Recursively renaming directory/file structures on a local file system - python

I'm trying to define arg1 outside of rename() and it does not work since dirs is not defined. If I use rename("dirs", False), the function does not work.
Any idea?
# Defining the function that renames the target
def rename(arg1, arg2):
for root, dirs, files in os.walk( # Listing
path, topdown=arg2):
for i, name in enumerate(arg1):
output = name.replace(pattern, "") # Taking out pattern
if output != name:
os.rename( # Renaming
os.path.join(root, name),
os.path.join(root, output))
# Run
rename(dirs, False)
Here's the whole program:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This program batch renames files or folders by taking out a certain pattern
import os
import subprocess
import re
# Defining the function that renames the target
def rename(arg1, arg2):
for root, dirs, files in os.walk( # Listing
path, topdown=arg2):
for i, name in enumerate(arg1):
output = name.replace(pattern, "") # Taking out pattern
if output != name:
os.rename( # Renaming
os.path.join(root, name),
os.path.join(root, output))
# User chooses between file and folder
print "What do you want to rename?"
print "1 - Folders\n2 - Files\n"
valid = False
while not valid:
choice = int(raw_input("Enter number here: "))
if choice > 2:
print "Please enter a valid number\n"
valid = False
valid = True
except ValueError:
print "Please enter a valid number\n"
valid = False
choice = 3 # To have a correct value of choice
# Asking for path & pattern
if choice == 1:
kind = "folders"
elif choice == 2:
kind = "files"
path = raw_input("What is the path to the %s?\n " % (kind))
pattern = raw_input("What is the pattern to remove?\n ")
# CHOICE = 1
# Renaming folders
if choice == 1:
rename(dirs, False)
# CHOICE = 2
# Renaming files
if choice == 2:
# Success message
kind = kind.replace("f", "F")
print "%s renamed" % (kind)

Recorrect my code in a better way.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
import sys
# the command like this: python rename dirs /your/path/name/ tst
if __name__ == '__main__':
mode = sys.argv[1] # dirs or files
pathname = sys.argv[2]
pattern = sys.argv[3]
ndict = {'dirs': '', 'files': ''}
topdown = {'dirs': False, 'files': True}
for root, ndict['dirs'], ndict['files'] in os.walk(
pathname, topdown[mode]):
for name in enumerate(ndict[mode]):
newname = name.replace(pattern, '')
if newname != name:
os.path.join(root, name),
os.path.join(root, newname))

This is better achieved as a command-line tool using the py library:
import sys
from py.path import local # import local path object/class
def rename_files(root, pattern):
Iterate over all paths starting at root using ``~py.path.local.visit()``
check if it is a file using ``~py.path.local.check(file=True)`` and
rename it with a new basename with ``pattern`` stripped out.
for path in root.visit(rec=True):
if path.check(file=True):
path.rename(, "")))
def rename_dirs(root, pattern):
Iterate over all paths starting at root using ``~py.path.local.visit()``
check if it is a directory using ``~py.path.local.check(dir=True)`` and
rename it with a new basename with ``pattern`` stripped out.
for path in root.visit(rec=True):
if path.check(dir=True):
path.rename(, "")))
def main():
"""Define our main top-level entry point"""
root = local(sys.argv[1]) # 1 to skip the program name
pattern = sys.argv[2]
if local(sys.argv[0]).purebasename == "renamefiles":
rename_files(root, pattern)
rename_dirs(root, pattern)
if __name__ == "__main__":
Python sets ``__name__`` (a global variable) to ``__main__`` when being called
as a script/application. e.g: Python renamefiles or ./renamefiles
main() # Call our main function
renamefiles /path/to/dir pattern
renamedirs /path/to/dir pattern
Save this as renamefiles or renamedirs.
A common approach in UNIX is to name the script/tool renamefiles and symlink renamefiles to renamedirs.
Improvement Notes:
Use optparse or argparse to provide Command Line Options = and a --help
Make rename_files() and rename_dirs() generic and move it into a single function.
Write documentation (docstrings)
Write unit tests.


Move files recursively to new directory shutil.move

I am trying to move all.jpg files, recursively from the CWD, into a single new directory. Unable to make shutil.move recursive. Any hints in regard of the last line in the code?
import glob
import shutil
import os
from_dir = input('Enter recursive FROM directory (if CWD, enter .): ')
to_dir = input('Enter TO directory (if CWD, enter .): ')
if not os.path.exists(to_dir):
for imagfile in glob.iglob(os.path.join(from_dir, "*.jpg")):
shutil.move(imagfile, to_dir)
I tried these, do not work:
#shutil.move(os.path.join(root, imagfile), os.path.join(to_dir, imagfile))
#shutil.move(from_dir, imagfile, to_dir)
#shutil.move(os.path.join(from_dir, imagfile), to_dir)
#shutil.move(imagfile, to_dir+imagfile)
#shutil.move(from_dir+imagfile, to_dir+imagfile)
Try This:
import os, time, inspect, shutil
main_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe())))
from_dir = "" # write your source dir
to_dir = "" # write your target dir
def check_target():
global to_dir
if to_dir.strip() == "":
print("Plz Insert a Valid 'to_dir' path!")
elif to_dir == ".":
to_dir = os.path.join(main_path, to_dir)
elif os.path.exists(to_dir) is True:
to_dir = os.path.abspath(to_dir)
for dirpath, _, filenames in os.walk(from_dir):
for items in filenames:
file_full_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(dirpath, items))
if file_full_path.lower().endswith(".jpg") or file_full_path.lower().endswith(".jpeg"):
check_address = os.path.join(to_dir, os.path.basename(file_full_path))
if os.path.exists(check_address) and os.path.isfile(check_address):
warning_message = "WARNING Duplicate File Names : {0}".format(check_address)
shutil.move(file_full_path, check_address)
print("Something Went Wrong On " + file_full_path)
Good Luck ...
Maybe you can recursively obtain all dir and make shutil.move to every dir。
import os
root = "/Users/xyz/Documents/fun/test"
g = os.walk(root)
dirs = []
for i in g:

How to batch process a folder of videos using MoviePy

I wrote a MoviePy script that takes an input video, does some processing, and outputs a video file. I want to run this through an entire folder of videos. Any help or direction is appreciated.
Here's what I tried...
for f in *; do python $f; done
and source code here:
from moviepy.editor import *
clip = VideoFileClip(input)
clip1 = clip.rotate(270)
clip2 = clip1.crop(x_center=540,y_center=960,width=1080,height=608)
clip3 = clip2.resize(width=1920)
Really wasn't sure what to put for "input" and "output" in my .py file.
I know you have an answer on Github, but I'll add my own solution.
First, you'll want to put your code inside a function:
def process_video(input):
"""Parameter input should be a string with the full path for a video"""
clip = VideoFileClip(input, output)
clip1 = clip.rotate(270)
clip2 = clip1.crop(x_center=540,y_center=960,width=1080,height=608)
clip3 = clip2.resize(width=1920)
Then, you can have a function that returns a list of file paths, and a list of final file names to use with the above function (note that the final file names will be the same as the original file names but with "output" in front):
import os
def get_video_paths(folder_path):
Parameter folder_path should look like "Users/documents/folder1/"
Returns a list of complete paths
file_name_list = os.listdir(folder_path)
path_name_list = []
final_name_list = []
for name in file_name_list:
# Put any sanity checks here, e.g.:
if name == ".DS_Store":
path_name_list.append(folder_path + name)
# Change the format of the output file names below
final_name_list.append(folder_path + "output" + name)
return path_name_list, final_name_list
Finally, at the bottom, we get the input folder, and utilise the above two functions:
if __name__ == "__main__":
video_folder = input("What folder would you like to process? ")
path_list, final_name_list = get_video_paths(video_folder)
for path, name in zip(path_list, final_name_list):
process_video(path, name)
Just watch out, because this will crash if there are any files in the folder that can't be read as a movie. For instance, on mac, the OS puts a ".DS_Store" file in each folder, which will crash the program. I've put an area for a sanity check to ignore certain filenames.
Complete code:
import os
from moviepy.editor import *
def process_video(input, output):
"""Parameter input should be a string with the full path for a video"""
clip = VideoFileClip(input)
clip1 = clip.rotate(270)
clip2 = clip1.crop(x_center=540,y_center=960,width=1080,height=608)
clip3 = clip2.resize(width=1920)
def get_video_paths(folder_path):
Parameter folder_path should look like "Users/documents/folder1/"
Returns a list of complete paths
file_name_list = os.listdir(folder_path)
path_name_list = []
final_name_list = []
for name in file_name_list:
# Put any sanity checks here, e.g.:
if name == ".DS_Store":
path_name_list.append(folder_path + name)
final_name_list.append(folder_path + "output" + name)
return path_name_list, final_name_list
if __name__ == "__main__":
video_folder = input("What folder would you like to process? ")
path_list, final_name_list = get_video_paths(video_folder)
for path, name in zip(path_list, final_name_list):
process_video(path, name)
I responded on your Github issue #542, but I copied it here for future reference!
First off, the below example isn't ironclad, but it should do what you need.
You can achieve this via something like this:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Convert all media assets located in a specified directory."""
import glob
import os
from optparse import OptionParser
from moviepy.editor import VideoFileClip
def get_dir_files(dir_path, patterns=None):
"""Get all absolute paths for pattern matched files in a directory.
dir_path (str): The path to of the directory containing media assets.
patterns (list of str): The list of patterns/file extensions to match.
(list of str): A list of all pattern-matched files in a directory.
if not patterns or type(patterns) != list:
print('No patterns list passed to get_dir_files, defaulting to patterns.')
patterns = ['*.mp4', '*.avi', '*.mov', '*.flv']
files = []
for pattern in patterns:
dir_path = os.path.abspath(dir_path) + '/' + pattern
return files
def modify_clip(path, output):
"""Handle conversion of a video file.
path (str): The path to the directory of video files to be converted.
output (str): The filename to associate with the converted file.
clip = VideoFileClip(path)
clip = clip.rotate(270)
clip = clip.crop(x_center=540, y_center=960, width=1080, height=608)
clip = clip.resize(width=1920)
clip.write_videofile(output, codec='libx264')
print('File: {} should have been created.'.format(output))
if __name__ == '__main__':
status = 'Failed!'
parser = OptionParser(version='%prog 1.0.0')
parser.add_option('-p', '--path', action='store', dest='dir_path',
default='.', type='string',
help='the path of the directory of assets, defaults to .')
options, args = parser.parse_args()
print('Running against directory path: {}'.format(options.dir_path))
path_correct = raw_input('Is that correct?').lower()
if path_correct.startswith('y'):
dir_paths = get_dir_files(options.dir_path)
for dir_path in dir_paths:
output_filename = 'converted_' + os.path.basename(dir_path)
modify_clip(path=dir_path, output=output_filename)
status = 'Successful!'
print('Conversion {}'.format(status))
With the above example, you can simply drop that into the directory of assets you wish to convert and run: python and it should convert the files for you in the same directory with the name prepended with: converted_
Likewise, you can drop that file anywhere and run it against an absolute path:
python -p /Users/thisguy/media and it will convert all files with the extensions: ['*.mp4', '*.avi', '*.mov', '*.flv']
Either way, let me know if you have any questions (or if this resolves your issue) and I'll do my best to help you out!
Thanks for using moviepy!

Python: detecting existing file : os.file.exists

I'm obviously doing something very wrong. I'd like to find files, that are in one directory but not in second directory (for instance xxx.phn in one directory and xxx.wav in second directory...
IT seems that I cannot detect, when file is NOT present in second directory (it's always showing like all files are)... I don't get any file displayed, although they exist...
import shutil, random, os, sys
if len(sys.argv) < 4:
print """usage: python source_folder source_ext dest_folder dest_ext
folder = sys.argv[1]
ext = sys.argv[2]
dest_folder = sys.argv[3]
dest_ext = sys.argv[4]
i = 0
for d, ds, fs in os.walk(folder):
for fname in fs:
basename = os.path.splitext(fname)[0]
if (not os.path.exists(dest_folder+'/'+basename + '.' + dest_ext) ):
print str(i)+': No duplicate for: '+fname
print str(i)+' files found'
Can I suggest that you make the filename you're looking at checking and print it before checking whether it exists..
dest_fname = dest_folder+'/'+basename + '.' + dest_ext
print "dest exists? %s" % dest_fname
Also as an aside please join paths using the join() method. (If you really want the basename without the leading path elements there's a basename() function).
I tried your program out and it worked for two simple flat directories. Here are the directory contents:
a\b.txt # Missing from b directory
And result of your script with a txt b csv as parameters. If your result was different, maybe you used different parameters?
0: No duplicate for: b.txt
1 files found
But when I added subdirectories:
a\b.txt # Missing from b directory
a\c\e.txt # Missing from b\c directory
Your script gives:
0: No duplicate for: b.txt
1: No duplicate for: d.txt # Error here
2: No duplicate for: e.txt
3 files found
To work with sub-directories you need to compute the path relative to the source directory, and then add it to the destination directory. Here's the result with a few other minor cleanups and prints to see what is going on. Note that fname is always just the file name and needs to be joined with d to get the whole path:
import os, sys
if len(sys.argv) < 4:
print """usage: python source_folder source_ext dest_folder dest_ext
folder = sys.argv[1]
ext = sys.argv[2]
dest_folder = sys.argv[3]
dest_ext = sys.argv[4]
i = 0
for d, ds, fs in os.walk(folder):
for fname in fs:
relpath = os.path.relpath(os.path.join(d,fname),folder)
relbase = os.path.splitext(relpath)[0]
path_to_check = os.path.join(dest_folder,relbase+'.'+dest_ext)
if not os.path.exists(path_to_check):
print '{}: No duplicate for: {}, {} not found.'.format(i,os.path.join(folder,relpath),path_to_check)
i += 1
print i,'files found'
0: No duplicate for: a\b.txt, b\b.csv not found.
1: No duplicate for: a\c\e.txt, b\c\e.csv not found.
2 files found
What you're doing is looking for are matching files, not duplicate ones. One problem is that you're not using use the source_ext argument when searching. Another is I think the command-line argument handling is messed-up. Here's a corrected version that accomplishes what you're trying to do:
import os
import sys
if len(sys.argv) != 5:
print("usage: python "
" " # argv[0] (script name)
"source_folder " # argv[1]
"source_ext " # argv[2]
"dest_folder " # argv[3]
"dest_ext") # argv[4]
sys.exit(2) # command line error
source_folder, source_ext, dest_folder, dest_ext = sys.argv[1:6]
dest_ext = dest_ext if dest_ext.startswith('.') else '.'+dest_ext # check dot
found = 0
for d, ds, fs in os.walk(source_folder):
for i, fname in enumerate(fs, start=1):
basename, ext = os.path.splitext(fname)
if ext == source_ext:
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(dest_folder, basename+dest_ext)):
found += 1
print '{}: No matching file found for: {}'.format(i, fname)
print '{} matches found'.format(found)

Python case insensitive file name?

I need to load a file given it's name, but the name I get is case insensitive. "A.txt" could actually be "a.txt". How to do this the fast way (not generate all possible names and try each)?
You could list the directory the file's in (os.listdir), and see if there are matches for your filename. The matching can be done by lower-casing both filenames and comparing.
You can't do it without taking a directory listing and taking both the item you're looking for and each in the directory to a common case for comparison. The filesystem is case sensitive and that's all there is to it.
Here is a function (well, two) that I wrote to do it completely, matching a filename in an insensitive manner, recursively:
def path_insensitive(path):
Get a case-insensitive path for use on a case sensitive system.
>>> path_insensitive('/Home')
>>> path_insensitive('/Home/chris')
>>> path_insensitive('/HoME/CHris/')
>>> path_insensitive('/home/CHRIS')
>>> path_insensitive('/Home/CHRIS/.gtk-bookmarks')
>>> path_insensitive('/home/chris/.GTK-bookmarks')
>>> path_insensitive('/HOME/Chris/.GTK-bookmarks')
>>> path_insensitive("/HOME/Chris/I HOPE this doesn't exist")
"/HOME/Chris/I HOPE this doesn't exist"
return _path_insensitive(path) or path
def _path_insensitive(path):
Recursive part of path_insensitive to do the work.
if path == '' or os.path.exists(path):
return path
base = os.path.basename(path) # may be a directory or a file
dirname = os.path.dirname(path)
suffix = ''
if not base: # dir ends with a slash?
if len(dirname) < len(path):
suffix = path[:len(path) - len(dirname)]
base = os.path.basename(dirname)
dirname = os.path.dirname(dirname)
if not os.path.exists(dirname):
dirname = _path_insensitive(dirname)
if not dirname:
# at this point, the directory exists but not the file
try: # we are expecting dirname to be a directory, but it could be a file
files = os.listdir(dirname)
except OSError:
baselow = base.lower()
basefinal = next(fl for fl in files if fl.lower() == baselow)
except StopIteration:
if basefinal:
return os.path.join(dirname, basefinal) + suffix
This is a simple recursive function to to the search Eli suggests above:
def find_sensitive_path(dir, insensitive_path):
insensitive_path = insensitive_path.strip(os.path.sep)
parts = insensitive_path.split(os.path.sep)
next_name = parts[0]
for name in os.listdir(dir):
if next_name.lower() == name.lower():
improved_path = os.path.join(dir, name)
if len(parts) == 1:
return improved_path
return find_sensitive_path(improved_path, os.path.sep.join(parts[1:]))
return None
Make a directory listing; and create a dictionary containing a mapping of upper-case filenames to their actual-case filenames. Then, make your input upper-case, and look for it in the dictionary.

Passing a relative path in a function

Can someone tell me if the following function declaration is the correct way to pass a relative path to a function? The call is only taking one variable. When I include a second variable (absolute path), my function does not work.
def extract(tar_url, extract_path='.'):
The call that does not work:
extract(chosen, path)
This works, but does not extract:
Full Code:
def do_fileExtract(self, line):
defaultFolder = "Extracted"
if not defaultFolder.endswith(':') and not os.path.exists('c:\\Extracted'):
raw_input("PLACE .tgz FILES in c:\Extracted AT THIS TIME!!! PRESS ENTER WHEN FINISHED!")
def extract(tar_url, extract_path='.'):
print tar_url
tar =, 'r')
for item in tar:
tar.extract(item, extract_path)
if".tgz") != -1 or".tar") != -1:
extract(, "./" +['/')])
userpath = "Extracted"
directory = os.path.join("c:\\", userpath)
path=os.getcwd() #Set log path here
files = [fname for fname in os.listdir(path)
if fname.endswith(('.tgz','.tar'))]
for item in enumerate(files):
print "%d- %s" % item
idx = int(raw_input("\nEnter the file's number:\n"))
except ValueError:
print "You fail at typing numbers."
chosen = files[idx]
except IndexError:
print "Try a number in range next time."
newDir = raw_input('\nEnter a name to create a folder a the c: root directory:\n')
selectDir = os.path.join("c:\\", newDir)
if not newDir.endswith(':') and not os.path.exists(selectDir):
extract(chosen, path)
print 'Done'
name = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
print chosen
It looks like you missed an escape character in "PLACE .tgz FILES in c:\Extracted AT THIS TIME!!! PRESS ENTER WHEN FINISHED!"
I don't think raw_input sees the prompt string as a raw string, just the user input.
But this shouldn't affect the functionality of your program.
Are you on Unix or windows? I was under the impression that the on Unix you use / forward slash instead of \\ backslash as a separator.
I tested some code on this file:
The following code:
>>> from os import chdir
>>> import tarfile
>>> chdir(r'C:\Users\Acer\Downloads')
>>> tar_url = 'merpano0.tar.gz'
>>> print tar_url
>>> tar =, 'r')
>>> extract_path = 'C:\\Users\\Acer\\Downloads\\test\\'
>>> for item in tar:
tar.extract(item, extract_path)
executed cleanly with no problems on my end. In the test directory I got a single folder with some files, exactly as in the original tar file. Can you explain what you're doing differently in your code that might be bugging up?

