I made this program trying to solve a problem which is fliping a number. For example, when the number 123 is the number inputed the number 321 should be the output.
#function to swap number positions on the array
def swapPositions(list, pos1, pos2):
i = list[pos1]
list[pos1] = list[pos2]
list[pos2] = i
myList = []
theNum = int(input("enter the value"))
theNumInString = str(theNum)
#loop to separate numbers on the integer into each position of the array
for char in theNum2:
#this variable is to know how many times we should swap the positions
numofSwaps = len(myList) % 2
posi1 = 0
posi2 = len(myList) - 1
while numofSwaps != 0:
swapPositions(myList, posi1, posi2)
#I add one and subtract one from the positions so they move further to the middle to swap other positions
posi1 += 1
posi2 -= 1
numofSwaps -= 1
number = "".join(myList)
what happens when I run the code and try for example 123 it returns 321 as expected
BUT here comes the problem... when I input 12345 the output is 52341 which only swaps the outer two numbers.
this can be done without converting the number to a string, for example
# note: this example works for positive numbers only
def reverseNum(x):
y = 0
while x > 0:
y = y*10 + x%10
x //= 10
return y
>>> reverseNum(3124)
I'm trying to find out how many times you have to throw the dice to get on file 5 100 times(board is played from 0 to 5). This is how I tried(I know the answer is 690 but I don't know what I'm doing wrong).
from random import *
five = 0
count = 0
add = 0
while five < 100:
count = count + 1
add = add + randint(1,6)
if add % 5 == 0 :
five = five + 1
else: add = add + randint(1,6)
This is the code I think you were trying to write. This does average about 600. Is it possible your "answer" came from Python 2? The random seed algorithm is quite likely different.
from random import *
five = 0
count = 0
add = 0
while five < 100:
count += 1
r = randint(0,5)
if r == 5:
five += 1
add += r
print(count, add)
You're adding a second dice throw every time you don't get on 5, this makes the probability distribution irregular (i.e. advancing by 7 will be more probable (1/6) than any other value, e.g. 1/9 for 5) so your result will not be the same as counting single throws.
BTW there is no fixed result for this, just a higher probability around a given number of throws. However, given that you seeded the random number generator with a constant, every run should give the same result. And it should be the right one if you don't double throw the dice.
Here is an example of the process that arrives at 690:
import random
fiveCount = 0
throwCount = 0
position = 0
while fiveCount < 100:
position = (position + random.randint(1,6)) % 6
throwCount += 1
fiveCount += position == 5
print(throwCount) # 690
Other observations:
Updating the position wraps around using modulo 6 (there are 6 positions from 0 to 5 inclusively)
Your check of add%5 == 0 does not reflect this. It should have been add%6 == 5 instead but it is always preferable to model the computation as close as possible to the real world process (so keep the position in the 0...5 range)
I'm making a code in python where two dice are rolled 5 times and the total of those 5 separate rolls are added together- however after generating the numbers i don't know how to add them together.
def roll(value):
for i in range(5):
import random
roll1 = float(random.randint(1,7))
roll2 = float(random.randint(1,7))
Thanks for any help.
Maybe this is what you want:
from random import randint
def roll():
rollSum1 = 0
rollSum2 = 0
for i in range(5):
rollSum1 += float(randint(1,7))
rollSum2 += float(randint(1,7))
return rollSum1, rollSum2
if you want to return de sum of the two rollSum just change the line:
return rollSum1, rollSum2
and write
return rollSum1 + rollSum2
I am trying to find the occurrences of each number for sides going 1 up to the number of sides on a dice roll. I would like the program to find the number of occurrences for each number that is in listRolls.
Example: if there were a 6 sided dice then it would be 1 up to 6 and the list would roll the dice x amount of times and I would like to find how many times the dice rolled a 1 so on and so forth.
I am new to python and trying to learn it! Any help would be appreciated!
import random
listRolls = []
# Randomly choose the number of sides of dice between 6 and 12
# Print out 'Will be using: x sides' variable = numSides
def main() :
global numSides
global numRolls
numSides = sides()
numRolls = rolls()
def rolls() :
# for rolls in range(1):
## CHANGE 20, 50 to 200, 500 ##
x = (random.randint(20, 50))
print('Ran for: %s rounds' %(x))
print ('\n')
return x
def sides():
# for sides in range(1):
y = (random.randint(6, 12))
print ('\n')
print('Will be using: %s sides' %(y))
return y
def counterInputs() :
counters = [0] * (numSides + 1) # counters[0] is not used.
value = listRolls
# if value >= 1 and value <= numSides :
# counters[value] = counters[value] + 1
for i in range(1, len(counters)) :
print("%2d: %4d" % (i, value[i]))
print ('\n')
# Face value of die based on each roll (numRolls = number of times die is
# numSides = number of faces)
def rollDice():
i = 0
while (i < numRolls):
x = (random.randint(1, numSides))
# print (x)
i = i + 1
# print ('Done')
def listPrint():
for i, item in enumerate(listRolls):
if (i+1)%13 == 0:
print(item,end=', ')
print ('\n')
Fastest way (I know of) is using Counter() from collections (see bottom for dict-only replacement):
import random
from collections import Counter
# create our 6-sided dice
sides = range(1,7)
num_throws = 1000
# generates num_throws random values and counts them
counter = Counter(random.choices(sides, k = num_throws))
print (counter) # Counter({1: 181, 3: 179, 4: 167, 5: 159, 6: 159, 2: 155})
collections.Counter([iterable-or-mapping])) is a specialized dictionary that counts the occurences in the iterable you give it.
random.choices(population, weights=None, *, cum_weights=None, k=1) uses the given iterable (a range(1,7) == 1,2,3,4,5,6 and draws k things from it, returning them as list.
range(from,to[,steps]) generates a immutable sequence and makes random.choices perform even better then when using a list.
As more complete program including inputting facecount and throw-numbers with validation:
def inputNumber(text,minValue):
"""Ask for numeric input using 'text' - returns integer of minValue or more. """
rv = None
while not rv:
rv = input(text)
rv = int(rv)
if rv < minValue:
raise ValueError
rv = None
print("Try gain, number must be {} or more\n".format(minValue))
return rv
from collections import Counter
import random
sides = range(1,inputNumber("How many sides on the dice? [4+] ",4)+1)
num_throws = inputNumber("How many throws? [1+] ",1)
counter = Counter(random.choices(sides, k = num_throws))
for k in sorted(counter):
print ("Number {} occured {} times".format(k,counter[k]))
How many sides on the dice? [4+] 1
Try gain, number must be 4 or more
How many sides on the dice? [4+] a
Try gain, number must be 4 or more
How many sides on the dice? [4+] 5
How many throws? [1+] -2
Try gain, number must be 1 or more
How many throws? [1+] 100
Number 1 occured 22 times
Number 2 occured 20 times
Number 3 occured 22 times
Number 4 occured 23 times
Number 5 occured 13 times
You are using python 2.x way of formatting string output, read about format(..) and its format examples.
Take a look at the very good answers for validating input from user: Asking the user for input until they give a valid response
Replacement for Counter if you aren't allowed to use it:
# create a dict
d = {}
# iterate over all values you threw
for num in [1,2,2,3,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,1,5,99]:
# set a defaultvalue of 0 if key not exists
# increment nums value by 1
print(d) # {1: 3, 2: 8, 3: 1, 5: 1, 99: 1}
You could trim this down a bit using a dictionary. For stuff like dice I think a good option is to use random.choice and just draw from a list that you populate with the sides of the dice. So to start, we can gather rolls and sides from the user using input(). Next we can use the sides to generate our list that we pull from, you could use randint method in place of this, but for using choice we can make a list in range(1, sides+1). Next we can initiate a dictionary using dict and make a dictionary that has all the sides as keys with a value of 0. Now looks like this d = {1:0, 2:0...n+1:0}.From here now we can use a for loop to populate our dictionary adding 1 to whatever side is rolled. Another for loop will let us print out our dictionary. Bonus. I threw in a max function that takes the items in our dictionary and sorts them by their values and returns the largest tuple of (key, value). We can then print a most rolled statement.
from random import choice
rolls = int(input('Enter the amount of rolls: '))
sides = int(input('Enter the amound of sides: '))
die = list(range(1, sides+1))
d = dict((i,0) for i in die)
for i in range(rolls):
d[choice(die)] += 1
print('\nIn {} rolls, you rolled: '.format(rolls))
for i in d:
print('\tRolled {}: {} times'.format(i, d[i]))
big = max(d.items(), key=lambda x: x[1])
print('{} was rolled the most, for a total of {} times'.format(big[0], big[1]))
Enter the amount of rolls: 5
Enter the amound of sides: 5
In 5 rolls, you rolled:
Rolled 1: 1 times
Rolled 2: 2 times
Rolled 3: 1 times
Rolled 4: 1 times
Rolled 5: 0 times
2 was rolled the most, for a total of 2 times
Think of the Unit Circle x 2. What I have done is create two lists, one for x and one for y, producing 500 pairs of random (x,y). Then I created r=x2+y2 in my while loop, where r is the radius and x2=x**2 and y2=y**2. What I want to be able to do is count the number of times r=<2. I assume my if statement needs to be in the while loop, but I don't know how to actually count the number of times the condition r=<2is met. Do I need to create a list for the r values?
import random
from math import *
def randomgen(N):
return b
while i<500:
print rlg[i],rlg2[i]
if r<=2:
import random
from math import *
def randomgen(N):
return b
amount = 0
while i<500:
print rlg[i],rlg2[i]
if r<=2:
amount += 1
You need two counters here. One for the total number of points (i) and one for the number of points that lie within your circle r <= 2 (I'm calling this one isInside). You only want to increment the isInside counter if the point lies within your circle (r <= 2).
i = 0
rlg = []
rlg2 = []
countlist = []
isInside = 0
while i < 500:
print rlg[i],rlg2[i]
if r <= 2:
# increment your isInside counter
isInside += 1