GAE and Google API - python

I am trying to build a GAE application that shell use GCM API.
(I am working with Eclipse Juno, having GWT, ADT installed).
I am using Google's python example, and I can't make it work, I'd be really grateful
if you could advise me where am I loosing my way.
First it's probably important to note that I have created a project in the Console, activated
the API, and got my project whitelisted by Google. So far so good?
I have created a python GAE project, based on Google's example in the following link -
At this point I face the following difficulty -
client = xmpp.Client('', debug=['socket'])
The Client class is not recognized by the pre-interpreter. When I check in the XMPP package,
it looks though this class actually doesn't exist there... - how to handle this one?
I've tried to add the GCM APIs to the project, thinking that this might be the problem,
but the G->Add Google APIs...->Selection proposes all APIs but GCM.
My next step was to try installing google-api-python-client-gae-1.2.
I've found the following guide -
I've installed the lib, and then paid attention to the fact that in GAE, all source should be present in the project lib - so I have manually copied "apiclient" lib's content to my src lib.
Nevertheless, for the following line I've added from Google's example -
service = build('my_service', 'v1', developerKey=api_key)
when I run the GCC application, the following error occurs:
from apiclient.discovery import build
ImportError: No module named apiclient.discovery
I'm struggling through those issues quite a while, please help...

You're mostly headed in the wrong direction.
App Engine's XMPP API lets you send and respond to XMPP messages. See the docs:
There's no "Client" class. You have to code against the API provided by the XMPP service.
You're better off just using the HTTP connection server instead of XMPP. It's more straightfoward: says
Note that Google AppEngine does not support connections to CCS


FirebaseMessaging.getToken() using python

I'm building a kivy app and almost got firebase cloud messaging working using the pyfcm
package from pypi.
What i'm stuck on is how to get the "registration token" that the firebase SDK creates on app install so that i have a registration token to send push notifications to.
There seems to be lots of info scattered around the net in regards to doing it using some other language other than "python", but python is all i know so i'm trying to work it out for that language.Any one have tips on how i go about that please ?
I can't find a python package that has the FirebaseMessaging.getToken() in it which is what the firebase documentation keeps referring to, so i'm lost and my brain is going mushy now due to researching this for hours and hours so far :)
any help appreciated
To answer my own question.
For those wondering the same question as i had. I came across this package
In that package the guy has incorporated the ability to get the device token and also update the token when it changes. It takes a little manipulating to get the package to work properly with the latest gradle version but it is do able.
There doesnt seem to be a direct "python" method as such to get the token so using this package makes use of the required java and python code to achieve the task. Using this and using pyfcm from pypi to send messages, i'm now able to send firebase push notifications from my kivy app :)

Run Kubernetes dynamically using API

I want to create pods, manage replica sets, and deployments using a rest API either built with PHP or Python. This needs to be controlled from a web app where the user clicks on a button and a new pod with a specific volume is created. I'm not sure how to achieve this.
I came across KC8 API and Python KC8 client API but I'm unable to achieve what is required. TIA
Kubernetes is controlled through an HTTP REST API, which is fully specified here. You could write a web app that directly issues the appropriate HTTP requests to the Kubernetes API server.
However, it's much more recommended to use one of the Kubernetes client libraries that exist for different programming languages. These libraries wrap all the HTTP requests in function calls and also take care of things like authentication.
You can find example code using the different client libraries in the GitHub repositories of most libraries (see here).

Running One Instance of Google App Engine with frontend in nodejs and backend server in python

I'm getting my feet wet with GCP and GAE, also nodejs and python and networking (I know).
[+] What I have:
Basically I have some nodejs code that takes in some input and is supposed to then send that input to some python code that will do more stuff to it. My first idea was to deploy the nodejs code via GAE, then host the python code in a python server, then make post requests from the nodejs front-end to the python server backend.
[+] What I would like to be able to do:
just deploy both my nodejs code and my python code in the same project and instance of GAE so that the nodejs is the frontend that people see but so that the python server is also running in the same environment and can just communicate with the nodejs without sending anything online.
[+] What I have read
Google App Engine - Front and Backend Web Development
and countless other google searches for this type of setup but to no avail.
If anyone can point me in the right direction I would really appreciate it.
You can't have both python and nodejs running in the same instance, but they can run as separate services, each with their own instance(s) inside the same GAE app/project. See Service isolation and maybe Deploying different languages services to the same Application [Google App Engine]
Using post requests can work pretty well, but will likely take some effort to ensure no outside access.
Since you intend to use as frontend the nodejs service you're limited to using only the flexible environment for it, which limits the inter-service communication options - you can't use push queues (properly supported only in the standard environment) which IMHO would be a better/more secure solution than post requests.
Another secure communication option would be for the nodejs service to place the data into the datastore and have the python service pick it up from there - the datastore is shared by all instances/versions/services inside the same GAE app. Also more loosely coupled IMHO - each service can function (at least for a while) without the other being alive (not possible if using the post requests).
Maybe of interest: How to tell if a Google App Engine documentation page applies to the standard or the flexible environment
Node.JS is currently available in the standard environment as well, so you can use those features, see:
Now, you can deploy your Node.js app to App Engine standard environment
Google App Engine Node.js Standard Environment Documentation

Installing XMPP on a Python server

I am attempting to follow set up the python xmpp server for GCM as detailed here:
The website I used for hosting is
My issue is that when I saw import xmpp, it says that no such module is found.
Should I be trying to install it on their server? I realize that this issue is probably really basic, but I have looked online for the last hour or so without much fruit. I see all these variations on XMPP and am not sure if I have to deal with any of those or if I can just do exactly what the google demo is saying.
Thanks for your time,
PythonAnywhere doesn't support raw TCP socket connections or websockets, so XMPP may not work. But then again, from reading wikipedia, it does look like there's a pure-HTTP alternative, so it might work.
Check out this guide to installing new modules: My suggestion would be to use a virtualenv for your web app, and install flask and xmpp into that...
You will have to download and install the missing python package. You may do this manually via SSH if the provider gives you access, or there may be a way to include a requirements document such that the server looks and downloads needed packages automatically. It all depends on the host, the access they allow you, and their automation features.

Need to call ldap in App Engine's Python environment

I'm trying to add an Ldap authentication backend to a Django project running over GAE.
The project runs ok. The only problem really is Ldap is not supported by GAE. I mean:
import ldap
will generate a server error. Nonetheless, I do know that I could make my own modules available through zipimport.
Does anybody have any experience solving similar issues? Can this sort of workaround be an effective solution considering lower level dependencies?
App Engine doesn't let you open sockets directly. Unless the LDAP server you're planning to connect to has an internet-visible HTTP front-end, you need a Plan B. (E.g., you could periodically upload extract from LDAP to your App.)

