Filter timestamp with mongoDb - python

suppose this Json export from my mongoDb
I work with python and i'd like to get documents where "backup-start-date" (stored as timestamp) il greater than a given value.
I've tried with
'node.components.type': 'backup',
'node.components.sensors': {'name': 'backup-start-date', 'value': {'$gte': ts_to_compare_with}}}):
but any documents in the result. Is my query wrong ?

There are two things - you are wanting to match an sensor document in the components array and $gte only works on integers and dates.
If you convert the data to be ints then you can use $gte and query like so:
'node.components.type': 'backup',
'node.components.sensors': {
$elemMatch: {'name': 'backup-start-date',
'value': {'$gte': 168571445}}}})


Efficient way to calculate metrics from nested JSON, via python?

What is the most efficient way to calculate metrics from nested JSON, via python?
Given the JSON blob below, how can I calculate the user (ie profileId) with the most events - without using the pandas library and not having multiple nested for loops? I am having trouble writing the code the would not rely on O(N2).
"value":"Untitled project"
This would be a good place to start:
data = # your dict.
ids = [x['actor']['profileId'] for x in data['items']]
['1323', '1324']

PySpark - Convert a heterogeneous array JSON array to Spark dataframe and flatten it

I have streaming data coming in as JSON array and I want flatten it out as a single row in a Spark dataframe using Python.
Here is how the JSON data looks like:
"event": [
"name": "QuizAnswer",
"count": 1
"custom": {
"dimensions": [
"title": "Are you:"
"question_id": "5965"
"option_id": "19029"
"option_title": "Non-binary"
"item": "Non-binary"
"tab_index": "3"
"tab_count": "4"
"tab_initial_index": "4"
"page": "home"
"environment": "testing"
"page_count": "0"
"widget_version": "2.2.44"
"session_count": "1"
"quiz_settings_id": "1020"
"quiz_session": "6e5a3b5c-9961-4c1b-a2af-3374bbeccede"
"shopify_customer_id": "noid"
"cart_token": ""
"app_version": "2.2.44"
"shop_name": ""
"metrics": []

MongoDB Query with Python

I was working in this query that you can see below and pythons IDE gives me a syntax error in "$group"´s line.The error is an "invalid syntax string" but I can not find where the problem is.
result=list(db.alojamientos.aggregate( [ {'$match': { '$and': [ {"location.thcod":ID}, { "prices.year": { '$gte': yearInicial } },
{ "prices.year": { '$lte': yearFinal } }, {"prices.months.month": { '$gte': monthInicial } },
{ "prices.months.month": { '$lte': monthFinal } }, { "": { '$gte': dayInicial } },
{ "": { '$lte': dayFinal } }]}},
{'$group':{'_id':{ID, 'day':"$",'month': "$prices.months.month",'year':"$prices.year"},total:{'$sum':"$prices.months.days.csvs.price.price"}, count: { '$sum': 1 }
Thanks you in advance
Delete the 3rd { in this line {'$group':{'_id':{ID, ....
And it should looks like {'$group':{'_id':ID, ...

How to merge multiple JSON files in Python

I have had to create multple JSON files for reasons of processing a corpus (using GNRD for scientific name extraction). I now want to use these JSON files to annotate said corpus as a whole.
I am trying to merge the multiple JSON files in Python. The contents of each JSON files are arrays of just scientific_name (key) and the name found (value). Below is an example of one of the shorter files:
"scientificName":"Eleutherodactylus talamancae"
"scientificName":"E. punctariolus"
"scientificName":"Norops lionotus"
"scientificName":"Centrolenella prosoblepon"
"scientificName":"Sibon annulatus"
"scientificName":"Colostethus flotator"
"scientificName":"C. inguinalis"
"scientificName":"Hyla columba"
"scientificName":"Bufo haematiticus"
"scientificName":"S. annulatus"
"scientificName":"Leptodeira septentrionalis"
"scientificName":"Imantodes cenchoa"
"scientificName":"Oxybelis brevirostris"
"scientificName":"Hyla colymbiphyllum"
"scientificName":"Colostethus inguinalis"
"scientificName":"Rana warszewitschii"
"scientificName":"R. warszewitschii"
"scientificName":"Daphnia magna"
"scientificName":"Hyla colymba"
"scientificName":"Orconectes nais"
"scientificName":"Orconectes neglectus"
"scientificName":"Campostoma anomalum"
"scientificName":"Cerastoderma edule"
"scientificName":"Rana aurora"
"scientificName":"B. buto"
"scientificName":"C. euknemos"
"scientificName":"C. ilex"
"scientificName":"E. padi noblei"
"scientificName":"E. padi"
"scientificName":"E. bufo"
"scientificName":"E. butoni"
"scientificName":"E. crassi"
"scientificName":"E. cruentus"
"scientificName":"H. colymbiphyllum"
"scientificName":"N. aterina"
"scientificName":"S. ilex"
"scientificName":"Riffle delta"
The issue I have is that there may be duplicates across the files, which I want to remove (otherwise I could just concatenate the files I guess). The queries I have seen otherwise are referring to merging extra keys and values to extend the arrays themselves.
Can anyone give me guidance on how to overcome this issue?
If I understand correctly, you want to get all "scientificNames" values in the "names" elements of a batch of files. If I'm wrong, you should give an expected output to make things easier to understand.
I'd do something like that:
all_names = set() # use a set to avoid duplicates
# put all your files in there
for filename in ('file1.json', 'file2.json', ....):
with open(filename, 'rt') as finput:
data = json.load(finput)
for name in data.get('names'):
except Exception as exc:
print("Skipped file {} because exception {}".format(filename, str(exc))
And in case you want to get a similar format than the initial files, add:
import pprint
pprint({"names:": {"scientificName": name for name in all_names}, "total": len(all_names)})

Mongo Cursor not returnning a cursor but an object

test_cursor = db.command({
"aggregate": "New_layout",
"pipeline": [
{ "$match": { "$and": [
{ "FIRST_DATE": { "$gte": new_date } },
{ "CHAIN_ID": { "$ne": "" } }
] } },
{ "$unwind": { "path": "$ENTERS", "includeArrayIndex": "Date" } },
{ "$project": {
"_id": 0,
"ZIP": "$ZIP",
"ZIP3": "$ZIP3",
"DATE": "$Date",
} }
"allowDiskUse": bool(1),
"cursor": {}
The contents of the cursor are as below :-
[u'cursor', u'ok', u'waitedMS'] .
However with an $out statement, the output collection has the expected contents.
I am running pymongo v3.2.2 and mongo 3.2. I was told this problem is experienced with v3.0 or lesser, but this is something I am not able to figure out
You should use aggregate() instead of command().
test_cursor = db.New_layout.aggregate([
{ "$match": { "$and": [
{ "FIRST_DATE": { "$gte": new_date } },
{ "CHAIN_ID": { "$ne": "" } }
] } },
{ "$unwind": { "path": "$ENTERS", "includeArrayIndex": "Date" } },
{ "$project": {
"_id": 0,
"ZIP": "$ZIP",
"ZIP3": "$ZIP3",
"DATE": "$Date",
} }

