I got plugin for sublime text 3 that let me move cursor to line by its number:
import sublime, sublime_plugin
class prompt_goto_lineCommand(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand):
def run(self):
self.window.show_input_panel("Goto Line:", "", self.on_done, None, None)
def on_done(self, text):
line = int(text)
if self.window.active_view():
self.window.active_view().run_command("goto_line", {"line": line} )
except ValueError:
class go_to_lineCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
def run(self, edit, line):
# Convert from 1 based to a 0 based line number
line = int(line) - 1
# Negative line numbers count from the end of the buffer
if line < 0:
lines, _ = self.view.rowcol(self.view.size())
line = lines + line + 1
pt = self.view.text_point(line, 0)
I want to improve it to let me move cursor to first line containing the specified string. It is like a search on file:
For example if pass to it string "class go_to_lineCommand" plugin must move cursor to line 17 :
and possibly select string class go_to_lineCommand.
The problem is reduced to finding regionWithGivenString, and then I can select it:
But don't know method to get regionWithGivenString.
I tried to
find on google: sublime plugin find and select text
check api
But still no result.
I am not sure about the typical way. However, you can achieve this in following way:
Get the content of current doc.
Search target string to find out its start and end position. Now you have the start and end point.
Add the Region(start, end) to selections.
def run(self, edit, target):
if not target or target == "":
content = self.view.substr(sublime.Region(0, self.view.size()))
begin = content.find(target)
if begin == -1:
end = begin + len(target)
target_region = sublime.Region(begin, end)
there you have it in the API, use the view.find(regex,pos) method.
s = self.view.find("go_to_lineCommand", 0)
A possible improvement to the longhua's answer - adding moving cursor to the target line.
class FindcustomCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
def _select(self):
def run(self, edit):
TARGET = 'http://nabiraem'
# if not target or target == "":
# return
content = self.view.substr(sublime.Region(0, self.view.size()))
begin = content.find(TARGET)
if begin == -1:
end = begin + len(TARGET)
self._target_region = sublime.Region(begin, end)
self.view.show(self._target_region) # scroll to selection
I´m new at this world and I need to do this with this kind of file:
I wanna to search for this string "|4751|" and copy all rows and the row with the string "|4751|" until the line that contains 99999|
The text has multiples "|4751|" and 99999| and I wanna copy all the rows between all of them
Is this possible with python? I´ve found some posts here, but the problem is that I can´t adapt the script, because my string |4751| is in the middle of the row, and not at the start of it.
We can build a custom iterator (and context manager) that retrieves the desired rows from the input file
class Collector:
def __init__(self, filename, start_marker, stop_marker):
self.toggle_collect = False
self.f = open(filename)
self.m1 = start_marker
self.m2 = stop_marker
def __enter__ (self):
return self
def __exit__ (self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
def __iter__(self):
return self
def __next__(self):
while True:
r = next(self.f)
if self.m1 in r: # found the start-collecting marker
self.toggle_collect = True
elif self.m2 in r: # found the stop-collecting marker
self.toggle_collect = False
if self.toggle_collect: # we are collecting
return r.rstrip() # collect row
with Collector('file_rows.txt', '4751', '99999') as c:
for r in c:
which, with an input file of
Note: as you can see in the output, the rows are spaced with a blank line. It's because they include the Carriage Return.
If it's not needed, we can strip it off
if self.toggle_collect: # we are collecting
return r.rstrip() # provide row
In case we wanted the rows in a list, simply create one from the iterator
with Collector('file_rows.txt', '4751', '99999') as c:
results = list(c)
You can use re.findall with re.MULTILINE|re.DOTALL flags, and a lookahead. Be sure to escape the | characters, which have a special meaning in regular expressions:
import re
haystack = """foobar0
needle = "^[^\n]*\|4751\|.*?(?=99999\|)"
result = re.findall(needle, haystack, re.MULTILINE|re.DOTALL)
print (result)
which results in:
['foo|4751|bar1\nfoobar2\nfoo', 'foo|4751|bar6\nfoo']
I'm trying to extract some words between two delimiters. It works for the files where the script find these delimiters, but for the others files, the code extract all of the file.
File 00.txt:
'bqukfkb saved qshfqs illjQNqdj iohqsijqsd qsoiqsdqs'
File 01.txt:
'jkhjkl dbdqs ihnzqid Bad value okkkk SPAN sfsdf didjsfsdf'
I want to open 2 or more files like these two and extract only words between:
'Bad Value' and 'SPAN'.
My code works for the file 01.txt, but not for the 00.txt ( i think it's because it doesn't find the delimiters so he prints everything. How can i fix it ?
def get_path(): #return the path of the selected file(s)
root = Tk()
i= datetime.datetime.now()
day = i.day
root.filename = filedialog.askopenfilenames(initialdir = "Z:\SGI\SYNCBBG",title = "Select your files",filetypes = (("Fichier 1","f6365tscf.SCD*"+str(month)+str(day)+".1"),("all files",".*")))
return (root.filename)
def extraction_error(file):
start = file.find('Bad value') +9
end = file.find('SPAN', start)
for x in range(0,cpt):
Output : saved qshfqs illjQNqdj iohqsijqsd qsoiqsdq
So in this case i just want to extract 'okkkk' and not print ' saved....' for the other file.
Thanks in advance for your help
In your extraction_error function, you may want to test if the two key words can be found:
start = file.find('Bad value') # remove + 9 here, put it later
end = file.find('SPAN', start)
if start != -1 and end != -1: # test if key words can be found, -1 for not found:
return ""
You're printing out something, because you are adding 8 to the start variable. Find returns negative one if the string is not found. So what you end up doing is printing out the elements from [7:-1]. I would add an if statement before the print statement:
start = file.find('Bad value')
end = file.find('SPAN', start)
if start != -1 and end != -1:
print(file[start + 9: end])
string.find() return -1 if the argument is not found in the string, example:
print "abcd".find("e") # -1
You can just check the result before the return:
start = file.find('Bad value') + 9
end = file.find('SPAN', start)
if start == -1 or end == -1:
return '' # Or None
Using re:
import re
def get_text(text):
pattern= r'.+(Bad value)(.+)(SPAN).+'
if r!=None and len(r.groups()) == 3:
lines = [
'jkhjkl dbdqs ihnzqid Bad value okkkk SPAN sfsdf didjsfsdf'
for line in lines:
LibreOffice writer allows the user to insert annotations(notes/comments) within the text.
My issue is I am unable to find a method to access the contents of a line specific annotation.
The following python code looks for selected/highlighted text and then strips out everything except a formatted time code (e.g. 01:10:23 or 11:10) which it converts into seconds.
If no text has been selected, it selects the entire current line and attempts to find the time code. However, the time code could be in an annotation.
I have managed to get a list of all of the annotations within the document, commented out at the start of the code but it is of no use to me.
I have been unable to discover a method of divining
a) whether the current line has an annotation or
b) how to access its contents.
If anyone has managed to achieve this, I'd appreciate any pointers.
def fs2_GoToTimestamp(*args):
#get the doc from the scripting context which is made available to all scripts
desktop = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDesktop()
model = desktop.getCurrentComponent()
oSelected = model.getCurrentSelection()
#access annotations for the whole document
# oEnum = model.getTextFields().createEnumeration()
# cursor = desktop.getCurrentComponent().getCurrentController().getViewCursor()
# while oEnum.hasMoreElements():
# oField = oEnum.nextElement()
# cursor.gotoRange(oField,False)
# print (cursor.getPosition())
# if oField.supportsService('com.sun.star.text.TextField.Annotation'):
# print (oField.Content)
# x = oField.getAnchor()
# print (dir(x))
oText = ""
try: #Grab the text selected/highlighted
oSel = oSelected.getByIndex(0)
oText= oSel.getString()
if oText == "": # Nothing selected grab the whole line
cursor = desktop.getCurrentComponent().getCurrentController().getViewCursor()
cursor.gotoStartOfLine(False) #move cursor to start without selecting (False)
cursor.gotoEndOfLine(True) #now move cursor to end of line selecting all (True)
oSelected = model.getCurrentSelection()
oSel = oSelected.getByIndex(0)
oText= oSel.getString()
# Deselect line to avoid inadvertently deleting it on next keystroke
time = str(oText)
time = ''.join(char for char in time if char in valid_chars)
if time.count(":") == 1:
oM, oS = time.split(":")
oH = "00"
elif time.count(":") == 2:
oH,oM,oS = time.split(":")
return None
if len(oS) != 2:
secs = int(oS)
secs = secs + int(oM) * 60
secs = secs + int(oH) *3600
return None
seek_instruction = 'seek'+str(secs)+'\n'
#Now do something with the seek instruction
Enumerate the annotations and use getAnchor() to find out where each is located. This answer is based on https://wiki.openoffice.org/wiki/Documentation/DevGuide/Text/Editing_Text#Text_Contents_Other_Than_Strings.
Your code is close to working.
while oEnum.hasMoreElements():
oField = oEnum.nextElement()
if oField.supportsService('com.sun.star.text.TextField.Annotation'):
xTextRange = oField.getAnchor()
cursor.gotoRange(xTextRange, False)
Instead of print (dir(x)), an introspection tool such as XrayTool or MRI will give better information. It makes the API docs easier to figure out.
With much needed help from Jim K a self answer is posted below. I have commented where I believe it will help most.
from com.sun.star.awt.MessageBoxButtons import BUTTONS_OK
from com.sun.star.awt.MessageBoxType import INFOBOX
def fs2_GoToTimestamp(*args):
desktop = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDesktop()
model = desktop.getCurrentComponent()
oSelected = model.getCurrentSelection()
doc = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDocument()
parentwindow = doc.CurrentController.Frame.ContainerWindow
cursor = desktop.getCurrentComponent().getCurrentController().getViewCursor()
CursorPos = cursor.getText().createTextCursorByRange(cursor)#Store original cursor position
except:# The cursor has been placed in the annotation not the text
mess = "Position cursor in the text\nNot the comment box"
heading = "Positioning Error"
MessageBox(parentwindow, mess, heading, INFOBOX, BUTTONS_OK)
return None
oText = ""
try: #Grab the text selected/highlighted
oSel = oSelected.getByIndex(0)
oText= oSel.getString()
if oText == "": # Nothing selected grab the whole line
store_position = 0
cursor.gotoStartOfLine(False) #move cursor to start without selecting (False)
cursor.gotoEndOfLine(True) #now move cursor to end of line selecting all (True)
oSelected = model.getCurrentSelection()
oSel = oSelected.getByIndex(0)
oText= oSel.getString()
y = cursor.getPosition()
store_position = y.value.Y
# Deselect line to avoid inadvertently deleting it on next user keystroke
if oText.count(":") == 0:
# Still nothing found check for an annotation at this location
#enumerate through annotations for the whole document
oEnum = model.getTextFields().createEnumeration()
while oEnum.hasMoreElements():
oField = oEnum.nextElement()
if oField.supportsService('com.sun.star.text.TextField.Annotation'):
anno_at = oField.getAnchor()
pos = cursor.getPosition()
if pos.value.Y == store_position: # Found an annotation at this location
oText = oField.Content
# Re-set cursor to original position after enumeration & deselect
time = str(oText)
time = ''.join(char for char in time if char in valid_chars) #Strip out all invalid characters
if time.count(":") == 1: # time 00:00
oM, oS = time.split(":")
oH = "00"
elif time.count(":") == 2: # time 00:00:00
oH,oM,oS = time.split(":")
return None
if len(oS) != 2: # in case time includes tenths 00:00.0 reduce to whole seconds
secs = int(oS)
secs = secs + int(oM) * 60
secs = secs + int(oH) *3600
return None
seek_instruction = 'seek'+str(secs)+'\n'
# Do something with seek_instruction
def MessageBox(ParentWindow, MsgText, MsgTitle, MsgType, MsgButtons):
ctx = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getComponentContext()
sm = ctx.ServiceManager
si = sm.createInstanceWithContext("com.sun.star.awt.Toolkit", ctx)
mBox = si.createMessageBox(ParentWindow, MsgType, MsgButtons, MsgTitle, MsgText)
I am creating a Python script that asks for input from the command line. The user will have the ability to edit a part of a file. I can ask for the new information and overwrite it in the file, no problem. But I would rather have the to-edit part of the file already put in the command line, so it does not have to be typed completely over. Is this possible?
1|This file
2|is not empty
>>>edit line 2
Fetching line 2
Edit the line then hit enter
>>>is not empty #This is written here by the script, not by the user
Which then can be changed to
>>>is not full either
Edited file
Afther which the file has changed to:
1|This file
2|is not full either
I hope it's clear what I am trying to accomplish.
This question has been said to answer my question, it does to a certain extent. It does when I am running Linux with readline. However, I am not. I am using Windows and am not using readline. I would like to only use the standard library.
An answer for Windows is also provided with that question. However, I get an ImportError with win32console, it might be because mentioned question is not about Python3.4, but mine is.
Also, I was wondering if this was possible with the standard library, not with an external library.
Unfortunately, I don't know if kind of input() with default value is available in standard library.
There is an external solution - use win32console as mentioned in this answer. However, it has two pitfalls as far as I can see. First, the import is bundled in a package pywin32. So you would use pip install pywin32, except it does not work, because of the second pitfall: the information about the package at pypi is outdated, it says that package is incompatible with Python 3.4...
But in fact, it can work! You should follow the "Download URL" visible at pypi project page (i.e. https://sourceforge.net/projects/pywin32/files/pywin32/ ) and install latest build. I just installed build 219 for Py3.4, as I myself also use this Python version. On the page installers are provided for several Python versions for 32bit and 64bit Windows.
Also, I've tweaked the code from above-linked SO answer to work in Python 3:
import win32console
_stdin = win32console.GetStdHandle(win32console.STD_INPUT_HANDLE)
def input_def(prompt, default=''):
keys = []
for c in str(default):
evt = win32console.PyINPUT_RECORDType(win32console.KEY_EVENT)
evt.Char = c
evt.RepeatCount = 1
evt.KeyDown = True
return input(prompt)
if __name__ == '__main__':
name = input_def('Folder name: ', 'it works!!!')
This works on my Windows machine... If this does not work on yours, can you provide the error message?
I have written a line editor which hopefully does what you are looking for. But it is a quick-and-dirty hack. It is Windows only and written with CPython 3.6.5 on Windows 10, so its use might be limited. It has been tested on codepage 1252 (ANSI Latin 1; Western European (Windows)) and codepage 65001 (utf-8). It is very basic and a bit sluggish as it is not speed-optimized. (I should rewrite it in C but I do not have the time.) It is hardly tested and poorly documented.
import msvcrt
import os
import sys
if os.name != 'nt':
raise NotImplementedError('This module works only on MS Windows!')
CTRL_00 = 0
CTRL_E0 = 224
KEY_ESC = 27
flush = sys.stdout.flush
write = sys.stdout.write
mode = ('[OVR]> ', '[INS]> ') # overwrite, insert
prefix = len(mode[0])
def _update_line(insert, source, length, line, target):
"""Write a new line and position the cursor.
source: previous cursor position
length: old line length
line: edited line
target: next cursor position
write('\b' * source) # set cursor to start of line
write(' ' * length) # erase old line
write('\b' * length) # again, set cursor to start of line
write(mode[insert] + line[prefix:]) # write updated line
write('\b' * (len(line) - target)) # set cursor to new position
flush() # write buffer to screen
def mswin_line_edit(default_string, insert=True):
"""Edit a MS Windows CLI line."""
insert = insert
line = mode[insert] + default_string
count = len(line)
before = line[:count]
after = line[count:]
print(line, end='', flush=True)
cursor = count
while True:
key = msvcrt.getwch()
num = ord(key)
if num == KEY_ESC: # abort edit
return default_string
if num == KEY_RETURN: # finish edit
return line
if num == KEY_BACKSPACE: # delete character before cursor
if cursor > prefix:
before = line[:cursor - 1]
after = line[cursor:]
line = before + after
_update_line(insert, cursor, count, line, cursor - 1)
cursor -= 1
count = len(line)
elif num == CTRL_E0 or num == CTRL_00: # CTRL
ctrl = ord(msvcrt.getwch())
if ctrl == KEY_END: # set cursor after last character
if cursor < count:
before = line
after = ''
_update_line(insert, cursor, count, line, count)
cursor = count
elif ctrl == KEY_HOME: # set cursor before first character
if cursor > prefix:
before = ''
after = line
_update_line(insert, cursor, count, line, prefix)
cursor = prefix
elif ctrl == KEY_LEFT: # move cursor 1 character to the left
if cursor > prefix:
before = line[:cursor]
after = line[cursor:]
_update_line(insert, cursor, count, line, cursor - 1)
cursor -= 1
elif ctrl == KEY_RIGHT: # move cursor 1 character to the right
if cursor < count:
before = line[:cursor]
after = line[cursor:]
_update_line(insert, cursor, count, line, cursor + 1)
cursor += 1
elif ctrl == KEY_DELETE: # delete character after cursor
if cursor < count:
before = line[:cursor]
after = line[cursor + 1:]
line = before + after
_update_line(insert, cursor, count, line, cursor)
count = len(line)
elif ctrl == KEY_INSERT: # switch insert/overwrite mode
insert ^= True
_update_line(insert, cursor, count, line, cursor)
else: # ordinary character
before = line[:cursor] + key
if insert:
after = line[cursor:]
after = line[cursor + 1:]
line = before + after
_update_line(insert, cursor, count, line, cursor + 1)
cursor += 1
count = len(line)
if __name__ == '__main__':
test_string = input('test string: ')
result = mswin_line_edit(test_string)
You could do it with tkinter:
from tkinter import *
def enter():
global commandEntry
command = commandEntry.get()
# Do stuff with command
commandEntry.delete(0, END)
def edit_line(line):
global commandEntry
commandEntry.insert(0, line)
root = Tk()
messageVar = StringVar()
messageVar.set("Enter a command:")
message = Label(root, textvariable=messageVar)
commandEntry = Entry(root)
enterButton = Button(root, text="Enter", command=enter)
You should just have 2 variables: one for standard string, one for string that will user change by itself.
str1 = 'String that is standard'
str2 = str1 #it usually will be standard string
usr = input('your text goes here')
if len(usr) != 0:
str2 = usr
#and here goes code for writing string into file
I have a text file, which is strucutred as following:
segmentA {
content Aa
content Ab
content Ac
segmentB {
content Ba
content Bb
content Bc
segmentC {
content Ca
content Cb
content Cc
I know how to search certrain strings through the whole text file, but how can i define to search for a certain string whithin, like example, "segmentC". I need something like reg expression to tell the script??:
If text beginn with "segmentC {" perform a search of a certain string until the first "}" appears.
Someone an idea?
Thanks in advance!
Not a RegEx solution ...but would do the work!
def SearchStuff(lines,sstr):
#Do stuffff .....for e.g.
if 'Ca' in lines[i]:
return lines[i]
def main(search_str):
lines = f.readlines()
for line in lines:
if search_str in line:
index = lines.index(line)
lines = lines[index+1:]
print SearchStuff(lines,search_str)
search_str = 'segmentC' #set this string accordingly
Depending on the complexity you are looking for, you can range from a simple state machine with line based pattern searching to a full lexer.
Line based search
The below example makes the assumption that you are only looking for one segment and that segmentC { and the closing } are on one single line.
def parsesegment(fh):
# Yields all lines inside "segmentC"
state = "out"
for line in fh:
line = line.strip() # in case there are whitespaces around
if state == "out":
if line.startswith("segmentC {"):
state = "in"
elif state == "in":
if line.startswith("}"):
state = "out"
# Work on the specific lines here
yield line
with open(...) as fh:
for line in parsesegment(fh):
# do something
Simple Lexer
If you need more flexibility, you can design a simple lexer/parser couple. For example, the following code makes no assumption to the organisation of the syntax between lines. It also ignores unknown pattern, which a typical lexer do not (normally it should raise a syntax error):
import re
class ParseSegment:
# Dictionary of patterns per state
# Tuples are (token name, pattern, state change command)
_regexes = {
"out": [
("open", re.compile(r"segment(?P<segment>\w+)\s+\{"), "in")
"in": [
("close", re.compile(r"\}"), "out"),
# Here an example of what you could want to match
("content", re.compile(r"content\s+(?P<content>\w+)"), None)
def lex(self, source, initpos = 0):
pos = initpos
end = len(source)
state = "out"
while pos < end:
for token_name, reg, state_chng in self._regexes[state]:
# Try to get a match
match = reg.match(source, pos)
if match:
# Advance according to how much was matched
pos = match.end()
# yield a token if it has a name
if token_name is not None:
# Yield token name, the full matched part of source
# and the match grouped according to (?P<tag>) tags
yield (token_name, match.group(), match.groupdict())
# Switch state if requested
if state_chng is not None:
state = state_chng
# No match, advance by one character
# This is particular to that lexer, usually no match means
# the input file has an error in the syntax and lexer should
# yield an exception
pos += 1
def parse(self, source, initpos = 0):
# This is an example of use of the lexer with a parser
# This converts the input file into a dictionary. Keys are segment
# names, and values are list of contents.
segments = {}
cur_segment = None
# Use lexer to get tokens from source
for token, fullmatch, groups in self.lex(source, initpos):
# On open, create the list of content in segments
if token == "open":
cur_segment = groups["segment"]
segments[cur_segment] = []
# On content, ensure we know the segment and add content to the
# list
elif token == "content":
if cur_segment is None:
raise RuntimeError("Content found outside a segment")
# On close, set the current segment to unknown
elif token == "close":
cur_segment = None
# ignore unknown tokens, we could raise an error instead
return segments
def main():
with open("...", "r") as fh:
data = fh.read()
lexer = ParseSegment()
segments = lexer.parse(data)
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':
Full Lexer
Then if you need even more flexibility and reuseability, you will have to create a full parser. No need to reinvent the wheel, have a look at this list of language parsing modules, you will probably find the one that suits you.