Assign string to QLineEdit with PySide/PyQt - python

I'm having a little bit of trouble assigning values to a QLineEdit. I've read the documentation and feel that the QLineEdit.SetText() command will be used at some point.
I've used Qt Designer to design a GUI for my software. On the main window (, with an accompanying setup file), I have a LineEdit (lineEditScanBarcode) which has strong focus. I've managed to pull input from that LineEdit pretty well. What I'd like to do is this:
If the input in LineEditScanBarcode = x, then assign the name 'John Smith' to a secondary QLineEdit (lineEditUser) which has a zero focus policy. This is what I have so far:
def ScanBarcode(self):
barcode = self.lineEditScanBarcode.text()
if barcode == '12345':
print("Welcome John")
self.lineEditUser.setText() = 'John'
else: print("Sorry, user not recognised.")
Upon running this, I get the following error:
Syntax Error: can't assign to function call
I've had a look at the above error, but I'm still unsure as to what's going on here. I still have no idea to open one window on top of another (this software package will have about 10 windows), but that's another story!
Is my logic here on track? I've never used Qt before, so my understanding of the intricacies involved is lacking to say the least.
Any input would be great!

As the comment states, the error is on this line:
self.lineEditUser.setText() = 'John'
You are attempting to assign the value 'John' to that functioncall (as the error states). If you review the documentation for QLineEdit in PyQT, you'll see that QLineEdit.setText() requires a string to be passed to it.
So, what you need to do instead is pass the value 'John' to the function like so:
On another note your idea that your
software package will have about 10 windows
is definitely something that you want to reexamine. More windows, especially when undocked and floating independently will no doubt cause usability issues. I'd strongly recommend sharing your ideas over at UserExperience.SE.


PyWinAuto with out using "child_window"

I have NO return on child_window when the program is in its state i expect to work in.
I need a way to edit the text field but literally all examples and google searches i have done show no examples of implementation EXCEPT when using child_window
this should put Test into the edit field
from pywinauto.application import Application
app = Application(backend="uia").connect(title="DaVinci Resolve Studio - Template")
Title = app.DaVinciResolveStudioTemplate.['TitleEdit', 'Edit8'].wrapper_object()
it returns a syntax error
I have read teh documentation and i HONESTLY have no idea how to initiate the return with out a child window. Googing "no child_window" with multiple iterations has yielded me hours wasted and NOT ONE solution.
if text is entered the child_window appears in returns, but that isnt how the program start's
This is the native return
please, explain it for me how im supposed to seach/grab/interact with out child window? with a example please because this has me at a loss
Syntax error is in line Title = app.DaVinciResolveStudioTemplate.['TitleEdit', 'Edit8'].wrapper_object().
This line should be written as either Title = app.DaVinciResolveStudioTemplate['TitleEdit', 'Edit8'].wrapper_object() or Title = app.DaVinciResolveStudioTemplate.Edit8.wrapper_object().

How to change username of job in print queue using python & win32print

I am trying to change the user of a print job in the queue, as I want to create it on a service account but send the job to another users follow-me printing queue. I'm using the win32 module in python. Here is an example of my code:
from win32 import win32print
pclExample = open("sample.pcl")
printer_name = win32print.GetDefaultPrinter()
hPrinter = win32print.OpenPrinter(printer_name)
jobID = win32print.StartDocPrinter(hPrinter, 1, ("PCL Data test", None, "RAW"))
# Here we try to change the user by extracting the job and then setting it again
jobInfoDict = win32print.GetJob(hPrinter, jobID , JOB_INFO_LEVEL )
jobInfoDict["pUserName"] = "exampleUser"
win32print.SetJob(hPrinter, jobID , JOB_INFO_LEVEL , jobInfoDict , win32print.JOB_CONTROL_RESUME )
win32print.WritePrinter(hPrinter, pclExample)
The problem is I get an error at the win32print.SetJob() line. If JOB_INFO_LEVEL is set to 1, then I get the following error:
(1804, 'SetJob', 'The specified datatype is invalid.')
This is a known bug to do with how the C++ works in the background (Issue here).
If JOB_INFO_LEVEL is set to 2, then I get the following error:
(1798, 'SetJob', 'The print processor is unknown.')
However, this is the processor that came from win32print.GetJob(). Without trying to change the user this prints fine, so I'm not sure what is wrong.
Any help would be hugely appreciated! :)
Using Python 3.8.5 and Pywin32 303
At the beginning I thought it was a misunderstanding (I was also a bit skeptical about the bug report), mainly because of the following paragraph (which apparently seems to be wrong) from [MS.Docs]: SetJob function (emphasis is mine):
The following members of a JOB_INFO_1, JOB_INFO_2, or JOB_INFO_4 structure are ignored on a call to SetJob: JobId, pPrinterName, pMachineName, pUserName, pDrivername, Size, Submitted, Time, and TotalPages.
But I did some tests and ran into the problem. The problem is as described in the bug: filling JOB_INFO_* string members (which are LPTSTRs) with char* data.
Submitted [GitHub]: mhammond/pywin32 - Fix: win32print.SetJob sending ANSI to UNICODE API (and none of the 2 errors pops up). It was merged to main on 220331.
When testing the fix, I was able to change various properties of an existing job, I was amazed that it didn't have to be valid data (like below), I'm a bit curious to see what would happen when the job would be executed (as now I don't have a connection to a printer):
Change pUserName to str(random.randint(0, 10000)) to make sure it changes on each script run (PrintScreens taken separately and assembled in Paint):
Ways to go further:
Wait for a new PyWin32 version (containing this fix) to be released. This is the recommended approach, but it will also take more time (and it's unclear when it will happen)
Get the sources, either:
from main
from b303 (last stable branch), and apply the (above) patch(1)
build the module (.pyd) and copy it in the PyWin32's site-packages directory on your Python installation(s). Faster, but it requires some deeper knowledge, and maintenance might become a nightmare
#1: Check [SO]: Run / Debug a Django application's UnitTests from the mouse right click context menu in PyCharm Community Edition? (#CristiFati's answer) (Patching UTRunner section) for how to apply patches (on Win).

Getting a selection in 3ds Max into a list in Python

I am writing in Python, sometimes calling certain aspects of maxscript and I have gotten most of the basics to work. However, I still don't understand FPValues. I don't even understand while looking through the examples and the max help site how to get anything meaningful out of them. For example:
import MaxPlus as MP
import pymxs
MPEval = MP.Core.EvalMAXScript
objectList = []
def addBtnCheck():
select = MPEval('''GetCurrentSelection()''')
try (destroyDialog unnamedRollout) catch()
rollout unnamedRollout "Centered" width:262 height:350
button 'addBtn' "Add Selection to List" pos:[16,24] width:88 height:38
on 'addBtn' pressed do
python.Execute "addBtnCheck()"
MP.Core.EvalMAXScript('''createDialog unnamedRollout''')
(I hope I got the indentation right, pretty new at this)
In the above code I successfully spawned my rollout, and used a button press to call a python function and then I try to put the selection of a group of objects in a variable that I can control through python.
The objectList print gives me this:
[<MaxPlus.FPValue; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'Autodesk::Max::FPValue *' at 0x00000000846E5F00> >]
When used on a selection of two objects. While I would like the object names, their positions, etc!
If anybody can point me in the right direction, or explain FPValues and how to use them like I am an actual five year old, I would be eternally grateful!
Where to start, to me the main issue seems to be the way you're approaching it:
why use MaxPlus at all, that's an low-level SDK wrapper as unpythonic (and incomplete) as it gets
why call maxscript from python for things that can be done in python (getCurrentSelection)
why use maxscript to create UI, you're in python, use pySide
if you can do it in maxscript, why would you do it in python in the first place? Aside from faster math ops, most of the scene operations will be orders of magnitude slower in python. And if you want, you can import and use python modules in maxscript, too.
import MaxPlus as MP
import pymxs
mySel = mp.SelectionManager.Nodes
objectList = []
for each in mySel:
x = each.Name
print objectList
The easiest way I know is with the
my_selection = rt.selection
However, I've found it works a little better for me to throw it into a list() function as well so I can get it as a Python list instead of a MAXscript array. This isn't required but some things get weird when using the default return from rt.selection.
my_selection = list(rt.selection)
Once you have the objects in a list you can just access its attributes by looking up what its called for MAXscript.
for obj in my_selection:

Python GTK get selected value from the treeview

I am working on a mini GUI project , I am currently struggling to figure out how to get selected value from the list and then return that value to the main function so that I can use that value in somewhere else . Can someone help me please !!!!
self.device_list_store = gtk.ListStore(str,str,str,str,str)
for device in self.get_dev_list():
device_list_treeview = gtk.TreeView(self.device_list_store)
selected_row = device_list_treeview.get_selection()
def item_selected(self,selection):
model,row = selection.get_selected()
if row is not None:
selected_device = model[row][0]
at the moment ,the item_selected function is not returning anything , I want to return selected_device back to the main function so I can use it in other functions as well .
EDIT: I've edited code above to remove formatting errors #jcoppens
As you can see in the documentation, the item_selected function is called with one parameter, tree_selection. But if you define the function inside a class, it requires the self parameter too, which is normally added automatically. In your (confusing) example, there is no class defined, so I suspect the problem is your program which is incomplete.
Also, I suspect you don't want device_list_treeview = gtk.T... in the for loop:
for device in self.get_dev_list():
device_list_treeview = gtk.TreeView(self.device_list_store)
And I suspect you want selected_device = mod... indented below the if:
if row is not None:
selected_device = model[row][0]
Please convert your example in a complete program, and formatted correctly.
BTW: item_selected is not a good name for the signal handler. It is also called if the item is unselected (which is why the signal is called 'changed')!
And important: Even though you should first read the basic Python tutorials and Gtk tutorials, you should then consider using lazka's excellent reference for all the Python APIs. There's a link on the page to download it completely and have it at hand in your computer.

Get menu entries of GDBusMenuModel with PyGObject

So because I have the unity-gtk-module installed, all gtk-applications export their menu over the dbus SessionBus. My goal is to extract a list of all available menu entries. I've already implemented this with the help of pydbus, but for some reason, this solution is highly unstable and some applications just flat out crash. The unity-gtk-module uses Gio's g_dbus_connection_export_menu_model () to export its GMenuModel modeled menu over dbus, so I thought it would make sense to try to use Gio to process the exported menu. Gio uses the GDBusMenuModel class to retrieve a menu from the bus. Python uses PyGObject for wrapping Gio:
from gi.repository import Gio
connection = Gio.bus_get_sync(Gio.BusType.SESSION, None)
menuModel = Gio.DBusMenuModel.get(connection, [bus-name e.g. ":1.5"], [object-path e.g. "/com/canonical/unity/gtk/window/0"])
Now menuModel should be wrapping the GMenuModel from my application. At this point I'm honestly a bit confused about how exactly the GMenuModel works (the Description is not really helping) but it seems I have to use a GMenuAttributeIter object to iterate through the entries. But when I try this:
iter = Gio.MenuModel.iterate_item_attributes(menuModel, 0) #0 is the index of the root node
this happens:
GLib-GIO-CRITICAL **: g_dbus_menu_model_get_item_attributes: assertion 'proxy->items' failed
GLib-GIO-CRITICAL **: GMenuModel implementation 'GDBusMenuModel' doesn't override iterate_item_attributes() and fails to return sane calues from get_item_attributes()
This probably happens because GDBusMenuModel inherits GMenuModel which provides these methods, but is abstract, so GDBusMenuModel should override them, which it doesn't (see link above, it provides just g_dbus_menu_model_get ()). If this is the case, how am I supposed to actually use this class as a proxy? And if it's not, what am I doing wrong?
I justed logged in to SO the first time after a few years and remembered that I've actually found a solution to this question (I think). Honestly, I can't remember what half of these words even mean, but at the time I wrote a script to accomplish the task posed in the title, and as far as I remember, in the end, it worked out:

