I've got a small Python script that compares a word list imported from document A with a set of line endings in document B in order to copy the ones that don't match those rules to document C. Example:
A (word list):
B (line endings list):
C (those from A that do not match B):
In general it works fine but I realized that it doesn't work with line endings that contain a Unicode character as ó - there is no error message and everything seems smooth but the list C does still contain words ending with ó.
Here is an excerpt of my code:
inputobj = codecs.open(A, "r")
ruleobj = codecs.open(B, "r")
nomatch = codecs.open(C, "w")
inputtext = inputobj.readlines()
ruletext = ruleobj.readlines()
for line in inputtext:
x = 0
line = line.strip()
for rule in ruletext:
rule = rule.strip()
if line.endswith(rule):
print "rule", rule, " in line", line
x= x+1
if x == 0:
for i in notmatchlist:
print >> nomatch, i
I've tried some code locally. It works well for the 'ó'.
Could you check the A & B are in the same encoding?
I am using python 2.7.
I want to find the DNA length. I have no idea where is the mistake.....The length of DNA supposed to be 283, but it comes up with 345.
The sequence in a single line is nothing wrong but just the length have some problem.....
I think the spaces are calculated too. May I know how to get the length of the DNA without including the spaces?
Thank you.
import re
singleSeq = ""
fh = open("seq.embl.txt")
lines = fh.readlines()
for line in lines:
lines = line.strip()
m = re.match(r"\s+(.[^\d]+)\s+\d+", line)
if m:
seqline = m.group(1)
singleSeq += seqline
print("\nSequence in a single line: ")
# print(line.strip(singleSeq))
print("\nSequence length: ", len(singleSeq))
Sequence in a single line:
cccatgtccc agcggcgtat tgctttgcat cgcgaacgca ctttcaatgt cccagcggcg tattgcttct attttataag taccagctaa attttttttt tttttttata agtaccagct aaaatttttt tttttttttt ttataagtac cagctaaaat tttttttttt tttttttata agtaccagct aaaatttttt ttttttttta taagttccag cggcgtattg ctttctgaaa tttaaaaaaa aaaaaaaatt tttttttaat aatatattat ata
Sequence length: 345
This should do the trick
# Python3 code to remove whitespace
def remove(string):
return string.replace(" ", "")
# Driver Program
string = ' t e s t '
it seems you are reinventing the wheel her. i strongly suggest you try BioPython for this
from Bio import SeqIO
record = SeqIO.read("seq.embl.txt", "embl")
print("\nSequence length: ", len(record))
I'm a python learner. If I have a lines of text in a file that looks like this
Can I split the lines around the inverted commas? The only constant would be their position in the file relative to the data lines themselves. The data lines could range from 10 to 100+ characters (they'll be nested network folders). I cannot see how I can use any other way to do those markers to split on, but my lack of python knowledge is making this difficult.
I've tried
and other variations but keep getting valueerror: empty seperator. I can see why it's saying that, I just don't know how to change it. Any help is, as always very appreciated.
Many thanks
You must escape the ":
results in
' ',
To drop the resulting empty lines:
[line for line in [line.strip() for line in input.split("\"")] if line]
results in
['Y:\\DATA\x0001\\SERVER\\DATA.TXT', 'V:\\DATA2\x0002\\SERVER2\\DATA2.TXT']
I'll just add that if you were dealing with lines that look like they could be command line parameters, then you could possibly take advantage of the shlex module:
import shlex
with open('somefile') as fin:
for line in fin:
print shlex.split(line)
Would give:
['Y:\\DATA\\00001\\SERVER\\DATA.TXT', 'V:\\DATA2\\00002\\SERVER2\\DATA2.TXT']
No regex, no split, just use csv.reader
import csv
sample_line = ' foo "24/Sep/2015:01:08:16 +0800" www.google.com "GET /" -'
def main():
for l in csv.reader([sample_line], delimiter=' ', quotechar='"'):
print l
The output is
['', 'foo', '24/Sep/2015:01:08:16 +0800', 'www.google.com', 'GET /', '-']
shlex module can help you.
import shlex
my_string = '"Y:\DATA\00001\SERVER\DATA.TXT" "V:\DATA2\00002\SERVER2\DATA2.TXT"'
This will spit
['Y:\\DATA\x0001\\SERVER\\DATA.TXT', 'V:\\DATA2\x0002\\SERVER2\\DATA2.TXT']
Reference: https://docs.python.org/2/library/shlex.html
Finding all regular expression matches will do it:
input=r'"Y:\DATA\00001\SERVER\DATA.TXT" "V:\DATA2\00002\SERVER2\DATA2.TXT"'
re.findall('".+?"', # or '"[^"]+"', input)
This will return the list of file names:
To get the file name without quotes use:
[f[1:-1] for f in re.findall('".+?"', input)]
or use re.finditer:
[f.group(1) for f in re.finditer('"(.+?)"', input)]
The following code splits the line at each occurrence of the inverted comma character (") and removes empty strings and those consisting only of whitespace.
[s for s in line.split('"') if s.strip() != '']
There is no need to use regular expressions, an escape character, some module or assume a certain number of whitespace characters between the paths.
line = r'"Y:\DATA\00001\SERVER\DATA.TXT" "V:\DATA2\00002\SERVER2\DATA2.TXT"'
output = [s for s in line.split('"') if s.strip() != '']
>>> ['Y:\\DATA\\00001\\SERVER\\DATA.TXT', 'V:\\DATA2\\00002\\SERVER2\\DATA2.TXT']
I think what you want is to extract the filepaths, which are separated by spaces. That is you want to split the line about items contained within quotations. I.e with a line
You want
In which case:
import re
with open('file.txt') as f:
for line in f:
With file.txt:
['"Y:\\DATA\\00001\\SERVER\\DATA MINER.TXT"', '"V:\\DATA2\\00002\\SERVER2\\DATA2.TXT"']
This was my solution. It parses most sane input exactly the same as if it was passed into the command line directly.
import re
def simpleParse(input_):
def reduce_(quotes):
return '' if quotes.group(0) == '"' else '"'
rex = r'("[^"]*"(?:\s|$)|[^\s]+)'
return [re.sub(r'"{1,2}',reduce_,z.strip()) for z in re.findall(rex,input_)]
Use case: Collecting a bunch of single shot scripts into a utility launcher without having to redo command input much.
Got OCD about the stupid way that the command line handles crappy quoting and wrote the below:
import re
tokens = list()
reading = False
qc = 0
lq = 0
begin = 0
for z in range(len(trial)):
char = trial[z]
if re.match(r'[^\s]', char):
if not reading:
reading = True
begin = z
if re.match(r'"', char):
begin = z
qc = 1
begin = z - 1
qc = 0
lc = begin
if re.match(r'"', char):
qc = qc + 1
lq = z
elif reading and qc % 2 == 0:
reading = False
if lq == z - 1:
tokens.append(trial[begin + 1: z - 1])
tokens.append(trial[begin + 1: z])
if reading:
tokens.append(trial[begin + 1: len(trial) ])
tokens = [re.sub(r'"{1,2}',lambda y:'' if y.group(0) == '"' else '"', z) for z in tokens]
I know this got answered a million year ago, but this works too:
input = '"Y:\DATA\00001\SERVER\DATA.TXT" "V:\DATA2\00002\SERVER2\DATA2.TXT"'
input = input.replace('" "','"').split('"')[1:-1]
Should output it as a list containing:
['Y:\\DATA\x0001\\SERVER\\DATA.TXT', 'V:\\DATA2\x0002\\SERVER2\\DATA2.TXT']
My question Python - Error Caused by Space in argv Arument was marked as a duplicate of this one. We have a number of Python books doing back to Python 2.3. The oldest referred to using a list for argv, but with no example, so I changed things to:-
repoCmd = ['Purchaser.py', 'task', repoTask, LastDataPath]
and in SWCore to:-
sys.argv = args
The shlex module worked but I prefer this.
I can't seem to get this program I'm supposed to do for a project to output the correct output, even though I have tried getting it to work multiple times. The project is:
Your program needs to decode an encrypted text file called "encrypted. txt". The person who wrote it used a cipher specified in "key. txt". This key file would look similar to the following:
The left column represents the plaintext letter, and the right column represents the corresponding ciphertext.
Your program should decode the "encrypted.txt" file using "key.txt" and write the plaintext to "decrypted.txt".
Your program should handle both upper and lower case letters in the encrypted without having two key files (or duplicating keys). You may have the decrypted text in all caps.
You should be able to handle characters in the encrypted text that are not in your key file. In that case, just have the decryption repeat the character. This will allow you to have spaces in your encrypted text that remain spaces when decrypted.
While you may write a program to create the key file - do NOT include that in the submission. You may manually create the encrypted and key text files. Use either the "new file" option in Python Shell (don't forget to save as txt) or an editor such as notepad. Do not use word.
Here is my code:
keyFile = open("key.txt", "r")
keylist1= []
keylist2 = []
for line in keyFile:
encryptedfile = open("encrypted.txt", "r")
lines = encryptedfile.readlines()
currentline = ""
decrypt = ""
for line in lines:
currentline = line
letter = list(currentline)
for i in range(len(letter)):
currentletter = letter[i]
if not letter[i].isalpha():
decrypt += letter[i]
for o in range(len(keylist1)):
if currentletter == keylist1[o]:
decrypt += keylist2[o]
The only output I get is:
, ?
which is incorrect.
You forgot to handle lowercase letters. Use upper() to convert everything to a common case.
It would also be better to use a dictionary instead of a pair of lists.
mapping = {}
with open("key.txt", "r") as keyFile:
for line in keyFile:
l1, l2 = line.split()
mapping[upper(l1)] = upper(l2)
decrypt = ""
with open("encrypted.txt", "r") as encryptedFile:
for line in encryptedFile:
for char in line:
char = upper(char)
if char in mapping:
decrypt += mapping[char]
decrypt += char
I want to determine which type of ROT encoding is used and based off that, do the correct decode.
Also, I have found the following code which will indeed decode rot13 "sbbone" to "foobart" correctly:
import codecs
codecs.decode('sbbone', 'rot_13')
The thing is I'd like to run this python file against an existing file which has rot13 encoding. (for example rot13.py encoded.txt).
Thank you!
To answer the second part of your first question, decode something in ROT-x, you can use the following code:
def encode(s, ROT_number=13):
"""Encodes a string (s) using ROT (ROT_number) encoding."""
ROT_number %= 26 # To avoid IndexErrors
alpha = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" * 2
alpha += alpha.upper()
def get_i():
for i in range(26):
yield i # indexes of the lowercase letters
for i in range(53, 78):
yield i # indexes of the uppercase letters
ROT = {alpha[i]: alpha[i + ROT_number] for i in get_i()}
return "".join(ROT.get(i, i) for i in s)
def decode(s, ROT_number=13):
"""Decodes a string (s) using ROT (ROT_number) encoding."""
return encrypt(s, abs(ROT_number % 26 - 26))
To answer the first part of your first question, find the rot encoding of an arbitrarily encoded string, you probably want to brute-force. Uses all rot-encodings, and check which one makes the most sense. A quick(-ish) way to do this is to get a space-delimited (e.g. cat\ndog\nmouse\nsheep\nsay\nsaid\nquick\n... where \n is a newline) file containing most common words in the English language, and then check which encoding has the most words in it.
with open("words.txt") as f:
words = frozenset(f.read().lower().split("\n"))
# frozenset for speed
def get_most_likely_encoding(s, delimiter=" "):
alpha = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" + delimiter
for punctuation in "\n\t,:; .()":
s.replace(punctuation, delimiter)
s = "".join(c for c in s if c.lower() in alpha)
word_count = [sum(w.lower() in words for w in encode(
s, enc).split(delimiter)) for enc in range(26)]
return word_count.index(max(word_count))
A file on Unix machines that you could use is /usr/dict/words, which can also be found here
Well, you can read the file line by line and decode it.
The output should go to an output file:
import codecs
import sys
def main(filename):
output_file = open('output_file.txt', 'w')
with open(filename) as f:
for line in f:
output_file.write(codecs.decode(line, 'rot_13'))
if __name__ == "__main__":
_filename = sys.argv[1]
I'm a python learner. If I have a lines of text in a file that looks like this
Can I split the lines around the inverted commas? The only constant would be their position in the file relative to the data lines themselves. The data lines could range from 10 to 100+ characters (they'll be nested network folders). I cannot see how I can use any other way to do those markers to split on, but my lack of python knowledge is making this difficult.
I've tried
and other variations but keep getting valueerror: empty seperator. I can see why it's saying that, I just don't know how to change it. Any help is, as always very appreciated.
Many thanks
You must escape the ":
results in
' ',
To drop the resulting empty lines:
[line for line in [line.strip() for line in input.split("\"")] if line]
results in
['Y:\\DATA\x0001\\SERVER\\DATA.TXT', 'V:\\DATA2\x0002\\SERVER2\\DATA2.TXT']
I'll just add that if you were dealing with lines that look like they could be command line parameters, then you could possibly take advantage of the shlex module:
import shlex
with open('somefile') as fin:
for line in fin:
print shlex.split(line)
Would give:
['Y:\\DATA\\00001\\SERVER\\DATA.TXT', 'V:\\DATA2\\00002\\SERVER2\\DATA2.TXT']
No regex, no split, just use csv.reader
import csv
sample_line = ' foo "24/Sep/2015:01:08:16 +0800" www.google.com "GET /" -'
def main():
for l in csv.reader([sample_line], delimiter=' ', quotechar='"'):
print l
The output is
['', 'foo', '24/Sep/2015:01:08:16 +0800', 'www.google.com', 'GET /', '-']
shlex module can help you.
import shlex
my_string = '"Y:\DATA\00001\SERVER\DATA.TXT" "V:\DATA2\00002\SERVER2\DATA2.TXT"'
This will spit
['Y:\\DATA\x0001\\SERVER\\DATA.TXT', 'V:\\DATA2\x0002\\SERVER2\\DATA2.TXT']
Reference: https://docs.python.org/2/library/shlex.html
Finding all regular expression matches will do it:
input=r'"Y:\DATA\00001\SERVER\DATA.TXT" "V:\DATA2\00002\SERVER2\DATA2.TXT"'
re.findall('".+?"', # or '"[^"]+"', input)
This will return the list of file names:
To get the file name without quotes use:
[f[1:-1] for f in re.findall('".+?"', input)]
or use re.finditer:
[f.group(1) for f in re.finditer('"(.+?)"', input)]
The following code splits the line at each occurrence of the inverted comma character (") and removes empty strings and those consisting only of whitespace.
[s for s in line.split('"') if s.strip() != '']
There is no need to use regular expressions, an escape character, some module or assume a certain number of whitespace characters between the paths.
line = r'"Y:\DATA\00001\SERVER\DATA.TXT" "V:\DATA2\00002\SERVER2\DATA2.TXT"'
output = [s for s in line.split('"') if s.strip() != '']
>>> ['Y:\\DATA\\00001\\SERVER\\DATA.TXT', 'V:\\DATA2\\00002\\SERVER2\\DATA2.TXT']
I think what you want is to extract the filepaths, which are separated by spaces. That is you want to split the line about items contained within quotations. I.e with a line
You want
In which case:
import re
with open('file.txt') as f:
for line in f:
With file.txt:
['"Y:\\DATA\\00001\\SERVER\\DATA MINER.TXT"', '"V:\\DATA2\\00002\\SERVER2\\DATA2.TXT"']
This was my solution. It parses most sane input exactly the same as if it was passed into the command line directly.
import re
def simpleParse(input_):
def reduce_(quotes):
return '' if quotes.group(0) == '"' else '"'
rex = r'("[^"]*"(?:\s|$)|[^\s]+)'
return [re.sub(r'"{1,2}',reduce_,z.strip()) for z in re.findall(rex,input_)]
Use case: Collecting a bunch of single shot scripts into a utility launcher without having to redo command input much.
Got OCD about the stupid way that the command line handles crappy quoting and wrote the below:
import re
tokens = list()
reading = False
qc = 0
lq = 0
begin = 0
for z in range(len(trial)):
char = trial[z]
if re.match(r'[^\s]', char):
if not reading:
reading = True
begin = z
if re.match(r'"', char):
begin = z
qc = 1
begin = z - 1
qc = 0
lc = begin
if re.match(r'"', char):
qc = qc + 1
lq = z
elif reading and qc % 2 == 0:
reading = False
if lq == z - 1:
tokens.append(trial[begin + 1: z - 1])
tokens.append(trial[begin + 1: z])
if reading:
tokens.append(trial[begin + 1: len(trial) ])
tokens = [re.sub(r'"{1,2}',lambda y:'' if y.group(0) == '"' else '"', z) for z in tokens]
I know this got answered a million year ago, but this works too:
input = '"Y:\DATA\00001\SERVER\DATA.TXT" "V:\DATA2\00002\SERVER2\DATA2.TXT"'
input = input.replace('" "','"').split('"')[1:-1]
Should output it as a list containing:
['Y:\\DATA\x0001\\SERVER\\DATA.TXT', 'V:\\DATA2\x0002\\SERVER2\\DATA2.TXT']
My question Python - Error Caused by Space in argv Arument was marked as a duplicate of this one. We have a number of Python books doing back to Python 2.3. The oldest referred to using a list for argv, but with no example, so I changed things to:-
repoCmd = ['Purchaser.py', 'task', repoTask, LastDataPath]
and in SWCore to:-
sys.argv = args
The shlex module worked but I prefer this.