how to set django development server - python

I am stuck on this step:
i have a page, which i am developing in django. the page is ready to test. i deployed it. running well and it is online. but now i want to setup a new project in server as the testing version of what is online now. I went to control panel of my hosting provider and saw that once i created the django project first, it also created a new But i cannot find this in my server. i dont know how to setup a new dev project in server so that i can develop locally, push to test project and test online and then go live.
please help

You may like to use nginx + gunicorn ( Also, is useful.


Django: Push app from local server to production server via FTP

This is a bit embarassing, but I'm a Django noob and I couldn't find a simple solution to this:
I have written a Django app in a local VM that I now want to deploy to a "production" server. App works like a charm locally.
Now my IT colleague has set up the server with Django and that also works fine. I can open it via the Web and I get the usual "Congratulations on your first Django-powered page". I can also log into the admin interface. The project has been created.
This is a very low-key mini project and I'm not too familiar with git, so we've decided to just push files via FTP. (And I want to stick with that if at all possible.) So I uploaded the app folder into the project folder and also adjusted the project's and
However, nothing seems to be happening on the server's end. The welcome page is the same, the app does not show up in the admin interface and the URLs won't be resolved as hoped.
Any suggestions what I should have done / done differently?
You need to restart apache or whatever is running your django project. Your changes to py files are cached when you first load your server config (settings).
Any suggestions what I should have done / done differently?
You should be using git/jenkins/deployment techniques, I know you said you've decided not to use it but you're going to be missing out on important things like being able to keep track of changes and unit testing

Usage of Heroku with Django

I'm currently learning Django and getting a decent grasp of it. I know you can start the server with python runserver. But then there is also heroku ps:scale web=1 followed by heroku open to open the web page at the subdomain you chose on the host What is the point of using heroku vs just runserver? When it comes time to deploy to production is that what heroku is used for as I read it was for deployment? What is exactly is heroku used for and what are the reasons? When creating a professional django web site/application is heroku required or just very useful? If so why? I don't really understand the reason for using heroku. And I'm curious what the best practices are for django and whether they include using or not using heroku.
Aside from the heroku question, what are the best practices for django as far as setting a domain name and such (other than the subdomain name) and also as far as what other components/software solutions are worth using with django?
One of the things I'm working on is an FTP portal on the website that people can login to and upload files. Does django have plugins/python modules for such a thing or must it be done custom? Which brings me to my final question, What kind of addons/modules does django offer to avoid reinventing the wheel when implementing a django website/app's certain features?
The tutorial I'm following:
has helped me get a grasp on django, but I'm curious about the more advanced parts of it. Such as custom modules, custom styling, custom scripts (whether they are js or strictly python).
If someone could point me in the right direction or offer any suggestions it would be much appreciated. The tutorial has me using the modules: dj-database-url, whitenoise, gunicorn, python-dateutil, psycopg2 , requests. I know what some of them do, but what is the purpose of psycopg2, whitenoise, dateutil, and dj-database,url? Are there any other modules worth using?
Sorry for the wall of questions, but I'm trying to understand django as best I can so that I can do a correct assessment when putting together a django project.
Thanks in advance.
EDIT, final questions:
1) Also when i used heroku they gave me a subdomain at Can I set my own URL and still use heroku?
2) And last but not least, heroku makes you register and gives you a subdomain on Is there a way to use heroku with your own domain rather than the one they give you? Is there a specific way to do it?
When I do runserver it works fine, but when i run it with heroku ps:scale web=1 and then heroku open it opens but only shows the title at the top of the page, and no content. Not sure exactly why that is. Can someone explain the difference between runserver and heroku ps:scale web=1 followed by heroku open??
python runserver is only for development. Never use it in production.
Heroku makes it super easy to deploy your Django code. You only need some configs and git push heroku master. But it's not the only way to deploy your code. You can also set up a server with a webserver like Nginx, Gunicorn as WSGI server, and a database of your choice. To set things up, you need to know something about Linux and the command line.
So if you don't know how to set up a server, Heroku can be very useful.
Heroku supports custom domains, and it's easy to set up.
As Mikeec3 mentioned, "Two Scoops of Django" is a very good read.
If you are looking for django packages, is a good place to start.
psycopg2 is for postgresql usage with your app. White noise allows you to serve your staticfiles without nginx if using gunicorn. Requests is an easy to use urllib2 library with pythonic calls to work with apis from other websites.
If you want to do some testing with say facebook logins Heroku is a great place to go to, especially if you need a url outside of localhost.
My suggestion is you read Two scoops of Django
It goes over alot of best practices and serves as a great tutorial after polls. I suggest also incorporating django-bower into your project. Ill list a few great things to add.
Django Bower: - Helps organize static files
Crispy Forms : - Great form rendering, great with bootstrap
Django Rest Framework: - REST APIs
These are just to start, there's alot to learn.

Saving Changes To Django with Nginx?

Anything I modify on my Django app has no effect with what's live on the webapp itself. I can delete the entire project directory and my Django app still works.
With Django and Apache, I would simply enter:
/etc/init.d/apache2 restart
And any changes made to my Django application would go live immediately after Apache was restarted. But with this new Nginx, the same thing doesn't work:
/etc/init.d/nginx restart
My Django home page still shows the:
It worked!
Congratulations on your first Django-powered page.
How do I make my Python changes go live with Django and nginx?
What is your Nginx configuration? What is your WSGI runner, are you using Nginx-wsgi or the inbuilt Django 'runserver' command?
It sounds like the "it worked" page is on a separate port, and you're testing it directly -- not via Nginx. It's really easy to get the two of them confused :)
Nvm just figured it out. For Django One Click Install Image on Digital Ocean you need to run:
service gunicorn restart
After you've made all the changes and you'd like to test changes to your web app.

Django deployment final step

I have a Django project with 1 app that is working locally and I am trying to make it work on the server but I imagine I am still missing something...
The steps I have followed are:
1) create a virtualnev
2) Install django and the libraries I need
3) copy my local project to the server, keeping the same directory structure
4) create the file (python did not return any error)
After this do I need to do anything like python runserver? Or with this I should be already able to see the site through mydomain/my project/ my app (when I do ot just get an error 404)?
I have read the django book and followed the tutorial, but this part is not well described anywhere...
Thanks in advance for any help!
Deployment is explained in the documentation.
You need to actually serve your application with some kind of HTTP server and something to run your python code. Some of the possible combinations are:
nginx with uWSGI
Any web server as reverse proxy with gunicorn
Apache with mod_wsgi
Your hosting service may or may not give you the choice or even the possibilty to do this.
There is a list of Django friendly hosters in the Django wiki.
Well firstly you might want to go through the previously asked questions.
When you are deploying using passenger you do not need to run runserver , etc. The passenger_wsgi file should take care of it.
You might want to check this link out, in the first answer also contains link to Dreamhost which details quite extensively on how to achieve the same.
Visit Deploying Django app using passenger
From my personal experience I found Nginx and uwsgi setup to be much more easier to handle and work and debug in the logs, but this is subjective to your needs and platform you may have.

A list of everything I need for running my app on a web server

What I want to know are actually 2 things.
Part 1:
I have a developed source code for an application in python that uses Django framework.
What I want is to be able to run the code on a developer machine and see the result. What do I need for it?
(my guesses):
Python development enironment (Eclipse/PyDev/Aptana Studio 3 seem to be the better ones for windows not sure linux yet),
I also have a postgre database already setup (I know there's a file where I have to specify connection information)
- something installed from django or would this be already included in the code that I have?
Part II:
I also want to make a dev server accessible through internet.
- this is the major part of the question and the most important. How do I publish the app?
- I have a linux machine that I would do this on, but unsure of all the things I need. Apache server?
To answer your questions:
What you need: A list of requirements and instructions to get started with Django is available here:
Database: that chapter also includes a section on configuring access to your database, with a specific section on postgreSQL.
Dev server: To start a basic development server, see this tutorial section
Deploying django (production): For instructions on how to deploy Django for production, see chapter on deploying Django.
Publishing on internet: as for making your dev server accessible through the internet, ask on Make sure you provide more information about your network setup, what you've tried, what isn't working, etc. (Briefly, you need to make sure that the host you are running your server on is on a publicly accessible IP, or has port 80 forwarded to it from such a host. If in doubt, speak to your sys/network admin if you have one. Or use a django hosting service such as those listed on
IDE : Regarding IDE, it's down to personal preference. What you mentioned are fine and can run on Linux too.
As a first step, I suggest you follow the tutorial which guides you through the process of starting a development server and developing a basic app.
Even if your goal is to deploy an existing app, the tutorial will give you an idea of how the different components work together (apps, models, urls, templates, etc) which will help with debugging when something goes wrong with your deployment.
Good luck.
You need Python, Django, a WSGI container (e.g. mod_wsgi, uWSGI, Paste Deploy), and a database server. You make the Django project available as a WSGI app, bound to the appropriate interface on the machine.

