I started working with doxygen to generate the documentation of my Python code.
I use doxypy filter to preprocess the Python docstrings.
My goal is to have a nice syntax highlighting of doxygen comments in Python.
When writing my mainpage in a dedicated .dox file, I found that the doxygen comments can be highlighted in vim with the following command:
set syntax=c.doxygen
I tried the same command for Python but I got nothing:
set syntax=python.doxygen
I also made some googling and couldn't find anything interesting
Here is a typical piece of code I'd like to highlight:
class CompilationTab:
The compilation tab of the verif GUI. It contains the layout description
and the functions required to deal with specific behaviors of the tab
def __init__(self, notebook, tab_name):
The class constructor.
#param notebook Notebook: The parent #c Notebook widget
#param tab_name String: The display name of the tab
Does anybody already fixed this issue?
Thank you for help!
If you look into syntax/doxygen.vim you can read in the preamble of the file that currently only
cpp, c, idl, doxygen and php
files are supported.
Since doxygen.vim works a lot with the syn region command i searched for the line that defines the multiline string in syntax/python.vim.
The interesting part of the command that defines this region is
syn region pythonString start=+[uU]\=\z('''\|"""\)+ end="\z1" keepend
Derived from that what is in doxygen.vim and the above line you can add the following lines
"delete the following line if you don't want to have enhanced colors
let g:doxygen_enhanced_color=1
runtime! syntax/doxygen.vim
syn region doxygenComment matchgroup=pythonString start=+[uU]\=\z('''\|"""\)+ end="\z1" contains=doxygenSyncStart,doxygenStart,doxygenTODO keepend fold containedin=pythonString
to ~/.vim/after/syntax/python.vim or execute them by hand.
In addition you may have to customize the colors of the added doxygen highlighting groups by hand. At least i would do so since the resulting look doesn't conform with my taste.
Perhaps the fold argument of the syn command is of special interest for you. If you set foldmethod to syntax you can fold and unfold the multiline comments. That seems to be useful if you could no longer stand the view of those colors and are to lazy to adjust them :)
without doxygen highlighting:
with doxygen highlighting and g:doxygen_enhanced_color == 1:
I need to filter the output of a command executed in network equipment in order to bring only the lines that match a text like ''.
I created a python code that brings all the output of the command but I need only part of this.
I am using Python 3.7.3 running on a Windows 10 Pro.
The code I used is below and I need the filtering part because I am a network engineer without the basic notion of python programming. (till now...)
from steelscript.steelhead.core import steelhead
from steelscript.common.service import UserAuth
auth = UserAuth(username='admin', password='password')
sh = steelhead.SteelHead(host='em01r001', auth=auth)
from steelscript.cmdline.cli import CLIMode
sh.cli.exec_command("show connections optimized", mode=CLIMode.CONFIG)
output = (sh.cli.exec_command("show connections optimized"))
I have no idea what your output looks like, so used the text in your question as example data. Anyway, for a simple pattern such as what's shown in your question, you could do it like this:
output = '''\
I need to filter the output of a command executed
in network equipment in order to bring only the
lines that match a text like ''. I
created a python code that brings all the output
of the command but I need only part of this.
I am using Python 3.7.3 running on a Windows 10
The code I used is below and I need the filtering
part because I am a network engineer without the
basic notion of python programming. (till now...)
# Filter the lines of text in output.
filtered = ''.join(line for line in output.splitlines()
if '' in line)
print(filtered) # -> lines that match a text like ''. I
You could do something similar for more complex patterns by using the re.search() function in Python's built-in regular expression re module. Using regular expressions is more complicated, but extremely powerful. There are many tutorials on using them, including one in Python's own documentation titled the Regular Expression HOWTO.
The following youtube video shows that it is possible to jump to definition using vim for python.
However when I try the same shortcut (Ctrl-G) it doesnt work...
How is it possible to perform the same "jump to definition"?
I installed the plugin Ctrl-P but not rope.
This does not directly answer your question but provides a better alternative. I use JEDI with VIM, as a static code analyser, it offers far better options than ctags. I use the spacemacs key-binding in vim so with localleader set to ','
" jedi
let g:jedi#use_tabs_not_buffers = 0 " use buffers instead of tabs
let g:jedi#show_call_signatures = "1"
let g:jedi#goto_command = "<localleader>gt"
let g:jedi#goto_assignments_command = "<localleader>ga"
let g:jedi#goto_definitions_command = "<localleader>gg"
let g:jedi#documentation_command = "K"
let g:jedi#usages_command = "<localleader>u"
let g:jedi#completions_command = "<C-Space>"
let g:jedi#rename_command = "<leader>r"
Vim's code navigation is based on a universal database called tags file. It needs to be generated (and updated) manually. :help ctags lists some applications that can do that. Exuberant ctags is a common one that supports many programming languages, but there are also specialized ones, like ptags.py (found in your Python source directory at Tools/scripts/ptags.py).
Plugins like easytags.vim provide more convenience by e.g. automatically updating the tags file on each save.
The default command for jumping to the definition is CTRL-] (not CTRL-G; that prints the current filename; see :help CTRL-G), or the Ex command :tag {identifier}; see all at :help tag-commands.
Some suggestions for people reading other answers to this question in the future:
tags file has one limitation. If in your code multiple objects has the same name you will have problem using ctrl-] as it will jump to first one and not necessary correct one. In this situation you can use g ctrl-] (or :tjump command or :tselect command) to get selection list. Potentially you want to map ctrl-] to "g ctrl-]"
It is possible that you want to have possibility to jump to correct object. In that case you might want to use jedi vim and if you are used to c-] you might want to use this mapping for jedi goto let g:jedi#goto_command = ""
Lastly you want to use universal ctags instead of excuberant ctags because of better new files support (not necessary python).
If you're using YouCompleteMe there is a command for that
:YcmCompleter GoToDefinition
if you want to add a shortcut for doing that in a new tab
nnoremap <leader>d :tab split \| YcmCompleter GoToDefinition<CR>
I'm building my python package documentation as HTML and as a latex PDF. The default latex pdf generated (manual class) has a large amount of white space at the top of the table of contents around the text "CONTENTS". I'm not super familiar with latex so when I've look at the generated .tex file I don't see anything that tells me how to remove the whitespace.
I've searched around and couldn't find a latex solution that worked. I also tried setting the :caption: on the toctree to an empty string, but that actually removes the entire TOC and all of my content.
Can anyone help me with this?
The default behaviour of Sphinx for English language is to use Bjarne option to LaTeX package fncychap for chapter headings. But it also loads package titlesec for generally speaking title headings. It does not make a special chapter definition with titlesec, which simply gather the fncychap definition and wraps it in its own hooks. Anyway, making the story short we find
\ttl#save#mkschap #1->\vspace *{50\p# }{\parindent \z# \raggedright \normalfont \interlinepenalty \#M \DOTIS {#1} \vskip 40\p# }
in a log trace and this is the fncychap definition of \#makeschapterhead as preserved by titlesec in its own macro \ttl#save#mkschap.
fncychap is loaded before sphinx.sty, there is no hook,
edit: in fact the 'fncychap' key whose default value is '\\usepackage[Bjarne]{fncychap}' could serve to add some code to redefine the fncychap setting for un-numbered chapter titles. It is not that different from the approach with 'preamble' key below, except that one would not have needed knowing about titlesec intervention in all this.
but since recent Sphinx 1.5 you can use your own Jinja template for latex content. From the look of your contents which is small, I think you have an older version of Sphinx thus I will go for the LaTeX hacking variant something like this:
latex_elements = {
# The paper size ('letterpaper' or 'a4paper').
# 'papersize': 'letterpaper',
# The font size ('10pt', '11pt' or '12pt').
# 'pointsize': '10pt',
# Additional stuff for the LaTeX preamble.
'preamble': r"""
\def\ttl#save#mkschap #1{\vspace *{10\p# }{\parindent \z# \raggedright
\normalfont \interlinepenalty \#M \DOTIS {#1} \vskip 10\p# }}
# Latex figure (float) alignment
# 'figure_align': 'htbp',
I have added a \color{blue} in there for demonstration purposes only, and modified the \vspace and \vskip commands which is what you need.
The image shows however that there is some extra source of vertical space between Contents and the TOC contents (it remains even with \vskip 0\p# but one can do \vskip -40\p# ...), but I think you are after the top space above Contents and already using only \vspace*{10pt} reduced it a lot (not visible in screenshot below).
Motivation: I was going around assigning parameters read in from a config file to variables in a function like so:
john = my_quest
terry = my_fav_color
eric = airspeed
ni = swallow_type
when I realized this was going to be a lot of parameters to pass. I thus decided I'd put these parameters in a nice dictionary, grail, e.g. grail['my_quest'] so that the only thing I needed to pass to the function was grail.
Question: Is there a simple way in Sublime (or Notepad++, Spyder, Pycharm, etc.) to paste grails['variable'] around those variables in one step, instead of needing to paste the front and back seperately? (I know about multiple cursors in Sublime, that does help, but I'd love to find a "highlight-variable-and-hit-ctrl-meta-shift-\" and it's done.)
Based on examples you provided, this is a simple task solvable using standard regex find/replace.
So in Notepad++, record this macro (for recording control examine Macro menu):
Press Ctrl+H to open Find/Replace dialog
Find what: = (.*)$
Replace with: = grail['\1']
Choose Regular Expression and press Replace All
If you finish recording the macro and you choose to save it, shortcut key is requested. Assign your favorite ctrl-meta-shift-\ and you are done.
I have a wxpython application that display json in a TextCtrl. How can I use StyledTextCtrl to display that json properly highlighted?
Is is just a one-liner change or much bigger?
Btw I created jsyntaxpane and IT IS one liner to highlight several languages. Too bad I need wxPython now.
StyledTextCtrl should work for you. But it doesn't have built-in lexer for JSON.
I'd try options in the following order:
pass stc.STC_LEX_AUTOMATIC to StyledTextCtrl's SetLexer() and see if it highlights your json correctly
choose (try one by one) a lexer from built-in lexers that will show your json correctly
try other components, like:
add your own custom lexer/hightlighter, see
Python wx.stc custom highlighting
Adding a new lexer to scintilla/scite (...and eventually wxPython StyledTextCtrl)
Hope that helps.
I am using Python 3.7 and a lexer for JSON is available. You can use the below.
stc.StyledTextCtrl.__init__(self, parent)
Adding to this, there are other properties which might be useful while using StyledTextCtrl for JSON. These properties are used for font sizing and color for various fields that are part of a normal JSON.
self.StyleSetSpec(stc.STC_JSON_DEFAULT, "fore:#000000,face:%(helv)s,size:%(size)d" % fonts)
self.StyleSetSpec(stc.STC_JSON_NUMBER, "fore:#007F7F,size:%(size)d" % fonts)
self.StyleSetSpec(stc.STC_JSON_KEYWORD, "fore:#007F7F,bold,size:%(size)d" % fonts)
self.StyleSetSpec(stc.STC_JSON_STRING, "fore:#7F0000,size:%(size)d" % fonts)
self.StyleSetSpec(stc.STC_JSON_PROPERTYNAME, "fore:#FF5733,size:%(size)d" % fonts)