I'm working with a JSON schema and I'm trying to use the python JSON module to validate some JSON I output against the schema.
I get the following error, indicating that the Schema itself is not validating:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/private/var/folders/jv/9_sy0bn10mbdft1bk9t14qz40000gn/T/Cleanup At Startup/gc_aicep-395698294.764.py", line 814, in <module>
File "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/jsonschema/validators.py", line 468, in validate
cls(schema, *args, **kwargs).validate(instance)
File "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/jsonschema/validators.py", line 117, in validate
raise error
jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError: ({'website': 'www.stepUp.com', 'bio': '', 'accreditations': {'portfolio': '', 'certifications': [], 'degrees': {'degree_name': [], 'major': '', 'institution_name': '', 'graduation_distinction': '', 'institution_website': ''}}, 'description': 'A great counselor', 'photo': '', 'twitter': '', 'additionaltext': '', 'linkedin': '', 'price': {'costtype': [], 'costrange': []}, 'phone': {'phonetype': [], 'value': '1234567891'}, 'facebook': '', 'counselingtype': [], 'logourl': '', 'counselingoptions': [], 'linkurl': '', 'name': {'first_name': u'Rob', 'last_name': u'Er', 'middle_name': u'', 'title': u''}, 'email': {'emailtype': [], 'value': ''}, 'languages': 'english', 'datasource': {'additionaltext': '', 'linkurl': '', 'linktext': '', 'logourl': ''}, 'linktext': '', 'special_needs_offer': '', 'company': 'Step Up', 'location': {'city': 'New York', 'zip': '10011', 'locationtype': '', 'state': 'NY', 'address': '123 Road Dr', 'loc_name': '', 'country': 'united states', 'geo': ['', '']}},) is not of type 'object'
The validationError message indicates that what follows the colon is not a valid JSON object, I think, but I can't figure out why it would not be.
This JSON validates using a validator like JSON Lint if you replace the single quotation marks with double and remove the basic parentheses from either side.
The 'u' before the name has been flagged as a possible bug.
This is the code which outputs the name:
name = HumanName(row['name'])
first_name = name.first
middle_name = name.middle
last_name = name.last
title = name.title
full_name = dict(first_name=first_name, middle_name=middle_name, last_name=last_name, title=title)
name is inserted into the JSON using the following:
gc_ieca = dict(
name = full_name,
twitter = twitter,
logourl = logourl,
linktext = linktext,
linkurl = linkurl,
additionaltext = additionaltext,
datasource = datasource,
email = email,
price = price,
languages = languages,
special_needs_offer = special_needs_offer,
# location
location = location,
accreditations = accreditations,
website = website
That isn't what a ValidationError indicates. It indicates that validation failed :), not that the JSON is invalid (jsonschema doesn't even deal with JSON, it deals with deserialized JSON i.e. Python objects, here a dict). If the JSON were invalid you'd get an error when you called json.load.
The reason it's failing is because that in fact is not an object, it's a tuple with a single element, an object, so it is in fact invalid. Why it is a tuple is a bug in your code (you have a stray comma at the end there I see).
(And FYI, the u prefixes are because those are unicode literals, and the single quotes are because that's the repr of str, nothing to do with JSON).
I see two potential issues here:
Use of single quotes. Strictly speaking, the json spec calls for a use of double-quotes for strings. Your final note sort of implies this is not your issue, however it is worth mentioning, as something to check if fixing #2 doesn't resolve the problem.
Values for name: these are listed as u'...' which is not valid json. Use of u must be followed by 4 hex digits, and should fall within the double-quotes surrounding a string, after a \ escape character.
I kind of have two real questions. Both relate to this code:
import urllib
import requests
def query(q):
base_url = "https://api.duckduckgo.com/?q={}&format=json"
resp = requests.get(base_url.format(urllib.parse.quote(q)))
json = resp.json()
return json
One is this: When I query something like this: "US Presidents", I get back something like this:
{'Abstract': '', 'AbstractSource': '', 'AbstractText': '', 'AbstractURL': '', 'Answer': '', 'AnswerType': '', 'Definition': '', 'DefinitionSource': '', 'DefinitionURL': '', 'Entity': '', 'Heading': '', 'Image': '', 'ImageHeight': '', 'ImageIsLogo': '', 'ImageWidth': '', 'Infobox': '', 'Redirect': '', 'RelatedTopics': [], 'Results': [], 'Type': '', 'meta': {'attribution': None, 'blockgroup': None, 'created_date': '2021-03-24', 'description': 'testing', 'designer': None, 'dev_date': '2021-03-24', 'dev_milestone': 'development', 'developer': [{'name': 'zt', 'type': 'duck.co', 'url': 'https://duck.co/user/zt'}], 'example_query': '', 'id': 'just_another_test', 'is_stackexchange': 0, 'js_callback_name': 'another_test', 'live_date': None, 'maintainer': {'github': ''}, 'name': 'Just Another Test', 'perl_module': 'DDG::Lontail::AnotherTest', 'producer': None, 'production_state': 'offline', 'repo': 'fathead', 'signal_from': 'just_another_test', 'src_domain': 'how about there', 'src_id': None, 'src_name': 'hi there', 'src_options': {'directory': '', 'is_fanon': 0, 'is_mediawiki': 0, 'is_wikipedia': 0, 'language': '', 'min_abstract_length': None, 'skip_abstract': 0, 'skip_abstract_paren': 0, 'skip_icon': 0, 'skip_image_name': 0, 'skip_qr': '', 'src_info': '', 'src_skip': ''}, 'src_url': 'Hello there', 'status': None, 'tab': 'is this source', 'topic': [], 'unsafe': None}}
Basically, everything is empty. Even the Heading key, which I know was sent as "US Presidents" encoded into url form. This issue seems to affect all queries I send with a space in them. Even when I go to this url: "https://api.duckduckgo.com/?q=US%20Presidents&format=json&pretty=1" in a browser, all I get is a bunch of blank json keys.
My next question is this. When I send in something like this: "1+1", the json response's "Answer" key is this:
{'from': 'calculator', 'id': 'calculator', 'name': 'Calculator', 'result': '', 'signal': 'high', 'templates': {'group': 'base', 'options': {'content': 'DDH.calculator.content'}}}
Everything else seems to be correct, but the 'result' should be '2', should it not? The entire rest of the json seems to be correct, including all 'RelatedTopics'
Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.
Basically duckduckgo api is not a real search engine. It is just a dictionary. So try US%20President instead of US%20presidents and you'll get an answer. For encoding you can use blanks, but if it's not a fixed term I would prefer the plus-sign. You can do this by using urllib.parse.quote_plus()
With calculation you're right. But I see absolutely no use case to use a calculus-api within a python code. It is like using trampoline to travel to the moon if there is a rocket available. And maybe they see it the same and do not offer calc services in their api?!
I am having trouble pulling some info off ups. The city and state in the shipToAddress section.
Below is the data in a easy to read format that i am pulling from ups website with requests:
data = {
'statusCode': '200',
'statusText': 'Successful',
'isLoggedInUser': False,
'trackedDateTime': '04/16/2019 1:33 P.M. EST',
'isBcdnMultiView': False,
'trackDetails': [{
'errorCode': None,
'errorText': None,
'requestedTrackingNumber': '1Z3774E8YN99957400',
'trackingNumber': '1Z3774E8YN99957400',
'isMobileDevice': False,
'packageStatus': 'Loaded on Delivery Vehicle',
'packageStatusType': 'I',
'packageStatusCode': '072',
'progressBarType': 'InTransit',
'progressBarPercentage': '90',
'simplifiedText': '',
'scheduledDeliveryDayCMSKey': 'cms.stapp.tue',
'scheduledDeliveryDate': '04/16/2019',
'noEstimatedDeliveryDateLabel': None,
'scheduledDeliveryTime': 'cms.stapp.eod',
'scheduledDeliveryTimeEODLabel': 'cms.stapp.eod',
'packageCommitedTime': '',
'endOfDayResCMSKey': None,
'deliveredDayCMSKey': '',
'deliveredDate': '',
'deliveredTime': '',
'receivedBy': '',
'leaveAt': None,
'leftAt': '',
'shipToAddress': {
'streetAddress1': '',
'streetAddress2': '',
'streetAddress3': '',
'city': 'OCEAN',
'state': 'NJ',
'province': None,
'country': 'US',
'zipCode': '',
'companyName': '',
'attentionName': '',
'isAddressCorrected': False,
'isReturnAddress': False,
'isHoldAddress': False,
data = response.text
addressinfo =json.loads(data)['trackDetails']['shipToAddress']
for entry in addressinfo:
city = (entry['city'])
state = (entry['state'])
country = (entry['country'])
My Expected Results:
city = 'Ocean'
state = 'NJ'
this is error:
addressinfo =json.loads(data2)['trackDetails']['shipToAddress']
TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices, not str
Note the format of your JSON:
'trackDetails': [{
'shipToAddress': {...}
The dict you're trying to index into is actually contained inside of a list (note the square brackets). The proper way to access the shipToAddress field would be to do this:
addressinfo = json.loads(data2)['trackDetails'][0]['shipToAddress']
instead of what you were doing.
When you return data = response.text you should instead do data = response.json() since it is a json. This will allow you to access it like a json. Instead you are converting it to a string with .text and then attempting to load it back in which is not necessary.
Then access city:
city = data['trackDetails'][0]['shipToAddress']['city']
state = data['trackDetails'][0]['shipToAddress']['state']
I am wanting to parse some information from a JSON file. I cant find a find to successfully retrieve the data I want.
In a file I want to output the profile name.
This is the code on how I am reading and parsing.
with open(json_data) as f:
accounts = dict(json.loads(f.read()))
shell_script = accounts['OCredit']['Profile Name']
This gives me the output of
In a sense this is what I want, but in the application the value thats now "OCredit"(first bracket) would depend on the user.
with open(json_data) as f:
accounts = dict(json.loads(f.read()))
shell_script = accounts['OCredit']
This outputs :
{'Profile Name': 'OCredit', 'Name': 'Andrew Long', 'Email':
'asasa#yahoo.com', 'Tel': '2134568790', 'Address': '213 clover ','Zip':
'95305', 'City': 'brooklyn', 'State': 'NY','CreditCard':'213456759090',
'EXP': '12/21', 'CVV': '213'}
The actual JSON file is :
{'OCredit': {'Profile Name': 'OCredit',
'Name': 'Andrew Long',
'Email': 'asasa#yahoo.com',
'Tel': '2134568790',
'Address': '213 clover ',
'Zip': '95305',
'City': 'Brooklyn',
'State': 'NY',
'CreditCard': '213456759090',
'EXP': '12/21',
'CVV': '213'}}
So, to sum it up. I want to get inside JSON file and just print out the value that "Profile Name" has without hardcoding the fist value of the bracket.
Im not sure if I have to change the way im saving the JSON file to achieve this. Any help would be appreciated.
Try this:
for key in accounts:
print(accounts[key]['Profile Name'])
# OCredit
for value in accounts.values():
print(value['Profile Name'])
I know that somewhat related questions have been asked here: Accessing key, value in a nested dictionary and here: python accessing elements in a dictionary inside dictionary among other places but I can't quite seem to apply the answers' methodology to my issue.
I'm getting a KeyError trying to access the keys within response_dict, which I know is due to it being nested/paginated and me going about this the wrong way. Can anybody help and/or point me in the right direction?
import requests
import json
URL = "https://api.constantcontact.com/v2/contacts?status=ALL&limit=1&api_key=<redacted>&access_token=<redacted>"
#make my request, store it in the requests object 'r'
r = requests.get(url = URL)
#status code to prove things are working
print (r.status_code)
#print what was retrieved from the API
print (r.text)
#visual aid
print ('---------------------------')
#decode json data to a dict
response_dict = json.loads(r.text)
#show how the API response looks now
#just for confirmation
print (type(response_dict))
And my output:
{"meta":{"pagination":{}},"results":[{"id":"1329683950","status":"ACTIVE","fax":"","addresses":[{"id":"4e19e250-b5d9-11e8-9849-d4ae5275509e","line1":"222 Fake St.","line2":"","line3":"","city":"Kansas City","address_type":"BUSINESS","state_code":"","state":"OK","country_code":"ve","postal_code":"19512","sub_postal_code":""}],"notes":[],"confirmed":false,"lists":[{"id":"1733488365","status":"ACTIVE"}],"source":"Site Owner","email_addresses":[{"id":"1fe198a0-b5d5-11e8-92c1-d4ae526edd6c","status":"ACTIVE","confirm_status":"NO_CONFIRMATION_REQUIRED","opt_in_source":"ACTION_BY_OWNER","opt_in_date":"2018-09-11T18:18:20.000Z","email_address":"rsmith#fake.com"}],"prefix_name":"","first_name":"Robert","middle_name":"","last_name":"Smith","job_title":"I.T.","company_name":"FBI","home_phone":"","work_phone":"5555555555","cell_phone":"","custom_fields":[],"created_date":"2018-09-11T15:12:40.000Z","modified_date":"2018-09-11T18:18:20.000Z","source_details":""}]}
{'meta': {'pagination': {}}, 'results': [{'id': '1329683950', 'status': 'ACTIVE', 'fax': '', 'addresses': [{'id': '4e19e250-b5d9-11e8-9849-d4ae5275509e', 'line1': '222 Fake St.', 'line2': '', 'line3': '', 'city': 'Kansas City', 'address_type': 'BUSINESS', 'state_code': '', 'state': 'OK', 'country_code': 've', 'postal_code': '19512', 'sub_postal_code': ''}], 'notes': [], 'confirmed': False, 'lists': [{'id': '1733488365', 'status': 'ACTIVE'}], 'source': 'Site Owner', 'email_addresses': [{'id': '1fe198a0-b5d5-11e8-92c1-d4ae526edd6c', 'status': 'ACTIVE', 'confirm_status': 'NO_CONFIRMATION_REQUIRED', 'opt_in_source': 'ACTION_BY_OWNER', 'opt_in_date': '2018-09-11T18:18:20.000Z', 'email_address': 'rsmith#fake.com'}], 'prefix_name': '', 'first_name': 'Robert', 'middle_name': '', 'last_name': 'Smith', 'job_title': 'I.T.', 'company_name': 'FBI', 'home_phone': '', 'work_phone': '5555555555', 'cell_phone': '', 'custom_fields': [], 'created_date': '2018-09-11T15:12:40.000Z', 'modified_date': '2018-09-11T18:18:20.000Z', 'source_details': ''}]}
<class 'dict'>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\rkiek\Desktop\Python WIP\Chris2.py", line 20, in <module>
KeyError: 'first_name'
first_name = response_dict["results"][0]["first_name"]
Even though I think this question would be better answered by yourself by reading some documentation, I will explain what is going on here. You see the dict-object of the man named "Robert" is within a list which is a value under the key "results". So, at first you need to access the value within results which is a python-list.
Then you can use a loop to iterate through each of the elements within the list, and treat each individual element as a regular dictionary object.
results = response_dict["results"]
results = response_dict.get("results", None)
# use any one of the two above, the first one will throw a KeyError if there is no key=="results" the other will return NULL
# this results is now a list according to the data you mentioned.
for item in results:
print(item.get("first_name", None)
# here you can loop through the list of dictionaries and treat each item as a normal dictionary
ALSO: CAN SOMEONE tell me why it's not picking up 'website'?
I'm trying to figure out what's causing this error:
line 60:
What's causing this error??? Only arising on the first line:
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'name' referenced before assignment
import re
import json
import jsonpickle
from nameparser import HumanName
from pprint import pprint
import csv
import json
import jsonpickle
from nameparser import HumanName
from pprint import pprint
from string import punctuation, whitespace
def parse_ieca_gc(s):
########################## HANDLE NAME ELEMENT ###############################
degrees = ['M.A.T.','Ph.D.','MA','J.D.','Ed.M.', 'M.A.', 'M.B.A.', 'Ed.S.', 'M.Div.', 'M.Ed.', 'RN', 'B.S.Ed.', 'M.D.']
degrees_list = []
# check whether the name string has an area / has a comma
if ',' in s['name']:
# separate area of practice from name and degree and bind this to var 'area'
split_area_nmdeg = s['name'].split(',')
area = split_area_nmdeg.pop()
print 'split area nmdeg'
print area
print split_area_nmdeg
# Split the name and deg by spaces. If there's a deg, it will match with one of elements and will be stored deg list. The deg is removed name_deg list and all that's left is the name.
split_name_deg = re.split('\s',split_area_nmdeg[0])
for word in split_name_deg:
for deg in degrees:
if deg == word:
name = ' '.join(split_name_deg)
# if the name string does not contain a comma, just parse as normal string
area = []
split_name_deg = re.split('\s',s['name'])
for word in split_name_deg:
for deg in degrees:
if deg == word:
name = ' '.join(split_name_deg)
# area of practice
category = area
# name
name = HumanName(name)
first_name = name.first
middle_name = name.middle
last_name = name.last
title = name.title
full_name = dict(first_name=first_name, middle_name=middle_name, last_name=last_name, title=title)
# degrees
degrees = degrees_list
# website
website = s.get('website','')
gc_ieca = dict(
name = name,
website = website,
degrees = degrees,
myjson = [] # myjson = list of dictionaries where each dictionary
with(open("ieca_first_col_fake_text.txt", "rU")) as f:
sheet = csv.DictReader(f,delimiter="\t")
for row in sheet:
for i in range(4):
s = myjson[i]
a = parse_ieca_gc(s)
example data (made up data):
name phone email website
Diane Grant Albrecht M.S.
"Lannister G. Cersei M.A.T., CEP" 111-222-3333 cersei#got.com www.got.com
Argle D. Bargle Ed.M.
Sam D. Man Ed.M. 000-000-1111 dman123#gmail.com www.daManWithThePlan.com
D G Bamf M.S.
Amy Tramy Lamy Ph.D.
Download ex data
Last login: Tue Jul 2 15:33:31 on ttys000
/var/folders/jv/9_sy0bn10mbdft1bk9t14qz40000gn/T/Cleanup\ At\ Startup/ieca_first_col-394486416.142.py.command ; exit;
Samuel-Finegolds-MacBook-Pro:~ samuelfinegold$ /var/folders/jv/9_sy0bn10mbdft1bk9t14qz40000gn/T/Cleanup\ At\ Startup/ieca_first_col-394486416.142.py.command ; exit;
range 4
split area nmdeg
['Lannister G. Cersei M.A.T.']
({'additionaltext': '',
'bio': '',
'category': ' CEP',
'certifications': [],
'company': '',
'counselingoptions': [],
'counselingtype': [],
'datasource': {'additionaltext': '',
'linktext': '',
'linkurl': '',
'logourl': ''},
'degrees': ['M.A.T.'],
'description': '',
'email': {'emailtype': [], 'value': 'cersei#got.com'},
'facebook': '',
'languages': 'english',
'linkedin': '',
'linktext': '',
'linkurl': '',
'location': {'address': '',
'city': '',
'country': 'united states',
'geo': {'lat': '', 'lng': ''},
'loc_name': '',
'locationtype': '',
'state': '',
'zip': ''},
'logourl': '',
'name': {'first_name': u'Lannister',
'last_name': u'Cersei',
'middle_name': u'G.',
'title': u''},
'phone': {'phonetype': [], 'value': '1112223333'},
'photo': '',
'price': {'costrange': [], 'costtype': []},
'twitter': '',
'website': ''},)
({'additionaltext': '',
'bio': '',
'category': [],
'certifications': [],
'company': '',
'counselingoptions': [],
'counselingtype': [],
'datasource': {'additionaltext': '',
'linktext': '',
'linkurl': '',
'logourl': ''},
'degrees': ['Ed.M.'],
'description': '',
'email': {'emailtype': [], 'value': ''},
'facebook': '',
'languages': 'english',
'linkedin': '',
'linktext': '',
'linkurl': '',
'location': {'address': '',
'city': '',
'country': 'united states',
'geo': {'lat': '', 'lng': ''},
'loc_name': '',
'locationtype': '',
'state': '',
'zip': ''},
'logourl': '',
'name': {'first_name': u'Argle',
'last_name': u'Bargle',
'middle_name': u'D.',
'title': u''},
'phone': {'phonetype': [], 'value': ''},
'photo': '',
'price': {'costrange': [], 'costtype': []},
'twitter': '',
'website': ''},)
({'additionaltext': '',
'bio': '',
'category': [],
'certifications': [],
'company': '',
'counselingoptions': [],
'counselingtype': [],
'datasource': {'additionaltext': '',
'linktext': '',
'linkurl': '',
'logourl': ''},
'degrees': ['Ed.M.'],
'description': '',
'email': {'emailtype': [], 'value': 'dman123#gmail.com'},
'facebook': '',
'languages': 'english',
'linkedin': '',
'linktext': '',
'linkurl': '',
'location': {'address': '',
'city': '',
'country': 'united states',
'geo': {'lat': '', 'lng': ''},
'loc_name': '',
'locationtype': '',
'state': '',
'zip': ''},
'logourl': '',
'name': {'first_name': u'Sam',
'last_name': u'Man',
'middle_name': u'D.',
'title': u''},
'phone': {'phonetype': [], 'value': '0000001111'},
'photo': '',
'price': {'costrange': [], 'costtype': []},
'twitter': '',
'website': ''},)
({'additionaltext': '',
'bio': '',
'category': [],
'certifications': [],
'company': '',
'counselingoptions': [],
'counselingtype': [],
'datasource': {'additionaltext': '',
'linktext': '',
'linkurl': '',
'logourl': ''},
'degrees': ['M.S.'],
'description': '',
'email': {'emailtype': [], 'value': ''},
'facebook': '',
'languages': 'english',
'linkedin': '',
'linktext': '',
'linkurl': '',
'location': {'address': '',
'city': '',
'country': 'united states',
'geo': {'lat': '', 'lng': ''},
'loc_name': '',
'locationtype': '',
'state': '',
'zip': ''},
'logourl': '',
'name': {'first_name': u'D',
'last_name': u'Bamf',
'middle_name': u'G',
'title': u''},
'phone': {'phonetype': [], 'value': ''},
'photo': '',
'price': {'costrange': [], 'costtype': []},
'twitter': '',
'website': ''},)
[Process completed]
You are using a local variable name here:
name = HumanName(name)
You do set name before that point, but only if certain conditions match. When those conditions do not match, name is never assigned to and the exception is thrown.
For example, in the first if branch, the loop is:
for word in split_name_deg:
for deg in degrees:
if deg == word:
name = ' '.join(split_name_deg)
If deg == word never matches, then name is never set either.
Your function also doesn't return anything, so the line a = parse_ieca_gc(s) will only ever assign None to a. You need to use the return keyword to set a return value for your function.
Last but not least, you only pass the first row from your CSV file to the function, and that first row has no website associated with it:
Diane Grant Albrecht M.S.
I thought leaving a comment, but I guess that should actually qualify as an answer. You seem to like programming (or at least be serious about it), so please take my answer positively: not as another piece of criticisms but as an advice how to avoid similar errors/problems in the future.
This are just a few points that I came up with after reading your code:
1) Add entry points
Code is messy which makes it difficult to find and follow the main line of your thinking (the program logic). Since you are not just prototyping or experimenting, but writing a functioning program you should really add an entry point. In python one first defines his module with all entries and elements (mainly imports, constants and functions), and only then sets the entry point with the section: if __name__ == '__main__': at the bottom of the module.
2) Break code into many functions
The program is not that big, but because you are trying to do too much (very quick-n-dirty) and using just few lines it becomes dangerous. Your code growth organically very fast and exposing it errors like this. Please take your time and learn how to break your code into functions, which are the basic building blocks for each module. Try to define many small self-consistent functions in your module and call them from the main part of the program. If you manage to give them proper names - your code will be very readable, especially starting with __main__ part.
Treat each function as a small program (divide and conquer). Keep each function small in number of lines (<= 20) and compact in number of arguments (<= 5-7). It has many advantages:
you can test the code of each function individually and be sure that it is working by using calls form __main__, doctests or unittests. Like this, you will always have full control of your program even before/without applying sophisticated debugging techniques
each function is a closure and declared variables a bounded to a local scope. This helps to avoid complications with global variables that may lead to "side-effects".
functions can be imported by other modules. Like this you have a better organization of the code and greater re-usability.
3) Never write too much code without running it
Progressing slowly allows to keep constant overview of your idea while writing the program. Even if the code will end up uglier than you would wish it to be, any incremental change to your code should be traceable (you kind-of know/observe how much code is added with each step). You can also start using version control even locally (just for yourself), that will allow you to progress slowly by keeping your commits atomic and self-contained.
4) Print and die
If you still feel like you give to far or written too much code w/o running it, your end up in a situation similar to yours now. Another trick could be just to put exit() call in the middle or before of the newly written code that breaks (by checking line number of the exception info). In most cases, trying to print out variables and check if their values are similar to expected helps to find the problem. Otherwise just comment a section of you program in order to make a few steps back (cutting it until it gets that small that whatever is "on" - works)
5) Cyclic complexity
Avoid too many nested loops and conditional constructions. Try to do not more than 2-3 nested blocks per function. It is important matter. Use tools like pylint and PEP8 to check the quality of your code. You will be surprised how many complains those tools are capable to find about the code that looks decent. E.g. there is a lot of motivation for having 80 chars limit per line of your code. That really does prevent writing too much hanging and nested code. Ideally code is always compact: each function is not too wide, and not too tall.
6) Avoid
Finally, try to avoid
reassigning variables to itself, especially if your are changing the type in addition: name = HumanName(name)
defining "hanging" variables inside nested blocks and expressions which may or may not take place
dependency on global variables (exactly by defining functions!) and too much cross dependencies. Unless you program a recursive algorithm, you should be totally fine with top down approach. Dependencies on badly tested, uncertain outcomes.
respect indent - always replace tabs! you would not make it far in python if you don't do it (set ts=4 | set sw=4 | set et)
If you write a line of code that takes you too long to think afterwards, consider correcting it. If you write a function that you later don't understand, consider throwing it away. If you do everything right and
you get an error that you don't understand, consider going to sleep.
Don't forget to smoke the famous
>>> import this
Hope some of the points are useful.