Assign variable name based on variable string in for loop - python

dblist = ('database1', 'database2', 'database3', 'database4', 'database5', 'database6', 'database7')
for db in dblist:
cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.execute("select SYSTEM from automation/awdclient where db = " + "'" + db + "'" + "")
for row in cursor:
activesystem.db = row[0]
print activesystem.database1
print activesystem.database2
What I am doing is retrieving a system name from a db. I want to assign a variable equal to that system name, with the variable name system.whatever the db string was.

activesystem.setattr(db, row[0])


Unknown column error when trying to add data to table in mysql database in Python

I get this error when adding data to the database.
How do I solve this?
mysql.connector.errors.ProgrammingError: 1054 (42S22): Unknown column 'hn' in 'field list'
I know this column does not exist but I am not sending data to such a column anyway.
My Python code:
def addToTable(table_name,connection,column_name_list,*data_list):
if(len(column_name_list) != len(data_list)):
raise ValueError("'column_name_list' length has to be equal to 'data_list' length. Please check the parameters")
cursor = connection.cursor() # initializing a cursor
for column_data in range(len(data_list[0])):
addList = list()
for data in range(len(data_list)):
added = str(data_list[data][column_data])
cursor.execute("INSERT INTO " + table_name + " VALUES (" + ", ".join(str(k) for k in addList) + ")")
print("Added {} in {} ...".format(added, table_name))
Sample query sent from python code:
INSERT INTO deneme VALUES (hn, 1212, asdmailcom)
calling the function:
names = ["hn","ben","alex",]
numbers = [1212,1245,54541]
mails = ["asdmailcom","fghmailcom","xyzmailcom"]
columns = ["de","ne","me"]
mydb = mysql.connector.connect(host="",
My table name is 'deneme', database name is 'deneme'. Columns : 'de' varchar(45), 'ne' varchar(45), 'me' varchar(45)
I solved the problem. I explained in the comment lines.
def addToTable(table_name,connection,column_name_list,*data_list):
if(len(column_name_list) != len(data_list)):
raise ValueError("'column_name_list' length has to be equal to 'data_list' length. Please check the parameters")
cursor = connection.cursor() # initializing a cursor
for column_data in range(len(data_list[0])):
addList = list()
for data in range(len(data_list)):
added = str(data_list[data][column_data])
added = "'"+added+"'" # the purpose of this line is to convert the data to string
# example: without this line
# query ---> INSERT INTO table_name (column1, column2, ...) VALUES (lorem,ipsum,sit)
# example: with this line
# query ---> INSERT INTO table_name (column1, column2, ...) VALUES ('lorem','ipsum','sit')
cursor.execute("INSERT INTO " + table_name + " VALUES (" + ", ".join(str(k) for k in addList) + ")")
print("Added {} in {} ...".format(added, table_name))

How do I use variables as attribute names when using python mysql connector

I am trying to use variables in a python function to try and retrieve attributes with mysql connector
It seems to work only when I specify the name of the attribute in the query itself
def insert(ids, added_attribute):
insert = ''
if len(ids) > 0:
#insert scpecified attributes wanted
insert += ' AND (%s = %s' %(added_attribute, ids[0])
#for loop for more than one specified specific attribute
for id_index in range(1, len(ids)):
insert += ' OR %s = %s' %(added_attribute, ids[id_index])
insert += ')'#close parenthesis on query insert
return insert
def get(name, attributes = 0, ids = []):
cursor = conn.cursor()
#insert specific ids
insert = insert(ids, "id")
query = 'SELECT %s FROM (TABLE) WHERE (name = %s%s)'
cursor.execute(query, (attributes, name, insert))
data = cursor.fetchall()
return data
I keep getting null as a return value
Try this...
query = 'SELECT {} FROM (TABLE) WHERE (name = {}{})'
cursor.execute(query.format(attributes, name, insert))
{} is replacing %s here and to call the variables you just need to add .format() with the vars you want inserted in order.

MySQL crashes during data transfer from large csv using LOAD DATA from python

I have a large csv file of 30 million rows(1.6 gb) and I am using pymysql to load the data from csv to mysql tables.
I have removed all constraints in table schema to make load faster and have also set timeout values to large values.
def setTimeOutLimit(connection):
with connection.cursor() as cursor:
query = "SET GLOBAL innodb_lock_wait_timeout = 28800"
query2 = "SET innodb_lock_wait_timeout = 28800"
query3 = "SET GLOBAL connect_timeout = 28800"
query4 = "SET GLOBAL wait_timeout = 28800"
query5 = "SET GLOBAL interactive_timeout = 28800"
query6 = "SET GLOBAL max_allowed_packet = 1073741824"
sys.exit(" Could not set timeout limit ")
The data gets inserted into the table but I need to make one of the column as Primary Key and so I am creating another table that makes that column primary index by ignoring duplicate values. (tableName_1 is old table tableName is new table)
def createNewTableFromOld(connection, tableName):
pprint( " Creating new table from old table with constraints" )
with connection.cursor() as cursor:
query = (" CREATE TABLE " + tableName +
" Like " + tableName + "_1")
query2 = (" ALTER TABLE " + tableName +
" ADD PRIMARY KEY(TimeStamp) ")
query3 = (" INSERT IGNORE INTO " + tableName +
" SELECT * FROM " + tableName + "_1")
query4 = ("DROP TABLE " + tableName + "_1")
sys.exit(" Could not create table with Primary Key ")
During this method execution, somewhere after 5-6 minutes I get this error,
pymysql.err.OperationalError: (2013, 'Lost connection to MySQL server during query ([WinError 10054] An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host)')
And when I check services, MYSQL80 automatically crashed and stopped. I have also set max_allowed_packet_size to 1 gb in my.ini file and all timeouts are manually set to 8 hours. What could be the issue?
The original table schema is:
query = ("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " + table + " ("
" TimeStamp DECIMAL(15, 3), " +
" Value DECIMAL(30, 11), " +
" Quality INT, " +
" TagName varchar(30) )"
I finally solved the issue by setting the innodb_buffer_pool_size in my.ini file to 2GB which was earlier only 4M.

sqlite3.OperationalError: no such column: - Python

I am trying to Inserat something from Input into my Database. But getting the Error:
sqlite3.OperationalError: no such column: kundename
import sqlite3
conn = sqlite3.connect('datenbank.db')
print ("Opened database successfully")
kundenname= input("Kundename: ")
auftragstyp= input("Auftragstyp: ")
auftragsurl= input("Auftragsurl: ")
anzahl= input("Anzahl der Bewertungen: ")
conn.execute("INSERT INTO kundenname VALUES (kundename,auftragstyp,auftragsurl,anzahl)", (kundenname, auftragstyp, auftragsurl, anzahl))
print ("Records created successfully")
But if I make like:
import sqlite3
conn = sqlite3.connect('datenbank.db')
print ("Opened database successfully")
conn = conn.execute("SELECT ID, kundename from kundenname")
for row in conn:
print ("ID = ", row[0])
print ("kundename = ", row[1])
print ("Operation done successfully")
then it works and Shows me the Datas in the Base. But why insert saying the colum dosent excist?
Thank you very much!
I think you have a problem with this line:
conn.execute("INSERT INTO kundenname VALUES
(kundename,auftragstyp,auftragsurl,anzahl)", (kundenname, auftragstyp,
auftragsurl, anzahl))
This is not the way to insert, try this:
conn.execute("INSERT INTO kundenname
('kundename','auftragstyp','auftragsurl','anzahl') VALUES (" +
str(kundename) +"," + str(auftragstyp) + "," + str(auftragsurl) + ","
+ str(anzahl)+")"
The interpreter is complaining about your using unquoted strings. It's interpreting them as variable names in your insert statement. Try this:
conn.execute("INSERT INTO kundenname ('kundename','auftragstyp','auftragsurl','anzahl') VALUES (kundenname, auftragstyp, auftragsurl, anzahl)")

is it possible to change ms access table name with python

I have several ms access databases that each have a table named PlotStatus-name-3/13/12.
I need to import each of these tables into a .csv table. If I manually change the name of the tables to PlotStatus_name_3_13_12, this code works. Does anyone know how to change the table namees using python?
#connect to access database
for filename in os.listdir(prog_rep_local):
if filename[-6:] == ".accdb":
DBtable = os.path.join(prog_rep_local, filename)
conn = pyodbc.connect(r'DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)};DBQ=' + DBtable)
cursor = conn.cursor()
ct = cursor.tables
for row in ct():
rtn = row.table_name
if rtn[:10] == "PlotStatus":
#this does not work:
#Oldpath = os.path.join(prog_rep_local, filename, rtn)
#print Oldpath
#fpr = Oldpath.replace('-', '_')#.replace("/","_")
#print fpr
#newname = os.rename(Oldpath, fpr) this does not work
#print newname
#spqaccdb = "SELECT * FROM " + newname
#this workds if I manually change the table names in advance
sqlaccdb = "SELECT * FROM " + rtn
print sqlaccdb
rows = cursor.fetchall()
An easier solution would be to just add brackets around the table name so that the /s don't throw off the SQL command interpreter.
sqlaccdb = "SELECT * FROM [" + rtn + "]"

