I'm from PHP/Apache background. With PHP/Apache setup PHP interpreter is loaded by apache module and then on every page request new worker is created that executes entire script. I've been working with WSGI applications in Python recently and it seems that Apache (mod_wsgi) server loads the entire application and keeps it alive. Then based on incoming requests executes pieces of code. If my understanding is correct it would explain why some of my objects won't execute __del__?
In my case I have a wrapper class around python mysql module. There's only one instance used in entire application. It's responsibilities are to run queries and reuse mysql connection throughout the code when possible, but I have to make sure connection will be closed when everything is processed. In some parts I'm using multiprocessing where I tell the object not to reuse connection for spawn child processes. Initially I thought I can use __del__ to implement closing mysql connection but noticed It would be never called. I did end up using flask teardown function to make sure connection is closed after each request but was wondering if there are any other options to handle this nicely.
I have a Python Flask web application, which uses a Postgresql database.
When I put a load on my application, it stops to respond. This only happens when I request pages which uses the database.
My setup:
nginx frontend (although in my test environment, skipping this tier doesn't make a difference), connecting via UNIX socket to:
gunicorn application server with 3 child processes, connecting via UNIX socket to:
pgbouncer, connection pooler for PostgreSQL, connecting via TCP/IP to:
I need pgbouncer, because SQLAlchemy has connection pooling per process. If I don't use pgbouncer, my database get's overloaded with connection requests very quickly.
postgresql 13, the database server.
I have a test environment on Debian Linux (with nginx) and on my iMac, and the application hang occurs on both machines.
I put load on the application with hey, a http load generator. I use the default, which generates 200 requests with 50 workers. The test-page issues two queries to the database.
When I run my load test, I see gunicorn getting worker timeouts. It's killing the timedout processes, and starts up new ones. Eventually (after a lot of timeouts) everything is fine again. For this, I lowered the statement timeout setting of Postgresql. First is was 30 and later I set it to 15 seconds. Gunicorn's worker timeouts happend more quickly now. (I don't understand this behaviour; why would gunicorn recycle a worker, when a query times out?)
When I look at pgbouncer, with the show clients; command I see some waiting clients. I think this is a hint of the problem. My Web application is waiting on pgbouncer, and pgbouncer seems to be waiting for Postgres. When the waiting lines are gone, the application behaves normally again (trying a few requests). Also, when I restart the gunicorn process, everything goes back to normal.
But with my application under stress, when I look at postgresql (querying with a direct connection, by-passing pgbouncer), I can't see anything wrong, or waiting or whatever. When I query pg_stat_activity, all I see are idle connections (except from then connection I use to query the view).
How do I debug this? I'm a bit stuck. pg_stat_activity should show queries running, but this doesn't seem to be the case. Is there something else wrong? How do I get my application to work under load, and how to analyze this.
So, I solved my question.
As it turned out, not being able to see what SqlAlchemy was doing turned out to be the most confusing part. I could see what Postgres was doing (pg_stat_activity), and also what pgbouncer was doing (show clients;).
SqlAlchemy does have an echo and pool_echo setting, but for some reason this didn't help me.
What helped me was the realization that SqlAlchemy uses standard python logging. For me, the best way to check it out was to add the default Flask logging handler to these loggers, something like this:
log_level = "INFO"
for log_name in ["sqlalchemy.dialects", "sqlalchemy.engine", "sqlalchemy.orm", "sqlalchemy.pool"]:
additional_logger = logging.getLogger(log_name)
(of course I can control my solution via a config-file, but I left that part out for clarity)
Now I could see what was actually happening. Still no statistics, like with the other tiers, but this helped.
Eventually I found the problem. I was using two (slightly) different connection strings to the same database. I had them because the first was for authentication (used by Flask-Session and Flask-Login via ORM), and the other for application queries (used by my own queries via PugSQL). In the end, different connection strings were not necessary. However it made SqlAlchemy do strange things when in stress.
I'm still not sure what the actual problem was (probably there were two connection pools which were fighting each other), but this solved it.
Nice benefit: I don't need pg_bouncer in my situation, so that removes a lot of complexity.
I have built a webserver written in python using the flask framework and psycopg2 and I have some questions about concurrent processing as it relates to dbs and the server itself. I am using gunicorn to start my app with
web:gunicorn app:app.
From my understanding a webserver such as this processes requests one at a time. So, if someone makes a get or post request to the server the server must finish responding to that get or post request before it can then move on to another request. If this is the case, then why would I need to make more than one connection cursor object? For example, if someone were making a post request that requires me to update something in the db, then my server can't process requests until I return out of that post end point anyway so that one connection object isn't bottle necking anything is it?
Ultimately, I am trying to allow my server to process a large number of requests simultaneously. In order to do so, I think I would first have to make multiple instances of my server, and THEN the connection pool comes into play right? I think in order to make multiple instances of my server (apologies if any terminologies are being used incorrectly here), I would do one of these things:
one way would be to: I would need to use multiple threads and if the machine my application is deployed on in the cloud has multiple cpu cores, then it can do this(?). However, I have read that python does not support "True multithreading" meaning a multi threaded program is not actually running concurrently, it's just switching back and forth between those threads really quickly, so would this really be any different than my set up currently?
the second way: use multiple gunicorn workers, or use multiple dynos. I think this route is the solution here, but I don't understand the theory on how to set this up at all. If I spawn additional gunicorn workers, what is happening behind the scenes? Would this still all run on my heroku application instance? Does the amount of cores I have access to on heroku affect this in anyway? Also, regardless of which way I pick, what would I be looking to change in the app.py code or would the change solely be inside the procfile?
Assuming I manage to set up multithreading or gunicorn workers, how would this then affect the connection pool set up/what should I do in regards to the connection pool? If anyone familiar with this can help provide some theory or explanations or some resources, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks all!
From my experience with python here's what I've learned...
If you are using multiple threads or async then you need to use a pool or an async connection
If you have multiple processes and your code is strictly synchronous with no threads then a pool is not necessary. You can reuse a single connection for each process since they are not shared between each other.
Threads dont speed up execution speed in python usually since python will only ever run one thread at a time. Though they can help speed if threads need to block.
For web servers the true bottle neck is IO usually, meaning connecting to db or read file or w.e. Multiple process and making those process async gives the greatest performance. Starlette is a async version of Flask... kinda and is usually much faster when setup properly and using async libraries
I'm using python and writing something that connects to a remote object using Pyro4
When running some unit tests (using pyunit) that repeatedly connects to a remote object with pyro, I found I couldn't run more than 9 tests or the tests would get stuck and just hang there.
I've now managed to fix this by using
with Pyro4.Proxy(PYRONAME:name) as pyroObject:
do something with object...
whereas before I was creating the object in the test set up:
def setUp(self):
self.pyroObject = Pyro4.Proxy(PYRONAME:name)
and then using self.pyroObject within the tests
Does anyone know why this has fixed the issue? Thanks
When you're not cleaning up the proxy objects they keep a connection live to the pyro daemon. By default the daemon accepts 16 concurrent connections.
If you use the with.. as... syntax, you're closing the proxy cleanly after you've done using it and this releases a connection in the daemon, making it available for a new proxy.
You can increase the number of 16 by increasing Pyro's threadpool size via the config. Alternatively you could perhaps use the multiplex server type instead of the default threaded one.
I am fairly new to databases and have just figured out how to use MongoDB in python2.7 on Ubuntu 12.04. An application I'm writing uses multiple python modules (imported into a main module) that connect to the database. Basically, each module starts by opening a connection to the DB, a connection which is then used for various operations.
However, when the program exits, the main module is the only one that 'knows' about the exiting, and closes its connection to MongoDB. The other modules do not know this and have no chance of closing their connections. Since I have little experience with databases, I wonder if there are any problems leaving connections open when exiting.
Should I:
Leave it like this?
Instead open the connection before and close it after each operation?
Change my application structure completely?
Solve this in a different way?
You can use one pymongo connection across different modules. You can open it in a separate module and import it to other modules on demand. After program finished working, you are able to close it. This will be the best option.
About other questions:
You can leave like this (all connections will be closed when script finishes execution), but leaving something unclosed is a bad form.
You can open/close connection for each operation (but establishing connection is a time-expensive operation.
That what I'd advice you (see this answer's first paragraph)
I think this point can be merged with 3.
I am developing an application with the bottlepy framework. I am using the standard library WSGIRefServer() to run a development server. It is a single threaded server.
Now when going into production, I will want to move to a multi-threaded production server, and there are many choices. Let's say I choose CherryPy.
Now, in my code, I am initializing a single wsgi application. Other than that, I am also initializing other things...
Memcached connection
Mako templates
MongoDB connection
Since standard library wsgiref is a single threaded server, and I am creating only a single wsgi app (wsgi callable), everything works just fine.
What I want to know is that when I move to the multi-threaded server, how will my wsgi app, initialization code, connections to different server, etc. behave.
Will a multi-threaded server create a separate instance of wsgi app for every thread. And will a new thread be spawned for each new request (which then means a new wsgi app for each request)?
Will my connections to memcached, mongoDB, etc, be shared across threads or not. What else will be shared between threads
Please explain the request-response cycle for a threaded server
In general your application is using wsgi compliant framework and you shouldn't be afraid of multi-threaded / single-threaded server side. It's meant to work transparent and has to react same way despite of what kind of server is it, as long as it is wsgi compliant.
Every code block before bottle.run() will be run only once. As so, every connection (database, memcached) will be instantiated only once and shared.
When you call bottle.run() bottlepy starts wsgi server for you. Every request to that server fires some wsgi callable inside bottlepy framework. You are not really interested if it is single or multi -threaded environment, as long as you don't do something strange.
For strange i mean for instance synchronizing something through global variables. (Exception here is global request object for which bottlepy ensures that it contains proper request in proper context).
And in response to first question on the list: request may be computed in newly spawned thread or thread from the pool of threads (CherryPy is thread-pooled)