Saving custom user model with django-allauth - python

I have django custom user model MyUser with one extra field:
from django.contrib.auth.models import AbstractUser
class MyUser(AbstractUser):
age = models.PositiveIntegerField(_("age"))
AUTH_USER_MODEL = "web.MyUser"
I also have according to these instructions custom all-auth Signup form class:
class SignupForm(forms.Form):
first_name = forms.CharField(max_length=30)
last_name = forms.CharField(max_length=30)
age = forms.IntegerField(max_value=100)
class Meta:
model = MyUser
def save(self, user):
user.first_name = self.cleaned_data['first_name']
user.last_name = self.cleaned_data['last_name']
user.age = self.cleaned_data['age']
ACCOUNT_SIGNUP_FORM_CLASS = 'web.forms.SignupForm'
After submitting SignupForm (field for property MyUser.age is rendered corectly), I get this error:
IntegrityError at /accounts/signup/
(1048, "Column 'age' cannot be null")
What is the proper way to store Custom user model?
django-allauth: 0.12.0; django: 1.5.1; Python 2.7.2

Though it is a bit late but in case it helps someone.
You need to create your own Custom AccountAdapter by subclassing DefaultAccountAdapter and setting the
class UserAccountAdapter(DefaultAccountAdapter):
def save_user(self, request, user, form, commit=True):
This is called when saving user via allauth registration.
We override this to set additional data on user object.
# Do not persist the user yet so we pass commit=False
# (last argument)
user = super(UserAccountAdapter, self).save_user(request, user, form, commit=False)
user.age = form.cleaned_data.get('age')
and you also need to define the following in settings:
ACCOUNT_ADAPTER = 'api.adapter.UserAccountAdapter'
This is also useful, if you have a custom SignupForm to create other models during user registration and you need to make an atomic transaction that would prevent any data from saving to the database unless all of them succeed.
The DefaultAdapter for django-allauth saves the user, so if you have an error in the save method of your custom SignupForm the user would still be persisted to the database.
So for anyone facing this issue, your CustomAdpater would look like this
class UserAccountAdapter(DefaultAccountAdapter):
def save_user(self, request, user, form, commit=False):
This is called when saving user via allauth registration.
We override this to set additional data on user object.
# Do not persist the user yet so we pass commit=False
# (last argument)
user = super(UserAccountAdapter, self).save_user(request, user, form, commit=commit)
user.age = form.cleaned_data.get('age')
# This would be called later in your custom SignupForm
Then you can decorate your custom SignupForm's with #transaction.atomic
def save(self, request, user): #save the user object first so you can use it for relationships

Side note
With Django 1.5 custom user model, the best practice is to use the get_user_model function:
from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model
class SignupForm(forms.Form):
first_name = forms.CharField(max_length=30)
last_name = forms.CharField(max_length=30)
age = forms.IntegerField(max_value=100)
class Meta:
model = get_user_model() # use this function for swapping user model
def save(self, user):
user.first_name = self.cleaned_data['first_name']
user.last_name = self.cleaned_data['last_name']
user.age = self.cleaned_data['age']
ACCOUNT_SIGNUP_FORM_CLASS = 'web.forms.SignupForm'
Maybe it's not related, but I thought it would be worth noticing.

i think you should define fields property in class Meta in SignupForm and set list of fields that contains age, like this :
class SignupForm(forms.Form):
class Meta:
model = MyUser
fields = ['first_name', 'last_name', 'age']
and if it's not worked, look at


How do I add custom field in to model that extends AbstractUser

I'm trying to create my own User class called Customer which extends the AbstractUser model and has an additional field called address. When I register, I see the user has been created in Django admin and all the fields (username, first name, last name and email) are seen in the django admin screen but I see no value in the "address" field. How do I know if the address is being saved and how can I display it in the admin site?
Below is my code for the
class Customer(AbstractUser):
username = models.CharField(unique=True, max_length=20)
deladdress = models.CharField(max_length=100)
def signupPage(request):
signForm = CreateCustomer()
if request.method=='POST':
signForm = CreateCustomer(request.POST)
if signForm.is_valid():
return render(request, 'trial_app/signup.html', {'signForm':signForm})
class CreateCustomer(UserCreationForm):
address = forms.CharField(widget=forms.Textarea)
class Meta:
model = Customer
fields = ['username','first_name','last_name','email','address','password1','password2']
def save(self, commit=True):
user = super(CreateCustomer, self).save(commit=False)
user.address = self.cleaned_data["address"]
if commit:
return user
Here are some pictures that are the input to my html form and the value in the admin site
It seems like when you save a form in its save method you use
user.address = self.cleaned_data["address"], however, Customer model does not have address field, it has deladdress, so try to rename a field, or use user.deladdress in your save method of CreateCustomer form.

i want to add custom field in django-allauth SignupForm

i wanted to add custom field with django-allauth SingupForm and adding new field like phone number. i already managed to add this field in Postgresql on my own(without migrations,but by my hands).
this is my postgresql screen
In my signup page i have these fields already but i can't managed to add "phone" to my database, i really want to make it! please someone help me.
from allauth.account.forms import SignupForm
from django import forms
class CustomSignupForm(SignupForm):
first_name = forms.CharField(max_length=30, label='Voornaam')
last_name = forms.CharField(max_length=30, label='Achternaam')
phone = forms.CharField(max_length=30, label='phone')
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(CustomSignupForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.fields['first_name'] = forms.CharField(required=True)
self.fields['last_name'] = forms.CharField(required=True)
self.fields['phone'] = forms.CharField(required=True)
def save(self, request):
user = super(CustomSignupForm, self).save(request) = self.cleaned_data.get('phone')
return user
def signup(self,request,user):
user.first_name = self.cleaned_data['first_name']
user.last_name = self.cleaned_data['last_name']
return user
ACCOUNT_FORMS = {'signup': 'registration.forms.CustomSignupForm'}
What you need is a profile model which is attached to a user so that you can add extra fields for information you might want.
If you're starting a project from the very beginning you can also consider a custom user model so that all data is on one object.
When I do this, I create an accounts app which I put my overrides in for allauth and my model starts something like this (modified to add the receiver function which I don't have at the moment because I'm not using Profile objects);
from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model
from django.db import models
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
User = get_user_model()
class Profile(models.Model):
Profile model
class Meta:
app_label = 'accounts'
verbose_name = _('User profile')
verbose_name_plural = _('User profiles')
user = models.OneToOneField(
# Add your fields here like `phone`
def __str__(self):
String representation
return f'User Profile for: {self.user}'
#receiver(post_save, sender=User)
def create_profile(sender, instance, **kwargs):
Setup a profile as a user is created
Profile.objects.create(user=instance) # Using `create` also saves the object
Your signup form then does something like
def save(self, request):
user = super(CustomSignupForm, self).save(request) = self.cleaned_data.get('phone')
return user
If you've already got users you'll also need a migration which creates profiles for them;
# Generated by Django 2.2.12 on 2020-05-01 22:03
from django.db import migrations
def create_profiles(apps, schema_editor):
User = apps.get_model('authentication', 'User') # this should match the User model you are using
Profile = apps.get_model('accounts', 'Profile')
for user in User.objects.all():
profile = Profile.objects.create(user=user)
class Migration(migrations.Migration):
dependencies = [
('accounts', '0001_initial'),
operations = [
migrations.RunPython(create_profiles, migrations.RunPython.noop)

Django override default admin register form

I know how to override UserCreationForm but it works only on users, not on admin registration.
Here is my case...
I have modified the default user model and it has now the field user_company which cannot be Null:
class User(AbstractUser):
user_company = models.ForeignKey("UserCompany", on_delete=models.CASCADE)
I have overriden the UserCreationForm:
from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model
from django.contrib.auth.forms import UserCreationForm
class UserRegisterForm(UserCreationForm):
class Meta(UserCreationForm.Meta):
model = get_user_model()
def save(self, commit=True):
user_company = UserCompany() ## create a new company and assign it to the new user
user = super(UserRegisterForm, self).save(commit=False)
user.user_company_id =
if commit:
return user
All this works fine for normal users. But when I try to python createsuperuser in the console, after entering the admins username and password, I get an error that
the field user_company cannot be Null
You're not creating a new UserCompany in the database, just an in memory object, replace
user_company = UserCompany() ## create a new company and assign it to the new user
with something like
user_company = UserCompany.objects.create()
I think it is best to move the creation of default UserCompany in the User's save function instead of having it in the form
class User(AbstractUser):
user_company = models.ForeignKey("UserCompany", on_delete=models.CASCADE)
def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
if getattr(self, "user_company", None) is None:
self.user_company = UserCompany.objects.create()
super(User, self).save(*args, **kwargs)

Make User email unique django

How can I make a Django User email unique when a user is signing up?
class SignUpForm(UserCreationForm):
email = forms.EmailField(required=True)
class Meta:
model = User
fields = ("username", "email", "password1", "password2")
def save(self, commit=True):
user = super(SignUpForm, self).save(commit=False) = self.cleaned_data["email"]
if commit:
return user
I'm using the from django.contrib.auth.models User.
Do I need to override the User in the model. Currently the model doesn't make a reference to User.
class SignUp(generic.CreateView):
form_class = SignUpForm
success_url = reverse_lazy('login')
template_name = 'signup.html'
The best answer is to use CustomUser by subclassing the AbstractUser and put the unique email address there. For example:
from django.contrib.auth.models import AbstractUser
class CustomUser(AbstractUser):
email = models.EmailField(unique=True)
and update the settings with AUTH_USER_MODEL="app.CustomUser".
But if its not necessary for you to store the unique email in Database or maybe not use it as username field, then you can update the form's clean method to put a validation. For example:
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
class YourForm(UserCreationForm):
def clean(self):
email = self.cleaned_data.get('email')
if User.objects.filter(email=email).exists():
raise ValidationError("Email exists")
return self.cleaned_data
If you are in mid project, then you can follow the documentation on how to change migration, in short which is to:
Backup you DB
Create a custom user model identical to auth.User, call it User (so many-to-many tables keep the same name) and set db_table='auth_user' (so it uses the same table)
Delete all Migrations File(except for
Delete all entry from table django_migrations
Create all migrations file using python makemigrations
Run fake migrations by python migrate --fake
Unset db_table, make other changes to the custom model, generate migrations, apply them
But if you are just starting, then delete the DB and migrations files in migration directory except for Then create a new DB, create new set of migrations by python makemigrations and apply migrations by python migrate.
And for references in other models, you can reference them to settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL to avoid any future problems. For example:
user = models.ForeignKey(settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL, on_delete=models.DO_NOTHING)
It will automatically reference to the current User Model.
Here is a working code
Use the below code snippets in any of your
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
User._meta.get_field('email')._unique = True
django version : 3.0.2
Reference : Django auth.user with unique email
Working Code for Django 3.1
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
User._meta.get_field('email')._unique = True
There is a great example of this in Django's docs -
You have to declare the email field in your AbstractBaseUser model as unique=True.
class MyUser(AbstractBaseUser):
email = models.EmailField(
verbose_name='email address',
date_of_birth = models.DateField()
is_active = models.BooleanField(default=True)
is_admin = models.BooleanField(default=False)
Easy way:
you can user signal
from django.db.models.signals import post_save, pre_save
from django.dispatch import receiver
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.forms import ValidationError
#receiver(pre_save, sender=User)
def check_email(sender, instance, **kwargs):
email =
if sender.objects.filter(email=email).exclude(username=instance.username).exists():
raise ValidationError('Email Already Exists')
You might be interested in:
Reusable User model with required unique email field and mid-project support.
It defines custom User model reusing of the original table (auth_user) if exists. If needed (when added to existing project), it recreates history of applied migrations in the correct order.
I'll appreciate any feedback.
A better way of doing then using AbstractBaseUser
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.contrib.auth.form import UserCreationForm
from some_app.validators import validate_email
def validate_email(value):
if User.objects.filter(email = value).exists():
raise ValidationError((f"{value} is taken."),params = {'value':value})
class UserRegistrationForm(UserCreationForm):
email = forms.EmailField(validators = [validate_email])
class Meta:
model = User
fields = ['username', 'email', 'password1', 'password2']
In case of use CustomUser model inherit from AbstractBaseUser you can override the full_clean() method to validate unique constraints on the model fields you specified unique=True. This is safer than form (i.e. FormClass) validation.
from django.contrib.auth.models import AbstractBaseUser
from django.db import models
class CustomUser(AbstractBaseUser):
email = models.EmailField(unique=True)
# ...
def full_clean(self, **kwargs):
Call clean_fields(), clean(), and validate_unique() on the model.
Raise a ValidationError for any errors that occur.
Note: Tested on Django 3.1
Improvement for solution with form validation
Instead of raising a ValidationError, it would be better to use the add_error method so that all errors of the forms are sent, and not only the one raised by ValidationError.
class SignUpForm(UserCreationForm):
email = forms.EmailField(max_length=254, help_text='Required. Inform a valid email address.')
class Meta:
model = User
fields = ('username', 'email', 'password1', 'password2', )
def clean(self):
cleaned_data = super().clean()
email = cleaned_data.get('email')
if User.objects.filter(email=email).exists():
msg = 'A user with that email already exists.'
self.add_error('email', msg)
return self.cleaned_data
You can edit model in meta as follow
Note: This will not update the original model
class SignUpForm(UserCreationForm):
email = forms.EmailField(required=True)
class Meta:
model = User
model._meta.get_field('email')._unique = True
fields = ("username", "email", "password1", "password2")

Django Rest not creating extended UserProfile

I'm using Django Rest Framework and I've created an extended UserProfile model as follows:
class UserProfile(models.Model):
user = models.OneToOneField(User)
#Some Fields for UserProfile
def user_profile_url(self):
return reverse('user_profile', args=(, "{}-{}".format(self.user.first_name, self.user.last_name)))
User.profile = property(lambda u: UserProfile.objects.get_or_create(user=u)[0])
However, on signing up using rest_auth's /registration endpoint:, the UserProfile is not being created even though the User is created. In my, I've done the following for users who sign up
class UserSignUpSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
class Meta:
model = User
fields = ('email',)
def create(self, validated_data):
user = User(email=validated_data['email'], username=validated_data['email'])
profile = UserProfile(user=user)
return user
Where am I going wrong?
Because request goes here and doesn't call serializer.create() actually.
Try to override signup form as suggested in the docs:
'signup': ''
example of the profile form:

