Scraping Data from Facebook with Python - python

I've been trying for several day now (unsuccessfully) to scrape cities from about 500 Facebook URLs. However, Facebook handles its data in a very strange way and I can't figure out what's going on under the hood to understand what I need to do.
Essentially the problem is that Facebook displays very different amounts of data depending on who is logged in, and what the privacy settings of the account are. For instance, try opening the following three links, both in a browser where you are logged into Facebook, and one where you are not:
As you can see, Facebook loads the data in both cases for the first link, but only gets data for the second link if you are logged in (to ANY account). The third link displays city when you are logged in, but only displays other information when you are not.
The reason this is extremely problematic (and related to Python) is that when trying to scrape the page with Beautiful Soup or Mechanize, I cannot figure out how to get the program to "pretend" that I am logged into an account. This means that I can easily grab data off the first type of link (of which there are less than 10), but I cannot get city off the second or third type. So far I've tried a number of solutions with little success.
Here's some sample code that works correctly for the first type, but not for other types:
import mechanize
import re
import csv
user_info = []
fb_url = ''
br = mechanize.Browser()
all_html = br.response().get_data()
print all_html
city ='fsl fwb fcb">(.+?)</a></div><div class="aboutSubtitle fsm fwn fcg', all_html).group(1)
user_info = [fb_url, city]
print user_info
I also have a version that uses Beautiful Soup. If anyone has any ideas on how to get around this, I would be extremely grateful. Thank you!

The right way to do this is to use the facebook API. For various business, security, and privacy reasons they go out of their way to make scraping data tricky.
If you insist on scraping I would try to log in first using mechanize to submit the form. I've never tried to do this with facebook, but alot of websites have easier to parse versions intended for mobile users at

You should look into using facepy by Johannes Gorset. He has done a brilliant job. I used it when I worked on a small Facebook app for a personal project.

I think scraping data from facebook is illegal. It is there in the terms of using facebook. Every activity is registered with your login details, even when you use a bot to scrape. If caught, they can ban you from using facebook for your lifetime. If there is a potential threat to any asset that you may pose, they can penalize you further.

You can try using selenium and Facebook API. I also had to scrape some similar data from list of testing Facebook accounts and selenium webdriver helped to emulate as real user and to scrape the required data.


Suitable Python modules for navigating a website

I am looking for a python module that will let me navigate searchbars, links etc of a website.
For context I am looking to do a little webscraping of this website []
I simply want to take information on each state (polling data etc) in relation to the 2020 election and organize it all in a collection of a database.
Obviously there are a lot of states to go through and each is on a seperate webpage. So im looking for a method in python in which i could quickly navigate the site and take the data of each page etc aswell as update and add to existing data. So finding a method of quickly navigating links and search bars with my inputted data would be very helpful.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
# a simple list that contains the names of each state
states = ["Alabama", "Alaska" ,"Arizona", "....."]
for state in states:
#code to look up the state in the searchbar of website
#figures being taken from website etc
Here is the rough idea i have
There are many options to accomplish this with Python. As #LD mentioned, you can use Selenium. Selenium is a good option if you need to interact with a websites UI via a headless browser. E.g clicking a button, entering text into a search bar, etc. If your needs aren't that complex, for instance if you just need to quickly scrape all the raw content from a web page and process it, than you should use the requests module from Python's standard library.
For processing raw content from a crawl, I would recommend beautiful soup.
Hope that helps!

Scraping a webpage that requires inputs and recaptcha in Python

I'm trying to scrape a website that provides individual access to court cases in New Jersey county courts. I'm having a lot of trouble figuring out how to start though. I've scraped quite a few websites before but I've usually been able to start by adapting the URL to pass through the search parameters. However, when I access this data the URL does not change so I'm at a bit of a loss.
Additionally, there is a test for me to prove that I am not a Robot (which occasionally turns into a ReCaptcha).
On the website linked above, say, for example, the inputs would be:
Case County==Bergen, Docket Type==Landlord Tenant (LT), Docket Number==000001, and Docket Year==19.
I would then like to be able to extract the Defendant Name or anything from the subsequent page.
Does anyone have any advice on how I should proceed with this?
Thanks in advance
Websites which "require input" can be scraped using Selenium, which evaluates the javascript: your python code then executes the page more as a "user" (click here, type there). It's slow.
Alternatively, if you look at the page details, you may see what happens to input, and simply execute the resulting GET or POST url properly formed (For example, Forms, often, will do a POST with the parameters: Look at the code and figure out what parameters get posted and to what URL, and then in python, execute that POST code -- you'll probably need a cookiejar to maintain session info.
HOWEVER As a website maintainer, my advice to you is to not attempt to scrape this site: it doesn't want to be scraped & repeated attempts only escalate defensive activities on the part of the website owner. You may also be violating usage policy, state and/or federal laws.
Instead, look for an alternative API, or alternative source. (NJ Courts may have an alternative API, designed for computer usage: send them an email!)

Get method from requests library seems to return homepage rather than specific URL

I'm new to Python & object-oriented programming in general. I'm trying to build a simple web scraper to create data frames from NBA contract data on I had planned to use the requests library together with BeautifulSoup. However, the get method seems to be returning the site's homepage rather than the page affiliated with the URL I give.
I give a URL to a team's contracts page (, but when I print the html it looks like it belongs to the homepage.
I haven't been able to find any documentation on the web about anyone else having this problem...
I'm using the Spyder IDE.
# Import library
import requests
# Assign the URL for contract scraping
url = ''
# Pull contracts page
page = requests.get(url)
# Check that correct page is being pulled
This seems like it should be very straightforward, so I'm not understanding why the console is displaying html that clearly doesn't pertain to the page I'm trying to point to. I'm not getting any errors, just html from the homepage.
After checking the code on and visiting the webpage myself, I can confirm you are pulling in the correct page's HTML. The page variable contains the tables of data, as well as their info... and also the page's advertisements, the contact info, the social media buttons and links, the adblock detection scripts, and everything else on the webpage. Your issue isn't that you're getting the wrong page, it's that you're getting the entire page, not just the data.
You'll want to pick out the exact bits you're interested in - maybe by selecting the table and its child elements? The table's HTML id is contracts - that should be a good place to start.
(Try visiting the page in your browser, right-clicking anywhere on the page, and clicking "view page source" - that's what your program is pulling in. There's a LOT more to a webpage than most people realize!)
As a word of warning, though, Sports Reference has a data use policy that precludes web crawlers / spiders on their site. I would recommend checking (and using) one of the free sites they link instead; you risk being IP banned otherwise.
Simply printing the result of the get request on the terminal won't be very helpful, as the HTML page content returned is long - your terminal will truncate the printed response. I'm assuming in your case maybe the website has parts of the homepage reused in other pages as well, so it might get confusing.
I recommend writing the response into a file and then opening the file in the browser. You will see that your code is pulling the right page.

How to get names of first 200 Facebook users using Python?

I am trying to get the names of first 200 Facebook users.
I am using Python and BeautifulSoup
The approach which I'm using is that instead of using Graph API, I'm trying to get the names using the title of the webpage.(The title of the profile webpage is the name of the person)
The first user is Zuckerberg(id:4). I want names till 200.
Here's what I've tried.
import urllib2
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
print BeautifulSoup(urllib2.urlopen(""+str(x))).title.string
Can anyone help?
Well, I concur with the other commenters that there is barely enough information to figure out what the problem is. But reading between the lines a bit, I imagine the OP is expecting that results for pages such as
which gets redirected to, Mark Zuckerberg's page, and
which gets redirected to, another early Facebook employee, will continue to work for further arbitrary user IDs the OP plugs in. In fact, I believe this trick did used to work in the past... until someone posted a spreadsheet of the first 2000 Facebook users somewhere, and Facebook clamped down on this hole (this is from memory, I bet there's a news story out there if someone feels like digging).
Anyway, trying further user IDs in the URL such as: now gives a "Sorry, this page isn't available" response. To the OP, I don't think there's any easy way you can code around this -- Zuck obviously doesn't care that you're harvesting his own page, but I guess he's not keen on letting you scrape the entire Facebook user list. Sorry.
Update: you might still be able to get away with such harvesting using Facebook's Graph API -- it appears that GETs of pages like will work for most User IDs. You should be able to script up what you need from there (if I were Facebook, I would have rate-limiting in place to prevent mass harvesting, but you'll have to try and see what you get for yourself.) Here's a script similar to what you're trying to do.

How to use urllib to fill out forms and gather data?

I come from a world of scientific computing and number crunching.
I am trying to interact with the internet to compile data so I don't have to. One task it to auto-fill out searches on so I can see what the best deals are all on my own.
I've attempted something simple like
import urllib
import urllib2
url = ""
values = {'Location':'New York'}
data = urllib.urlencode(values)
website = urllib2.Request(url, data)
response = urllib2.urlopen(website)
stuff =
f = open('test.html','w')
My questions are the following:
How do you know how the website receives information?
How do I know a simple "Post" will work?
If it is simple, how do I know what the names of the dictionary should be for "Values?"
How to check if it's working? The write lines at the end are an attempt for me to see if my inputs are working properly but that is insufficient.
You may also have a look at splinter, where urllib may not be useful (JS, AJAX, etc.)
For finding out the form parameters firebug could be useful.
You need to read and analyze the HTML code of the related side. Every browser has decent tools for introspecting the DOM of a site, analyzing the network traffic and requests.
Usually you want to use the mechanize module for performing automatized interactions with a web site. There is no guarantee given that this will work in every case. Nowadays many websites use AJAX or more complex client-side programming making it hard to "emulate" a human user using Python.
Apart from that: the site does not contain an input field "Location" you are guessing URL parameters with having analyzed their forms and functionality?
What i do to check is use a Web-debugging proxy to view the request you send
first send a real request with your browser and compare that request to the request that your script sends. try to make the two requests match
What I use for this is Charles Proxy
Another way is view the html file you saved (in this case test.html) and view it in your browser and compare this to the actual request reponse
To findout what the dictionary should have in it is look at the page source of the page and find out the names of the forms your trying to fill. in you're case the "location"should actually be "destinationAddress.destination"
Here is a picture:
So look in the HTML code to get the names of the forms and that is what should be in the dictionary. i know that Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox both have tools to view the structure of the html (in the Picture i used inspect element in Google Chrome)
for more info on urllib2 read here
I really hope this helps :)

