I would like some suggestion on the best clusterization technique to be used, using python and scikits.learn. Our data comes from a Phenotype Microarray, which measures the metabolism activity of a cell on various substrates over time. The output are a series of sigmoid curves for which we extract a series of curve parameters through a fitting to a sigmoid function.
We would like to "rank" this activity curves through clusterization, using a fixed number of clusters. For now we are using the k-means algorithm provided by the package, with (init='random', k=10, n_init=100, max_iter=1000). The input is a matrix with n_samples and 5 parameters for each sample. The number of samples can vary, but it is usually around several thousands (i.e. 5'000). The clustering seems efficient and effective, but I would appreciate any suggestion on different methods or on the best way to perform an assessment of the clustering quality.
Here a couple of diagrams that may help:
the scatterplot of the input parameters (some of them are quite correlated), the color of the single samples is relative to the assigned cluster.
the sigmoid curves from which the input parameters have been extracted, whose color is relative to their assigned cluster
Below some elbow plots and the silhouette score for each number of cluster.
Have you noticed the striped pattern in your plots?
This indicates that you didn't normalize your data good enough.
"Area" and "Height" are highly correlated and probably on the largest scale. All the clustering happened on this axis.
You absolutely must:
perform careful preprocessing
check that your distance functions produce a meaningful (to you, not just the computer) notion of similarity
reality-check your results, and check that they aren't too simple, determined e.g. by a single attribute
Don't blindly follow the numbers. K-means will happily produce k clusters no matter what data you give. It just optimizes some number. It's up to you to check that the results are useful, and analyze what their semantic meaning is - and it might well be that it just is mathematically a local optimum, but meaningless for your task.
For 5000 samples, all methods should work without problem.
The is a pretty good overview here.
One thing to consider is whether you want to fix the number of clusters or not.
See the table for possible choices of the clustering algorithm depending on that.
I think spectral clustering is a pretty good method. You can use it for example together with the RBF kernel. You have to adjust gamma, though, and possibly restrict connectivity.
Choices that don't need n_clusters are WARD and DBSCAN, also solid choices.
You can also consult this chart of my personal opinion which I can't find the link to in the scikit-learn docs...
For judging the result: If you have no ground truth of any kind (which I imagine you don't have if this is exploratory) there is no good measure [yet] (in scikit-learn).
There is one unsupervised measure, silhouette score, but afaik that favours very compact clusters as found by k-means.
There are stability measures for clusters which might help, though they are not implemented in sklearn yet.
My best bet would be to find a good way to inspect the data and visualize the clustering.
Have you tried PCA and thought about manifold learning techniques?
I was going through a document of Western Michigan University to understand the limitations of K-means clustering algorithms. Below is the link:
On slide no 33 its mentioned that K-means has problems when clusters are of different
Non globular shapes
Since we explore our data and try to figure out the different groups that are present in our data through the k-means clustering algorithm, how would we know that the size of the clusters is different beforehand? We can visualize it if we have two-dimensional data but how it can be done if the data is n-dimensional? Is there any way to examine the data before proceeding to apply k-means.
Also, the explanation for the limitation is: if we have different sizes of clusters, k-means will not give the desirable clusters as it tries to partition the clusters equally. But I don't think its always the case. I had applied k-means on the following dataset with k-means++ initialization
It gave me clusters with highly uneven distribution of 4346, 23, 3
I think I am missing some prerequisite steps before proceeding. Please help me clear my doubts. Thanks.
That's a limit of k-means. You don't really have a hard fact if your clustering is good or not.
Pre-steps could be:
Normalization/Standardization of the data with StandardScaler
Missing value handling
Dimension reduction (there are several techniques like: PCA), especially if you have a lot of dimensions
Random initialization (it can vary from the start point)
A real method how good your k-means clustering is doesn't really exists, here is a topic about how to "measure" it: Clustering Quality Measure
I have a data set with a dozen dimensions (columns) and about 200 observations (rows). This dataset has been normalized using quantile_transform_normalize. (Edit: I tried running the clustering without normalization, but still no luck, so I don't believe this is the cause.) Now I want to cluster the data into several clusters. Until now I had been using KMeans, but I have read that it may not be accurate in higher dimensions and doesn't handle outliers well, so I wanted to compare to DBSCAN to see if I get a different result.
However, when I try to cluster the data with DBSCAN using the Mahalanobis distance metric, every item is clustered into -1. According to the documentation:
Noisy samples are given the label -1.
I'm not really sure what this means, but I was getting some OK clusters with KMeans so I know there is something there to cluster -- it's not just random.
Here is the code I am using for clustering:
covariance = np.cov(data.values.astype("float32"), rowvar=False)
clusterer = sklearn.cluster.DBSCAN(min_samples=6, metric="mahalanobis", metric_params={"V": covariance})
And that's all. I know for certain that data is a numeric Pandas DataFrame as I have inspected it in the debugger.
What could be causing this issue?
You need to choose the parameter eps, too.
DBSCAN results depend on this parameter very much. You can find some methods for estimating it in literature.
IMHO, sklearn should not provide a default for this parameter, because it rarely ever works (on normalized toy data it is usually okay, but that's about it).
200 instances probably is too small to reliably measure density, in particular with a dozen variables.
Link to the MIT problem set
Here are my current thoughts--please point to where I'm wrong :)
What I believe: The holdout set's purpose is to foil,
contrast, for the training set - to prove that the
k-means eliminates error at each round.
To do this, the holdout set shows the error at the very begin-
ning, i.e. it doesn't recompute the centroid of each clusters
to be at the very center of each cluster, after each
point has been assigned. It just stops, and the error is
The training set, for the initial 80% of the points--
partitioned using randomPartition()--simply go through
the entire k-means function, and return the error after
Where I'm probably wrong: The problem probably just
requests another run of k-means, but with a smaller set.
Also, the way of calculating error for training set vs. the holdout
set seem identical to me. They're probably not.
Also, I heard something about it involving feature selection.
Current methods I'm considering based on current belief:
Duplicate the k-means function, and modify the duplicate
so that it returns the clusters, maxDistance after initial
run. Use this function for the holdout set.
The goal of clustering is to group similar data points. But how would you know if the similar data points you have grouped are grouped correctly? How can you judge your results? For this reason you divide your available data into 2 sets: training and holdout.
Take this as an analogy.
Think about training set as practice questions for some examination. You work the practice questions, try to do best in it and improve your skills.
You can think holdout set as the actual examination. If you have worked good on the practice questions (training set) then you will probably perform good in the examination (holdout set).
Now you know how well did you do in practice and examination (of-course after attempting ) based on which you can infer your overall performance and judge what is good (what number of clusters are good or how good is the data clustered).
So you will apply your clustering algorithm on the training data but not on holdout data and find out cluster centers (representatives of clusters). For holdout data, you will simply use the cluster centers you have found from algorithm and assign data-points to cluster whose center is nearest. Calculate your performance on training and holdout data based on some performance metric (squared distance error in your case). Finally compare these metrics over different values of k to get a good judgement. There is more to it but for assignment sake it seems enough.
In practice, there are many other methods. But the key idea in most of them is same. There is a statistics community where you can find more similar questions: https://stats.stackexchange.com/
I have images that I am segmenting using a gaussian mixture model from scikit-learn. Some images are labeled, so I have a good bit of prior information that I would like to use. I would like to run a semi-supervised training of a mixture model, by providing some of the cluster assignments ahead of time.
From the Matlab documentation, I can see that Matlab allows initial values to be set. Are there any python libraries, especially scikit-learn approaches that would allow this?
The standard GMM does not work in a semi-supervised fashion. The initial values you mentioned is likely the initial values for the mean vectors and covariance matrices for the gaussians which will be updated by the EM algorithm.
A simple hack will be to group your labeled data based on their labels and individually estimate mean vectors and covariance matrices for them and pass these as the initial values to your MATLAB function (scikit-learn does not allow this as far as I'm aware). Hopefully this will position your Gaussians at the "correct locations". The EM algorithm will then take it from there to adjust these parameters.
The downside of this hack is that it does not guarantee that it will respect your true label assignment, hence even if a data point is assigned a particular cluster label, there is a chance that it might be re-assigned to another cluster. Also, noise in your feature vectors or labels could also cause your initial Gaussians to cover a much larger region than it is suppose to, hence wrecking havoc on the EM algorithm. Also, if you do not have sufficient data points for a particular cluster, your estimated covariance matrices might be singular, hence breaking this trick altogether.
Unless it is a must for you to use GMM to cluster your data (for e.g., you know for sure that gaussians model your data well), then perhaps you can just try the semi-supervised methods in scikit-learn . These will propagate the labels based on feature similarities to your other data point. However, I doubt this can handle large dataset as it requires the graph laplacian matrix to be built from pairs of samples, unless there is some special implementation trick to handle this in scikit-learn.
I am using Scikit to make some prediction on a very large set of data. The data is very wide, but not very long so I want to set some weights to the parts of the data. If I know some parts of the data are more important then other parts how should I inform SCikit of this, or does it kinda break the whole machine learning approach to do some pre-teaching.
The most straightforward way of doing this is perhaps by using Principal Component Analysis on your data matrix X. Principal vectors form an orthogonal basis of X, and they are each one a linear combination of the original feature space (normally columns) of X. The decomposition is such that each principal vector has a corresponding eigenvalue (or singular value depending on how you compute PCA) a scalar that reflects how much reconstruction can be made solely on the basis of that principal vector alone, in a least-squares sense.
The magnitude of coefficients of principal vectors can be interpreted as importance of the individual features of your data, since each coefficient maps 1:1 to a feature or column of the matrix. By selecting one or two principal vectors and examining their magnitudes, you may have a preliminary insight of what columns are more relevant, of course up to how much these vectors approximate the matrix.
This is the detailed scikit-learn API description. Again, PCA is a simple but just one way of doing it, among others.
This probably depends a bit on the machine learning algorithm you're using -- many will discover feature importances on their own (as elaborated via the feature_importances_ property in random forest and others).
If you're using a distance-based measure (e.g. k-means, knn) you could manually weight the features differently by scaling the values of each feature accordingly (though it's possible scikit does some normalization...).
Alternatively, if you know some features really don't carry much information you could simply eliminate them, though you'd lose any diagnostic value these features might unexpectedly bring. There are some tools in scikit for feature selection that might help make this kind of judgement.