I'm running a python twisted application with lots of different services, and the log file for that application is pretty crowded with all kinds of output. So, to better see what is going on in one specific service, I would like to log messages for that service only to a different logfile. But I can't figure out how to do this.
For my application, I am using a shell script run.sh that calls twistd as follows:
twistd --logfile /var/log/whatever/path/mylogfile.log -y myapplication.py
The file myapplication.py launches all services in the application, one of which is the service I am interested in. That service has all its code in file myservice.py.
So, is there any way to specify a new log file just for my service? Do I do this in myapplication.py when I launch the service of do I do it with some python code in myservice.py?
Having seen systems that use more than one log file, I would strongly urge you not to go in this direction.
Guy's answer sounds like it is more in the right direction. To go into even more detail, though, consider using a structured log format such as the one provided by structlog (which includes Twisted integration).
Once entries in your log file are structured you will have a chance of building tools that work with them. The example Guy gave of using grep to find the events related to the service you're concerned with this a step in this direction. If you go further in this direction and say that each log event will be (for example) a json-encoded object then you can parse each line and apply arbitrarily complex filtering logic to the resulting objects.
consider the following two options:
depend of the log lines format when viewing / tailing the log do something like:
tail -f mylogfile.log | grep <something unique like your service name?>
configure twisted to use Python standard logging and tunnel log messages there, see Using the standard library logging module
It appears you could create t.p.l.LogPublisher for each service and attach a FileLogObserver to it for the actual writing into a file
I use locust on several machines (https://locust.io/). Each --slave and --master node with the --logfile option writes a log to its directory.
Is it possible to make them write a common log to a single file?
Since it is very inconvenient to collect and analyze logs from all machines every time.
I don't know exactly what it is that you're analyzing from the logs (so this might or might not be the answer you're looking for), but you can use Locust's --csv command line option (and possibly also --csv-full-history), to have the master node continuously write the aggregated request statistics and failures in CSV format to files.
I can set the filename of the .pid file by supplying the --pidfile= option to twistd. Is there a way I can specify it inside a .tac file instead?
My twisted service is a bot that plays a game and accepts multiple parameters like his name, skill level, etc. I am creating a .tac file for each bot (multiple bots can run concurrently) so that each specific bot always has the same parameters and I can launch it with twisted -y botname.tac.
I'd like the pid file to be of the form <bot_nick>.pid so that different bots don't use the same pid file and also because I can see which both are running just by listing the pid files. Is there a way I could set this in the .tac file itself or do I have to always manually specify it in the twistd command line options like twistd -y bot1.tac --pidfile=bot1.pid?
A .tac file is intended to be a description of a service that can be run; whereas the options to twistd are options about how to run a service. Therefore it doesn't make sense to put the pidfile filename, or the logging configuration, or anything like that, into a .tac file. In this case, the .pid file has already been written by the time your .tac file is being read, so there is no possible way to do it, even as a workaround.
If you want to write a specialized configuration system, it's better to write a tool that uses twistd like a library, like this example from the axiomatic tool that ships with the Axiom database. The interface could stand to be better of course – currently, you actually have to synthesize a literal command line using strings, as well as requiring subclassing – but this lets you have very fine-gained control over how your service runs, without trying to hack up other bits of global state just because .tac files happen to be Python.
I am trying to run map reduce job. But I am unable to find my log files when I run this job. I am using hadoop streaming job to perform map reduce and I am using Python. I am using python's logging module to log messages. When I run this on a file by using "cat" command, the log file is created.
cat file | ./mapper.py
But when I run this job via hadoop, I am unable to find the log file.
import os,logging
logging.basicConfig(filename="myApp.log", level=logging.INFO)
logging.info("app start")
##logic with log messages
logging.info("app complete")
But I cannot find the myApp.log file anywhere. Is the log data stored anywhere or does hadoop ignore the application logging complete. I have searched for my log items in the userlogs folder too, but it doesn't look like my log items are there.
I work with vast amounts of data where random items are not making to the next stage, this is a very big issue on our side, so I am trying to find a way to use logging to debug my application.
Any help is appreciated.
I believe that you are logging in stdout? If so, you should definitely log in stderr instead, or create your own custom stream.
Using hadoop-streaming, stdout is the stream dedicated to pass key-values between mappers/reducers and to output results, so you should not log anything in it.
I have script that spawns another script on several hosts on a network. These scripts generate output that I want to capture. So the only option I can see right now is this:
Log each process' output in a separate file (like 20130308.hostname.log, etc).
Is there a way to generate a consolidated log out of all the processes? By consolidated I mean something like this:
I want to be able to open one file - and check up on what happened on a particular host.
If I understood well your question, you want to have several processes log into one file. There are better option then the one you suggest, please check the python logging cookbook. 'Multiple modules' and 'multiple handlers' should to solve your issue.
You can use a centralized logging system like syslog for aggregating all logging messages into a central log. Python's logging module provides a SyslogHandler for that.
For aggregating individual logfiles into one logfile manually you will have to write a script performing the aggregation and merging.
We have several servers (20-50) - Solaris 10 and Linux (SLES) - running a mix of different applications, each generating a bunch of log events into textfiles. We need to capture these to a separate monitoring box, where we can do analysis/reporting/alerts.
Current Approach
Currently, we use SSH with a remote "tail -f" to stream the logfiles from the servers onto the monitoring box. However, this is somewhat brittle.
New Approach
I'd like to replace this with RabbitMQ. The servers would publish their log events into this, and each monitoring script/app could then subscribe to the appropriate queue.
Ideally, we'd like the applications themselves to dump events directly into the RabbitMQ queue.
However, assuming that's not an option in the short term (we may not have source for all the apps), we need a way to basically "tail -f" the logfiles from disk. I'm most comfortable in Python, so I was looking at a Pythonic way of doing that - the consensus seems to be to just use a loop with readline() and sleep() to emulate "tail -f".
Is there an easier way of "tail -f" a whole bunch of textfiles directly onto a RabbitMQ stream? Something inbuilt, or an extension we could leverage on? Any other tips/advice here?
If we do write a Python wrapper to capture all the logfiles and publish them - I'd ideally like a single Python script to concurrently handle all the logfiles, rather than manually spinning up a separate instance for each logfile. How should we tackle this? Are there considerations in terms of performance, CPU usage, throughput, concurrency etc.?
We need to subscribe to the queues, and then possibly dump the events back to disk and reconstruct the original logfiles. Any tips/advice on this? And we'd also like a single Python script we could startup to handle reconstructing all of the logfiles - rather than 50 separate instances of the same script - is that easily achievable?
PS: We did have a look at Facebook's Scribe, as well as Flume, and both seem a little heavyweight for our needs.
You seem to be describing centralized syslog with rabbitmq as the transport.
If you could live with syslog, take a look at syslog-ng. Otherwise, you might
save some time by using parts of logstash ( http://logstash.net/ ).
If it would be possible you can make the Application publish the events Asynchronously to RabbitMQ instead of writing it to log files. I have done this currently in Java.
But some times it is not possible to make the app log the way you want.
1 ) You can write a file tailer in python which publishes to AMQP. I don't know of anything which plugs in a File as the input to RabbitMQ. Have a look at http://code.activestate.com/recipes/436477-filetailpy/ and http://www.perlmonks.org/?node_id=735039 for tailing files.
2) You can create a Python Daemon which can tail all the given files either as processes or in a round robin fashion.
3) A similar approach to 2 can help you solve this. You can probably have a single queue for each log file.
If you are talking about application logging (as opposed to e.g. access logs such as Apache webserver logs), you can use a handler for stdlib logging which writes to AMQP middleware.