Rotation of a 2D array over an angle using rotation matrix - python

What I want to do is to rotate a 2D numpy array over a given angle. The approach I'm taking is using a rotation matrix. The rotation matrix I defined as:
angle = 65.
theta = (angle/180.) * numpy.pi
rotMatrix = numpy.array([[numpy.cos(theta), -numpy.sin(theta)],
[numpy.sin(theta), numpy.cos(theta)]])
The matrix I want to rotate is shaped (1002,1004). However, just for testing purposes I created a 2D array with shape (7,6)
c = numpy.array([[0,0,6,0,6,0], [0,0,0,8,7,0], [0,0,0,0,5,0], [0,0,0,3,4,0], [0,0,2,0,1,0], [0,8,0,0,9,0], [0,0,0,0,15,0]])
Now, when I apply the rotation matrix on my 2D array I get the following error:
c =, c)
print c
c =, c)
ValueError: matrices are not aligned
Exception in thread Thread-1 (most likely raised during interpreter shutdown):
What am I doing wrong?

You seem to be looking for scipy.ndimage.interpolation.rotate, or similar. If you specifically want 90, 180, or 270 degree rotations, which do not require interpolation, then numpy.rot90 is better.

Matrix dimensions will need to be compatible in order to obtain a matrix product. You are trying to multiply a 7x6 matrix with a 2x2 matrix. This is not mathematically coherent. It only really makes sense to apply a 2D rotation to a 2D vector to obtain the transformed coordinates.
The result of a matrix product is defined only when the left hand matrix has column count equal to right hand matrix row count.

You may want to look at skimage.transform. This module has several useful functions including rotation. No sense in rewriting something that is already done.

You can not rotate any ndim vector using 2D matrix.
I did not find an in built function in numpy. I was hoping that this is a very common functionality and should be there. Let me know if you find it.
Mean while I have create function of my own.
def rotate(vector, theta, rotation_around=None) -> np.ndarray:
:param vector: list of length 2 OR
list of list where inner list has size 2 OR
1D numpy array of length 2 OR
2D numpy array of size (number of points, 2)
:param theta: rotation angle in degree (+ve value of anti-clockwise rotation)
:param rotation_around: "vector" will be rotated around this point,
otherwise [0, 0] will be considered as rotation axis
:return: rotated "vector" about "theta" degree around rotation
axis "rotation_around" numpy array
vector = np.array(vector)
if vector.ndim == 1:
vector = vector[np.newaxis, :]
if rotation_around is not None:
vector = vector - rotation_around
vector = vector.T
theta = np.radians(theta)
rotation_matrix = np.array([
[np.cos(theta), -np.sin(theta)],
[np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta)]
output: np.ndarray = (rotation_matrix # vector).T
if rotation_around is not None:
output = output + rotation_around
return output.squeeze()
if __name__ == '__main__':
angle = 30
print(rotate([1, 0], 30)) # passing one point
print(rotate([[1, 0], [0, 1]], 30)) # passing multiple points


Sort 4 3D coordinates in a winding order in any given direction

I need to sort a selection of 3D coordinates in a winding order as seen in the image below. The bottom-right vertex should be the first element of the array and the bottom-left vertex should be the last element of the array. This needs to work given any direction that the camera is facing the points and at any orientation of those points. Since "top-left","bottom-right", etc is relative, I assume I can use the camera as a reference point? We can also assume all 4 points will be coplanar.
I am using the Blender API (writing a Blender plugin) and have access to the camera's view matrix if that is even necessary. Mathematically speaking is this even possible if so how? Maybe I am overcomplicating things?
Since the Blender API is in Python I tagged this as Python, but I am fine with pseudo-code or no code at all. I'm mainly concerned with how to approach this mathematically as I have no idea where to start.
Since you assume the four points are coplanar, all you need to do is find the centroid, calculate the vector from the centroid to each point, and sort the points by the angle of the vector.
import numpy as np
def sort_points(pts):
centroid = np.sum(pts, axis=0) / pts.shape[0]
vector_from_centroid = pts - centroid
vector_angle = np.arctan2(vector_from_centroid[:, 1], vector_from_centroid[:, 0])
sort_order = np.argsort(vector_angle) # Find the indices that give a sorted vector_angle array
# Apply sort_order to original pts array.
# Also returning centroid and angles so I can plot it for illustration.
return (pts[sort_order, :], centroid, vector_angle[sort_order])
This function calculates the angle assuming that the points are two-dimensional, but if you have coplanar points then it should be easy enough to find the coordinates in the common plane and eliminate the third coordinate.
Let's write a quick plot function to plot our points:
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
def plot_points(pts, centroid=None, angles=None, fignum=None):
fig = plt.figure(fignum)
plt.plot(pts[:, 0], pts[:, 1], 'or')
if centroid is not None:
plt.plot(centroid[0], centroid[1], 'ok')
for i in range(pts.shape[0]):
lstr = f"pt{i}"
if angles is not None:
lstr += f" ang: {angles[i]:.3f}"
plt.text(pts[i, 0], pts[i, 1], lstr)
return fig
And now let's test this:
With random points:
pts = np.random.random((4, 2))
spts, centroid, angles = sort_points(pts)
plot_points(spts, centroid, angles)
With points in a rectangle:
pts = np.array([[0, 0], # pt0
[10, 5], # pt2
[10, 0], # pt1
[0, 5]]) # pt3
spts, centroid, angles = sort_points(pts)
plot_points(spts, centroid, angles)
It's easy enough to find the normal vector of the plane containing our points, it's simply the (normalized) cross product of the vectors joining two pairs of points:
plane_normal = np.cross(pts[1, :] - pts[0, :], pts[2, :] - pts[0, :])
plane_normal = plane_normal / np.linalg.norm(plane_normal)
Now, to find the projections of all points in this plane, we need to know the "origin" and basis of the new coordinate system in this plane. Let's assume that the first point is the origin, the x axis joins the first point to the second, and since we know the z axis (plane normal) and x axis, we can calculate the y axis.
new_origin = pts[0, :]
new_x = pts[1, :] - pts[0, :]
new_x = new_x / np.linalg.norm(new_x)
new_y = np.cross(plane_normal, new_x)
Now, the projections of the points onto the new plane are given by this answer:
proj_x = - new_origin, new_x)
proj_y = - new_origin, new_y)
Now you have two-dimensional points. Run the code above to sort them.
After many hours, I finally found a solution. #Pranav Hosangadi's solution worked for the 2D side of things. However, I was having trouble projecting the 3D coordinates to 2D coordinates using the second part of his solution. I also tried projecting the coordinates as described in this answer, but it did not work as intended. I then discovered an API function called location_3d_to_region_2d() (see docs) which, as the name implies, gets the 2D screen coordinates in pixels of the given 3D coordinate. I didn't need to necessarily "project" anything into 2D in the first place, getting the screen coordinates worked perfectly fine and is much more simple. From that point, I could sort the coordinates using Pranav's function with some slight adjustments to get it in the order illustrated in the screenshot of my first post and I wanted it returned as a list instead of a NumPy array.
import bpy
from bpy_extras.view3d_utils import location_3d_to_region_2d
import numpy
def sort_points(pts):
"""Sort 4 points in a winding order"""
pts = numpy.array(pts)
centroid = numpy.sum(pts, axis=0) / pts.shape[0]
vector_from_centroid = pts - centroid
vector_angle = numpy.arctan2(
vector_from_centroid[:, 1], vector_from_centroid[:, 0])
# Find the indices that give a sorted vector_angle array
sort_order = numpy.argsort(-vector_angle)
# Apply sort_order to original pts array.
return list(sort_order)
# Get 2D screen coords of selected vertices
region = bpy.context.region
region_3d = bpy.context.space_data.region_3d
corners2d = []
for corner in selected_verts:
region, region_3d, corner))
# Sort the 2d points in a winding order
sort_order = sort_points(corners2d)
sorted_corners = [selected_verts[i] for i in sort_order]
Thanks, Pranav for your time and patience in helping me solve this problem!
There is a simpler and faster solution for the Blender case:
1.) The following code sorts 4 planar points in 2D (vertices of the plane object in Blender) very efficiently:
def sort_clockwise(pts):
rect = np.zeros((4, 2), dtype="float32")
s = pts.sum(axis=1)
rect[0] = pts[np.argmin(s)]
rect[2] = pts[np.argmax(s)]
diff = np.diff(pts, axis=1)
rect[1] = pts[np.argmin(diff)]
rect[3] = pts[np.argmax(diff)]
return rect
2.) Blender keeps vertices related data, such as the translation, rotation and scale in the world matrix. If you query for only, you just get the original coordinates, without translation, rotation and scaling. But that does not affect the order of vertices. That simplifies the problem because what you get is actually a 2D (with z's = 0) mesh data. If you sort that 2D data (excluding z's) you will get the information, the sort indices for the 3D sorted data. You can modify the code above to get the indices from that 2D array. For the plane object of Blender, for some reason the order is always [0,1,3,2], not [0,1,2,3]. The following modified code gives the sorted indices for the vertices data in 2D.
def sorted_ix_clockwise(pts):
#rect = zeros((4, 2), dtype="float32")
ix = array([0,0,0,0])
s = pts.sum(axis=1)
#rect[0] = pts[argmin(s)]
#rect[2] = pts[argmax(s)]
ix[0] = argmin(s)
ix[2] = argmax(s)
dif = diff(pts, axis=1)
#rect[1] = pts[argmin(dif)]
#rect[3] = pts[argmax(dif)]
ix[1] = argmin(dif)
ix[3] = argmax(dif)
return ix
You can use these indices to get the actual 3D sorted data, which you can obtain by multiplying vertices coordinates with the world matrix to include any translation, rotation and scaling.

Best way to rotate a 3D grid (nxnxn) of values in Python with interpolation?

If I have a nxnxn grid of values, say 32x32x32, and I want to rotate this cube grid of values by some rotation angle in either the x, y, or z axes, and interpolate missing values, what would be the best way to go about doing this without using any existing algorithms from packages (such as Scipy)?
I'm familiar with applying a 3D rotation matrix to a 3D grid of points when it's represented as a [n, 3] matrix, but I'm not sure how to go about applying a rotation when the representation is given in its 3D form as nxnxn.
I found a prior Stack Overflow post about this topic, but it uses three for loops for its approach, which doesn't really scale in terms of speed. Is there a more vectorized approach that can accomplish a similar task?
Thanks in advance!
One way I could think of would look like this:
reshape nxnxn matrix to an array containing n-dimensional points
apply rotation on this array
reshape array back to nxnxn
Here is some code:
import numpy as np
#just a way to create some nxnxn matrix
n = 4
a = np.arange(n)
b = np.array([a]*n)
mat = np.array([b]*n)
#creating an array containg n-dimensional points
flat_mat = mat.reshape((int(mat.size/n),n))
#just a random matrix we will use as a rotation
rot = np.eye(n) + 2
#apply the rotation on each n-dimensional point
result = np.array([ for x in flat_mat])
#return to original shape

Why does OpenCV decomposed homography translation matrix have three values?

In a nutshell...the translation matrix returned from decomposing a homography matrix is actually a 3X1 matrix (a vector really). Yet, every description of a translation matrix is a 3X2 matrix.
Here are the two images (IR camera), the position 1 image (approx camera cartesian coords x = 0mm, y=300mm):
This is the position 2 image (approx camera cartesian coords x = 680mm, y=0mm):
I used the following with +90 points to determine the homography matrix (M):
M, mask = cv2.findHomography(source_pts, destination_pts, cv2.RANSAC,5.0)
This process picked out a good number of keypoints:
If you apply this homography matrix to the original image -- it works perfectly:
im_out = cv2.warpPerspective(img1,M, (640,480) )
and the output of the difference between the point set:
np.mean(dst_pts-src_pts , axis = 0)
array([[-305.16345, -129.94157]], dtype=float32)
is fairly close to the dot product of the homography matrix for a single point....,[1,1,1])
array([-293.00352303, -132.93478376, 1.00009461])
I decomposed the homography matrix with the following command:
num, Rs, Ts,Ns = cv2.decomposeHomographyMat(M, camera_matrix)
This returns 4 solutions (num), a rotation matrix, a translation matrix, and Ns (cant remember what it is).
I'm interested in the translation matrix.
The translation matrix, lists the 4 solutions (Is this correct?):
Ts =
[array([[-0.60978834],[-0.26268874],[ 0.01638967]]),
array([[ 0.60978834], [ 0.26268874],[-0.01638967]]),
array([[-0.19035409],[-0.06628793],[ 0.63284046]]),
array([[ 0.19035409], [ 0.06628793],[-0.63284046]])]
Secondly, and most puzzling
is that each of the solutions has 3 values...
e.g., the first solution: [-0.6097, -0.2626, 0.01638967].
My understanding is that a translation matrix would have the form of :
Here is my reference
How do I get from the values returned from the decomposition matrix to the translation matrix in the form above?
**ie... how do I convert this:
[-0.6097, -0.2626, 0.01638967]
to this format:**
Thanks for your help.
Let's take your first translation vector:
np.array([-0.60978834, -0.26268874, 0.01638967])
To me it looks like those are your tx, ty and tz estimated translation component. Plus those quantities make sense when I look at the image with the green dots. So I guess that your translation matrix in homogeneous coordinates would be:
M = np.array([[1, 0, 0, -0.60978834], [0, 1, 0, -0.26268874], [0, 0, 1, 0.01638967]])
Or simply:
M = np.array([[1, 0, -0.60978834], [0, 1, -0.26268874]])
If you ignore the tz component. Isn't this what you're looking for ?

OpenGL Rotation from Velocity Vector

This should be easy, but I've been all over trying to find a simple explanation that I can grasp. I have an object that I'd like to represent in OpenGL as a cone. The object has x, y, z coordinates and a velocity vector vx, vy, and vz. The cone should point in the direction of the velocity vector.
So, I think my PyOpenGL code should look something like this:
glTranslate(x, y, z)
# do some sort of rotation here #
glutSolidCone(base, height, slices, stacks)
So, is that correct (so far)? What do I put in place of the "# do some sort of rotation here #" ?
In my world, the Z-axis points up (0, 0, 1) and, without any rotations, so does my cone.
Okay, Reto Koradi's answer seems to be the approach that I should take, but I'm not sure of some of the implementation details and my code is not working.
If I understand correctly, the rotation matrix should be a 4x4. Reto shows me how to get a 3x3, so I'm assuming that the 3x3 should be the upper-left corner of a 4x4 identity matrix. Here's my code:
import numpy as np
def normalize(v):
norm = np.linalg.norm(v)
if norm > 1.0e-8: # arbitrarily small
return v/norm
return v
def transform(v):
bz = normalize(v)
if (abs(v[2]) < abs(v[0])) and (abs(v[2]) < abs(v[1])):
by = normalize(np.array([v[1], -v[0], 0]))
by = normalize(np.array([v[2], 0, -v[0]]))
#~ by = normalize(np.array([0, v[2], -v[1]]))
bx = np.cross(by, bz)
R = np.array([[bx[0], by[0], bz[0], 0],
[bx[1], by[1], bz[1], 0],
[bx[2], by[2], bz[2], 0],
[0, 0, 0, 1]], dtype=np.float32)
return R
and here is the way it gets inserted into the rendering code:
glTranslate(x, y, z)
v = np.array([vx, vy, vz])
glutSolidCone(base, height, slices, stacks)
Unfortunately, this isn't working. My test case cones just do not point correctly and I can't identify the failure mode. Without the "glutMultMatrixf(transform(v)" line, the cones align along the z-axis, as expected.
It's working. Reto Koradi correctly identified that the rotation matrix needed to be transposed in order to match the column order of OpenGL. The code should look like this (before optimization):
def transform(v):
bz = normalize(v)
if (abs(v[2]) < abs(v[0])) and (abs(v[2]) < abs(v[1])):
by = normalize(np.array([v[1], -v[0], 0]))
by = normalize(np.array([v[2], 0, -v[0]]))
#~ by = normalize(np.array([0, v[2], -v[1]]))
bx = np.cross(by, bz)
R = np.array([[bx[0], by[0], bz[0], 0],
[bx[1], by[1], bz[1], 0],
[bx[2], by[2], bz[2], 0],
[0, 0, 0, 1]], dtype=np.float32)
return R.T
A helpful concept to remember here is that a linear transformation can also be interpreted as a change of coordinate systems. In other words, instead of picturing points being transformed within a coordinate system, you can just as well picture the points staying in place, but their coordinates being expressed in a new coordinate system. When looking at the matrix expressing the transformation, the base vectors of this new coordinate system are the column vectors of the matrix.
In the following, the base vectors of the new coordinate system are named bx, by and bz. Since the columns of a rotation matrix need to be orthonormal, bx, by and bz need to form an orthonormal set of vectors.
In this case, the original cone is oriented along the z-axis. Since you want the cone to be oriented along (vx, vy, vz) instead, we use this vector as the z-axis of our new coordinate system. Since we want an orthonormal coordinate system, the only thing left to do to obtain bz is to normalize this vector:
bz = normalize([vy])
Since the cone is rotationally symmetrical, it does not really matter how the remaining two base vectors are chosen, just as long as they are both orthogonal to bz, and orthogonal to each other. A simple way to find an arbitrary orthogonal vector to a given vector is to keep one coordinate 0, swap the other two coordinates, and change the sign of one of those two coordinates. Again, the vector needs to be normalized. Vectors we could choose with this approach include:
[ vy] [ vz] [ 0 ]
by = normalize([-vx]) by = normalize([ 0 ]) by = normalize([ vz])
[ 0 ] [-vx] [-vy]
The dot product of each of these vectors with (vx, vy, vz) is zero, which means that the vectors are orthogonal.
While the choice between these (or other variations) is mostly arbitrary, care must be taken to not end up with a degenerate vector. For example if vx and vy are both zero, using the first of these vector would be bad. To avoid choosing a (near) degenerate vector, a simple strategy is to use the first of these three vectors if vz is smaller than both vx and vy, and one of the other two otherwise.
With two new base vectors in place, the third is the cross product of the other two:
bx = by x bz
All that's left is to populate the rotation matrix with column vectors bx, by and bz, and the rotation matrix is complete:
[ bx.x by.x bz.x ]
R = [ bx.y by.y bz.y ]
[ bx.z by.z bz.z ]
If you need a 4x4 matrix, e.g. because you are using the legacy fixed function OpenGL pipeline, you can extend this to a 4x4 matrix:
[ bx.x by.x bz.x 0 ]
R = [ bx.y by.y bz.y 0 ]
[ bx.z by.z bz.z 0 ]
[ 0 0 0 1 ]

Python: Calculate the Gradient of a 3D grid

I have a cube of particles which I've projected onto a 2D grid, Projecting the particles onto the grid by a clouds in cells and weighting them by a scalar.
I would then like the gradient of the scalar at every grid point. In 2D I am doing this using np.gradient and I get two arrays with the gradient in the x and y directions:
gradx, grady = np.gradient(grid)
Does anyone have any idea how I can generalize this to 3 Dimensions? The Clouds in Cells in 3D is fine but I am then left with a grid with the shape (700, 700, 700).
As far as I can see np.gradient can't deal with this?
The Numpy documentation indicates that gradient works for any dimensions:
numpy.gradient(f, *varargs)
Return the gradient of an N-dimensional array.
The gradient is computed using central differences in the interior and
first differences at the boundaries. The returned gradient hence has
the same shape as the input array.
Parameters :
f: array_like. An N-dimensional array containing samples
of a scalar function.
*varargs: 0, 1, or N scalars specifying the sample distances in each direction, that is: dx, dy, dz, ... The default distance is 1.
Returns :
g: ndarray. N arrays of
the same shape as f giving the derivative of f with respect to each
Seems like you should be able to extend your 2-dimensional code to 3D like you would expect.

