I am trying to open an existing .xls document with OpenOffice using the Python 2.7 win32com module. The following script runs perfectly through an interpreter:
from win32com import client
import time
import string
def pathnameToUrl( cPathname):
"""Convert a Windows or Linux pathname into an OOo URL."""
if len( cPathname ) > 1:
if cPathname[1:2] == ":":
cPathname = "/" + cPathname[0] + "|" + cPathname[2:]
cPathname = string.replace( cPathname, "\\", "/" )
cPathname = "file://" + cPathname
return cPathname
def PropertyValueArray(num):
'''Creates an openoffice property value array'''
l = []
for x in range(num):
_p = manager.Bridge_GetStruct("com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue")
_p.Name = ''
_p.Value = ''
return l
wbcpath = r"C:\myexcelfile.xls"
manager = client.DispatchEx("com.sun.star.ServiceManager")
desktop = manager.CreateInstance("com.sun.star.frame.Desktop")
p = PropertyValueArray(1)
p[0].Name = 'Hidden' # doc should run hidden
p[0].Value = True # doc should run hidden
doc = desktop.loadComponentFromURL(pathnameToUrl(wbcpath), "_blank", 0, p)
When I try to schedule this under Windows Task Scheduler on Windows Server Standard 2007 SP2 if get the following error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "D:\report_polygon_count.py", line 216, in <module>
manager = client.DispatchEx("com.sun.star.ServiceManager")
File "C:\Python27\ArcGIS10.1\lib\site-packages\win32com\client\__init__.py", line 113, in DispatchEx
dispatch = pythoncom.CoCreateInstanceEx(clsid, None, clsctx, serverInfo, (pythoncom.IID_IDispatch,))[0]
com_error: (-2146959355, 'Server execution failed', None, None)
I am sure the issue is that the application wants to open a window and it is begin rejected because there is no user logged in. I have attempted to run it as hidden to avoid this issue. Is there a way to get round this or is it too ambitious?
Hi there so I wanted to make a spotify voice assistant so I found a video on youtube and the guy just went through his code and how it works and left the source code on his github so I used that and configured it to work on my settings but i'm getting an attribute error enter with one of his lines and theres 3 files "main.py" "setup.txt" and "pepper.py" but the problem is in main so im gonna drop the code down below
import pandas as pd
from speech_recognition import Microphone, Recognizer, UnknownValueError
import spotipy as sp
from spotipy.oauth2 import SpotifyOAuth
from pepper import *
# Set variables from setup.txt
setup = pd.read_csv(r'C:\Users\Yousif\Documents\Python spotify\setup.txt', sep='=', index_col=0, squeeze=True, header=None)
client_id = setup['client_id']
client_secret = setup['client_secret']
device_name = setup['device_name']
redirect_uri = setup['redirect_uri']
scope = setup['scope']
username = setup['username']
# Connecting to the Spotify account
auth_manager = SpotifyOAuth(
spotify = sp.Spotify(auth_manager=auth_manager)
# Selecting device to play from
devices = spotify.devices()
deviceID = None
for d in devices['devices']:
d['name'] = d['name'].replace('’', '\'')
if d['name'] == device_name:
deviceID = d['id']
# Setup microphone and speech recognizer
r = Recognizer()
m = None
input_mic = 'Voicemod Virtual Audio Device (WDM)' # Use whatever is your desired input
for i, microphone_name in enumerate(Microphone.list_microphone_names()):
if microphone_name == input_mic:
m = Microphone(device_index=i)
while True:
Commands will be entered in the specific format explained here:
- the first word will be one of: 'album', 'artist', 'play'
- then the name of whatever item is wanted
with m as source:
audio = r.listen(source=source)
command = None
command = r.recognize_google(audio_data=audio).lower()
except UnknownValueError:
words = command.split()
if len(words) <= 1:
print('Could not understand. Try again')
name = ' '.join(words[1:])
if words[0] == 'album':
uri = get_album_uri(spotify=spotify, name=name)
play_album(spotify=spotify, device_id=deviceID, uri=uri)
elif words[0] == 'artist':
uri = get_artist_uri(spotify=spotify, name=name)
play_artist(spotify=spotify, device_id=deviceID, uri=uri)
elif words[0] == 'play':
uri = get_track_uri(spotify=spotify, name=name)
play_track(spotify=spotify, device_id=deviceID, uri=uri)
print('Specify either "album", "artist" or "play". Try Again')
except InvalidSearchError:
print('InvalidSearchError. Try Again')
the exact error is:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "c:/Users/Yousif/Documents/Python spotify/main.py", line 49, in <module>
with m as source:
AttributeError: __enter__
__enter__ is a python method that allows you to implement objects that can be used easily with the with statement. A useful example could be a database connection object (which then automagically closes the connection once the corresponding 'with'-statement goes out of scope):
class DatabaseConnection(object):
def __enter__(self):
# make a database connection and return it
return self.dbconn
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
# make sure the dbconnection gets closed
The error here is caused because m = None, and None cannot be used in a with statement.
>>> with None as a:
... print(a)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: __enter__
I created the next part of the program to extract specific attatchment from my active outlook:
import win32com.client as win32
import win32com
from tabulate import tabulate
import os
def findFolder(folderName, searchIn):
lowerAccount = searchIn.Folders
for x in lowerAccount:
if x.Name == folderName:
objective = x
return objective
return None
except Exception as error:
print("Looks like we had an issue accessing the searchIn object")
return None
outlook = win32com.client.Dispatch("Outlook.Application")
ons = outlook.GetNamespace("MAPI")
one = 'email#email.nl'
Folder1 = findFolder(one, ons)
inbox = findFolder('Postvak IN', Folder1)
ma = [["Subject", "Sender", "Attachment", "Saved?"]]
PathName = "C:\\Temp\\CV_BU_SQ"
for msg in messages:
if msg.Class == 43 and "TLS NL_Commvault" in msg.SenderName and len(msg.Attachments) == 1:
CV_file = str(msg.Attachments.Item(1))
CV_pf = os.path.join(os.getcwd() + '\\' + CV_file)
res = "Yes!"
msg.Attachments.SaveAsFile(os.getcwd() + '\\' + CV_file)
except Exception as e:
res = "No, error: " + str(e)
ma.append([msg.Subject[:30], msg.SenderName[:30], CV_file, res])
The output is:
Subject Sender Attachment Saved?
------------------------- ---------------- ---------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------
Backup Job Summary Report TLS NL_Commvault Commvault***DagelijkseBackup_2021-07-23-08-00-13.csv No, error: <unknown>.SaveAsFile
or raw error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:/Users/id983857/PycharmProjects/CheckCVMail/main.py", line 37, in <module>
msg.Attachments.SaveAsFile(os.getcwd() + '\\' + CV_file)
File "C:\Users\id983857\CheckCVMail\lib\site-packages\win32com\client\dynamic.py", line 527, in __getattr__
raise AttributeError("%s.%s" % (self._username_, attr))
AttributeError: <unknown>.SaveAsFile
This outlook environment is based on Office 365, enterprise edition ...
Any e-mail extraction software demo-edition can not be tested, as this is an enterprise edition.
I do NOT need a token to read my mail per O365 or HTML, just my user account.
I don't have access to an non-enterprise O365.
I want to know what could be the reason for this error?
Any value to the SaveAsFile(...) results in the same error.
I hope somebody has a idea how to fix this.
Change the line
CV_file = str(msg.Attachments.Item(1))
CV_file = msg.Attachments.Item(1).FileName
msg.Attachments.SaveAsFile(os.getcwd() + '\\' + CV_file)
msg.Attachments.Item(1).SaveAsFile(os.getcwd() + '\\' + CV_file)
The Attachments property returns a collection of attachments. If you need to access the first attachment from the collection you can use the Item method:
I would like to be able to start a testmodule that is in my CANoe script; it works fine if I start everything without Python.
Now, my Python code can load CANoe, open the desired cfg, and start the simulation.
I tried some code from examples in the documentation and here, but it doesnt work...
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Standard library imports
import os
import sys
import subprocess
# import win32com.client
import time
import threading
from win32com.client import *
from win32com.client.connect import *
my_xml_ts = r"C:\_my_path\boaz_test2.xml"
# Vector Canoe Class
class CANoe:
def __init__(self):
self.application = None
# check if there is any instance of CANoe process
# output = subprocess.check_output('tasklist', shell=True)
# if CANoe process is still available, kill the process
# if "CANoe32.exe" in str(output):
# os.system("taskkill /im CANoe32.exe /f 2>nul >nul")
# re-dispatch object for CANoe Application
self.application = win32com.client.DispatchEx("CANoe.Application")
self.ver = self.application.Version
print('Loaded CANoe version ',
self.ver.major, '.',
self.ver.minor, '.',
self.ver.Build, '...')#, sep,''
self.Measurement = self.application.Measurement.Running
def open_simulation(self, cfgname):
# open CANoe simulation
if (self.application != None):
# check for valid file and it is *.cfg file
if os.path.isfile(cfgname) and (os.path.splitext(cfgname)[1] == ".cfg"):
raise RuntimeError("Can't find CANoe cfg file")
raise RuntimeError("CANoe Application is missing,unable to open simulation")
def set_testmodule(self):
print("set_testmodule start")
test_env = self.application.Configuration.TestSetup.TestEnvironments.Item("Test Environment")
print("set_testmodule 1")
test_env = win32com.client.CastTo(test_env, "ITestEnvironment2")
print("set_testmodule 2")
self.test_module = test_env.TestModules.Item("XML_Boaz_2")
print("set_testmodule end", self.test_module)
def test_module_run(self):
print("test_module_run start")
print("test_module_run end")
# {.Sequence} property returns a collection of <TestCases> or <TestGroup>
# or <TestSequenceItem> which is more generic
seq = self.test_module.Sequence
for i in range(1, seq.Count + 1):
# Cast from <ITestSequenceItem> to <ITestCase> to access {.Verdict}
# and the {.Enabled} property
tc = win32com.client.CastTo(seq.Item(i), "ITestCase")
if tc.Verdict != 1: # Verdict 1 is pass
tc.Enabled = True
print(f"Enabling Test Case {tc.Ident} with verdict {tc.Verdict}")
tc.Enabled = False
print(f"Disabling Test Case {tc.Ident} since it has already passed")
def close_simulation(self):
# close CANoe simulation
if (self.application != None):
# make sure the CANoe is close properly, otherwise enforce taskkill
output = subprocess.check_output('tasklist', shell=True)
if "CANoe32.exe" in str(output):
os.system("taskkill /im CANoe32.exe /f 2>nul >nul")
self.application = None
def start_Measurement(self):
retry = 0
retry_counter = 5
# try to establish measurement within 20s timeout
while not self.application.Measurement.Running and (retry < retry_counter):
retry += 1
if (retry == retry_counter):
raise RuntimeWarning("CANoe start measuremet failed, Please Check Connection!")
and running that:
import Python_CANoe
import time
import random
def try2():
X = random.randrange(50)
Y = random.randrange(100)
CANoe = Python_CANoe.CANoe()
CANoe.set_testmodule() # Doesn't work
print("CANoe script already Open")
CANoe.test_module_run() # Doesn't work
if __name__ == "__main__":
and this is the error code I am getting:
set_testmodule start
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:/Users/m.m/Documents/Python/CANoe_Python_Script/7_5_2021_3_for_stackoverflow/CANoe_Boaz_Test.py", line 133, in <module>
File "C:/Users/m.m/Documents/Python/CANoe_Python_Script/7_5_2021_3_for_stackoverflow/CANoe_Boaz_Test.py", line 77, in try2
CANoe.set_testmodule() # Doesn't work
File "C:\Users\m.m\Documents\Python\CANoe_Python_Script\7_5_2021_3_for_stackoverflow\Python_CANoe.py", line 52, in set_testmodule
test_env = self.application.Configuration.TestSetup.TestEnvironments.Item("Test Environment")
File "C:\Users\BOAZ~1.BIL\LOCALS~1\Temp\gen_py\3.7\7F31DEB0-5BCC-11D3-8562-00105A3E017Bx0x1x58.py", line 15873, in Item
ret = self._oleobj_.InvokeTypes(0, LCID, 2, (9, 0), ((12, 1),),index
pywintypes.com_error: (-2147352567, 'Exception occurred.', (0, 'TestEnvironments::Item', 'Invalid index: Item not found!', 'C:\\Program Files\\Vector CANoe 11.0\\Help01\\CANoeCANalyzer.chm', 4281, -2147467259), None)
First of all I'm getting too many errors for python right now. This situation affected my motivation quite negatively. I'm trying to run an expert system that I found in this error. But I get the following error. I looked at other solutions but it didn't work for me either.
Drug Store Expert System:
from flask import Flask, render_template, flash, request
from wtforms import Form, TextField, TextAreaField, validators, StringField, SubmitField
from pyswip import Prolog
import os
import time
# App config.
DEBUG = True
app = Flask(__name__)
app.config['SECRET_KEY'] = '7d441f27d441f27567d441f2b6176a'
class ReusableForm(Form):
name = TextField('Name:', validators=[validators.required()])
#app.route("/", methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def hello():
form = ReusableForm(request.form)
if request.method == 'POST':
fiebre = request.form.get('fiebre') == 'on'
nausea = request.form.get('nausea') == 'on'
diarrea = request.form.get('diarrea') == 'on'
headache = request.form.get('headache') == 'on'
print(fiebre, nausea, diarrea, headache)
os.system('swipl -q -t "program" console.pl')
if form.validate():
f = open("file.txt", "r")
disease = f.read()
flash('Hola ' + name + ', por tus sintomas podemos deducir que tienes '+ disease)
flash('Error: Debes ingresar tu nombre. ')
return render_template('hello.html', form=form)
if __name__ == "__main__":
ERROR: The system was unable to find the specified registry key or value.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "c:/Users/BAUM-PC/Desktop/Yeni klasör/pyswipl_drugstore-master/main.py", line 3, in <module>
from pyswip import Prolog
File "c:\Users\BAUM-PC\Desktop\Yeni klasör\pyswipl_drugstore-master\pyswip\__init__.py", line 29, in <module>
from pyswip.prolog import Prolog
File "c:\Users\BAUM-PC\Desktop\Yeni klasör\pyswipl_drugstore-master\pyswip\prolog.py", line 28, in <module>
from pyswip.core import *
File "c:\Users\BAUM-PC\Desktop\Yeni klasör\pyswipl_drugstore-master\pyswip\core.py", line 568, in <module>
(_path, SWI_HOME_DIR) = _findSwipl()
File "c:\Users\BAUM-PC\Desktop\Yeni klasör\pyswipl_drugstore-master\pyswip\core.py", line 411, in _findSwipl
(path, swiHome) = _findSwiplWin()
File "c:\Users\BAUM-PC\Desktop\Yeni klasör\pyswipl_drugstore-master\pyswip\core.py", line 208, in _findSwiplWin
match = pattern.match(ret[-1])
IndexError: list index out of range
(related section)
cmd = Popen(['reg', 'query',
'/v', 'home'], stdout=PIPE)
ret = cmd.communicate()
# Result is like:
# home REG_SZ C:\Program Files\pl
# (Note: spaces may be \t or spaces in the output)
ret = ret[0].splitlines()
ret = [line.decode("utf-8") for line in ret if len(line) > 0]
pattern = re.compile('[^h]*home[^R]*REG_SZ( |\t)*(.*)$')
match = pattern.match(ret[-1])
if match is not None:
path = match.group(2)
paths = [os.path.join(path, 'bin', dllName)
for dllName in dllNames]
for path in paths:
if os.path.exists(path):
return (path, None)
Windows Solution:
Make sure your Python and SWI Prolog are both 32- or 64-bit.
Go to line 180 of core.py and change the line to this:
paths = [os.path.join(programFiles, r'swipl\bin', dllName)
For first error:
As per official documentation of Pyswip you must take care of version of python and SWI-Prolog.
Make sure the SWI-Prolog architecture is the same as the Python architecture. If you are using a 64bit build of Python, use a 64bit build of SWI-Prolog.
For second error:
When you are accessing ret[-1] in match = pattern.match(ret[-1]) the index of list ret is not available.
I'm currently trying to use the pjsip api pjsua in python and therefor studying this Hello World example: http://trac.pjsip.org/repos/wiki/Python_SIP/Hello_World
I copied the code over, integrated account configuration according to http://trac.pjsip.org/repos/wiki/Python_SIP/Accounts etc. But when I run the sample, I get the following output:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/dmeli/workspace/eit.cubiephone.sip_test/eit/cubiephone/sip_test/hello.py", line 48, in <module>
acc = lib.create_account(acc_cfg)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pjsua.py", line 2300, in create_account
err, acc_id = _pjsua.acc_add(acc_config._cvt_to_pjsua(), set_default)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pjsua.py", line 900, in _cvt_to_pjsua
cfg.rtp_transport_cfg = self.rtp_transport_cfg._cvt_to_pjsua()
AttributeError: '_pjsua.Transport_Config' object has no attribute '_cvt_to_pjsua'
Because I'm not really a python expert and never worked with PJSIP before, I can't really figure out the error. Too me, it looks like it's actually an error in the pjsip python wrapper. But what do I know?
lib = pj.Lib()
lib.init(log_cfg = pj.LogConfig(level=3, callback=log_cb))
transport = lib.create_transport(pj.TransportType.UDP)
acc_cfg = pj.AccountConfig("XXXXX", "XXXXXX", "XXXXXX")
acc_cfg.id = "sip:XXXXXXX#XXXXXXXX"
acc_cfg.reg_uri = "sip:XXXXXXXXX"
acc_cfg.proxy = [ "sip:XXXXXXXXX;lr" ]
acc = lib.create_account(acc_cfg)
# Make call
call = acc.make_call("XXXXXXXXXXX", MyCallCallback())
Line where the error happens in pjsua.py:
cfg.rtp_transport_cfg = self.rtp_transport_cfg._cvt_to_pjsua()
(rtp_transport_cfg doesn't seem to have a member _cvt_to_pjsua()??)
For further work correctly, look at the PJSIP api (pjsua.py) that he is waiting for the order and structure!!!
## start lib.
def start(self):
except pj.Error:
print "Error starting lib."
def _bind(self):
t = pj.TransportConfig()
t.bound_addr = ''
t.port = 5060
acc_transport = "udp" # depend if you need.
if acc_transport == "tcp":
self.transport = self.lib.create_transport(pj.TransportType.TCP, t)
# or this pj.TransportConfig(0) is creating random port ...
#self.transport = self.lib.create_transport(pj.TransportType.TCP, pj.TransportConfig(0))
self.transport = self.lib.create_transport(pj.TransportType.UDP, t)
#self.transport = self.lib.create_transport(pj.TransportType.UDP, pj.TransportConfig(0))
except pj.Error:
print "Error creating transport."
#you need create callbacks for app, to work incoming calls, check on the server that returns the error code 200, and such a way your program will know that you are logged on correctly
#from callback.acc_cb import acc_cb
#self.acc_t = self.lib.create_account_for_transport(self.transport, cb=acc_cb())
def _start_lib(self):
self.lib.init(log_cfg = pj.LogConfig(level=3, callback=log_cb))
def _start_acc(self):
#from callback.acc_cb import acc_cb
proxy = "sip server ip" # or proxy = socket.gethostbyname(unicode("sip.serverdnsname.com")) is needed to import socket
login = "Atrotygma" # real username
password = "Atrotygma_password" # real username
lib.create_account(acc_config=pj.AccountConfig(proxy, login, password))
except Exception, e:
print "Error creating account", e