Python threading.Timer objects not triggering after multi-hour timer - python

I'm writing a small IRC bot which uses data grabbed from a JSON API. It's a list of events, which contains at the front any running event, followed by any future events.
I'd like to alert the channel twice before each event: an hour prior, and five minutes prior. To do this I'm attempting to create threading.Timer events which trigger at the appropriate time. I chose this method because the IRC bot requires running in an infinite loop, so the alerts need to run in their own thread. I've several times had the first alert work, but only if it triggers within ~5 minutes of the bot starting. If I start it say, 8 hours before the next event, it won't trigger the method at all. Here's the alert code: I've cut out the portions of the code which parse the time from the API, since that is already working and is just clutter for purposes of this question.
USE = pytz.timezone('US/Eastern')
NET = 0
r = requests.get('')
now =
nextEventTime = events[0]['startAt']
timeConverted=datetime.datetime(eventTimeY, eventTimeM, eventTimeD, eventTimeH, eventTimeMin, 0, 0).replace(tzinfo=ZULU)
until = timeConverted - now
NET = until.total_seconds()
#Race Alerts
def hourAlert():
r = requests.get('')
now =
nextEventTime = events[0]['startAt']
timeConverted=datetime.datetime(eventTimeY, eventTimeM, eventTimeD, eventTimeH, eventTimeMin, 0, 0).replace(tzinfo=ZULU)
until = timeConverted - now
NET = until.total_seconds()
if until.total_seconds() > 0:
irc.send(bytes('PRIVMSG '+channel+' '+"EVENT ALERT - 1 HOUR - "+NextEvent['id'] +' - Occurs at '+NextEvent['startAt']+' - '+NextEvent['url']+'\r\n', 'UTF-8')) #gives event info
print("Starting Timer to event - "+str(NET-300))
sAlert = threading.Timer(NET-300, startAlert)
now =
nextEventTime = events[1]['startAt']
timeConverted=datetime.datetime(eventTimeY, eventTimeM, eventTimeD, eventTimeH, eventTimeMin, 0, 0).replace(tzinfo=ZULU)
until = timeConverted - now
NET = until.total_seconds()
irc.send(bytes('PRIVMSG '+channel+' '+"EVENT ALERT - 1 HOUR - "+NextEvent['id'] +' - Occurs at '+NextEvent['startAt']+' - '+NextEvent['url']+'\r\n', 'UTF-8')) #gives event info
print("Starting Timer to next event - "+str(NET-300))
sAlert = threading.Timer(NET-300, startAlert)
def startAlert():
r = requests.get('')
now =
nextEventTime = events[1]['startAt']
timeConverted=datetime.datetime(eventTimeY, eventTimeM, eventTimeD, eventTimeH, eventTimeMin, 0, 0).replace(tzinfo=ZULU)
until = timeConverted - now
NET = until.total_seconds()
irc.send(bytes('PRIVMSG '+channel+' '+"EVENT ALERT - STARTING IN 5 MINUTES - "+NextEvent['id'] +' - '+NextEvent['url']+'\r\n', 'UTF-8')) #gives event info
if until.total_seconds() > 3600:
print("Starting Timer to 1hr - " + str(NET-3600))
hAlert = threading.Timer(NET-3600, hourAlert)
print("Starting Timer to event - " +str(NET-300))
sAlert = threading.Timer(NET-300, startAlert)
if until.total_seconds() > 3600:
print("Starting Timer to 1hr - " + str(NET-3600))
hAlert = threading.Timer(NET-3600, hourAlert)
elif until.total_seconds() > 300:
print("Starting Timer to event - " + str(NET-300))
hAlert = threading.Timer(NET-300, startAlert)
now =
nextEventTime = events[1]['startAt']
timeConverted=datetime.datetime(eventTimeY, eventTimeM, eventTimeD, eventTimeH, eventTimeMin, 0, 0).replace(tzinfo=ZULU)
until = timeConverted - now
NET = until.total_seconds()
print("Starting Timer to next event 1h - "+str(NET-3600))
hAlert = threading.Timer(NET-3600, hourAlert)
#End Alerts
I suspected for a time that my issue was using the timedelta.seconds value instead of total_seconds(), but I wont know if that works for a few hours yet. The main reason I'm asking here is because this code works in a testbed: if I tell it that the next event is in 30 seconds, and to trigger 15 and 5 before the event, it works just fine. However, when I bring the code back to multi-hour timespans, the events often won't trigger. They don't error out, they just straight don't work: not even the alert prints happen.
Thanks for any help you guys might be!
edit: I should mention, this is the first python program that I've written, but I'm a fairly experienced coder overall. My problem might be language related in that I'm doing something in a way python doesn't want me to. I'm unsure, for example, if nesting events like this would cause them to never trigger, because each is waiting for the full resolution of the child's function before triggering its own.
edit2: After more work, I can get the first alert to work, but despite creating the next Timer according to print statements, it never triggers. Is something with the nesting of triggers wrong?


Create a Windows Event listener with win32evtlog

I am trying to develop a listener for the Windows event log. It should wait until anything new is added and when this happens it should catch the new event and pass it as an object so I can create a handler. I have found some things online but nothing has worked so far. I am using win32evtlog and win32event.
The code I have so far is this:
import win32evtlog
import win32event
server = 'localhost' # name of the target computer to get event logs
logtype = 'Application' # 'Application' # 'Security'
hand = win32evtlog.OpenEventLog(server,logtype)
total = win32evtlog.GetNumberOfEventLogRecords(hand)
h_evt = win32event.CreateEvent(None, 1, 0, "evt0")
for x in range(10):
notify = win32evtlog.NotifyChangeEventLog(hand, h_evt)
wait_result = win32event.WaitForSingleObject(h_evt, win32event.INFINITE)
print("notify", notify)
The output after I run it and force one event to happen is this:
notify None
After this it gets stuck and does not catch any other events.
Thank you in advance for any help
I noticed 2 things. First, you create a manual reset event, but never reset it. Second, you should only need to call win32evtlog.NotifyChangeEventLog once.
import win32evtlog
import win32event
import win32api
server = 'localhost' # name of the target computer to get event logs
logtype = 'MyAppSource'
hand = win32evtlog.OpenEventLog(server, logtype)
total = win32evtlog.GetNumberOfEventLogRecords(hand)
total += 1
h_evt = win32event.CreateEvent(None, False, False, "evt0")
notify = win32evtlog.NotifyChangeEventLog(hand, h_evt)
for x in range(10):
wait_result = win32event.WaitForSingleObject(h_evt, win32event.INFINITE)
readlog = win32evtlog.ReadEventLog(hand, flags, total)
for event in readlog:
print(f"{event.TimeGenerated.Format()} : [{event.RecordNumber}] : {event.SourceName}")
total += len(readlog)
You can change MyAppSource to your source name. For example, on my computer I have:
If I want to monitor "Dell", for example: logtype = 'Dell'
The method above will only work for first level sources. If you want to go to a deeper level, use win32evtlog.EvtSubscribe(). Here, I use it with a callback - borrowing the xml code from the answer linked to in the comments.
import win32evtlog
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
channel = 'Microsoft-Windows-Windows Defender/Operational'
def on_event(action, context, event_handle):
if action == win32evtlog.EvtSubscribeActionDeliver:
xml = ET.fromstring(win32evtlog.EvtRender(event_handle, win32evtlog.EvtRenderEventXml))
# xml namespace, root element has a xmlns definition, so we have to use the namespace
ns = '{}'
event_id = xml.find(f'.//{ns}EventID').text
level = xml.find(f'.//{ns}Level').text
channel = xml.find(f'.//{ns}Channel').text
execution = xml.find(f'.//{ns}Execution')
process_id = execution.get('ProcessID')
thread_id = execution.get('ThreadID')
time_created = xml.find(f'.//{ns}TimeCreated').get('SystemTime')
print(f'Time: {time_created}, Level: {level} Event Id: {event_id}, Channel: {channel}, Process Id: {process_id}, Thread Id: {thread_id}')
handle = win32evtlog.EvtSubscribe(
Callback = on_event)
# Wait for user to hit enter...

Streaming speech recognition with Google Speech-to-Text is leading to improperly timestamped transcripts

My Problem:
The web app I'm building relies on real-time transcription of a user's voice along with timestamps for when each word begins and ends.
Google's Speech-to-Text API has a limit of 4 minutes for streaming requests but I want users to be able to run their mic's for as long as 30 minutes if they so choose.
Thankfully, Google provides its own code examples for how to make successive requests to their Speech-to-Text API in a way that mimics endless streaming speech recognition.
I've adapted their Python infinite streaming example for my purposes (see below for my code). The timestamps provided by Google are pretty accurate but the issue is that when I exceed the streaming limit (4 minutes) and a new request is made, the timestamped transcript returned by Google's API from the new request is off by as much as 5 seconds or more.
Below is an example of the output when I adjust the streaming limit to 10 seconds (so a new request to Google's Speech-to-Text API begins every 10 seconds).
The timestamp you see printed next to each transcribed response (the 'corrected_time' in the code) is the timestamp for the end of the transcribed line, not the beginning. These timestamps are accurate for the first request but are off by ~4 seconds in the second request and ~9 seconds in the third request.
In a Nutshell, I want to make sure that when the streaming limit is exceeded and a new request is made, the timestamps returned by Google for that new request are adjusted accurately.
My Code:
To help you understand what's going on, I would recommend running it on your machine (only takes a couple of minutes to get working if you have a Google Cloud service account).
I've included more detail on my current diagnosis below the code.
#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Google Cloud Speech API sample application using the streaming API.
NOTE: This module requires the dependencies `pyaudio`.
To install using pip:
pip install pyaudio
Example usage:
# [START speech_transcribe_infinite_streaming]
import os
import re
import sys
import time
from import speech
import pyaudio
from six.moves import queue
# Audio recording parameters
STREAMING_LIMIT = 20000 # 20 seconds (originally 4 mins but shortened for testing purposes)
CHUNK_SIZE = int(SAMPLE_RATE / 10) # 100ms
# Environment Variable set for Google Credentials. Put the json service account
# key in the root directory
def get_current_time():
"""Return Current Time in MS."""
return int(round(time.time() * 1000))
class ResumableMicrophoneStream:
"""Opens a recording stream as a generator yielding the audio chunks."""
def __init__(self, rate, chunk_size):
self._rate = rate
self.chunk_size = chunk_size
self._num_channels = 1
self._buff = queue.Queue()
self.closed = True
self.start_time = get_current_time()
self.restart_counter = 0
self.audio_input = []
self.last_audio_input = []
self.result_end_time = 0
self.is_final_end_time = 0
self.final_request_end_time = 0
self.bridging_offset = 0
self.last_transcript_was_final = False
self.new_stream = True
self._audio_interface = pyaudio.PyAudio()
self._audio_stream =
# Run the audio stream asynchronously to fill the buffer object.
# This is necessary so that the input device's buffer doesn't
# overflow while the calling thread makes network requests, etc.
def __enter__(self):
self.closed = False
return self
def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
self.closed = True
# Signal the generator to terminate so that the client's
# streaming_recognize method will not block the process termination.
def _fill_buffer(self, in_data, *args, **kwargs):
"""Continuously collect data from the audio stream, into the buffer."""
return None, pyaudio.paContinue
def generator(self):
"""Stream Audio from microphone to API and to local buffer"""
while not self.closed:
data = []
This statement runs when the streaming limit is hit and a new request is made.
if self.new_stream and self.last_audio_input:
chunk_time = STREAMING_LIMIT / len(self.last_audio_input)
if chunk_time != 0:
if self.bridging_offset < 0:
self.bridging_offset = 0
if self.bridging_offset > self.final_request_end_time:
self.bridging_offset = self.final_request_end_time
chunks_from_ms = round(
(self.final_request_end_time - self.bridging_offset)
/ chunk_time
self.bridging_offset = round(
(len(self.last_audio_input) - chunks_from_ms) * chunk_time
for i in range(chunks_from_ms, len(self.last_audio_input)):
self.new_stream = False
# Use a blocking get() to ensure there's at least one chunk of
# data, and stop iteration if the chunk is None, indicating the
# end of the audio stream.
chunk = self._buff.get()
if chunk is None:
# Now consume whatever other data's still buffered.
while True:
chunk = self._buff.get(block=False)
if chunk is None:
except queue.Empty:
yield b"".join(data)
def listen_print_loop(responses, stream):
"""Iterates through server responses and prints them.
The responses passed is a generator that will block until a response
is provided by the server.
Each response may contain multiple results, and each result may contain
multiple alternatives; Here we print only the transcription for the top
alternative of the top result.
In this case, responses are provided for interim results as well. If the
response is an interim one, print a line feed at the end of it, to allow
the next result to overwrite it, until the response is a final one. For the
final one, print a newline to preserve the finalized transcription.
for response in responses:
if get_current_time() - stream.start_time > STREAMING_LIMIT:
stream.start_time = get_current_time()
if not response.results:
result = response.results[0]
if not result.alternatives:
transcript = result.alternatives[0].transcript
result_seconds = 0
result_micros = 0
if result.result_end_time.seconds:
result_seconds = result.result_end_time.seconds
if result.result_end_time.microseconds:
result_micros = result.result_end_time.microseconds
stream.result_end_time = int((result_seconds * 1000) + (result_micros / 1000))
corrected_time = (
- stream.bridging_offset
+ (STREAMING_LIMIT * stream.restart_counter)
# Display interim results, but with a carriage return at the end of the
# line, so subsequent lines will overwrite them.
if result.is_final:
sys.stdout.write("FINAL RESULT # ")
sys.stdout.write(str(corrected_time/1000) + ": " + transcript + "\n")
stream.is_final_end_time = stream.result_end_time
stream.last_transcript_was_final = True
# Exit recognition if any of the transcribed phrases could be
# one of our keywords.
if"\b(exit|quit)\b", transcript, re.I):
stream.closed = True
sys.stdout.write("INTERIM RESULT # ")
sys.stdout.write(str(corrected_time/1000) + ": " + transcript + "\r")
stream.last_transcript_was_final = False
def main():
"""start bidirectional streaming from microphone input to speech API"""
client = speech.SpeechClient()
config = speech.RecognitionConfig(
streaming_config = speech.StreamingRecognitionConfig(
config=config, interim_results=True
mic_manager = ResumableMicrophoneStream(SAMPLE_RATE, CHUNK_SIZE)
sys.stdout.write('\nListening, say "Quit" or "Exit" to stop.\n\n')
sys.stdout.write("End (ms) Transcript Results/Status\n")
with mic_manager as stream:
while not stream.closed:
"\n" + str(STREAMING_LIMIT * stream.restart_counter) + ": NEW REQUEST\n"
stream.audio_input = []
audio_generator = stream.generator()
requests = (
for content in audio_generator
responses = client.streaming_recognize(streaming_config, requests)
# Now, put the transcription responses to use.
listen_print_loop(responses, stream)
if stream.result_end_time > 0:
stream.final_request_end_time = stream.is_final_end_time
stream.result_end_time = 0
stream.last_audio_input = []
stream.last_audio_input = stream.audio_input
stream.audio_input = []
stream.restart_counter = stream.restart_counter + 1
if not stream.last_transcript_was_final:
stream.new_stream = True
if __name__ == "__main__":
# [END speech_transcribe_infinite_streaming]
My Current Diagnosis
The 'corrected_time' is not being set correctly when new requests are made. This is due to the 'bridging_offset' not being set correctly. So what we need to look at is the 'generator()' method in the 'ResumableMicrophoneStream' class.
In the 'generator()' method, there is an 'if' statement which is run when the streaming limit is hit and a new request is made
if self.new_stream and self.last_audio_input:
Its purpose appears to be to take any lingering audio data that wasn't finished being transcribed before the streaming limit was hit and add it to the buffer before any new audio chunks so that it's transcribed in the new request.
It is also the responsibility of this 'if' statement to set the 'bridging offset' but I'm not entirely sure what this offset represents. All I know is that however it is being set, it is not being set accurately.
Time offset values show the beginning and the end of each spoken word
that is recognized in the supplied audio. A time offset value
represents the amount of time that has elapsed from the beginning of
the audio, in increments of 100ms.
This tells us that the offset you are receiving for each of the timestamps that you are running within your project will always make the timestamps from start to finish. That would be my guess as to why it’s causing your application problems.

Python: fetching live chat but too slow

I had to fetch live chat on Youtube and chose to use pytchat instead of Youtube API. There's no problem to fetch the chat, but it was a bit slow.
from pytchat import LiveChat
from datetime import datetime
chat = LiveChat(video_id = "36YnV9STBqc")
while chat.is_alive():
now2 =
current_time2 = now2.strftime("%H:%M:%S")
print("Current Time =", current_time2,"==========") #A
data = chat.get()
now3 =
current_time3 = now3.strftime("%H:%M:%S")
print("Current Time =", current_time3,"~~~~~~~~~~~~~") #B
for c in data.items:
k.append(comment) #I need to use k later
now =
current_time = now.strftime("%H:%M:%S")
print(comment,"Current Time =", current_time,"++++++++++++++++")
except KeyboardInterrupt:
Below shows the output of a video with 17,649 watching: (B to A took 5 secs)
Current Time = 18:49:33 ========== #A
Current Time = 18:49:33 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #B
[2020-05-30 18:49:29-hi] Current Time = 18:49:33 ++++++++++++++++ #4 seconds late
[2020-05-30 18:49:32-how are you] Current Time = 18:49:36 ++++++++++++++++
Current Time = 18:49:38 ========== #A
Current Time = 18:49:38 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #B
[2020-05-30 18:49:32-so good] Current Time = 18:49:38 ++++++++++++++++ #6 seconds late
Below shows the output of a video with 702 watching: (B to A took at least 10 secs)
Current Time = 18:49:09 ========== #A
Current Time = 18:49:10 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #B
[2020-05-30 18:49:06-hellp] Current Time = 18:49:10 ++++++++++++++++
[2020-05-30 18:49:07-love the music] Current Time = 18:49:15 ++++++++++++++++
Current Time = 18:49:20 ========== #A
Current Time = 18:49:20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #B
[2020-05-30 18:49:15-???] Current Time = 18:49:20 ++++++++++++++++
I assume that different watching amounts will effect the time? It's also 4 to 6 secs late to fetch every chat, is it possible to solve it? Or it's just how Pytchat works?
This is a specification.
Pytchat gets the chat in exactly the same way as the browser.
If your browser displays the time of the chat and the current time down to the second, you'll get the same results.
The response of the YouTube server is presumably affected by the number of people watching the chat and the number of people posting the chat at any given time.
It needs to be verified, but as you pointed out, I'm guessing that if a lot of chat posts are made, it's taking longer for the YouTube server to process them and return the chats that are retrieved.
(If you comment out the data.tick(), you might get a little better results.)
while chat.is_alive():
data = chat.get()
for c in data.sync_items():
#c can then be formatted for ur stuff
print("Formatting stuff")
sync_items() will give you appropriate realtime chat movement.

Function with a Cooldown

Hello i have a Person Detector script i want to send an info if any person detected by mail.In order to prevent mail spamming i need a timer for sendMail function.Function might be triggered anytime but it will only respond if its not on cooldown.
I tried using async task but couldn't implemented because if a person detected it goes to a loop where it sends email every 5 minutes even if there isn’t any person detected after the first sight.
Person detection script is running.
Person detected on camera -> Send an email(start the 5 minute cooldown)
Person sighted again after 2 minutes(didn't send any email because there is still 3 minutes cooldown).
Person sighted after 6 minutes send another email(because 5 minute cooldown is over).
Summary of my code.(Necessary parts only detection and sending mail works cooldown (timer) doesn't work
async def sendAlert():
server.sendmail(sender_email, receiver_email, message)
await asyncio.sleep(300)
if __name__ == "__main__":
while True:
for i in range(len(boxes)):
if classes[i] == 1 and scores[i] > threshold:
with smtplib.SMTP_SSL("", port, context=context) as server:
box = boxes[i]
If there is a person detected, script will send an alert by email.Afterwards if a person detected again in 5 minutes sendAlert function shouldn't respond until 5 minutes passed
I agree with #Prune that you need to create a small (minimal) use-case and present your code so that it is not only relevant to you, but also relevant to others. Additionally, your question should have a section with a verifiable example. Without these attributes, your question becomes hard for people to grasp, solve and/or suggest any verifiable solution.
However, as I understand, you have some action (sending email if a person is detected) that you would like to perform after certain cool-off period. So, in other words, you want a mechanism of keeping track of time. Hence, you would need the datetime library.
So, your pseudo code should look something like this:
Pseudo Code
import datetime
start = capture_timestamp()
cutoff = '00:05:00'
dt_cutoff = read_in_cutoff_as_timedelta(cutoff)
if person_detected:
now = capture_timestamp()
dt = now - start
if dt >= dt_cutoff:
# Send notification
# Do not Send Notification
print('now: {} | dt: {}'.format(now, dt))
You could use datetime.datetime.utcnow() for timestamp. And datetime.timedelta() for defining dt_cutoff. For reading in a time-string as time you could do this:
tm = datetime.datetime.strptime(cutoff).time()
dt_cutoff = datetime.timedelta(hours = tm.hour, minutes = tm.minute, seconds = tm.second)
I hope this gives you some idea about how to model this.
Additional Resources
Complete Solution
Now, finally if you are in a hurry to use a ready made solution, you may use the following class object as shown. All you would need is to instantiate the class object by specifying your cool-off-period (timer_cutoff) and then call the method is_timeout(). If this returns True, then you send your notification. There is also an obj.istimeout attribute which stores this decision (True/False).
import time
# Set cutoff time to 2 seconds to test the output
# after 5 seconds: expect istimeout = True
# and instantiate the TimeTracker class object.
ttk = TimeTracker(timer_cutoff = '00:00:02') # 'HH:MM:SS'
# Wait for 3 seconds
print('start timestamp: {}'.format(ttk.timestamp_start_str))
print('cutoff timestamp'.format(ttk.timestamp_cutoff_str))
print('timer_cutoff: {}'.format(ttk.timer_cutoff_str))
# Now check if cutoff time reached
print('Send Notification: {}'.format(ttk.istimeout))
print('now_timestamp: {}'.format(ttk.timestamp_now_str))
class TimeTracker
Here is the class TimeTracker class:
import datetime
class TimeTracker(object):
def __init__(self,
timer_cutoff = '00:05:00',
cutoff_strformat = '%H:%M:%S'):
self.timer_cutoff_str = timer_cutoff
self.cutoff_strformat = cutoff_strformat
self.timestamp_start, self.timestamp_start_str = self.get_timestamp()
self.dt_cutoff = None # timedelta for cutoff
self.timestamp_cutoff = None
self.timestamp_cutoff_str = None
self.timestamp_now = None
self.timestamp_now_str = None
self.dt_elapsed = None
self.istimeout = False
def get_timestamp(self):
ts = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
tss = str(ts)
return (ts, tss)
def readin_cutoff_as_timedelta(self):
td = datetime.datetime.strptime(self.timer_cutoff_str,
tdm = td.time()
self.dt_cutoff = datetime.timedelta(hours = tdm.hour,
minutes = tdm.minute,
seconds = tdm.second)
def update_timestamp_cutoff(self):
self.timestamp_cutoff = self.timestamp_start + self.dt_cutoff
self.timestamp_cutoff_str = str(self.timestamp_cutoff)
def time_elapsed(self):
self.dt_elapsed = self.timestamp_now - self.timestamp_start
def is_timeout(self):
self.timestamp_now, self.timestamp_now_str = self.get_timestamp()
if (self.dt_elapsed < self.dt_cutoff):
self.istimeout = False
self.istimeout = True
return self.istimeout

How can I make my Python script run forever?

I have a python script (excerpt shown below) that reads a sensor value. Unfortunately, it runs only for 5 - 60 minutes at a time and then suddenly stops. Is there a way I can efficiently make this run forever? Is there any reason why a python script like this couldn't run forever on a Raspberry Pi, or does python automatically limit the duration of a script?
while True:
current_reading = readadc(current_sensor, SPICLK, SPIMOSI, SPIMISO, SPICS)
current_sensed = (1000.0 * (0.0252 * (current_reading - 492.0))) - correction_factor
if len(values) > 40:
if reading_number > 500:
reading_number = 0
reading_number = reading_number + 1
if ( reading_number == 500 ):
actual_current = round((sum(values)/len(values)), 1)
# open up a cosm feed
pac = eeml.datastream.Cosm(API_URL, API_KEY)
#send data
pac.update([eeml.Data(0, actual_current)])
# send data to cosm
It appears as though your loop lacks a delay and is constantly appending your "values" array, which will likely cause you to run out of memory in a fairly short period of time. I recommend adding a delay to avoid appending the values array every instant.
Adding a delay:
import time
while True:
current_reading = readadc(current_sensor, SPICLK, SPIMOSI, SPIMISO, SPICS)
current_sensed = (1000.0 * (0.0252 * (current_reading - 492.0))) - correction_factor
if len(values) > 40:
if reading_number > 500:
reading_number = 0
reading_number = reading_number + 1
if ( reading_number == 500 ):
actual_current = round((sum(values)/len(values)), 1)
# open up a cosm feed
pac = eeml.datastream.Cosm(API_URL, API_KEY)
#send data
pac.update([eeml.Data(0, actual_current)])
# send data to cosm
This should, in theory, run forever and Python does not limit script execution automagically. I'd guess you're hitting a problem with the readadc or the pac feed hanging and locking the script up or an exception in the execution (but you should see that if executing the script from command line). Does the script hang or does it stop and exit?
If you can output some data using print() and see it on the Pi, you can just add some simple debugging lines to see where it is hanging - you may or may not be able to fix it easily with a timeout argument. An alternative would also be to thread the script and run the loop body as a thread with the main thread acting as a watchdog and killing the processing threads if they take too long to do their thing.

