the naming convention for ForeignKey is to name with the lowercase version of the connected model, the following is taken from the docs:
class Car(models.Model):
manufacturer = models.ForeignKey(Manufacturer)
# ...
class Manufacturer(models.Model):
# ...
but I have the following models:
class Work(models.model):
class = models.ForeignKey(Class)
class Class(models.model):
As we know, this will raise an error because we cannot set a variable to class because it is built into python.
will not following the naming conventions actually be a problem in the SQL database creation?
for example:
class Work(models.model):
cls = models.ForeignKey(Class)
class Class(models.model):
will having a different ForeignKey name mess up the SQL table and database creation?
You definitely want to stay away from reserved words such as Class, List, String, etc. Whether it will mess up your database or not, I'm not sure (try it and see!) but it's definitely a bad idea. If it's not a sql problem, it will mess up something somewhere eventually.
I see 'klass' a lot, if you feel like the word class is absolutely necessary. 'Course', perhaps?
What is the Django/Python mechanism behind the Django model/field part of framework?
To be exact, I am looking for a hint on how Django parses (?) class definition and then knows which fields are required?
from django.db import models
class Car(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=255, null=True, blank=True)
year_of_production = models.DateField(null=True)
# the rest of fields...
I think the same mechanism is behind Django Forms framework or DRF serializers. I checked repos of these projects but I still can't find any reasonable starting point.
There's a architectural problem under my question. I think I need to implement something similar to this mechanism:
class Field:
def __init__(self, label: str, required: bool = True, **kwargs):
self.label, self.required = label, required
class CharField(Field):
def __init__(self, max_length: int, **kwargs):
self.max_length = max_length
class DateField(Field):
class BooleanField(Field):
class Model:
# the mechanisms I do not understand
class MyModelInstance(Model):
name = CharField(...)
# etc.
What I need is really simple solution that knows that field is required. But as I stated before I am not that advanced and I would really appreciate any hints.
Edit: I think I'm looking for sth like Django Forms mechanism, not models/fields.
Forms and Models follow the same basic idea, but forms are a little simpler, so let's take a tour there.
The DeclarativeFieldsMetaclass metaclass is used on Form.
It gathers up the fields at declaration time (with some MRO walking, but the basic idea is to just see if they're isinstance(x, Field)), removes them from the concrete class declaration and moves them into cls.base_fields (where cls is the class you're declaring).
When you instantiate this new Form of yours, this code over here deepcopies self.base_fields (which is on the class level, but that's beside the point) into self.fields (so you can safely modify self.fields within each form instance without affecting others across requests.
That's basically it, really.
Beyond that, if you wanted a thing that gathered required fields on a separate attribute, that'd just be something like
cls.required_fields = {f for f in cls.base_fields if f.required}
I need to define a Django model field with the name in, which is a Python language keyword. This is a syntax error:
class MyModel(models.Model):
in = jsonfield.JSONField()
How can I make this work?
The reason I need this name is when I use django-rest-framework's ModelSerializer class, field name is used as the key for serialization output, and I thought it might be easier to manipulate django's Model class instead of ModelSerializer class to get the output I want.
Generally speaking, you don't. Avoid the use of keywords in your identifiers. The general Python convention is to add an underscore to such names; here that'd be in_:
class MyModel(models.Model):
in_ = jsonfield.JSONField()
However, Django prohibits names ending in an underscore because the underscore clashes with their filter naming conventions, so you have to come up with a different name still; pick one that still describes your case; I picked contained in rather than in, as a guess to what you want to do here:
class MyModel(models.Model):
contained_in = jsonfield.JSONField()
If you are trying to match an existing database schema, use the db_column attribute:
class MyModel(models.Model):
contained_in = jsonfield.JSONField(db_column='in')
If you want to be stubborn, in normal classes you could use setattr() after creating the class to use a string instead of an identifier:
class Foo:
setattr(Foo, 'in', 'some value')
but you'll have to use setattr(), getattr(), delattr() and/or vars() everywhere in your code to be able to access this.
In Django you'll have the added complication that a models.Model subclass uses a metaclass to parse out your class members into others structures, and adding an extra field with setattr() doesn't work without (a lot of) extra work to re-do what the metaclass does. You could instead use the field.contribute_to() method, calling it after the class has been prepared by Django (technique taken from this blog post):
from django.db.models.signals import class_prepared
def add_field(sender, **kwargs):
if sender.__name__ == "MyModel":
field = jsonfield.JSONField('in')
field.contribute_to_class(sender, 'in')
but you have to make sure this hook is registered before you create your model class.
There is no way to make it work, and it's a bad idea anyway. Choose a different name.
If, for some reason, you want to have column name that matches some reserved keyword, use db_column argument for that field.
in_something = models.CharField(db_column='in', max_length=100)
You mentioned the use of django rest framework. Here's how to make it work on the serializer layer. The keyword used is from. to is just an example of a non-keyword if you want it mapped to a different name.
from django.db import models
from rest_framework import serializers
'from': 'sender'
# would be in
class Transaction(models.Model):
recipient = models.CharField(max_length=16)
sender = models.CharField(max_length=64)
# would be in
class TransactionSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
to = serializers.CharField(source='recipient')
class Meta:
model = Transaction
fields = ('id', 'to', 'from')
# `from` is a python keyword hence this
extra_kwargs = {'from': {'source': 'sender'}}
def build_field(self, field_name, info, model_class, nested_depth):
# Catches python keywords like `from` and maps to its proper field
field_name = SP_FIELD_MAP.get(field_name, field_name)
return super(TransactionSerializer, self).build_field(
field_name, info, model_class, nested_depth)
Tested on CharField using POST and GET methods only but I don't see how it won't work on other methods. You might need special stuff for other field types though. I suggest going into the source. There's tons of fun stuff going on in DRF's source.
You should be giving all your variables descriptive names that clearly state what they are to be used for, and where possible it should be easy to assertain what type of variable it is.
in, to me, would appear at first glance to be a boolean so in order to use this variable in my own extension to the code I'd need to find other usages of it before I knew how I could use it.
Therefore, simply don't try to hack something together just so you can get this terrible variable name into your model, it offers no value to you to do so, its not really any quicker to type since intellisense is available in most places. Figure out what "in" relates to and then formulate a proper name that is descriptive.
I would like to add the methods of the 'tools' class for 2 of my django model calss.
Each class will use the same methods with it's own model eample:
class mapA(models.Model):
mInd = models.IntegerField()
scId = models.IntegerField()
class mapB(models.Model):
mInd = models.IntegerField()
scId2 = models.IntegerField()
I would like to add the methods like checkInput() to both of them.
So I could run:
Ech time the checkInput runs over the data in the mapA or mapB.
I thought about creating a tools class & let each model to inherit from it.
This way the tools class will have logic which is identical to both maps.
When I read the django docs I didn't see example to this case only close solutions.
Is this the correct solution (to use the proxy class)?
class Tools():
def __init__():
...init class...
def checkInput():
..make the checks..
class MapA(Tools, models.Model):
mInd = models.IntegerField()
scId = models.IntegerField()
def checkSelf():
class MapB(Tools, models.Model):
mIndB = models.IntegerField()
scIdB = models.IntegerField()
def checkSelf():
A few things...
There is no this in Python, it's called self.
If you're in Python 2.x, tools should inherit from object. In Python 3, it's implicit, but doesn't hurt:
class tools(object):
If you're overriding __init__ in your mixin class (tools), then map classes should probably inherit from it first:
class mapA(tools, models.Model):
Only override __init__ if you really need to, it can get complicated.
Class names are pretty much always in CamelCase. This is not required, but is a convention. Also, It's a good idea to name mixin classes transparently:
class ToolsMixin(object):
class MapA(ToolsMixin, models.Model):
Other then all that, you perfectly can add a method in a mixin and use it in your models. No need for Django proxy models.
If you want MapA and MapB (it would be really helpful if you followed PEP-8) to be distinct models, proxy models won't help you. A proxy model is a model that is different in Python, but in the database it is exactly the same as the model it inherits from. Creating a proxy model that doesn't directly inherit from a single concrete model (one that has a table in the database) is an error.
What you're looking for is an abstract base class:
class Tools(models.Model):
class Meta:
abstract = True
class MapA(Tools):
class MapB(Tools):
An abstract model does not create its own table in the database. Instead, it is as if everything defined in Tools has been defined in both MapA and MapB, but the Tools class is otherwise ignored. This allows you to specify all the methods and fields just once, but still have two separate tables in the database.
I'm working on my first real Django project after years of PHP programming, and I am running into a problem with my models. First, I noticed that I was copying and pasting code between the models, and being a diligent OO programmer I decided to make a parent class that the other models could inherit from:
class Common(model.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=255)
date_created = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
date_modified = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True)
def __unicode__(self):
class Meta:
So far so good. Now all my other models extend "Common" and have names and dates like I want. However, I have a class for "Categories" were the name has to be unique. I assume there should be a relatively simple way for me to access the name attribute from Common and make it unique. However, the different methods I have tried to use have all failed. For example:
class Category(Common):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
Causes the Django admin page to spit up the error "Caught an exception while rendering: 'Category' object has no attribute 'name'
Can someone point me in the right direction?
No, Django doesn't allow that.
See the docs:
Also answered in other questions like: In Django - Model Inheritance - Does it allow you to override a parent model's attribute?
You have a small mistake in your Common class
class Common(model.Model): = models.CharField(max_length=255)
should be
class Common(model.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=255)
Note that UNIQUE constraint in fact has nothing to do with Django, so you're free to add it in your database table. You can also use post-syncdb hook for that purpose.
Try using Meta.unique_together to force it into its own unique index. Failing that, it's probably easiest to create two separate abstract classes, one with the field unique and one not.
I would like to use properties from an inheriting model's Meta class to configure a field defined in an abstract model higher up the inheritance tree:
class NamedModel(models.Model):
class Meta:
abstract = True
verbose_name = 'object'
name = models.CharField("Name",
help_text="A meaningful name for this %s." % Meta.verbose_name)
# see what I'm trying to do here?
class OwnedModel(NamedModel):
class Meta(NamedModel.Meta):
verbose_name = 'owned object'
I would like the help text on the name field of OwnedModel forms to say 'A meaningful name for this owned object'. But it does not: the word 'owned' is missing, which would suggest that the verbose_name from the NamedModel.Meta is used when the model is set up, not OwnedModel.Meta.
This isn't quite what I expect from an inheritance point of view: is there some way to get the field to be created whereby Meta.verbose_name refers to the value on the non-abstract model class, not the abstract one on which the field was defined?
Or am I being daft?
(This may seem like a trivial example, and it is: but it's just to illustrate the point of something more important and complex I am trying to do)
Many thanks in advance.
Why don't you try to make a class.
class BaseNamedModelMeta:
abstract = True
verbose_name = "your text"
And then inherit and override whatever you want like this:
class OwnedModel(NamedModel):
class Meta(BaseNamedModelMeta):
verbose_name = 'owned object'
I think this happens because Meta.verbose_name is used and is created when class NamedModel is parsed. So later, when class OwnedModel gets parsed, there is no chance to change anything.
Maybe you can set the help_text property on later on, but this may change also.
In similar situations I have put the variable parts in class attribute of the model (not Meta) and then used the by run time methods/properties to generate the texts I need.
In fact I ended up doing the following. The base model gets given a dynamic_field_definition() class method, which can be used to patch up the fields, with the cls argument being the correct (inheriting) class. That means that that cls' Meta attributes are of that correct child, not the original base.
I then wire up that method to get called on the class_prepared signal, so that you know everything's otherwise ready.
class NamedModel(models.Model):
def dynamic_field_definition(cls):
def dynamic_field_definition(sender, **kwargs):
if issubclass(sender, NamedModel):
Then the field properties that vary with model class are simply reconfigured by that class method (or more likely the method as overridden in derived classes).
It's a slightly hacky way to bring a last little bit of OO-ness to Django models, but it works fine for my purpose.