Numpy Error - Only On Linux - python

The following bit of Python takes two images and performs an 'alpha composite' of them, or in other words, sticks one on top of the other, and returns a single image. The code isn't really something I quite grasp, as it came from another Stack Overflow answer.
import numpy as np
import Image
def alpha_composite(src, dst):
src = np.asarray(src)
dst = np.asarray(dst)
out = np.empty(src.shape, dtype = 'float')
alpha = np.index_exp[:, :, 3:]
rgb = np.index_exp[:, :, :3]
src_a = src[alpha]/255.0
dst_a = dst[alpha]/255.0
out[alpha] = src_a+dst_a*(1-src_a)
old_setting = np.seterr(invalid = 'ignore')
out[rgb] = (src[rgb]*src_a + dst[rgb]*dst_a*(1-src_a))/out[alpha]
out[alpha] *= 255
# astype('uint8') maps np.nan (and np.inf) to 0
out = out.astype('uint8')
out = Image.fromarray(out, 'RGBA')
return out
It works great on Windows, but as soon as I move it over to Ubuntu Server, it gives me the following error:
File "", line 21, in alpha_composite
src_a = src[alpha]/255.0
IndexError: 0-d arrays can only use a single () or a list of newaxes (and a single ...) as an index
I'm using the same version of PIL and the same version of numpy on both.
Any idea what might be going on here?


How to retrieve a list of indexes of white pixels whose neighbor are black using Python PIL and Numpy?

I've been looking for hours to find a question similar, but nothing has satisfied me.
My problem is: I've a PIL image (representing a canal) already converted into a Numpy array (using the "L" mode of PIL), and I'd like to retrieve the white pixels whose neighbor are black (their indexes in fact), without using for loops (the image is really huge).
I thought of np.where but I don't know how I should use it to solve my problem, and I also don't know if it would be faster than using for loops (because my aim would be reaching this goal with the fastest solution).
I hope I'm clear enough, and I thank you in advance for your response!
EDIT: for example, with this image (a simple canal, it is already a black and white image, so the image.convert('L') isn't really useful here, but the code should be generic if possible), I'd do something like that:
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
image =
image = image.convert("L")
array = np.asarray(image)
l = []
for i in range(1, len(array) - 1):
for j in range(1, len(array[0]) - 1):
if array[i][j] == 255 and (array[i+1][j] == 0 or array[i-1][j] == 0 or array[i][j+1] == 0 or array[i][j-1] == 0):
l.append((i, j))
and I'd hope to obtain l as fast as possible :)
I've colored the pixels I need in red in the next image: here.
EDIT2: thank you all for the help, it worked!
You could use the numba just-in-time compiler to speed up your loop.
from numba import njit
def find_highlow_pixels(img):
pixels = []
for j in range(1, img.shape[0]-1):
for i in range(1, img.shape[1]-1):
if (
img[j, i] == 255 and (
img[j-1, i]==0 or img[j+1,i]==0 or
img[j, i-1]==0 or img[j, i+1]==0
pixels.append((j, i))
return pixels
Another possibility that came to my mind would be using the minimum filter. However, I would expect it to be slower than the first proposed solution, but could be useful to build more on top of it.
import numpy as np
from scipy.ndimage import minimum_filter
# create a footprint that only takes the neighbours into account
neighbours = (np.arange(9) % 2 == 1).reshape(3,3)
# create a mask of relevant pixels, img should be your image as array
mask = np.logical_and(
img == 255,
minimum_filter(img, footprint=neighbours) == 0
# get indexes
indexes = np.where(mask)
# as list
If memory space is not considered, I prefer manipulation of masks like the following.
# Step 1: Generate two masks of white and black.
mask_white = img == 255
mask_black = img == 0
# Step 2: Apply 8-neighborhood dilation on black mask
# if you want to use numpy only, you need to implement dilation by yourself.
# define function of 8-neighborhood dilation
def dilate_8nb(m):
index_row, index_col = np.where(m)
ext_index_row = np.repeat(index_row,9)
ext_index_col = np.repeat(index_col,9)
ext_index_row.reshape(-1,9)[:, :3] += 1
ext_index_row.reshape(-1,9)[:, -3:] -= 1
ext_index_col.reshape(-1,9)[:, ::3] += 1
ext_index_col.reshape(-1,9)[:, 2::3] -= 1
ext_index_row = np.clip(ext_index_row, 0, m.shape[0]-1)
ext_index_col = np.clip(ext_index_col, 0, m.shape[1]-1)
ret = m.copy()
ret[ext_index_row, ext_index_col] = True
return ret
ext_mask_black = dilate_8nb(mask_black)
# or just using dilation in scipy
# from scipy import ndimage
# ext_mask_black = ndimage.binary_dilation(mask_black, structure=ndimage.generate_binary_structure(2, 2))
# Step 3: take the intersection of mask_white and ext_mask_black
mask_target = mask_white & ext_mask_black
# Step 4: take the index using np.where
l = np.where(mask_target)
# modify this type to make it consistency with your result
l = list(zip(*l))

Fast Way to Perform Array Computation in Python

I have an image that I want to perform some calculations on. The image pixels will be represented as f(x, y) where x is the column number and y is the row number of each pixel. I want to perform a calculation using the following formula:
Here is the code that does the calculation:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import os.path
from PIL import Image
global image_width, image_height
# A. Blur Measurement
def measure_blur(f):
D_sub_h = [[0 for y in range(image_height)] for x in range(image_width)]
for x in range(image_width):
for y in range(image_height):
if(y == 0):
f_x_yp1 = f[x][y+1]
f_x_ym1 = 0
elif(y == (image_height -1)):
f_x_yp1 = 0
f_x_ym1 = f[x][y -1]
f_x_yp1 = f[x][y+1]
f_x_ym1 = f[x][y -1]
D_sub_h[x][y] = abs(f_x_yp1 - f_x_ym1)
return D_sub_h
if __name__ == '__main__':
image_counter = 1
while True:
if not os.path.isfile(str (image_counter) + '.jpg'):
image_path = str(image_counter) + '.jpg'
image = )
image_height, image_width = image.size
print("Image Width : " + str(image_width))
print("Image Height : " + str(image_height))
f = np.array(image)
D_sub_h = measure_blur(f)
image_counter = image_counter + 1
The problem with this code is when the image size becomes large, such as (5000, 5000), it takes a very long time to complete. Is there any way or function I can use to make the execution time faster by not doing one by one or manual computation?
Since you specifically convert the input f to a numpy array, I am assuming you want to use numpy. In that case, the allocation of D_sub_h needs to change from a list to an array:
D_sub_h = np.empty_like(f)
If we assume that everything outside your array is zeros, then the first row and last row can be computed as the second and negative second-to-last rows, respectively:
D_sub_h[0, :] = f[1, :]
D_sub_h[-1, :] = -f[-2, :]
The remainder of the data is just the difference between the next and previous index at each location, which is idiomatically computed by shifting views: f[2:, :] - f[:-2, :]. This formulation creates a temporary array. You can avoid doing that by using np.subtract explicitly:
np.subtract(f[2:, :], f[:-2, :], out=D_sub_h[1:-1, :])
The entire thing takes four lines in this formulation, and is fully vectorized, which means that loops run quickly under the hood, without most of Python's overhead:
def measure_blur(f):
D_sub_h = np.empty_like(f)
D_sub_h[0, :] = f[1, :]
D_sub_h[-1, :] = -f[-2, :]
np.subtract(f[2:, :], f[:-2, :], out=D_sub_h[1:-1, :])
return D_sub_h
Notice that I return the value instead of printing it. When you write functions, get in the habit of returning a value. Printing can be done later, and effectively discards the computation if it replaces a proper return.
The way shown above is fairly efficient with regards to time and space. If you want to write a one liner that uses a lot of temporary arrays, you can also do:
D_sub_h = np.concatenate((f[1, None], f[2:, :] - f[:-2, :], -f[-2, None]), axis=0)

Elaborating very large array in Python

I open a TIFF LAB image and return a big numpy array (4928x3264x3 float64) using python with this function:
def readTIFFLAB(filename):
"""Read TIFF LAB and retur a float matrix
read 16 bit (2 byte) each time without any multiprocessing
about 260 sec"""
import numpy as np
# Data read
# Matrix creation
dim = (int(ImageLength), int(ImageWidth), int(SamplePerPixel))
Image = np.empty(dim, np.float64)
contatore = 0
for address in range(0, len(StripOffsets)):
offset = StripOffsets[address]
for lung in range(0, (StripByteCounts[address]/SamplePerPixel/2)):
v = np.array(
v.dtype = np.uint16
v1 = np.array(
v1.dtype = np.int16
v2 = np.array(
v2.dtype = np.int16
v = np.array([v/65535.0*100])
v1 = np.array([v1/32768.0*128])
v2 = np.array([v2/32768.0*128])
v = np.append(v, [v1, v2])
riga = contatore // ImageWidth
colonna = contatore % ImageWidth
# print(contatore, riga, colonna)
Image[riga, colonna, :] = v
contatore += 1
but this routine need about 270 second to do all the work and return a numpy array.
I try to use multiprocessing but is not possible to share an array or to use queue to pass it and sharedmem is not usable in windows system (at home I use openSuse but at work I must use windows).
Someone could help me to reduce the elaboration time? I read about threadind, to write some part in C language but I don’t understand what the best (and easier) solution,...I’m a food technologist not a real programmer :-)
Wow, your method is really slow indeed, try tifffile library, you can find it here. That library will open your file very fast, then you just need to make the proper conversion, here's the simple usage:
import numpy as np
import tifffile
from skimage import color
import time
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def convert_to_tifflab(image):
# divide the color channel
L = image[:, :, 0]
a = image[:, :, 1]
b = image[:, :, 2]
# correct interpretation of a/b channel
a.dtype = np.int16
b.dtype = np.int16
# scale the result
L = L / 65535.0 * 100
a = a / 32768.0 * 128
b = b / 32768.0 * 128
# join the result
lab = np.dstack([L, a, b])
# view the image
start = time.time()
rgb = color.lab2rgb(lab)
print "Lab2Rgb: {0}".format(time.time() - start)
return rgb
if __name__ == "__main__":
filename = '/home/cilladani1/FERRERO/Immagini Digi Eye/Test Lettura CIELAB/TestLetturaCIELAB (LAB).tif'
start = time.time()
I = tifffile.imread(filename)
end = time.time()
print "Image fetching: {0}".format(end - start)
rgb = convert_to_tifflab(I)
print "Image conversion: {0}".format(time.time() - end)
The benchmark gives this data:
Image fetching: 0.0929999351501
Lab2Rgb: 12.9520001411
Image conversion: 13.5920000076
As you can see the bottleneck in this case is lab2rgb, which converts from xyz to rgb space. I'd recommend you to report an issue to the author of tifffile requesting the feature to read your fileformat, I'm sure he'll be able to speed up directly the C code.
After doing what BPL suggest me I modify the result array as follow:
# divide the color channel
L = I[:, :, 0]
a = I[:, :, 1]
b = I[:, :, 2]
# correct interpretation of a/b channel
a.dtype = np.int16
b.dtype = np.int16
# scale the result
L = L / 65535.0 * 100
a = a / 32768.0 * 128
b = b / 32768.0 * 128
# join the result
lab = np.dstack([L, a, b])
# view the image
from skimage import color
rgb = color.lab2rgb(lab)
So now is easier to read TIFF LAB image.
Thank BPL

Decoding a YUV image in Python OpenCV

I have a YUV420_SP_NV21 image represented as a byte array (no headers), taken from an Android preview frame, and I need to decode it into a RGB image.
I've done this in Android apps before, using Java and OpenCV4Android:
convert_mYuv = new Mat(height + height / 2, width, CvType.CV_8UC1);
convert_mYuv.put( 0, 0, data );
Imgproc.cvtColor( convert_mYuv, convert_mRgba, type, channels );
I've tried doing the same in Python:
nmp = np.array(byteArray, dtype=np.ubyte)
RGBMatrix = cv2.cvtColor(nmp, cv2.COLOR_YUV420P2RGB)
, but RGBMatrix remains None.
I'm aware of the possibility to do this myself, I'm familiar with the formula, but would be realy happy to do this the OpenCV way.
How can this be done?
I've also tried cv2.imdecode(), but it failed too, possibly because of me miss-using it.
Its been a while since I solved this issue, but I hadn't the time to update this question.
I ended up extracting the YUV420_SP_NV21 byte array to a full scaled YUV image (1280x720 in my case) using numpy, then converting it to RGB using OpenCV.
import cv2 as cv2 # OpenCV import
def YUVtoRGB(byteArray):
e = 1280*720
Y = byteArray[0:e]
Y = np.reshape(Y, (720,1280))
s = e
V = byteArray[s::2]
V = np.repeat(V, 2, 0)
V = np.reshape(V, (360,1280))
V = np.repeat(V, 2, 0)
U = byteArray[s+1::2]
U = np.repeat(U, 2, 0)
U = np.reshape(U, (360,1280))
U = np.repeat(U, 2, 0)
RGBMatrix = (np.dstack([Y,U,V])).astype(np.uint8)
RGBMatrix = cv2.cvtColor(RGBMatrix, cv2.COLOR_YUV2RGB, 3)
My raw data was YUV420_SP_NV21, which is decode like this: YY...YVUVUVU...VU,
but other YUV formats will require subtle changes to the code.

How do I concatenate two matrices in Python OpenCV?

How do I concatenate two matrices into one matrix? The resulting matrix should have the same height as the two input matrices, and its width will equal the sum of the width of the two input matrices.
I am looking for a pre-existing method that will perform the equivalent of this code:
def concatenate(mat0, mat1):
# Assume that mat0 and mat1 have the same height
res = cv.CreateMat(mat0.height, mat0.width + mat1.width, mat0.type)
for x in xrange(res.height):
for y in xrange(mat0.width):
cv.Set2D(res, x, y, mat0[x, y])
for y in xrange(mat1.width):
cv.Set2D(res, x, y + mat0.width, mat1[x, y])
return res
If you are using OpenCV, (you will get Numpy support then), you can use Numpy function np.hstack((img1,img2)) to do this.
eg :
import cv2
import numpy as np
# Load two images of same size
img1 = cv2.imread('img1.jpg')
img2 = cv2.imread('img2.jpg')
both = np.hstack((img1,img2))
You should use OpenCV. Legacy uses cvmat. But numpy arrays are really easy to work with.
As suggested by #abid-rahman-k, you can use hstack(which I didn't know about) so I had used this.
h1, w1 = img.shape[:2]
h2, w2 = img1.shape[:2]
nWidth = w1+w2
nHeight = max(h1, h2)
hdif = (h1-h2)/2
newimg = np.zeros((nHeight, nWidth, 3), np.uint8)
newimg[hdif:hdif+h2, :w2] = img1
newimg[:h1, w2:w1+w2] = img
But if you want to work with Legacy code, this should help
Let's assume that height of img0 is greater than height of image
nW = img0.width+image.width
nH = img0.height
newCanvas = cv.CreateImage((nW,nH), cv.IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3)
yc = (img0.height-image.height)/2
cv.Copy(image, newCanvas)
OpenCV has in-built functions for concatenating images vertically/horizontally:
Note: While concatenating, images must be of the same dimensions or else you will come across an error message similar to: error: (-215:Assertion failed)....
img = cv2.imread('flower.jpg', 1)
# concatenate images vertically
vertical_concat = cv2.vconcat([img, img])
# concatenate images horizontally
horizontal_concat = cv2.hconcat([img, img])
I know this question is old, but I stumbled across it because I was looking to concatenate arrays that are two dimensions ( not just concatenate in 1 dimension ).
np.hstack will not do this.
Assuming you have two 640x480 images that are simply two dimensions use dstack.
a = cv2.imread('imgA.jpg')
b = cv2.imread('imgB.jpg')
a.shape # prints (480,640)
b.shape # prints (480,640)
imgBoth = np.dstack((a,b))
imgBoth.shape # prints (480,640,2)
imgBothH = np.hstack((a,b))
imgBothH.shape # prints (480,1280)
# = not what I wanted, first dimension not preserverd

