I have two text files both consisting of approximately 700,000 lines.
Second file consists of responses to statements in the first file for corresponding line.
I need to calculate Fisher's Exact Score for each word pair that appears on matching lines.
For example, if nth lines in the files are
how are you
fine thanx
then I need to calculate Fisher's score for (how,fine), (how,thanx), (are,fine), (are,thanx), (you,fine), (you,thanx).
In order to calculate Fisher's Exact Score, I used collections module's Counter to count the number of appearances of each word, and their co-appearances throughout the two files, as in
with open("finalsrc.txt") as f1, open("finaltgt.txt") as f2:
for line1, line2 in itertools.izip(f1, f2):
words1 = list(set(list(find_words(line1))))
words2 = list(set(list(find_words(line2))))
counts_pair.update(list(set(list(itertools.product(words1, words2)))))
then I calculate the Fisher's exact score for each pair using scipy module by
from scipy import stats
def calculateFisher(s, t):
sa = counts1[s]
ta = counts2[t]
st = counts_pair[s, t]
snt = sa - st
nst = ta - st
nsnt = n - sa - ta + st
oddsratio, pvalue = stats.fisher_exact([[st, snt], [nst, nsnt]])
return pvalue
This works fast and fine for small text files,
but since my files contain 700,000 lines each, I think the Counter gets too large to retrieve the values quickly, and this becomes very very slow.
(Assuming 10 words per each sentence, the counts_pair would have (10^2)*700,000=70,000,000 entries.)
It would take tens of days to finish the computation for all word pairs in the files.
What would be the smart workaround for this?
I would greatly appreciate your help.
How exactly are you calling the calculateFisher function? Your counts_pair will not have 70 million entries: a lot of word pairs will be seen more than once, so seventy million is the sum of their counts, not the number of keys. You should be only calculating the exact test for pairs that do co-occur, and the best place to find those is in counts_pair. But that means that you can just iterate over it; and if you do, you never have to look anything up in counts_pair:
for (s, t), count in counts_pair.iteritems():
sa = counts1[s]
ta = counts2[t]
st = count
# Continue with Fisher's exact calculation
I've factored out the calculate_fisher function for clarity; I hope you get the idea. So if dictionary look-ups were what's slowing you down, this will save you a whole lot of them. If not, ... do some profiling and let us know what's really going on.
But note that simply looking up keys in a huge dictionary shouldn't slow things down too much. However, "retrieving values quickly" will be difficult if your program must to swap most of its data to disk. Do you have enough memory in your computer to hold the three counters simultaneously? Does the first loop complete in a reasonable amount of time? So find the bottleneck and you'll know more about what needs fixing.
Edit: From your comment it sounds like you are calculating Fisher's exact score over and over during a subsequent step of text processing. Why do that? Break up your program in two steps: First, calculate all word pair scores as I describe. Write each pair and score out into a file as you calculate it. When that's done, use a separate script to read them back in (now the memory contains nothing else but this one large dictionary of pairs & Fisher's exact scores), and rewrite away. You should do that anyway: If it takes you ten days just to get the scores (and you *still haven't given us any details on what's slow, and why), get started and in ten days you'll have them forever, to use whenever you wish.
I did a quick experiment, and a python process with a list of a million ((word, word), count) tuples takes just 300MB (on OS X, but the data structures should be about the same size on Windows). If you have 10 million distinct word pairs, you can expect it to take about 2.5 GB of RAM. I doubt you'll have even this many word pairs (but check!). So if you've got 4GB of RAM and you're not doing anything wrong that you haven't told us about, you should be all right. Otherwise, YMMV.
I think that your bottleneck is in how you manipulate the data structures other than the counters.
words1 = list(set(list(find_words(line1)))) creates a list from a set from a list from the result of find_words. Each of these operations requires allocating memory to hold all of your objects, and copying. Worse still, if the type returned by find_words does not include a __len__ method, the resulting list will have to grow and be recopied as it iterates.
I'm assuming that all you need is an iterable of unique words in order to update your counters, for which set will be perfectly sufficient.
for line1, line2 in itertools.izip(f1, f2):
words1 = set(find_words(line1)) # words1 now has list of unique words from line1
words2 = set(find_words(line2)) # words2 now has list of unique words from line2
counts1.update(words1) # counts1 increments words from line1 (once per word)
counts2.update(words2) # counts2 increments words from line2 (once per word)
counts_pair.update(itertools.product(words1, words2)
Note that you don't need to change the output of itertools.product that is passed to counts_pair as there are no repeated elements in words1 or words2, so the Cartesian product will not have any repeated elements.
Sounds like you need to generate the cross-products lazily - a Counter with 70 million elements will take a lot of RAM and suffer from cache misses on virtually every access.
So how about instead save a dict mapping a "file 1" word to a list of sets of corresponding "file 2" words?
word_to_sets = collections.defaultdict(list)
counts_pair.update(list(set(list(itertools.product(words1, words2)))))
for w1 in words1:
Then in your Fisher function, replace this:
st = counts_pair[s, t]
st = sum(t in w2set for w2set in word_to_sets.get(s, []))
That's as lazy as I can get - the cross-products are never computed at all ;-)
EDIT Or map a "list 1" word to its own Counter:
word_to_counter = collections.defaultdict(collections.Counter)
counts_pair.update(list(set(list(itertools.product(words1, words2)))))
for w1 in words1:
In Fisher function:
st = word_to_counter[s][t]
I was trying to compare a set of strings to an already defined set of strings.
For example, you want to find the addressee of a letter, which text is digitalized via OCR.
There is an array of adresses, which has dictionaries as elements.
Each element, which is unique, contains ID, Name, Street, ZIP Code and City. This list will be 1000 entries long.
Since OCR scanned text can be inaccurate, we need to find the best matching candidates of strings with the list, which contains the addresses.
The text is 750 words long. We reduce the number of words by using an appropiate filter function, which firstly splits by whitespaces, stripts more whitespaces from each element, deletes all words less then 5 characters long and removes duplicats; the resulting list is 200 words long.
Since each addressee has 4 strings (Name Street, Zip code and city) and the remaining letter ist 200 words long, my comparrisson has to run 4 * 1000 * 200
= 800'000 times.
I have used python with medium success. Matches have correctly been found. However, the algorithm takes a long time to process a lot of letters (up to 50 hrs per 1500 letters). List comprehension has been applied. Is there a way to correctly (and not unessesary) implement multithreading? What if this application needs to run on a low spec server? My 6 core CPU does not complain about such tasks, however, I do not know how much time it will take to process a lot of documents on a small AWS instance.
>> len(addressees)
>> addressees[0]
{"Name": "John Doe", "Zip": 12345, "Street": "Boulevard of broken dreams 2", "City": "Stockholm"}
>> letter[:5] # already filtered
["Insurance", "Taxation", "Identification", "1592212", "St0ckhlm", "Mozart"]
>> from difflib import SequenceMatcher
>> def get_similarity_per_element(addressees, letter):
"""compare the similarity of each word in the letter with the addressees"""
ratios = []
for l in letter:
for a in addressee.items():
ratios.append(int(100 * SequenceMatcher(None, a, l).ratio())) # using ints for faster arithmatic
return max(ratios)
>> get_similarity_per_element(addressees[0], letter[:5]) # percentage of the most matching word in the letter with anything from the addressee
>> # then use this method to find all addressents with the max matching ratio
>> # if only one is greater then the others -> Done
>> # if more then one, but less then 3 are equal -> Interactive Promt -> Done
>> # else -> mark as not sortable -> Done.
I expected a faster processing for each document. (1 minute max), not 50 hrs per 1500 letters. I am sure this is the bottleneck, since the other tasks are working fast and flawless.
Is there a better (faster) way to do this?
A few quick tips:
1) Let me know how long does it take to do quick_ratio() or real_quick_ratio() instead of ratio()
2) Invert the order of the loops and use set_seq2 and set_seq1 so that SequenceMatcher reuses information
for a in addressee.items():
s = SequenceMatcher()
for l in letter:
ratios.append(int(100 * s.ratio()))
But a better solution would be something like #J_H describes
You want to recognize inputs that are similar to dictionary words, e.g. "St0ckholm" -> "Stockholm". Transposition typos should be handled. Ok.
Possibly you would prefer to set autojunk=False. But a quadratic or cubic algorithm sounds like trouble if you're in a hurry.
Consider the Anagram Problem, where you're asked if an input word and a dictionary word are anagrams of one another. The straightforward solution is to compare the sorted strings for equality. Let's see if we can adapt that idea into a suitable data structure for your problem.
Pre-process your dictionary words into canonical keys that are easily looked up, and hang a list of one or more words off of each key. Use sorting to form the key. So for example we would have:
'dgo' -> ['dog', 'god']
Store this map sorted by key.
Given an input word, you want to know if exactly that word appears in the dictionary, or if a version with limited edit distance appears in the dictionary. Sort the input word and probe the map for 1st entry greater or equal to that. Retrieve the (very short) list of candidate words and evaluate the distance between each of them and your input word. Output the best match. This happens very quickly.
For fuzzier matching, use both the 1st and 2nd entries >= target, plus the preceding entry, so you have a larger candidate set. Also, so far this approach is sensitive to deletion of "small" letters like "a" or "b", due to ascending sorting. So additionally form keys with descending sort, and probe the map for both types of key.
If you're willing to pip install packages, consider import soundex, which deliberately discards information from words, or import fuzzywuzzy.
I have a very large (say a few thousand) list of partitions, something like:
What I want to do is apply to each of them a function (which outputs a small number of partitions), then put all the outputs in a list and remove duplicates.
I am able to do this, but the problem is that my computer gets very slow if I put the above list directly into the python file (esp. when scrolling). What is making it slow? If it is memory being used to load the whole list,
Is there a way to put the partitions in another file, and have the function just read the list term by term?
EDIT: I am adding some code. My code is probably very inefficient because I'm quite an amateur. So what I really have is a list of lists of partitions, that I want to add to:
listofparts3 = [[[3],[2,1],[1,1,1]],
def addtolist3(n):
counter = 0
added = []
for i in range(len(listofparts3[a])):
first = listofparts3[a][i]
if len(first)<n:
for i in range(n-len(first)):
answer = lowering1(fock(first),-2)[0]
for j in range(len(answer)):
newelement = True
for k in range(len(added)):
if (answer[j]==added[k]).all():
newelement = False
if newelement==True:
counter = counter+1
for i in range(len(added)):
fock, lowering1, partition are all functions in earlier code, they are pretty simple functions. The above function, say addtolist(24), takes all the partition of 21 that I have and returns the desired list of partitions of 24, which I can then append to the end of listofparts3.
A few thousand partitions uses only a modest amount of memory, so that likely isn't the source of your problem.
One way to speed-up function application is to use map() for Python 3 or itertools.imap() from Python 2.
The fastest way to eliminate duplicates is to feed them into a Python set() object.
I am new to python and am struggling to speed up this piece of code.
I have about 1 million strings in zz1 and 250,000 strings in a3. The strings in zz1 have errors in them and I would like to match it onto the one in a3, which has the highest ratio of fuzzy match.
I am happy with the results, but it takes about ~9 seconds to process one row in zz1. Is there a way to speed this up?
import csv
import string
import time
import sys
from fuzzywuzzy import fuzz
for i in range(1,len(zz1)):
start2 = time.clock()
forecast = []
if not num in zz4 and zz5:
for j in range (1,len(a3)):
if (max(forecast)>60):
elapsed2 = (time.clock() - start2)
print (i,elapsed2)
Since the data represents abbreviated strings rather than typos or other errors, you should be able to perform this operation by eliminating the easy choices.
Consider these two examples (I don't know how GRAND CANYON would be abbreviated, so this is just a guess to illustrate the point):
There is no way GR CANYON could possibly relate to MELBOURNE REEF, so there is no need to test that. Group by left prefix of the strings to codify this test, and you should see a very high hit rate since an abbreviation will normally preserve the first letter.
So, you only compare abbreviations that start with a "G" with the full names that also start with a "G", and "M" with "M", etc.
Note also that this doesn't have to provide a perfect match; you will maintain lists of unmatched strings and remove matches as you find them, so after you have compared the grouped strings and removed the matches, your final list of unmatched items will be a very small subset of your original data that can be compared relatively quickly using your original brute-force approach.
With just the first character, you reduce the number of strings to be compared in each list by a factor of 26, which reduces the number of comparisons by a factor of 26*26, that's 676 times faster!
Since perfect accuracy isn't necessary in the initial elimination steps, you could extend this grouping to more than just the first character for the first iteration, reducing the number of characters for each additional iteration until you reach zero characters. With 2-character grouping, you reduce the number of items in each list to compare by 26*26, which reduces the total number of comparisons by 26*26*26*26, or from 250 billion down to about half a million comparisons. With 3-character grouping, from 250 billion down to about 809.
By using this iterative approach, you will perform exponentially fewer fuzz operations, without losing accuracy.
Not sure how much time this will save but this bit seems unnecessarily complicated:
for j in range (1,len(a3)):
if (max(forecast)>60):
Every time, you're making a new list with 250,000 elements in it, then you're checking that new list for the max element, then you're finding the index of that max element to retrieve the associated value from the original list. It probably makes more sense to do something more like:
max_ratio = 0
match = ''
for a in a3:
fr = fuzz.ratio(num,a[1])
if fr > max_ratio:
max_ratio = fr
match = a[1]
if max_ratio > 60:
This way you're not creating and storing a big new list every time, you're just keeping the best match you find, replacing it only when you find a better match.
Im working with python 3.5 and Im writing a script that handles large spreadsheet files. Each row of the spreadsheet contains a phrase and several other relevant values. I'm parsing the file as a matrix, but for the example file, it has over 3000 rows (and even larger files should be within expected). I also have a list of 100 words. I need to search for each word, which row of the matrix contains it in its string, and print the some averages based on that.
Currently I'm iterating over each row of the matrix, and then check if the string contains any of the mentioned words, but this process takes 3000 iterations, with 100 checks for each one. Is there any better way to accomplish this task?
In the long run, I would encourage you to use something more suitable for the task. A SQL database, for instance.
But if you stick with writing your own python solution, here are some things you can do to optimize it:
Use sets. Sets have a very efficient membership check.
wordset_100 = set(worldlist_100)
for row in data_3k:
word_matches = wordset_100.intersect(row.phrase.split(" "))
for match in word_matches:
# add to accumulator
# this loop will be run less than len(row.phrase.split(' ')) times
from multiprocessing import Pool
from collections import defaultdict
def matches(wordset_100, row):
return wordset_100.intersect(row.phrase.split(" ")), row
if __name__ == "__main__":
accu = defaultdict(int)
p = Pool()
wordset_100 = set(worldlist_100)
for m, r in p.map(matches, data_3k):
for word in m:
accu[word] += r.number
I want to generate a 'bag of words' matrix containing documents with the corresponding counts for the words in the document. In order to do this I run below code for initialising the bag of words matrix. Unfortunately I receive a memory error after x amounts of documents in the line where I read the document. Is there a better way of doing this, so that I can avoid the memory error? Please be aware that I would like to process a very large amount of documents ~ 2.000.000 with only 8 Gb of RAM.
def __init__(self, paths, words_count, normalize_matrix = False ,trainingset_size = None, validation_set_words_list = None):
Open all documents from the given path.
Initialize the variables needed in order
to construct the word matrix.
paths: paths to the documents.
words_count: number of words in the bag of words.
trainingset_size: the proportion of the data that should be set to the training set.
validation_set_words_list: the attributes for validation.
print '################ Data Processing Started ################'
self.max_words_matrix = words_count
print '________________ Reading Docs From File System ________________'
timer = time()
for folder in paths:
print '____ dataprocessing for category '+folder
if trainingset_size == None:
docs = os.listdir(folder)
elif not trainingset_size == None and validation_set_words_list == None:
docs = os.listdir(folder)[:int(len(os.listdir(folder))*trainingset_size-1)]
docs = os.listdir(folder)[int(len(os.listdir(folder))*trainingset_size+1):]
count = 1
length = len(docs)
for doc in docs:
if doc.endswith('.txt'):
d = open(folder+'/'+doc).read()
# Append a filtered version of the document to the document list.
# Append the name of the document to the list containing document names.
# Increase the class indices counter.
print 'Processed '+str(count)+' of '+str(length)+' in category '+folder
count += 1
What you're asking for isn't possible. Also, Python doesn't automatically get the space benefits you're expecting from BoW. Plus, I think you're doing the key piece wrong in the first place. Let's take those in reverse order.
Whatever you're doing in this line:
… is likely wrong.
All you want to store for each document is a count vector. In order to get that count vector, you will need to append to a single dict of all words seen. Unless __filter__ is modifying a hidden dict in-place, and returning a vector, it's not doing the right thing.
The main space savings in the BoW model come from not having to store copies of the string keys for each document, and from being able to store a simple array of ints instead of a fancy hash table. But an integer object is nearly as big as a (short) string object, and there's no way to predict or guarantee when you get new integers or strings vs. additional references to existing ones. So, really, the only advantage you get is 1/hash_fullness; if you want any of the other advantages, you need something like an array.array or numpy.ndarray.
For example:
a = np.zeros(len(self.word_dict), dtype='i2')
for word in split_into_words(d):
idx = self.word_dict[word]
except KeyError:
idx = len(self.word_dict)
self.word_dict[word] = idx
np.resize(a, idx+1)
a[idx] = 1
a[idx] += 1
But this still won't be enough. Unless you have on the order of 1K unique words, you can't fit all those counts in memory.
For example, if you have 5000 unique words, you've got 2M arrays, each of which has 5000 2-byte counts, so the most compact possible representation will take 20GB.
Since most documents won't have most words, you will get some benefit by using sparse arrays (or a single 2D sparse array), but there's only so much benefit you can get. And, even if things happened to be ordered in such a way that you get absolutely perfect RLE compression, if the average number of unique words per doc is on the order of 1K, you're still going to run out of memory.
So, you simply can't store all of the document vectors in memory.
If you can process them iteratively instead of all at once, that's the obvious answer.
If not, you'll have to page them in and out to disk (whether explicitly, or by using PyTables or a database or something).