Program in wxPython and VPython - python

I wrote program in wxPython and VPython, but I have huge problem: Module VPython not always run. If I run program in Interpreter, program run more often , than after compilation. Code never returns any errors. I try on the other computers, program is the same.
Python 2.7.5 32bit
wxPython 2.9.4
VPython 6.0.5
import visual as v
import wx
class Maintest(v.window):
def InitUI(self):
fileMenu = wx.Menu()
self.menubar.Append(fileMenu, '&Plik')
def asd(self, scene):
def main():
w = Maintest(menus=True, title="program", x=100, y=100, width=1024, height=600)
scene = v.display(window=w, x=0, y=0, width=600, height=600, up=(0,0,1), background=(1,1,1), foreground = (0,1,0), forward=(-1,-1,-1))
while True:
if __name__ == '__main__':
All is OK:
Not OK:
It is only the part of main program, but problem is the same.
What is wrong? What I should to do?
I will be gratefull for answer.

With Win7 Python 2.7.5 64bit wxPython 2.9.4 VPython 6.0.5 I cannot get the program to fail. The fact that the problem is not entirely reproducible (and is entirely nonreproducible by me) suggests the possibility that the graphics driver needs to be updated. VPython uses the OpenGL 3D graphics library, which is sensitive to driver issues.

Only a guess but you may have let something out:
import wx
app = wx.App(redirect=True)
top = wx.Frame(None, title="Hello World", size=(300,200))
top.Show() # you need this
app.MainLoop() # you need this

I had a similar issue, or at least one with similar symptoms, and found that it was dependant on the position of the mouse at launch time (see full description here).
The solution was to call Hide and Show in succession after the display was created.
These calls need to be made to the panel fed to the display object.


How to make my Program Display Always on top

Program Info & Problem
I have created a Python Program Using Pygame Module which displays the Ads on the monitor.
It shows The Ad on screen But as soon as I launch different applications like kodi or vlc or chrome, etc. It goes behind those applications.
The Problem is: The program runs but behind those applications if these applications are launched after my Ad Program.
Ideal Working
Program Laucnhed
Ad Displayed on screen
Launched Other Application
The Program still displayes the ad on top of screen.
System Info
OS: Linux - Ubuntu 20
Language: Python
Module: Pygame, Pymovie, GTK3+
Architecture: amd64
Desktop Enviroment: OpenBOX
Code Launch: CLI using a bash script which launches the python program of advertisment.
Sample Screenshot of Advertiesment
Please Help!
Thank you.
Looks like the best answer I can find is from this outdated website (
they say to use code below, it should work on all OSs...things are never that easy
Alternatively I have four other answers lol
Taken from (How to keep a python window on top of all others (python 3.1))
stackoverflow user pyfunc says for windows you can just do
import win32gui
import win32con
win32gui.SetWindowPos(hWnd, win32con.HWND_TOPMOST, 0,0,0,0,
win32con.SWP_NOMOVE | win32con.SWP_NOSIZE)
Since this only works for windows I think you should try python-tinker, I believe it works on linux
root = Tk()
root.wm_attributes("-topmost", 1)
Also whatnick says you can use PyGTK
reference: How to make python window run as "Always On Top"?
Let me know if any of these work for you, I will keep looking for a better answer.
I think PyWinCtl can make the trick in most cases. You can invoke alwaysOnTop() once for your window, or you can call it inside your loop to assure it stays on top after other apps open. Check this:
import tkinter as tk
import pywinctl as pwc
class Window(tk.Tk):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
tk.Tk.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
self.attributes('-alpha', 0.5)
self.label = tk.Label(text="Hello World!")
self.label.pack(fill=tk.BOTH, expand=1)
self.window = pwc.Window(int(self.frame(), base=16))
# Call it once at the beginning of your program...
self.counter = 0
def display(self):
if self.state() == "normal":
# ... or call it repeatedly to assure it stays on top
# On Linux, sometimes it takes more time to recognize the new window
self.window = pwc.Window(int(self.frame(), base=16))
self.counter += 1
self.after(1000, self.display)
root = Window()

Python Tkinter Flashing Standard Window

I am building an Interface with TKinter and I have the problem, that whenever create a new window the standardized tkinter window of 200x200 pixel with nothing in it flashes up for a fraction of a second and AFTER that all my modifications (widgets ect.) are made. This happens before AND after calling the mainloop.
The Main-Interface is created.
Mainloop stats
Flashing window
Main-Interface appears
Also after Mainloop was called this happens with newly created windows.
Main-Interface appears--> Push a button, that creates a new window
Flashing window
new window appears
Sadly I cannot give you a sample code... If I try to do a minimal example, this doesn't happen. Maybe the standard window is created, but it is changed so fast, that it doesn't appear on screen. I don't even know what to look up in this case... searching "tkinter flashing window" yields nothing.
EDIT: I found the source of the problem. It seems to be caused by wm_iconbitmap, FigureCanvasTkAgg and tkinter.Toplevel. If you remove the the icon out of the code, it works fine, no flashing. But if I use it together with one of the other, the window flashes when created. Try it out with the code below. You have to put the icon in the working directory of course.
Here is a code sample and the link to the icon I am using, but I suppose any icon will do.
# coding=utf-8
import numpy as np
import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib.backends.backend_tkagg import FigureCanvasTkAgg
import tkinter as tk
import os
class INTERFACE(object):
def __init__(self):
self.root = tk.Tk()
self.root.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.EXIT)
self.root.wm_iconbitmap( os.path.abspath("icon.ico")) #<---- !!!!!!
canvas = FigureCanvasTkAgg(self.testfigure(), master=self.root) #<---- !!!!!!
self.root.rowconfigure(0, weight=1)
self.root.columnconfigure(0, weight=1)
def testfigure(self):
x=np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi,100)
fig = mpl.figure.Figure()
sub = fig.add_subplot(111)
return fig
def EXIT(self):
Top = tk.Toplevel(master=self.root)
Top.wm_iconbitmap( os.path.abspath("icon.ico")) #<---- !!!!!!
Top.resizable(width=False, height=False)
tk.Message(Top,text="Do you really want to quit?", justify=tk.CENTER, width=300).grid(row=0,columnspan=3)
def start(self):
if __name__ == '__main__':
I know this is an old question, but I've experienced a similar situation and have found a solution.
In my case, I've isolated the issue to the use of iconbitmap. I've managed to solve it by calling iconbitmap with the after method just before calling root.mainloop().
from tkinter import *
root = Tk()
w = Label(root, text="Hello, world!")
root.after(50, root.iconbitmap('icon.ico'))
This method has worked on Toplevel() windows with icons as well.
Tested on Win 8.1 with Python 3.5.0.
Edit: Upon further inspection I've noticed that the behavior changes relative to root.geometry's presence as well. My initial example didn't have it and I only noticed after a few tries that it still had the same issue. The time delay in the after method doesn't seem to change anything.
Moving root.geometry below the after method yields the same issue for some reason.
Most likely, somewhere in your initialization code you're calling update or update_idletasks, which causes the current state of the GUI to be drawn on the screen.
Another possible source of the problem is if you're creating multiple instances of Tk rather than Toplevel.
Without seeing your code, though, all we can do is guess.
Your best route to solving this problem is to create a small example that has the same behavior. Not because we need it to help you, but because the effort you put into recreating the bug will likely teach you what is causing the bug.
This should work but it requires win32gui
import win32gui
def FlashMyWindow(title):
ID = win32gui.FindWindow(None, title)

display a menu bar icon on osx

I'd like to have my application display an icon in OSX menu bar (top of screen where Growl sits). How would I do this using Python? (I understand this is not possible using wxPython but I am not after a wxPython specific solution).
An implementation of this may be found at:
The API for displaying icons in the OS X menubar is called NSStatusItem. It's going to be difficult or impossible to use from a wxPython application, though -- you will probably have to write your application using PyObjC to use it effectively.
The rumps package makes this very easy. Here's an example from rumps's README:
import rumps
class AwesomeStatusBarApp(rumps.App):
def prefs(self, _):
rumps.alert("jk! no preferences available!")
#rumps.clicked("Silly button")
def onoff(self, sender):
sender.state = not sender.state
#rumps.clicked("Say hi")
def sayhi(self, _):
rumps.notification("Awesome title", "amazing subtitle", "hi!!1")
if __name__ == "__main__":
AwesomeStatusBarApp("Awesome App").run()

How to create full transparency in a QTextEdit

I have been trying for many days to figure out a way to create a transparent Qtextedit with opaque text. Because the term "transparency" is often ambiguous, I define Qtextedit"transparency" as being able to see the text in the Qtextedit overlaid upon whatever is directly behind the main window (such as the desktop background, windows media player etc.) If possible I would like to be able to set the transparency at various levels and cross system compatible, but this is not required.
I am an extreme beginner, as I have only been using pyqt4 for 3 weeks and python 3.x for a few months and this is all the experience with programming that I have obtained in my existence. I have been attempting to decipher the Pyqt documentation with regard to this matter, but it is written in a way that seems to assume that one has been a gui programer for decades, not to mention having knowlege of C++. Furthermore, when this question is asked online it never seems to be resolved in way that is either: a) well documented or b) generalizable
This is very surprising because it seems like a basic operation that people would want to do
This solution works but doesn't seem to be directly useful for anything but displaying transparent images. I also don't really understand it all that well, as simply changing the base class from QWidget to QMainWindow makes the whole thing fail
The following link embodies the common ways people suggest to solve problems similar to this, their pitfalls and why they don't work, but unfortunately they use the C++ version of Qt and are also a bit advanced for my skills at this point.
My system is windows 7 ultimate 32 bit on a dell latitude d830 with a Quadro NVS 140 whose driver version is current as of this post (Verde 275.33) My version of Pyqt is 4.8 (PyQt-Py3.2-x86-gpl-4.8.5-1.exe Windows 32 bit installer) I am also using Python 3.2.1 (Open Source version)
A basic example of my code lies beneath with the relevant (and failed) lines commented out:
When I tried the commented out code the color I generally just saw blackness. Also, when I resized my windows the darkness would randomly change intensity and the display of the main window seemed to get corrupted when maximized.
I would greatly appreciate any help on this matter!
import sys
import PyQt4
from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore
class Transparent(QtGui.QMainWindow):
def __init__(self,parent = None):
def initialize(self):
self.setWindowTitle("Chernobyl-like Failure")
self.answerlabel = QtGui.QLabel('Text Response Display')
self.answerlabel.setFrameStyle(QtGui.QFrame.Panel | QtGui.QFrame.Raised)
self.questionlabel = QtGui.QLabel("Question:")
self.questionlabel.setFrameStyle(QtGui.QFrame.Panel | QtGui.QFrame.Raised)
self.questionbox = QtGui.QLineEdit()
self.askbutton = QtGui.QPushButton("Ask it!")
self.historybox = QtGui.QTextEdit('Question & Answer history will be displayed here')
self.grid = QtGui.QGridLayout()
widgetlist = [['answerlabel',0,0,1,3],['questionlabel',1,0,1,1],
for widget in widgetlist:
self.centralwidget = QtGui.QFrame()
def colorset(self,widget,part,h,s,l,a):
pal = widget.palette()
color = QtGui.QColor()
if __name__ == "__main__":
app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)
main_window = Transparent()
To make your main window transparent, you have to set the Qt.WA_TranslucentBackground attribute (using setAttribute(Qt.WA_TranslucentBackground)). Under Windows, you also must set the Qt.FramelessWindowHint attribute on your main window. According to the docs, however, "The user cannot move or resize a borderless window via the window system." So, if you want that functionality, you have to implement it manually. Here is a thread giving an example of that in C++.
Once you have a transparent MainWindow you can control the opacity of it and any child widgets by setting the background color to an RGBA value. Here is a dumb example,
from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore
import sys
class Main(QtGui.QMainWindow):
def __init__(self, parent=None):
super(Main, self).__init__(parent)
frame = QtGui.QFrame(parent=self)
frame.setStyleSheet("QFrame {background: rgba(0,255,0,20%)}")
edit = QtGui.QTextEdit()
edit.setStyleSheet("background: rgba(0,0,255,20%)")
edit2.setStyleSheet("background: rgb(255,0,0)")
pushbutton = QtGui.QPushButton('Quit')
if __name__ == '__main__':
app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)
main = Main()

How to embed some application window in my application using any Python GUI framework

I want some application to look like widget inside my Python application.
That's all. I dont need any interaction between them. I'm interested in solutions in any GUI toolkit for both windows and x windows.
It would be nice to have a solution with Tkinter but it's not crucial.
Using GTK on X windows (i.e. Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris), you can use the XEMBED protocol to embed widgets using gtk.Socket. Unfortunately, the application that you're launching has to explicitly support it so that you can tell it to embed itself. Some applications don't support this. Notably, I can't find a way to do it with Firefox.
Nonetheless, here's a sample program that will run either an X terminal or an Emacs session inside a GTK window:
import os
import gtk
from gtk import Socket, Button, Window, VBox, HBox
w = Window()
e = Button("Emacs")
x = Button("XTerm")
s = Socket()
v = VBox()
h = HBox()
v.pack_start(h, expand=False)
def runemacs(btn):
x.set_sensitive(False); e.set_sensitive(False)
os.spawnlp(os.P_NOWAIT, "emacs",
"emacs", "--parent-id", str(s.get_id()))
def runxterm(btn):
x.set_sensitive(False); e.set_sensitive(False)
os.spawnlp(os.P_NOWAIT, "xterm",
"xterm", "-into", str(s.get_id()))
e.connect('clicked', runemacs)
x.connect('clicked', runxterm)
Not enough reputation to comment on Glyphs answer. To make xterm work, in addition to the comments above one needs to also add
XTerm*allowSendEvents: True
to ~/.Xresources. (and perhaps reload those, with xrdb -load ~/.Xresources)

