using a separate GUI python script ("GUI.py"). When I run my GUI.py script, I want to have these text fields in the GUI sent over to script.py after clicking a button in the GUI. I am thinking that my best solution might be to have the GUI.py create another script ("lib.py") that holds all these values and it just writes to it. It then runs the "script.py" script. So all in all the GUI.py will have a function that when called will look something like this:
def on_button(self):
username = self.usernameInput.get()
file = open(“lib.py”,”w”)
file.write(“username = ” + username)
I think this will work, but I am just wondering, does this seem like a practical solution? Let me know what you guys think.
No, I don't think this is the practical solution.
Do you consider instead making the python script you want to run into a module or package that you can call directly inside your GUI? I think that is the cleanest approach. For using your scripts as modules, see the docs or for 2.7.
Basically a module is a python file, script.py, and as long as it is in the python path (say, your current directory), you can import it:
from script import action
So you could try:
def on_button(self):
username = self.usernameInput.get()
result = action(username) # and any other args you want to pass
That is, if the script in question uses a if __name__ == "__main__": statement (or can otherwise be run from the command line), try putting the operations in some def action(args): function and importing it into your GUI.

Quick and easy file dialog in Python?

I have a simple script which parses a file and loads it's contents to a database. I don't need a UI, but right now I'm prompting the user for the file to parse using raw_input which is most unfriendly, especially because the user can't copy/paste the path. I would like a quick and easy way to present a file selection dialog to the user, they can select the file, and then it's loaded to the database. (In my use case, if they happened to chose the wrong file, it would fail parsing, and wouldn't be a problem even if it was loaded to the database.)
import tkFileDialog
file_path_string = tkFileDialog.askopenfilename()
This code is close to what I want, but it leaves an annoying empty frame open (which isn't able to be closed, probably because I haven't registered a close event handler).
I don't have to use tkInter, but since it's in the Python standard library it's a good candidate for quickest and easiest solution.
Whats a quick and easy way to prompt for a file or filename in a script without any other UI?
Tkinter is the easiest way if you don't want to have any other dependencies.
To show only the dialog without any other GUI elements, you have to hide the root window using the withdraw method:
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import filedialog
root = tk.Tk()
file_path = filedialog.askopenfilename()
Python 2 variant:
import Tkinter, tkFileDialog
root = Tkinter.Tk()
file_path = tkFileDialog.askopenfilename()
You can use easygui:
import easygui
path = easygui.fileopenbox()
To install easygui, you can use pip:
pip3 install easygui
It is a single pure Python module (easygui.py) that uses tkinter.
Try with wxPython:
import wx
def get_path(wildcard):
app = wx.App(None)
style = wx.FD_OPEN | wx.FD_FILE_MUST_EXIST
dialog = wx.FileDialog(None, 'Open', wildcard=wildcard, style=style)
if dialog.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
path = dialog.GetPath()
path = None
return path
print get_path('*.txt')
pywin32 provides access to the GetOpenFileName win32 function. From the example
import win32gui, win32con, os
filter='Python Scripts\0*.py;*.pyw;*.pys\0Text files\0*.txt\0'
customfilter='Other file types\0*.*\0'
fname, customfilter, flags=win32gui.GetOpenFileNameW(
File='somefilename', DefExt='py',
print 'open file names:', repr(fname)
print 'filter used:', repr(customfilter)
print 'Flags:', flags
for k,v in win32con.__dict__.items():
if k.startswith('OFN_') and flags & v:
print '\t'+k
Using tkinter (python 2) or Tkinter (python 3) it's indeed possible to display file open dialog (See other answers here). Please notice however that user interface of that dialog is outdated and does not corresponds to newer file open dialogs available in Windows 10.
Moreover - if you're looking on way to embedd python support into your own application - you will find out soon that tkinter library is not open source code and even more - it is commercial library.
(For example search for "activetcl pricing" will lead you to this web page: https://reviews.financesonline.com/p/activetcl/)
So tkinter library will cost money for any application wanting to embedd python.
I by myself managed to find pythonnet library:
Overview here: http://pythonnet.github.io/
Source code here: https://github.com/pythonnet/pythonnet
(MIT License)
Using following command it's possible to install pythonnet:
pip3 install pythonnet
And here you can find out working example for using open file dialog:
Let me copy an example also here:
import sys
import ctypes
co_initialize = ctypes.windll.ole32.CoInitialize
# Force STA mode
import clr
from System.Windows.Forms import OpenFileDialog
file_dialog = OpenFileDialog()
ret = file_dialog.ShowDialog()
if ret != 1:
If you also miss more complex user interface - see Demo folder
in pythonnet git.
I'm not sure about portability to other OS's, haven't tried, but .net 5 is planned to be ported to multiple OS's (Search ".net 5 platforms", https://devblogs.microsoft.com/dotnet/introducing-net-5/ ) - so this technology is also future proof.
If you don't need the UI or expect the program to run in a CLI, you could parse the filepath as an argument. This would allow you to use the autocomplete feature of your CLI to quickly find the file you need.
This would probably only be handy if the script is non-interactive besides the filepath input.
Another os-agnostic option, use pywebview:
import webview
def webview_file_dialog():
file = None
def open_file_dialog(w):
nonlocal file
file = w.create_file_dialog(webview.OPEN_DIALOG)[0]
except TypeError:
pass # user exited file dialog without picking
window = webview.create_window("", hidden=True)
webview.start(open_file_dialog, window)
# file will either be a string or None
return file
Environment: python3.8.6 on Mac - though I've used pywebview on windows 10 before.
I just stumbled on this little trick for Windows only: run powershell.exe from subprocess.
import subprocess
sys_const = ssfDESKTOP # Starts at the top level
# sys_const = 0x2a # Correct value for "Program Files (0x86)" folder
powershell_browse = "(new-object -COM 'Shell.Application')."
powershell_browse += "BrowseForFolder(0,'window title here',0,sys_const).self.path"
ret = subprocess.run(["powershell.exe",powershell_browse], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
Note the optional use of system folder constants. (There's an obscure typo in shldisp.h that the "Program Files (0x86)" constant was assigned wrong. I added a comment with the correct value. Took me a bit to figure that one out.)
More info below:
System folder constants

