Python how to know if a record inserted successfully or not - python

I'm using Python MySQL Connector, I inserted a record into database, and it was successful. But in Python code, how can I know if it is inserted or not?
My Table does not have a primary key.
def insert(params) :
db_connection = Model.get_db_connection()
cursor = db_connection.cursor()
try :
cursor.execute("""INSERT INTO `User`(`UID`, `IP`) VALUES(%s,%s);""", (params))
except :
return result

You can use .rowcount attribute:
cursor.execute("""INSERT INTO `User`(`UID`, `IP`) VALUES(%s,%s);""", params)
print("affected rows = {}".format(cursor.rowcount))
.rowcount This read-only attribute specifies the number of rows that
the last .execute*() produced (for DQL statements like SELECT) or
affected (for DML statements like UPDATE or INSERT). [9]


Fail to run 'execute(sqlcmd)' of sqlite3 using Python,Ubuntu

I want to use sqlite3 to deal with data in Ubuntu with python. But I always failed and get errors. Codes related to database are as follows:
sqlite = "%s.db" % name
#connnect to the database
conn = sqlite3.connect(sqlite)
print "Opened database successfully"
c = conn.cursor()
#set default separator to "\t" in database
c.execute(".separator "\t"")
print "Set separator of database successfully"
#create table data_node
c.execute('''create table data_node(Time int,Node Text,CurSize int,SizeVar int,VarRate real,Evil int);''')
print "Table data_node created successfully"
node_info = "%s%s.txt" % (name,'-PIT-node')
c.execute(".import %\"s\" data_node") % node_info
print "Import to data_node successfully"
#create table data_face
data_info = "%s%s.txt" % (name,'-PIT-face')
c.execute('''create table data_face(Time int,Node Text,TotalEntry real,FaceId int,FaceEntry real,Evil int);''')
c.execute(".import \"%s\" data_face") % face_info
#get the final table : PIT_node
c.execute('''create table node_temp as select FIRST.Time,FIRST.Node,ROUND(FIRST.PacketsRaw/SECOND.PacketsRaw,4) as SatisRatio from tracer_temp FIRST,tracer_temp SECOND WHERE FIRST.Time=SECOND.Time AND FIRST.Node=SECOND.Node AND FIRST.Type='InData' AND SECOND.Type='OutInterests';''')
c.execute('''create table PIT_node as select A.Time,A.Node,B.SatisRatio,A.CurSize,A.SizeVar,A.VarRate,A.Evil from data_node A,node_temp B WHERE A.Time=B.Time AND A.Node=B.Node;''')
#get the final table : PIT_face
c.execute('''create table face_temp as select FIRST.Time,FIRST.Node,FIRST.FaceId,ROUND(FIRST.PacketsRaw/SECOND.PacketsRaw,4) as SatisRatio,SECOND.Packets from data_tracer FIRST,data_tracer SECOND WHERE FIRST.Time=SECOND.Time AND FIRST.Node=SECOND.Node AND FIRST.FaceId=SECOND.FaceId AND FIRST.Type='OutData' AND SECOND.Type='InInterests';''')
c.execute('''create table PIT_face as select A.Time,A.Node,A.FaceId,B.SatisRatio,B.Packets,ROUND(A.FaceEntry/A.TotalEntry,4),A.Evil from data_face as A,face_temp as B WHERE A.Time=B.Time AND A.Node=B.Node AND A.FaceId = B.FaceId;''')
These sql-commands are right. When I run the code, it always shows sqlite3.OperationalError: near ".": syntax error. So how to change my code and are there other errors in other commands such as create table?
You have many problems in your code as posted, but the one you're asking about is:
c.execute(".separator "\t"")
This isn't valid Python syntax. But, even if you fix that, it's not valid SQL.
The "dot-commands" are special commands to the sqlite3 command line shell. It intercepts them and uses them to configure itself. They mean nothing to the actual database, and cannot be used from Python.
And most of them don't make any sense outside that shell anyway. For example, you're trying to set the column separator here. But the database doesn't return strings, it returns row objects—similar to lists. There is nowhere for a separator to be used. If you want to print the rows out with tab separators, you have to do that in your own print statements.
So, the simple fix is to remove all of those dot-commands.
However, there is a problem—at least one of those dot-commands actually does something:
c.execute(".import %\"s\" data_node") % node_info
You will have to replace that will valid calls to the library that do the same thing as the .import dot-command. Read what it does, and it should be easy to understand. (You basically want to open the file, parse the columns for each row, and do an executemany on an INSERT with the rows.)

Can't get MySQL Connector/Python to Return Dictionary

I have a Python application, in which I'm calling a MySQL stored procedure from my view, like so:
import mysql.connector
proc = 'audit_report'
parms = [data['schoolid'], dateToISO(data['startdatedefault'],'from'), dateToISO(data['enddatedefault'],'to'), joinIntList(data['studypgms'], joinWith), joinIntList(data['fedpgms'], joinWith), joinIntList(data['statuses'], joinWith), data['fullssndefault']]
conn = mysql.connector.connect(user='usr', database='db', password='pwd')
cursor = conn.cursor(dictionary=True)
cursor.callproc(proc, parms)
for result in cursor.stored_results():
I am getting the data returned as a list of tuples, the standard output. Since I'm using connector version 2.1.7, the docs say adding
to the cursor declaration should cause the rowset to be returned as a list of dictionaries, with column name as the key of each dictionary. Main difference between my application and the example in the docs is that I'm using cursor.callproc(), whereas the examples use cursor.execute() with actual sql code.
I tried
to see if I could get the column names that way, but all I get is
('#_audit_report_arg1', '#_audit_report_arg2', '#_audit_report_arg3', '#_audit_report_arg4', '#_audit_report_arg5', '#_audit_report_arg6', '#_audit_report_arg7')
which looks more like the input parameters to the stored procedure.
Is there any way to actually get the column names of the returned data? The procedure is somewhat complex and contains crosstab-type manipulation, but calling the same stored procedure from MySQL Workbench happily supplies the column names.
Normally, knowing what the output is supposed to be, I could hard-code column names, except this procedure crosstabs the data for the last few columns, and it is unpredictable what they will be until after the query runs.
You can use pymysql in python3 and it should work fine !!
import pymysql.cursors
connection = pymysql.connect(host='',
with connection.cursor() as cursor:
# Read a single record
sql = "query"
result = cursor.fetchone()
num_fields = len(cursor.description)
field_names = [i[0] for i in cursor.description]
print (field_names)

INSERT WHERE NOT EXISTS clause using python variables

I am attempting to write an SQL query to insert rows into a table when the script is run. I have been able to get it working whilst duplicating data, but am unable to set up an insert that can determine whether or not the record is unique.
I have tried following these threads:
Most efficient way to do a SQL 'INSERT IF NOT EXISTS'
Python MySQLdb / MySQL INSERT IGNORE & Checking if Ignored
Currently, I can get the system to add all records, but due to the frequency the script is ran at the database is being filled with the same records. This is my current code:
for post in r.get_subreddit("listentothis").get_new(limit=5):
if '' in post.url or '' in post.url:
sql = """INSERT INTO listentothis2(title,url) VALUES ('%s', '%s') WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM listentothis2 WHERE url = '%s') """ % (post.title, post.url, post.url)
I have also tried:
sql = """INSERT IGNORE INTO listentothis2(title,url) VALUES ('%s', '%s') """ % (post.title, post.url)
However, this adds the 3 most recent records whether or not they are commited to the database already. Any help is greatly appreciated!

Python mysql connector returns tuple

I am connecting to mysql database via mysql connector and running a simple query to pull a list of IDs. I need to loop over that list and pass them into some other code. For some reason I am getting a list of tuples. Is this expected behavior? If not, what am I doing wrong?
Here is the snippet of my code:
import mysql.connector
conn = mysql.connector.connect(host='', database='t', user='r', password='pwd')
cursor = conn.cursor()
query = ( "select id from T where updated < '%s'" % (run_date) )
for row in cursor:
print (row)
I am getting the following back (from an INT field in d/b):
if you want to access just the data in the row you need to go into the dictionary
first you must make it true in the cursor
cur = db.cursor( buffered=True , dictionary=True)
then the result will be like this :
{'Decimal' : '991837'}
i'm sure the Decimal is your row name
so when you need to access to the value do this
import mysql.connector
conn = mysql.connector.connect(host='', database='t', user='r', password='pwd')
cursor = conn.cursor()
query = ( "select id from T where updated < '%s'" % (run_date) )
for row in cursor:
print (row['Decimal'])
i hope it works for i was looking for this solution for the past 2 days and no answers
the only way i debugged i opened the debugger and print out all the variables
have fun with Python :)
Yes, this is expected behavior. Using the cursor as an iterable is basically equivalent to looping over it using the fetchone() method. From the documentation for fetchone() (emphasis mine):
This method retrieves the next row of a query result set and returns a
single sequence, or None if no more rows are available. By default,
the returned tuple consists of data returned by the MySQL server,
converted to Python objects. If the cursor is a raw cursor, no such
conversion occurs;

Confirmation that a postgres 'update' query worked in python

I've written my first 'update' query in python, while it seems correct, I'm not sure how to receive back the output to confirm it worked..
This is supposed to load a CSV file and replace the values in the first column with those in the second:
def main():
conn=psycopg2.connect("dbname='subs' user='subs' host='localhost' password=''")
print "I am unable to connect to the database."
with open("dne.txt", "r+") as f:
for line in f:
old = line.split(',')[0].strip()
new = line.split(',')[1].strip()
cur = conn.cursor()
cur.execute("UPDATE master_list SET subs = '{0}' WHERE subs = '{1}';".format(new, old))
results = cur.fetchall()
for each in results:
print str(each)
if __name__=="__main__":
I thought the results (UPDATE 1 for each change?) would come back as a tuple, but I got an error instead:
psycopg2.ProgrammingError: no results to fetch
I'm not sure if this means my query just didn't work and there were no updates, or if I can't use fetchall() like I'm trying to.
Any feedback or suggestions welcome!
The UPDATE statement won't return any values as you are asking the database to update its data not to retrieve any data.
By far the best way to get the number of rows updated is to use cur.rowcount. This works with other drivers too, like with Psycopg2 for Postgresql it's the same syntax.
cur.execute("UPDATE master SET sub = ('xyz') WHERE sub = 'abc'")
A more roundabout way of checking the update is by running a SELECT against the table after updating it; you should get the data returned. In my example below the first SELECT will return the row(s) where the update will happen. The second SELECT after the update should then return no rows as you have already updated all fields. The third SELECT should return the rows you have updated, plus any that already existed with the 'xyz' value.
import sqlite3
def main():
cur = conn.cursor()
cur.execute("create table master(id text, sub text)")
cur.execute("insert into master(id, sub) values ('1', 'abc')")
cur.execute("insert into master(id, sub) values ('2', 'def')")
cur.execute("insert into master(id, sub) values ('3', 'ghi')")
print("I am unable to connect to the database.")
cur.execute("select id, sub from master where sub='abc'")
cur.execute("UPDATE master SET sub = ('xyz') WHERE sub = 'abc'")
cur.execute("select id, sub from master where sub='abc'")
cur.execute("select id, sub from master where sub='xyz'")
if __name__=="__main__":
In PostgreSQL 9.5 or later you can add RETURNING * to end your query that then returns the modified rows.
PostgreSQL docs:
Sometimes it is useful to obtain data from modified rows while they
are being manipulated. The INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE commands all
have an optional RETURNING clause that supports this. Use of RETURNING
avoids performing an extra database query to collect the data, and is
especially valuable when it would otherwise be difficult to identify
the modified rows reliably.

