Pseudoexperiments in PyMC - python

Is it possible to perform "pseudoexperiments" using PyMC?
By pseudoexperiments, I mean generating random "observations" by sampling from the prior, and then, given each pseudoexperiment, drawing samples from the posterior. Afterwards, one would compare the trace for each parameter to the sample (obtained from the prior) used in sampling from the posterior.
A more concrete example: Suppose that I want to know the rate of process X. I count how many occurrences there are in a certain period of time. However, I know that process Y also sometimes occurs and will contaminate my count. The rate of process Y is known with some uncertainty. So, I build a model, include my observations, and sample from the posterior:
import pymc
class mymodel:
rate_x = pymc.Uniform('rate_x', lower=0, upper=100)
rate_y = pymc.Normal('rate_y', mu=150, tau=1./(15**2))
total_rate = pymc.LinearCombination('total_rate', [1,1], [rate_x, rate_y])
data = pymc.Poisson('data', mu=total_rate, value=193, observed=True)
Mod = pymc.Model(mymodel)
MCMC = pymc.MCMC(Mod)
MCMC.sample(100000, burn=5000, thin=5)
print MCMC.stats()['rate_x']['quantiles']
However, before I do my experiment (or before I "unblind" my analysis and look at my data), I would like to know how sensitive I expect to be -- what will be the uncertainty on my measurement of rate_x?
To answer this, I could sample from the prior
but this only samples rate_x, rate_y, and calculates total_rate. But once the values of those are set by draw_from_prior(), I can draw a pseudoexperiment:
This just returns a number, so I have to set the value of to a random sample. Because has the observed flag set, I have to also "force" it:, force=True)
Now I can sample from the posterior again
MCMC.sample(100000, burn=500, thin=5)
print MCMC.stats()['rate_x']['quantiles']
All this works, so I suppose the simple answer to my question is "yes". But it feels very hacky. Is there a better or more natural way to accomplish this?


Creating vector with intervals drawn from Poisson process

I'm looking for some advice on how to implement some statistical models in Python. I'm interested in constructing a sequence of z values (z_1,z_2,z_3,...,z_n) where the number of jumps in an interval (z_1,z_2] is distributed according to the Poisson distribution with parameter lambda(z_2-z_1)
and the numbers of random jumps over disjoint intervals are independent random variables. I want my piecewise constant plot to look something like the two images below, where the y axis is Y(z), where Y(z) consists of N(0,1) random variables in each interval say.
To construct the z data, what would be the best way to tackle this? I have tried sampling values via np.random.poisson and then taking a cumulative sum, but the values drawn are repeated for small intensity values. Please any help or thoughts would be really helpful. Thanks.
np.random.poisson is used to sample the count of events that occured in [z_i, z_j). if you want to sample the events as they occur, then you just want the exponential distribution. for example:
import numpy as np
n = 50
z = np.cumsum(np.random.exponential(1/n, size=n))
y = np.random.normal(size=n)
plotting these (using step in matplotlib) gives something similar to your plots:
note the 1/n sets a "lambda" so on average we expect n points within [0,1]. in this case we got slightly less so it overshoot. feel free to rescale if that's important to you

Is there a way to get the probability of a prediction using XGBoostRegressor?

I have built a XGBoostRegressor model using around 200 categorical features predicting a countinous time variable.
But I would want to get both the actual prediction and the probability of that prediction as output. Is there any way to get this from the XGBoostRegressor model?
So I both want and P(Y|X) as output. Any idea how to do this?
There is no probability in regression, In regression the only output you will get is a predicted value thats why it is called regression, so for any regressor probability of a prediction is not possible. Its only there in classification.
As mentioned before, there is no probability associated with regression.
However, you could probably add a confidence interval on that regression, to see whether or not your regression can be trusted.
One thing to note though, is that the variance might not be the same along the data.
Let's assume that you study a time based phenomenon. Specifically, you have the temperature (y) after (x) time (in sec for instance) inside an oven. At x = 0s it is at 20°C, and you start heating it, and want to know the evolution in order to predict the temperature after x seconds. The variance could be the same after 20 seconds and after 5 minutes, or be completely different. This is called heteroscedasticity.
If you want to use a confidence interval, you probably want to make sure that you took care of heteroscedasticity, so your interval is the same for all the data.
You can probably try to get the distribution of your known outputs and compare the prediction on that curve, and check the pvalue. But that would only give you a measure of how realistic it is to get that output, without taking the input into consideration. If you know your inputs/outputs are in a specific interval, this could work.
This is how I would do it. Obviously the outputs are your real outputs.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy import integrate
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
N = 1000 # The number of sample
mean = 0
std = 1
outputs = np.random.normal(loc=mean, scale=std, size=N)
# We want to get a normed histogram (since this is PDF, if we integrate
# it must be equal to 1)
nbins = N / 10
n = int(N / nbins)
p, x = np.histogram(outputs, bins=n, normed=True)
plt.hist(outputs, bins=n, normed=True)
x = x[:-1] + (x[ 1] - x[0])/2 # converting bin edges to centers
# Now we want to interpolate :
# f = CubicSpline(x=x, y=p, bc_type='not-a-knot')
f = interp1d(x=x, y=p, kind='quadratic', fill_value='extrapolate')
x = np.linspace(-2.9*std, 2.9*std, 10000)
plt.plot(x, f(x))
# To check :
area = integrate.quad(f, x[0], x[-1])
print(area) # (should be close to 1)
Now, the interpolate method is not great for outliers. if a predicted data is extremely far (more than 3 times the std) from your distribution, it wont work. Other than that, you can now use the PDF to get meaningful results.
It is not perfect, but it is the best I came up with in that time. I'm sure there are some better ways to do it. If your data follow a normal law, it becomes trivial.
I suggest you to look into Ngboost (essentially a wrapper of Xgboost which provides eventually a probabilistic model.
Here you can find slides on the Ngboost functioning and the seminal Ngboost paper.
The basic idea is to assume a specific distribution for $P(Y|X=x)$ (by default is the Gaussian distribution) and fit an Xgboost model to estimate the best parameters of the distribution (for the Gaussian $\mu$ and $\sigma$. The model will split the variables' space into different regions with different distributions, i.e. same family (eg. Gaussian) but different parameters.
After training the model, you're provided with the method '''pred_dist''' which returns the estimated distribution $P(Y|X=x)$ for a given set of values $x$

PyMC3 - Differences in ways observations are passed to model -> difference in results?

I'm trying to understand if there is any meaningful difference in the ways of passing data into a model - either aggregated or as single trials (note this will only be a sensical question for certain distributions e.g. Binomial).
Predicting p for a yes/no trail, using a simple model with a Binomial distribution.
What is the difference in the computation/results of the following models (if any)?
I choose the two extremes, either passing in a single trail at once (reducing to Bernoulli) or passing in the sum of the entire series of trails, to exemplify my meaning though I am interested in the difference in between these extremes also.
# set up constants
p_true = 0.1
N = 3000
observed = scipy.stats.bernoulli.rvs(p_true, size=N)
Model 1: combining all observations into a single data point
with pm.Model() as binomial_model1:
p = pm.Uniform('p', lower=0, upper=1)
observations = pm.Binomial('observations', N, p, observed=np.sum(observed))
trace1 = pm.sample(40000)
Model 2: using each observation individually
with pm.Model() as binomial_model2:
p = pm.Uniform('p', lower=0, upper=1)
observations = pm.Binomial('observations', 1, p, observed=observed)
trace2 = pm.sample(40000)
There is isn't any noticeable difference in the trace or posteriors in this case. I attempted to dig into the pymc3 source code to try to see how the observations were being processed but couldn't find the right part.
Possible expected answers:
pymc3 aggregates the observations under the hood for Binomial anyway so their is no difference
the resultant posterior surface (which is explored in the sample process) is identical in each case -> there is no meaningful/statistical difference in the two models
there are differences in the resultant statistics because of this and that...
This is an interesting example! Your second suggestion is correct: you can actually work out the posterior analytically, and it will be distributed according to
Beta(sum(observed), N - sum(observed))
in either case.
The difference in modelling approach would show up if you used, for example, pm.sample_ppc, in that the first would be distributed according to Binomial(N, p) and the second would be N draws of Binomial(1, p).

How to generate a Q-Q plot manually without inverse distribution function in python

I have 4 different distributions which I've fitted to a sample of observations. Now I want to compare my results and find the best solution. I know there are a lot of different methods to do that, but I'd like to use a quantile-quantile (q-q) plot.
The formulas for my 4 distributions are:
where K0 is the modified Bessel function of the second kind and zeroth order, and Γ is the gamma function.
My sample style looks roughly like this: (0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.3, 0.3, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.6, 0.7 ...), so I have multiple identical values and also gaps in between them.
I've read the instructions on this site and tried to implement them in python. So, like in the link:
1) I sorted my data from the smallest to the largest value.
2) I computed "n" evenly spaced points on the interval (0,1), where "n" is my sample size.
3) And this is the point I can't manage.
As far as I understand, I should now use the values I calculated beforehand (those evenly spaced values), put them in the inverse functions of my above distributions and thus compute the theoretical quantiles of my distributions.
For reference, here are the inverse functions (partly calculated with wolframalpha, and as far it was possible):
where W is the Lambert W-function and everything in brackets afterwards is the argument.
The problem is, apparently there doesn't exist an inverse function for the first distribution. The next one would probably produce complex values (negative under the root, because b = 0.55 according to the fit) and the last two of them have a Lambert W-Function (where I'm unsecure how to implement them in python).
So my question is, is there a way to calculate the q-q plots without the analytical expressions of the inverse distribution functions?
I'd appreciate any help you could give me very much!
A simpler and more conventional way to go about this is to compute the log likelihood for each model and choose that one that has the greatest log likelihood. You don't need the cdf or quantile function for that, only the density function, which you have already.
The log likelihood is just the sum of log p(x|model) where p(x|model) is the probability density of datum x under a given model. Here "model" = model with parameters selected by maximizing the log likelihood over the possible values of the parameters.
You can be more careful about this by integrating the log likelihood over the parameter space, taking into account also any prior probability assigned to each model; that would be a Bayesian approach.
It sounds like you are essentially looking to choose a model by minimizing the Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) statistic, which despite it's heavy name, is pretty simple -- it is the difference between the would-be quantile function and the empirical quantile. That's defensible, but I think comparing log likelihoods is more conventional, and also simpler since you need only the pdf.
It happens that there is an easier way. It's taken me a day or two to dig around until I was pointed toward the right method in scipy.stats. I was looking for the wrong sort of name!
First, build a subclass of rv_continuous to represent one of your distributions. We know the pdf for your distributions, so that's what we define. In this case there's just one parameter. If more are needed just add them to the def statement and use them in the return statement as required.
>>> from scipy import stats
>>> param = 3/2
>>> from math import exp
>>> class NoName(stats.rv_continuous):
... def _pdf(self, x, param):
... return param*exp(-param*x)
Now create an instance of this object, declare the lower end of its support (ie, the lowest value that the r.v. can assume), and what the parameters are called.
>>> noname = NoName(a=0, shapes='param')
I don't have an actual sample of values to play with. I'll create a pseudo-random sample.
>>> sample = noname.rvs(size=100, param=param)
Sort it to make it into the so-called 'empirical cdf'.
>>> empirical_cdf = sorted(sample)
The sample has 100 elements, therefore generate 100 points at which to sample the inverse cdf, or quantile function, as discussed in the paper your referenced.
>>> theoretical_points = [(_-0.5)/len(sample) for _ in range(1, 1+len(sample))]
Get the quantile function values at these points.
>>> theoretical_cdf = [noname.ppf(_, param=param) for _ in theoretical_points]
Plot it all.
>>> from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
>>> plt.plot([0,3.5], [0, 3.5], 'b-')
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at 0x000000000921B400>]
>>> plt.scatter(empirical_cdf, theoretical_cdf)
<matplotlib.collections.PathCollection object at 0x000000000921BD30>
Here's the Q-Q plot that results.
Darn it ... Sorry, I was fixated on a slick solution to somehow bypass the missing inverse CDF and calculate the quantiles directly (and avoid any numerically approaches). But it can also be done by simple brute force.
At first you have to define the quantiles for your distributions yourself (for instance ten times more accurate than the original/empirical quantiles). Then you need to calculate the corresponding CDF values. Then you have to compare these values one by one with the ones which were calculated in step 2 in the question. The according quantiles of the CDF values with the smallest deviations are the ones you were looking for.
The precision of this solution is limited by the resolution of the quantiles you defined yourself.
But maybe I'm wrong and there is a more elegant way to solve this problem, then I would be happy to hear it!

Problems with computing the joint probability mass function with np.histogram2d

I currently have a 4024 by 10 array - where column 0 represent the 4024 different returns of stock 1, column 1 the 4024 returns of stock 2 and so on - for an assignment for my masters where I'm asked to compute the entropy and joint entropy of the different random variables (each random variable obviously being the stock returns). However, these entropy calculations both require the calculation of P(x) and P(x,y). So far I've managed to successfully compute the individual empirical probabilities using the following code:
def entropy(ret,t,T,a,n):
for i in range(len(empirical_prob)):
if empirical_prob[i]==0:
return shannon_entropy, empirical_prob
P.S. ignore the whole entropy part of the code
As you can see I've simply done the 1d histogram and then divided each count by the total sum of the histogram results in order to find the individual probabilities. However, I'm really struggling with how to go about computing P(x,y) using
Now, obviously P(x,y)=P(x)*P(y) if the random variables are independent, but in my case they are not, as these stocks belong to the same index, and therefore posses some positive correlation, i.e. they're dependent, so taking the product of the two individual probabilities does not hold. I've tried following the suggestions of my professor, where he said:
"We had discussed how to get the empirical pdf for a univariate distribution: one defines the bins and then counts simply how many observations are in the respective bin (relative to the total number of observations). For bivariate distributions you can do the same, but now you make 2-dimensional binning (check for example the histogram2 command in matlab)"
As you can see he's referring to the 2d histogram function of MATLAB, but I've decided to do this assignment on Python, and so far I've elaborated the following code:
def jointentropy(ret,t,T,a,b,n):
But I don't know what to do from here, because
returns a 4025 by 4025 array as well as the two separate bins, so I don't know what I can do to compute P(x,y) for my two dependent random variables.
I've tried to figure this out for hours without any luck or success, so any kind of help would be highly appreciated! Thank you very much in advance!
Looks like you've got a clear case of conditional or Bayesian probability on your hands. You can look it up, for example, here,, which gives the probability of both events occurring as P(x,y) = P(x) · P(x|y), where P(x|y) is "probability of event x given y". This should apply in your situation because, if two stocks are from the same index, one price cannot happen without the other. Just build two separate bins like you did for one and calculate probabilities as above.

