list() function of Python modifies its argument? - python

(I am quite a newbie in Python, so lots of things puzzle me even after reading the tutorial...)
Initially, I had the code like the following:
strings = ['>abc', 'qwertyu', '>def', 'zxcvbnm']
matrix = zip(*strings)
for member in matrix:
print("".join(member)) # characters are printed as expected
-- which did what I expected. But then for some reason I wanted to determine the number of members in matrix; as len(matrix) gave an error, I decided to copy it with converting to the list: mtxlist = list(matrix). Surprisingly, after this line the content of matrix seems to be changed - or at least I cannot use it the same way as above:
strings = ['>abc', 'qwertyu', '>def', 'zxcvbnm']
matrix = zip(*strings)
mtxlist = list(matrix) # this assignment empties (?) the matrix
for member in matrix:
print("".join(member)) # nothing printed
Can anybody explain what is going on there?

You're using Python 3, correct?
zip returns a generator that can only be iterated once. If you want to use it more than once, then your options are:
Write zip(*strings) each time you need it.
matrix = tuple(zip(*strings))
(iterate matrix as many times as you like. This is the easy option. The downside is that if zip(*strings) is big then it uses a lot of memory that the generator doesn't.)
matrix1, matrix2 = itertools.tee(zip(*strings))
(iterate each of matrix1 and matrix2 once. This is worse than the tuple in your usage, but it's useful if you want to partially consume matrix1, then use some of matrix2, more of matrix1, etc)
def matrix():
return zip(*strings)
# or
matrix = lambda: zip(*strings)
(iterate but using matrix(), not matrix, as many times as you like. Doesn't use extra memory for a copy of the result like the tuple solution, but the syntax for using it is a bit annoying)
class ReusableIterable:
def __init__(self, func):
self.func = func
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self.func())
matrix = ReusableIterable(lambda: zip(*strings))
(iterate using matrix as many times as you like. Deals with the syntax annoyance, although you still have to beware that if you modify strings between iterations over matrix then you'll get different results.)


From for loops to matrix computation

I've got a piece of code taking an input and checking if the input meets requirements. The input is composed of a list of objects called S.
class S:
def __init__(self, f, t, tf, timeline):
self.f = f
self.t = t = tf
self.timeline = timeline
To know if a combination of objects meets the requirement, I have functions taking a list of size N of objects and returning True or False.
input1 = [S_1, ..., S_N]
def c1(input1):
if condition_c1_valid:
return True
return False
Now let's consider this example:
import itertools
possible_objects = [S(f, t, tf, timeline) for f in [...] for t in [..] ...]
inputs_to_check = list(itertools.combination_with_replacement(possible_objects, 5)
results = list()
for inp in inputs_to_check:
if c1(inp):
Right now, my solution is using a for loop on the N condition I'm checking every time.
The code keeps the inputs which meets the condition.
Could this be computed at once in a matrix fashion? (Vectorized)
I was thinking of something like this: (pseudo code)
Data[input, c1, ..., cN]
return where(all(c1, ..., cN) is True)
Can anyone tell me if it is achievable, and could point me towards examples? In the end, my list of inputs to check is very large. Thus it would be interesting to send the computation to the GPU. I thought that maybe this could be achieved through Tensorflow...
Thanks for the tips :)
EDIT: The example above is far from the reality. I'm using nested for loops on a large set, with a complexity of the 6th or 7th degree. The current solution is optimize with generators, but I would like to push this further.
In the most general sense, you won't be able to vectorize this. CPython is notoriously bad at parallel processing due to the GIL and it's primary matrix vectorization library (numpy) is for dealing with primative types (integers, floats, etc.), not python objects such as S.
There are a few things that could help:
If f, t, tf, timeline are numbers (which they look like they
may be), then you could form four numpy arrays of these values and
pass those through a vectorized version of c1 which returns a boolean array. You could then do np.asarray(input1)[c1_vec(f_vec, t_vec, tf_vec, timeline_vec)]
You said you've used generators instead of lists, but just to be especially sure your example should read as:
possible_objects = (S(f, t, tf, timeline) for f in (...) for t in (...) ...)
inputs_to_check = itertools.combination_with_replacement(possible_objects, 5)
results = [inp for inp in inputs_to_check if c1(inp)]
This saves a lot of time of writing objects to memory that can be avoided.
Use PyPy. It uses a JIT compiler to massively speed up python for loops. For very large loops this will get up to near C speed.
You mention using a GPU. CPython doesn't even run on more then one CPU core, running this on a GPU would be pointless unless using another implementation.

Numpy fill_diagonal return None

I want to generate symmetric zero diagonal matrices. My symmetric part work, but when I use fill_diagonal from numpy as the result I got "None". My code is below. Thank you for reading
import numpy as np
matrix_size = int(input("Size of the matrix \n"))
random_matrix = np.random.random_integers(-4,4,size=(matrix_size,matrix_size))
symmetric_matrix = (random_matrix + random_matrix.T)/2
zero_diogonal_matrix = np.fill_diagonal(symmetric_matrix,0)
np.fill_diagonal(), like many other methods across python/numpy, works in-place. For example: Why does “return list.sort()” return None, not the list?. That is that it directly alters the object in memory and does not create a new object. The return value from such functions is None. Therefore, change:
zero_diogonal_matrix = np.fill_diagonal(symmetric_matrix,0)
To just:
You will then see the change reflected in symmetric_matrix.
It's probably overkill, but in case you want to preserve the tenet of minimising surprise, you could wrap this (and other functions like it) in a function that takes care of preserving the original array:
def fill_diagonal(source_array, diagonal):
copy = source_array.copy()
np.fill_diagonal(copy, diagonal)
return copy
But the question then becomes "who exactly is going to be least surprised by doing it this way?"

How to speed up append in Python?

My code is something like this:
def fun -> list:
array = ... # creating of array
return array
def fun2:
array2 = []
# some code
for i in range(some_value):
Note that it isn't known how many values function fun returns in each step of the algorithm so it is impossible to allocate array2 at the beginning. Is there any way how to fasten this performance?
If you take a look at the time complexity table of different python operations on lists, you can see that that the speed of appending k elements to a list is always the same regardless to the number of elements to append.

Python v-stacking in a loop

I was going through an example in this computer-vision book and was a bit surprised by the code:
descr = []
descriptors = descr[0] #stack all features for k-means
for i in arange(1,nbr_images):
descriptors = vstack((descriptors,descr[i]))
To me it looks like this is copying the array over and over again and a more efficient implementation would be:
descr = []
for i in arange(1,nbr_images):
descriptors = vstack((descr))
Or am I missing something here and the two codes are not identical. I ran a small test:
And it seems the list is different?
You're absolutely right - repeatedly concatenating numpy arrays inside a loop is extremely inefficient. Concatenation always generates a copy, which becomes more and more costly as your array gets bigger and bigger inside the loop.
Instead, do one of two things:
As you have done, store the intermediate values in a regular Python list and convert this to a numpy array outside the loop. Appending to a list is O(1), whereas concatenating np.ndarrays is O(n+k).
If you know how large the final array will be ahead of time, you can pre-allocate it and then fill in the rows inside your for loop, e.g.:
descr = np.empty((nbr_images, nbr_features), dtype=my_dtype)
for i in range(nbr_image):
descr[i] = sift.read_features_from_file(featurefiles[i])[1]
Another variant would be to use np.fromiter to lazily generate the array from an iterable object, for example in this recent question.

Empty zeroth element in array/list to eliminate repeated decrementing. Does this improve performance?

I am using Python to solve Project Euler problems. Many require caching the results of past calculations to improve performance, leading to code like this:
pastResults = [None] * 1000000
def someCalculation(integerArgument):
# return result of a calculation performed on numberArgument
# for example, summing the factorial or square of its digits
for eachNumber in range(1, 1000001)
if pastResults[eachNumber - 1] is None:
pastResults[eachNumber - 1] = someCalculation(eachNumber)
# perform additional actions with pastResults[eachNumber - 1]
Would the repeated decrementing have an adverse impact on program performance? Would having an empty or dummy zeroth element (so the zero-based array emulates a one-based array) improve performance by eliminating the repeated decrementing?
pastResults = [None] * 1000001
def someCalculation(integerArgument):
# return result of a calculation performed on numberArgument
# for example, summing the factorial or square of its digits
for eachNumber in range(1, 1000001)
if pastResults[eachNumber] is None:
pastResults[eachNumber] = someCalculation(eachNumber)
# perform additional actions with pastResults[eachNumber]
I also feel that emulating a one-based array would make the code easier to follow. That is why I do not make the range zero-based with for eachNumber in range(1000000) as someCalculation(eachNumber + 1) would not be logical.
How significant is the additional memory from the empty zeroth element? What other factors should I consider? I would prefer answers that are not confined to Python and Project Euler.
EDIT: Should be is None instead of is not None.
Not really an answer to the question regarding the performance, rather a general tip about caching previously calculated values. The usual way to do this is to use a map (Python dict) for this, as this allows to use more complex keys instead of just integer numbers, like floating point numbers, strings, or even tuples. Also, you won't run into problems in case your keys are rather sparse.
pastResults = {}
def someCalculation(integerArgument):
if integerArgument not in pastResults:
pastResults[integerArgument] = # calculation performed on numberArg.
return pastResults[integerArgument]
Also, there is no need to perform the calculations "in order" using a loop. Just call the function for the value you are interested in, and the if statement will take care that, when invoked recursively, the function is called only once for each argument.
Ultimately, if you are using this a lot (as clearly the case for Project Euler) you can define yourself a function decorator, like this one:
def memo(f):
f.cache = {}
def _f(*args, **kwargs):
if args not in f.cache:
f.cache[args] = f(*args, **kwargs)
return f.cache[args]
return _f
What this does is: It takes a function and defines another function that first checks whether the given parameters can be found in the cache, and otherwise calculates the result of the original function and puts it into the cache. Just add the #memo annotation to your function definitions and this will take care of caching for you.
def someCalculation(integerArgument):
# function body
This is syntactic sugar for someCalculation = memo(someCalculation). Note however, that this will not always work out well. First, the paremters have to be hashable (no lists or other mutable types); second, in case you are passing parameters that are not relevant for the result (e.g., debugging stuff etc.) your cache can grow unnecessarily large, as all the parameters are used as the key.

