I want to import in python some ascii file ( from tecplot, software for cfd post processing).
Rules for those files are (at least, for those that I need to import):
The file is divided in several section
Each section has two lines as header like:
VARIABLES = "x" "y" "z" "ro" "rovx" "rovy" "rovz" "roE" "M" "p" "Pi" "tsta" "tgen"
ZONE T="Window(s) : E_W_Block0002_ALL", I=29, J=17, K=25, F=BLOCK
Each section has a set of variable given by the first line. When a section ends, a new section starts with two similar lines.
For each variable there are I*J*K values.
Each variable is a continous block of values.
There are a fixed number of values per row (6).
When a variable ends, the next one starts in a new line.
Variables are "IJK ordered data".The I-index varies the fastest; the J-index the next fastest; the K-index the slowest. The I-index should be the inner loop, the K-index shoould be the outer loop, and the J-index the loop in between.
Here is an example of data:
VARIABLES = "x" "y" "z" "ro" "rovx" "rovy" "rovz" "roE" "M" "p" "Pi" "tsta" "tgen"
ZONE T="Window(s) : E_W_Block0002_ALL", I=29, J=17, K=25, F=BLOCK
-3.9999999E+00 -3.3327306E+00 -2.7760824E+00 -2.3117116E+00 -1.9243209E+00 -1.6011492E+00
0.0000000E+00 #fin first variable
-4.3532482E-02 -4.3584235E-02 -4.3627592E-02 -4.3663762E-02 -4.3693815E-02 -4.3718831E-02 #second variable, 'y'
1.0738781E-01 #end of second variable
VARIABLES = "x" "y" "z" "ro" "rovx" "rovy" "rovz" "roE" "M" "p" "Pi" "tsta" "tgen" #next zone
ZONE T="Window(s) : E_W_Block0003_ALL", I=17, J=17, K=25, F=BLOCK
I am quite new at python and I have written a code to import the data to a dictionary, writing the variables as 3D numpy.array . Those files could be very big, (up to Gb). How can I make this code faster? (or more generally, how can I import such files as fast as possible)?
import re
from numpy import zeros, array, prod
def vectorr(I, J, K):
vect = []
for k in range(0, K):
for j in range(0, J):
for i in range(0, I):
vect.append([i, j, k])
return vect
a = open('E:\u.dat')
filelist = a.readlines()
NumberCol = 6
count = 0
data = dict()
leng = len(filelist)
countzone = 0
while count < leng:
strVARIABLES = re.findall('VARIABLES', filelist[count])
variables = re.findall(r'"(.*?)"', filelist[count])
countzone = countzone+1
data[countzone] = {key:[] for key in variables}
count = count+1
strI = re.findall('I=....', filelist[count])
strI = re.findall('\d+', strI[0])
I = int(strI[0])
strJ = re.findall('J=....', filelist[count])
strJ = re.findall('\d+', strJ[0])
J = int(strJ[0])
strK = re.findall('K=....', filelist[count])
strK = re.findall('\d+', strK[0])
K = int(strK[0])
data[countzone]['indmax'] = array([I, J, K])
pr = prod(data[countzone]['indmax'])
lin = pr // NumberCol
if pr%NumberCol != 0:
lin = lin+1
vect = vectorr(I, J, K)
for key in variables:
init = zeros((I, J, K))
for ii in range(0, lin):
count = count+1
temp = map(float, filelist[count].split())
for iii in range(0, len(temp)):
init.itemset(tuple(vect[ii*6+iii]), temp[iii])
data[countzone][key] = init
count = count+1
Ps. In python, no cython or other languages
Converting a large bunch of strings to numbers is always going to be a little slow, but assuming the triple-nested for-loop is the bottleneck here maybe changing it to the following gives you a sufficient speedup:
# add this line to your imports
from numpy import fromstring
# replace the nested for-loop with:
count += 1
for key in variables:
str_vector = ' '.join(filelist[count:count+lin])
ar = fromstring(str_vector, sep=' ')
ar = ar.reshape((I, J, K), order='F')
data[countzone][key] = ar
count += lin
Unfortunately at the moment I only have access to my smartphone (no pc) so I can't test how fast this is or even if it works correctly or at all!
Finally I got around to doing some testing:
My code contained a small error, but it does seem to work correctly now.
The code with the proposed changes runs about 4 times faster than the original
Your code spends most of its time on ndarray.itemset and probably loop overhead and float conversion. Unfortunately cProfile doesn't show this in much detail..
The improved code spends about 70% of time in numpy.fromstring, which, in my view, indicates that this method is reasonably fast for what you can achieve with Python / NumPy.
Update 2
Of course even better would be to iterate over the file instead of loading everything all at once. In this case this is slightly faster (I tried it) and significantly reduces memory use. You could also try to use multiple CPU cores to do the loading and conversion to floats, but then it becomes difficult to have all the data under one variable. Finally a word of warning: the fromstring method that I used scales rather bad with the length of the string. E.g. from a certain string length it becomes more efficient to use something like np.fromiter(itertools.imap(float, str_vector.split()), dtype=float).
If you use regular expressions here, there's two things that I would change:
Compile REs which are used more often (which applies to all REs in your example, I guess). Do regex=re.compile("<pattern>") on them, and use the resulting object with match=regex.match(), as described in the Python documentation.
For the I, J, K REs, consider reducing two REs to one, using the grouping feature (also described above), by searching for a pattern of the form "I=(\d+)", and grabbing the part matched inside the parentheses using regex.group(1). Taking this further, you can define a single regex to capture all three variables in one step.
At least for starting the sections, REs seem a bit overkill: There's no variation in the string you need to look for, and string.find() is sufficient and probably faster in that case.
EDIT: I just saw you use grouping already for the variables...
Hey guys I have a script that compares each possible user and checks how similar their text is:
dictionary = {
t.id: (
for t in dataframe.itertuples()
highly_similar = []
for a, b in itertools.combinations(dictionary.items(), 2):
if a[1][2] == b[1][2] and not a[1][1].isdisjoint(b[1][1]):
similarity_score = fuzz.ratio(a[1][0], b[1][0])
if (similarity_score >= 95 and len(a[1][0]) >= 10) or similarity_score == 100:
highly_similar.append([a[0], b[0], a[1][0], b[1][0], similarity_score])
This script takes around 15 minutes to run, the dataframe contains 120k users, so comparing each possible combination takes quite a bit of time, if I just write pass on the for loop it takes 2 minutes to loop through all values.
I tried using filter() and map() for the if statements and fuzzy score but the performance was worse. I tried improving the script as much as I could but I don't know how I can improve this further.
Would really appreciate some help!
It is slightly complicated to reason about the data since you have not attached it, but we can see multiple places that might provide an improvement:
First, let's rewrite the code in a way which is easier to reason about than using the indices:
dictionary = {
t.id: (
for t in dataframe.itertuples()
highly_similar = []
for a, b in itertools.combinations(dictionary.items(), 2):
a_id, (a_text, a_set, a_compre_string) = a
b_id, (b_text, b_set, b_compre_string) = b
if (a_compre_string == b_compre_string
and not a_set.isdisjoint(b_set)):
similarity_score = fuzz.ratio(a_text, b_text)
if (similarity_score >= 95 and len(a_text) >= 10)
or similarity_score == 100):
[a_id, b_id, a_text, b_text, similarity_score])
You seem to only care about pairs having the same compare_string values. Therefore, and assuming this is not something that all pairs share, we can key by whatever that value is to cover much less pairs.
To put some numbers into it, let's say you have 120K inputs, and 1K values for each value of val[1][2] - then instead of covering 120K * 120K = 14 * 10^9 combinations, you would have 120 bins of size 1K (where in each bin we'd need to check all pairs) = 120 * 1K * 1K = 120 * 10^6 which is about 1000 times faster. And it would be even faster if each bin has less than 1K elements.
import collections
# Create a dictionary from compare_string to all items
# with the same compare_string
items_by_compare_string = collections.defaultdict(list)
for item in dictionary.items():
compare_string = item[1][2]
# Iterate over each group of items that have the same
# compare string
for item_group in items_by_compare_string.values():
# Check pairs only within that group
for a, b in itertools.combinations(item_group, 2):
# No need to compare the compare_strings!
if not a_set.isdisjoint(b_set):
similarity_score = fuzz.ratio(a_text, b_text)
if (similarity_score >= 95 and len(a_text) >= 10)
or similarity_score == 100):
[a_id, b_id, a_text, b_text, similarity_score])
But, what if we want more speed? Let's look at the remaining operations:
We have a check to find if two sets share at least one item
This seems like an obvious candidate for optimization if we have any knowledge about these sets (to allow us to determine which pairs are even relevant to compare)
Without additional knowledge, and just looking at every two pairs and trying to speed this up, I doubt we can do much - this is probably highly optimized using internal details of Python sets, I don't think it's likely to optimize it further
We a fuzz.ratio computation which is some external function, and I'm going to assume is heavy
If you are using this from the FuzzyWuzzy package, make sure to install python-Levenshtein to get the speedups detailed here
We have some comparisons which we are unlikely to be able to speed up
We might be able to cache the length of a_text by nesting the two loops, but that's negligible
We have appends to a list, which runs on average ("amortized") constant time per operation, so we can't really speed that up
Therefore, I don't think we can reasonably suggest any more speedups without additional knowledge. If we know something about the sets that can help optimize which pairs are relevant we might be able to speed things up further, but I think this is about it.
EDIT: As pointed out in other answers, you can obviously run the code in multi-threading. I assumed you were looking for an algorithmic change that would possibly reduce the number of operations significantly, instead of just splitting these over more CPUs.
Essentially, from python programming side, i see two things that can improve your processing time:
Multi-threads and Vectorized operations
From the fuzzy score side, here is a list of tips you can use to improve your processing time (new anonymous tab to avoid paywall):
Using multi thread you can speed you operation up to N times, being N the number of threads in you CPU. You can check it with:
import multiprocessing
Using vectorized operations you can parallel process your operations in low level with SIMD (single instruction / multiple data) operations, or with gpu tensor operations (like those in tensorflow/pytorch).
Here is a small comparison of results for each case:
import numpy as np
import time
A = [np.random.rand(512) for i in range(2000)]
B = [np.random.rand(512) for i in range(2000)]
high_similarity = []
def measure(i,j,a,b,high_similarity):
d = ((a-b)**2).sum()
if d>12:
start_single_thread = time.time()
for i in range(len(A)):
for j in range(len(B)):
if i<j:
finis_single_thread = time.time()
print("single thread time:",finis_single_thread-start_single_thread)
out[0] single thread time: 147.64517450332642
running on multi thread:
from threading import Thread
high_similarity = []
def measure(a = None,b= None,high_similarity = None):
d = ((a-b)**2).sum()
if d > 12:
start_multi_thread = time.time()
for i in range(len(A)):
for j in range(len(B)):
if i<j:
thread = Thread(target=measure,kwargs= {'a':A[i],'b':B[j],'high_similarity':high_similarity} )
finish_multi_thread = time.time()
print("time to run on multi threads:",finish_multi_thread - start_multi_thread)
out[1] time to run on multi-threads: 11.946279764175415
A_array = np.array(A)
B_array = np.array(B)
start_vectorized = time.time()
for i in range(len(A_array)):
#vectorized distance operation
dists = (A_array-B_array)**2
high_similarity+= dists[dists>12].tolist()
aux = B_array[-1]
np.insert(B_array, 0, aux)
finish_vectorized = time.time()
print("time to run vectorized operations:",finish_vectorized-start_vectorized)
out[2] time to run vectorized operations: 2.302949905395508
Note that you can't guarantee any order of execution, so will you also need to store the index of results. The snippet of code is just to illustrate that you can use parallel process, but i highly recommend to use a pool of threads and divide your dataset in N subsets for each worker and join the final result (instead of create a thread for each function call like i did).
I have a function called get_player_path that takes in a list of strings player_file_list and a int value total_players. For the sake of example i have reduced the list of strings and also set the int value to a very small number.
Each string in the player_file_list either has a year-date/player_id/some_random_file.file_extension or
What i am essentially trying to achieve here is go through this list and store all unique year-date/player_id path in a set until it's length reaches the value of total_players
My current approach does not seem the most efficient to me and i am wondering if i can speed up my function get_player_path in anyway??
def get_player_path(player_file_list, total_players):
player_files_to_process = set()
for player_file in player_file_list:
player_file = player_file.split("/")
file_path = f"{player_file[0]}/{player_file[1]}/"
if len(player_files_to_process) == total_players:
return sorted(player_files_to_process)
player_file_list = [
print(get_player_path(player_file_list, 2))
['2020-10-27/31001804320549/', '2020-10-28/31001804320548/']
Let's analyze your function first:
your loop should take linear time (O(n)) in the length of the input list, assuming the path lengths are bounded by a relatively "small" number;
the sorting takes O(n log(n)) comparisons.
Thus the sorting has the dominant cost when the list becomes big. You can micro-optimize your loop as much as you want, but as long as you keep that sorting at the end, your effort won't make much of a difference with big lists.
Your approach is fine if you're just writing a Python script. If you really needed perfomances with huge lists, you would probably be using some other language. Nonetheless, if you really care about performances (or just to learn new stuff), you could try one of the following approaches:
replace the generic sorting algorithm with something specific for strings; see here for example
use a trie, removing the need for sorting; this could be theoretically better but probably worse in practice.
Just for completeness, as a micro-optimization, assuming the date has a fixed length of 10 characters:
def get_player_path(player_file_list, total_players):
player_files_to_process = set()
for player_file in player_file_list:
end = player_file.find('/', 12) # <--- len(date) + len('/') + 1
file_path = player_file[:end] # <---
if len(player_files_to_process) == total_players:
return sorted(player_files_to_process)
If the IDs have fixed length too, as in your example list, then you don't need any split or find, just:
LENGTH = DATE_LENGTH + ID_LENGTH + 1 # 1 is for the slash between date and id
for player_file in player_file_list:
file_path = player_file[:LENGTH]
EDIT: fixed the LENGTH initialization, I had forgotten to add 1
I'll leave this solution here which can be further improved, hope it helps.
player_file_list = (
def get_player_path(l, n):
pfl = set()
for i in l:
i = "/".join(i.split("/")[0:2])
if i not in pfl:
if len(pfl) == n:
return pfl
if n > len(pfl):
print("not enough matches")
print(get_player_path(player_file_list, 2))
# {'2020-10-27/31001804320549', '2020-10-28/31001804320548'}
Python Demo
Use dict so that you don't have to sort it since your list is already sorted. If you still need to sort you can always use sorted in the return statement. Add import re and replace your function as follows:
def get_player_path(player_file_list, total_players):
dct = {re.search('^\w+-\w+-\w+/\w+',pf).group(): 1 for pf in player_file_list}
return [k for i,k in enumerate(dct.keys()) if i < total_players]
I am attempting to read a binary file using Python. Someone else has read in the data with R using the following code:
x <- readBin(webpage, numeric(), n=6e8, size = 4, endian = "little")
myPoints <- data.frame("tmax" = x[1:(length(x)/4)],
"nmax" = x[(length(x)/4 + 1):(2*(length(x)/4))],
"tmin" = x[(2*length(x)/4 + 1):(3*(length(x)/4))],
"nmin" = x[(3*length(x)/4 + 1):(length(x))])
With Python, I am trying the following code:
import struct
with open('file','rb') as f:
val = f.read(16)
while val != '':
print(struct.unpack('4f', val))
val = f.read(16)
I am coming to slightly different results. For example, the first row in R returns 4 columns as -999.9, 0, -999.0, 0. Python returns -999.0 for all four columns (images below).
Python output:
R output:
I know that they are slicing by the length of the file with some of the [] code, but I do not know how exactly to do this in Python, nor do I understand quite why they do this. Basically, I want to recreate what R is doing in Python.
I can provide more of either code base if needed. I did not want to overwhelm with code that was not necessary.
Deducing from the R code, the binary file first contains a certain number tmax's, then the same number of nmax's, then tmin's and nmin's. What the code does is reading the entire file, which is then chopped up in the 4 parts (tmax's, nmax's, etc..) using slicing.
To do the same in python:
import struct
# Read entire file into memory first. This is done so we can count
# number of bytes before parsing the bytes. It is not a very memory
# efficient way, but it's the easiest. The R-code as posted wastes even
# more memory: it always takes 6e8 * 4 bytes (~ 2.2Gb) of memory no
# matter how small the file may be.
data = open('data.bin','rb').read()
# Calculate number of points in the file. This is
# file-size / 16, because there are 4 numeric()'s per
# point, and they are 4 bytes each.
num = int(len(data) / 16)
# Now we know how much there are, we take all tmax numbers first, then
# all nmax's, tmin's and lastly all nmin's.
# First generate a format string because it depends on the number points
# there are in the file. It will look like: "fffff"
format_string = 'f' * num
# Then, for cleaner code, calculate chunk size of the bytes we need to
# slice off each time.
n = num * 4 # 4-byte floats
# Note that python has different interpretation of slicing indices
# than R, so no "+1" is needed here as it is in the R code.
tmax = struct.unpack(format_string, data[:n])
nmax = struct.unpack(format_string, data[n:2*n])
tmin = struct.unpack(format_string, data[2*n:3*n])
nmin = struct.unpack(format_string, data[3*n:])
print("tmax", tmax)
print("nmax", nmax)
print("tmin", tmin)
print("nmin", nmin)
If the goal is to have this data structured as a list of points(?) like (tmax,nmax,tmin,nmin), then append this to the code:
# Combine ("zip") all 4 lists into a list of (tmax,nmax,tmin,nmin) points.
# Python has a function to do this at once: zip()
i = 0
for point in zip(tmax, nmax, tmin, nmin):
print(i, ":", point)
i += 1
Here's a less memory-hungry way to do the same. It possibly is a bit faster too. (but that is difficult to check for me)
My computer did not have sufficient memory to run the first program with those huge files. This one does, but I still needed to create a list of ony tmax's first (the first 1/4 of the file), then print it, and then delete the list in order to have enough memory for nmax's, tmin's and nmin's.
But this one too says the nmin's inside the 2018 file are all -999.0. If that doesn't make sense, could you check what the R-code makes of it then? I suspect that it is just what's in the file. The other possibility is of course, that I got it all wrong (which I doubt). However, I tried the 2017 file too, and that one does not have such problem: all of tmax, nmax, tmin, nmin have around 37% -999.0 's.
Anyway, here's the second code:
import os
import struct
# load_data()
# data_store : object to append() data items (floats) to
# num : number of floats to read and store
# datafile : opened binary file object to read float data from
def load_data(data_store, num, datafile):
for i in range(num):
data = datafile.read(4) # process one float (=4 bytes) at a time
item = struct.unpack("<f", data)[0] # '<' means little endian
# save_list() saves a list of float's as strings to a file
def save_list(filename, datalist):
output = open(filename, "wt")
for item in datalist:
output.write(str(item) + '\n')
#### MAIN ####
datafile = open('data.bin','rb')
# Get file size so we can calculate number of points without reading
# the (large) file entirely into memory.
file_info = os.stat(datafile.fileno())
# Calculate number of points, i.e. number of each tmax's, nmax's,
# tmin's, nmin's. A point is 4 floats of 4 bytes each, hence number
# of points = file-size / (4*4)
num = int(file_info.st_size / 16)
tmax_list = list()
load_data(tmax_list, num, datafile)
save_list("tmax.txt", tmax_list)
del tmax_list # huge list, save memory
nmax_list = list()
load_data(nmax_list, num, datafile)
save_list("nmax.txt", nmax_list)
del nmax_list # huge list, save memory
tmin_list = list()
load_data(tmin_list, num, datafile)
save_list("tmin.txt", tmin_list)
del tmin_list # huge list, save memory
nmin_list = list()
load_data(nmin_list, num, datafile)
save_list("nmin.txt", nmin_list)
del nmin_list # huge list, save memory
I am creating a sparse matrix file, by extracting the features from an input file. The input file contains in each row, one film id, and then followed by some feature IDs and that features score.
6729792 4:0.15568 8:0.198796 9:0.279261 13:0.17829 24:0.379707
the first number is the ID of the film, and then the value to the left of the colon is feature ID and the value to the right is the score of that feature.
Each line represents one film, and the number of feature:score pairs vary from one film to another.
here is how I construct my sparse matrix.
import sys
import os
import os.path
import time
import numpy as np
from Film import Film
import scipy
from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix, csr_matrix, rand
def sparseCreate(self, Debug):
a = rand(self.total_rows, self.total_columns, format='csr')
l, m = a.shape[0], a.shape[1]
f = tb.open_file("sparseFile.h5", 'w')
filters = tb.Filters(complevel=5, complib='blosc')
data_matrix = f.create_carray(f.root, 'data', tb.Float32Atom(), shape=(l, m), filters=filters)
index_film = 0
input_data = open('input_file.txt', 'r')
for line in input_data:
my_line = np.array(line.split())
id_film = my_line[0]
my_line = np.core.defchararray.split(my_line[1:], ":")
self.data_matrix_search_normal[str(id_film)] = index_film
self.data_matrix_search_reverse[index_film] = str(id_film)
for element in my_line:
if int(element[0]) in self.selected_features:
column = self.index_selected_feature[str(element[0])]
data_matrix[index_film, column] = float(element[1])
index_film += 1
self.selected_matrix = data_matrix
open(os.path.join(self.output_path, "data_matrix_search_reverse.json"), 'wb'),
sort_keys=True, indent=4)
my_films = Film(
self.selected_matrix, self.data_matrix_search_reverse, self.path_doc, self.output_path)
x_matrix_unique = self.selected_matrix[:, :]
r_matrix_unique = np.asarray(x_matrix_unique)
return my_films
I feel that this function is too slow on big datasets, and it takes too long to calculate.
How can I improve and accelerate it? maybe using MapReduce? What is wrong in this function that makes it too slow?
IO + conversions (from str, to str, even 2 times to str of the same var, etc) + splits + explicit loops. Btw, there is CSV python module which may be used to parse your input file, you can experiment with it (I suppose you use space as delimiter). Also I' see you convert element[0] to int/str which is bad - you create many tmp. object. If you call this function several times, you may to try to reuse some internal objects (array?). Also, you can try to implement it in another style: with map or list comprehension, but experiments are needed...
General idea of Python code optimization is to avoid explicit Python byte-code execution and to prefer native/C Python functions (for anything). And sure try to solve so many conversions. Also if input file is yours you can format it to fixed length of fields - this helps you to avoid split/parse totally (only string indexing).
I am trying to append a lengthy list of rows to the same variable. It works great for the first thousand or so iterations in the loop (all of which have the same lengths), but then, near the end of the file, the rows get a bit shorter, and while I still want to append them, I am not sure how to handle it.
The script gives me an out of range error, as expected.
Here is what the part of code in question looks like:
ii = 0
NNCat = []
NNCatelogue = []
while ii <= len(lines):
NNCat = (ev_id[ii], nn1[ii], nn2[ii], nn3[ii], nn4[ii], nn5[ii], nn6[ii], nn7[ii], nn8[ii], nn9[ii], nn10[ii], nn11[ii])
ii = ii + 1
print NNCatelogue, ii
Any help on this would be greatly appreciated!
I'll answer the question you didn't ask first ;) : how can this code be more pythonic?
Instead of
ii = 0
NNCat = []
NNCatelogue = []
while ii <= len(lines):
NNCat = (ev_id[ii], nn1[ii], nn2[ii], nn3[ii], nn4[ii], nn5[ii], nn6[ii], nn7[ii], nn8[ii], nn9[ii], nn10[ii], nn11[ii])
ii = ii + 1
you should do
NNCat = []
NNCatelogue = []
for ii, line in enumerate(lines):
NNCat = (ev_id[ii], nn1[ii], nn2[ii], nn3[ii], nn4[ii], nn5[ii], nn6[ii],
nn7[ii], nn8[ii], nn9[ii], nn10[ii], nn11[ii])
During each pass ii will be incremented by one for you and line will be the current line.
As for your short lines, you have two choices
Use a special value (such as None) to fill in when you don't have a real value
check the length of nn1, nn2, ..., nn11 to see if they are large enough
The second solution will be much more verbose, hard to maintain, and confusing. I strongly recommend using None (or another special value you create yourself) as a placeholder when there is no data.
def gvop(vals,indx): #get values or padding
return vals[indx] if indx<len(vals) else None
NNCatelogue = [(gvop(ev_id,ii), gvop(nn1,ii), gvop(nn2,ii), gvop(nn3,ii), gvop(nn4,ii),
gvop(nn5,ii), gvop(nn6,ii), gvop(nn7,ii), gvop(nn8,ii), gvop(nn9,ii),
gvop(nn10,ii), gvop(nn11,ii)) for ii in xrange(0, len(lines))]
By defining this other function to return either the correct value or padding, you can ensure rows are the same length. You can change the padding to anything, if None is not what you want.
Then the list comp creates a list of tuples as before, except containing padding in cases where some of the lines in the input are shorter.
from itertools import izip_longest
NNCatelogue = list(izip_longest(ev_id, nn1, nn2, ... nn11, fillvalue=None))
See here for documentation of izip. Do yourself a favour and skip the list around the iterator, if you don't need it. In many cases you can use the iterator as well as the list, and you save a lot of memory. Especially if you have long lists, that you're grouping together here.