Using class to define multiple variables in python - python

I'm still new to python and this is probably going be one of those (stupid) boring questions. However, any help will be much appreciated. I'm programing something that involves many variables and I've decided to use a class to encapsulate all variables (hopefully making it easier to "read" for me as time passes), but it's not working as I thought it will. So, without further ado here is a part of the class that captures the gist.
import numpy as np
class variable:
def __init__(self, length):
self.length = length # time length`
def state_dynamic(self):
length = self.length
return np.zeros((2, np.size(length)))
def state_static(self):
length = self.length
return np.zeros((2, np.size(length)))
def control_dynamic(self):
length = self.length
return np.zeros((2, np.size(length)))
def control_static(self):
length = self.length
return np.zeros((2, np.size(length)))
def scheduling(self):
length = self.length
return np.zeros(np.size(length))
def disturbance(self):
length = self.length
dummy = np.random.normal(0., 0.1, np.size(length))
for i in range(20):
dummy[i+40] = np.random.normal(0., 0.01) + 1.
dummy[80:100] = 0.
return dummy
I've also tried this one:
import numpy as np
class variable:
def __init__(self, type_1, type_2, length):
self.type_1 = type_1 # belongs to set {state, control, scheduling, disturbance}
self.type_2 = type_2 # belongs to set {static, dynamic, none}
self.length = length # time length
def type_v(self):
type_1 = self.type_1
type_2 = self.type_2
length = self.length
if type_1 == 'state' and type_2 == 'dynamic':
return np.zeros((2, np.size(length)))
elif type_1 == 'state' and type_2 == 'static':
return np.zeros((2, np.size(length)))
elif type_1 == 'control' and type_2 == 'dynamic':
return np.zeros((2, np.size(length)))
elif type_1 == 'control' and type_2 == 'static':
return np.zeros((2, np.size(length)))
elif type_1 == 'scheduling' and type_2 == 'none':
return np.zeros(np.size(length))
elif type_1 == 'disturbance' and type_2 == 'none':
dummy = np.random.normal(0., 0.1, np.size(length))
for i in range(20):
dummy[i+40] = np.random.normal(0., 0.01) + 1.
dummy[80:100] = 0.
return dummy
Now, using the first one (the outcome is the same for the second class as well), when I write the following, say:
In [2]: time = np.linspace(0,10,100)
In [5]: v = variable(time)
In [6]: v1 = v.state_dynamic
In [7]: v1.size
AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)
/home/<ipython-input-7-e6a5d17aeb75> in <module>()
----> 1 v1.size
AttributeError: 'function' object has no attribute 'size'
In [8]: v2 = variable(np.size(time)).state_dynamic
In [9]: v2
Out[9]: <bound method variable.state_dynamic of <__main__.variable instance at 0x3ad0a28>>
In [10]: v1[0,0]
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
/home/<ipython-input-10-092bc2b9f982> in <module>()
----> 1 v1[0,0]
TypeError: 'instancemethod' object has no attribute '__getitem__'
I was hoping that by writing
I'll access
np.zeros((2, np.size(length)))
Anyway, if I made something utterly stupid please let me know :) and feel free to give any kind of advice. Thank you in advance for your time and kind attention. Best regards.
EDIT #1:
Thank you for a quick reply and help :)
What I'm currently trying to do is the following. I have to plot several "variables", e.g., state, control, dropouts, scheduling and disturbances. All the variables depend on three parameters, namely, dynamic, static and horizon. Further, state and control are np.zeros((2, np.size(length))), dropouts and scheduling are np.zeros(np.size(length)) and disturbance has specific form (see above). Initially, I declared them in the script and the list is very long and looks ugly. I use these variables to store responses of dynamical systems considered and to plot them. I don't know if this is a good way of doing this and if you have any suggestion please share.
Thanks again for your help.

Do you mean you want named access to a bunch of state information? The ordinary python idiom for class variables would look like this:
class Variable(object):
def __init__ (self, state_dynamic, state_static, control_static, control_dynamic, scheduling):
self.state_dynamic = state_dynamic
self.state_static = state_static
self.control_static = control_static
self.control_dynamic = control_dynamic
self.scheduling = control_dynamic
Which essentially creates a bucket with named fields that hold values you put in via the constructor. You can also create lightweight data classes using the namedtuple factory class, which avoids some of the boilerplate.
The other python idiom that might apply is to use the #property decorator as in #wheaties answer. This basically disguises a function call to make it look like a field. If what you're doing can be reduced to a functional basis this would make sense. This is an example of the idea (not based on your problem set, since I'm not sure I grok what you're doing in detail with all those identical variables) -- in this case I'm making a convenience wrapper for pulling individual flags out that are stored in a python number but really make a bit field:
class Bits(object):
def __init__(self, integer):
self.Integer = integer # pretend this is an integer between 0 and 8 representing 4 flags
def locked(self):
# low bit = locked
return self.Integer & 1 == 1
def available(self):
return self.Integer & 2 == 2
def running_out_of_made_up_names(self):
return self.Integer & 4 == 4
def really_desperate_now(self):
return self.Integer & 8 == 8
example = Bits(7)
print example.locked
# True
print example.really_desperate_now
# False

A method in Python is a function. If you want to get a value from a member function you have to end it with (). That said, some refactoring may help eliminate boilerplate and reduce the problem set size in your head. I'd suggest using a #property for some of these things, combined with a slight refactor
class variable:
def __init__(self, length):
self.length = length # time length`
def state_dynamic(self):
return self.np_length
def state_static(self):
return self.np_length
def control_dynamic(self):
return self.np_length
def control_static(self):
return self.np_length
def scheduling(self):
return self.np_length
def np_length(self):
return np.zeros(2, np.size(self.length))
That way you can use those functions as you would a member variable like you tried before:
var = variable(length).state_dynamic
What I can't tell from all this is what the difference is between all these variables? I don't see a single one. Are you assuming that you have to access them in order? If so, that's bad design and a problem. Never make that assumption.


Create class that uses updated version of an input

I'd like to create a class that can use the current version of the data inputted to it.
I've tried:
class DisplayUpdatedNum:
def __init__(self, number):
self.the_num = number
def print_num(self):
print(f'the number is {self.the_num}')
my_num = 1
class_inst = DisplayUpdatedNum(my_num)
# requested output: the number is 1
my_num = 1905
# requested output: the number is 1905
This doesn't work, I get the original input number (1) when calling class_inst.print_num() even after changing my_num
Is there a pythonic solution to this?
in my opinion, what you are trying to do is a bad design (as already mentioned):
Attention: (bad solution)
num = 10
class DispalyUpdateNum(object):
global num
def print_num(self):
c = DispalyUpdateNum()
num = 100
Much better would be if you use the #property, something like this :
class DispalyUpdateNum(object):
def value(self):
return self._value
def value(self, value):
self._value = value
print("The number is %s" % self._value)
c = DispalyUpdateNum()
c.value = 100
c.value = 10000
c.value = 777
>>> The number is 100
>>> The number is 10000
>>> The number is 777
Would this solution fit in your code is up to you, good luck :)
The class does not have the responsibility to be aware of the changes of a variable at the global level. In fact one of the principles of OOP is to encapsulate the variables that give context to the class (data attributes). There is no pythonic way, but there a straightforward OOP way:
from numbers import Real
class DisplayUpdatedNum:
def __init__(self, number):
self._the_num = number
def num(self):
return self._the_num
def num(self,value):
if not isinstance(value,Real):
raise TypeError('Not a valid numeric type!') #you have now the chance to do some validations here (if you need to)
self._the_num = value
def print_num(self):
print(f'the number is {self._the_num}')
Now you can instaciate your custom class, and when you want to change the valua of the _the_num pseudo-private attr, you just call the num interface that gives you the property class with his getter and setter:
my_num = 1
class_inst = DisplayUpdatedNum(my_num)
# requested output: the number is 1
my_num = 1905
class_inst.num = my_num
# requested output: the number is 1905
# Try the basic validation
my_mun = '1905'
class_inst.num = my_num
# requested output: TypeError: Not a valid numeric type!
Also if you want a little bit further in OOP and combinate it to pythonic ways to do this kind of thing, you could read up about data desciptors

Python Class update parent variables by subclass

With my limited understanding of #property,#setter, and #getter, I came up with following code.
class BitCounts:
sign_bit = 0
exponent_bits = 0
mantissa_bits = 0
_total_bits = 0
def total_bits(self):
return self._total_bits
def total_bits(self):
self._total_bits = self.sign_bit + self.exponent_bits + self.mantissa_bits
class Single(BitCounts):
sign_bit = 1
offset = 0x7F
exponent_bits = 8
mantissa_bits = 23
_total_bits = BitCounts.total_bits
class Double(BitCounts):
sign_bit = 1
offset = 0x400
exponent_bits = 11
mantissa_bits = 52
_total_bits = BitCounts.total_bits
My intention is to use the subclass Single and Double in other functions as a set of options like so, for example:
def some_function(option=Single):
print("exponent bit counts are: %d", option.exponent_bits)
print("mantissa bit counts are: %d", option.mantissa_bits)
print("total bit counts are: %d", option.total_bits)
I would like total_bits to be automatically recalculated using values from subclass Single or Double.
I am trying to avoid extra functions to perform the calculation at subclass level.
With above codes, by calling Single.total_bits, or Double.total_bits, I am only getting a message saying <property object at 0x000002258DF7CB30>, what did I do wrong, and how can I fix it?
The way you are using subclasses with hard-coded static values suggests these should be instances not subclasses. This is also suggested by your temptation to use self even though you haven't made any instances. self refers to a particular instance.
Also, setters typically take a value as an argument. You don't have that in your setter because total_bits is completely dependent on other values. As such you should just move your setter calculation to the getter and return the result of the calculation.
class BitCounts:
def __init__(self, sign,offset, exponent, mantissa):
self.sign_bit = sign
self.offset = offset
self.exponent_bits = exponent
self.mantissa_bits = mantissa
def total_bits(self):
return self.sign_bit + self.exponent_bits + self.mantissa_bits
# now make two instances:
single = BitCounts(1, 0x7F, 8, 23 )
double = BitCounts(1, 0x400, 11, 52)
# 32
# 64
You can use:
class Single(BitCounts):
sign_bit = 1
offset = 0x7F
exponent_bits = 8
mantissa_bits = 23
_total_bits = BitCounts.total_bits
def get_total_bits(self):
# Update values here, example below
self._total_bits = self._total_bits + 1
return self._total_bits
Then call:
option = Single()
The problem here is that you are trying to call an instance method from a class.
class A:
def foo(self):
return 1
print( # prints an object of function "foo"
print(A().foo) # prints "1"
To accomplish this, at least from my knowledge you need to use a metaclass similar to what they do here: Per-class #property decorator in Python

Call a method on a new object from a variable

I have a class containing a list and some boolean methods.
class Cls:
data = [] // populated in __init__()
def flag1(self):
def flag2(self):
def flag3(self): # these all return booleans, based on the data
I want to create a higher level function, taking a parameter one of the flags, manipulating the data in a number of ways, applying the flag to the new data, and counting the number of results.
Something like:
def hof(self, fn):
count = 0
for i in range(1, 10):
new_obj = Cls(
if new_obj.fn():
count +=1
Is there any way to accomplish this without turning all the flags into static methods ?
Edit: Made it work, in a very hackish way:
class Cls:
data = []
def __init__(self): = value
class flag1(self):
return True
class flag2(self):
return False
# The hackish part
flag_dict = {
1: flag1,
2: flag2,
def hof(self, flag):
count = 0
for i in range(1,10):
new_obj = Cls( + [i])
if self.flag_dict[flag](new_obj):
count +=1
return count
But it seems like a hack, and it's not quite understandable. Could someone point to a better way ?
You should be able to just pass the methods into the function like instance.hof(Cls.flag1), and internally, write it as if fn(new_obj):, with no need to make it a staticmethod.

AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'assignmentScores'

I don't understand the meaning of this problem or how to fix it!
I keep getting the problem AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'assignmentScores'
What does this mean? and how do I fix this issue?
My code is:
class Student:
studentName = ""
studentCourse = ""
averageMark = 0
grade = "none"
assignmentScores = [1, 2, 3, 4]
def __init__(self, n, c, a, g,m):
self.studentName = n
self.studentCourse = c
self.averageMark = a
self.grade = g
self.assignmentScores = m
def getName(self):
return self.studentName
def getCourse(self):
return self.studentCourse
def getAverage(self):
return self.averageMark
def getGrade(self):
return self.grade
def getMarks(self):
return self.assignmentScores
def setAverage(self):
mark = self.averageMark
return mark
def setGrade(self):
grade = self.grade
return grade
def setMarks(self):
marks = self.setMarks()
return marks
def addMark(self):
score = list.append(self, self.assignmentScores)
def calculateAverage(self):
if len(self.assignmentScores) > 0:
average = sum(self) / float(len(self.assignmentScores))
return average
return 0
def determineGrade(self):
return 0
First, please use 4 spaces for all indentation, it helps a lot. PEP 8 is your friend and will keep everyone friendly and helpful.
As for your problem, after running the code myself and looking at the traceback, it looks like you assigned the self.assignmentScores list to self itself, so when you type self.assignmentScores you are looking up an attribute of self, which is now a list instead of an instance of the class.
This mistake comes from the way you called the method:
This method only requires one argument, which is supposed to be an instance of the class Student, but not only are you calling the method directly from the class instead of from an instance, you are using the assignmentScores list as an argument for the method. This makes it so that the method calculateAverage() replaces self with self.assignmentScores so when you try to check if the list is empty the code is reading it as self.assignmentScore.assignmentScore instead of the intended way.
The way you have the class defined at the moment strongly encourages you to call the method like this.
billy = Student("","",0,"none",[1,2,3,4])
There is another error standing in your way after you solve this problem, but a good look at the traceback and a careful reading of the relevant code will lead you to the solution. Right now all you need is a better understanding of classes and calling methods work.

Access class variables with same function

I want to create a function within a class that can access two different members with the same function. For example in the code below, I want both of the lines below to use the 'apply' function on different variables in the class
I had thought if I put in a dummy variable in the function definition (called exposure), it would replace it with the variables passed to the function (rate and wage in the example below). What is the correct way of doing this in python 3?
class State():
def __init__(self):
self.rate = 0
self.wage = 0
def apply(self, exposure):
self.exposure = self.exposure - 1
return self.exposure
state = State()
rate = State.rate
wage = State.wage
EDIT: I had made a typo where I had State instead of state in each print statement. I have now corrected this
This would be the only way:
class State:
def __init__ (self):
self.rate = 0
self.wage = 0
def apply (self, exposure):
setattr(self, exposure, getattr(self, exposure) - 1)
return getattr(self, exposure)
>>> state = State()
>>> print(state.apply('rate'))
>>> print(state.apply('wage'))
>>> print(state.apply('wage'))
Note that those are instance variables, so you cannot access them using the type, State, but only using the object, state.
However, I would say, that whatever you are trying, you’re doing it wrong. If you describe your actual problem, we may be able to suggest a way better solution for it instead.

