NameError: name 'app' is not defined with Flask - python

I have the following structure in my project
\ myapp
\ app
And the following code:
from app import create_app
if __name__ == '__main__':
app = create_app(), host='', port=5001)
def index():
return "Hello World!"
from flask import Flask
def create_app():
app = Flask(__name__)
from app import views
return app
I'm trying to use the factory design pattern to create my app objects with different config files each time, and with a subdomain dispatcher be able to create and route different objects depending on the subdomain on the user request.
I'm following the Flask documentation where they talk about, all of this:
Application Context
Applitation Factories
Application with Blueprints
Application Dispatching
But I couldn't make it work, it seems that with my actual project structure there are no way to pass throw the app object to my and it throw and NameError
NameError: name 'app' is not defined

After do what Miguel suggest (use the Blueprint) everything works, that's the final code, working:
def create_app(cfg=None):
app = Flask(__name__)
from api.views import api
return app
from flask import current_app, Blueprint, jsonify
api = Blueprint('api', __name__)
def index():
# We can use "current_app" to have access to our "app" object
return "Hello World!"


flask server won't run if I named my application factory function other than "create_app"

My server will run if I name application factory function as create_app like this:
def create_app():
app = Flask(__name__)
def hello():
return 'Hello, World!'
return app
but naming it other than create_app, will throw an error Failed to find Flask application or factory
def foo_app():
app = Flask(__name__)
def hello():
return 'Hello, World!'
return app
changing the case will also throw the same error, like this:
def Create_app():
app = Flask(__name__)
def hello():
return 'Hello, World!'
return app
Is this behavior is normal? or is there something wrong in my setup?
this is my project layout:
| |
in the cmd,
...\projects\mainfoo>set FLASK_APP=packagefoo
...\projects\mainfoo>set FLASK_ENV=development
...\projects\mainfoo>flask run
I just follow this tutorial Project Layout & Application setup
From the flask documentation
$ export FLASK_APP=hello
$ flask run
While FLASK_APP supports a variety of options for specifying your
application, most use cases should be simple. Here are the typical
The name “app” or “wsgi” is imported (as a “.py” file, or
package), automatically detecting an app (app or application) or
factory (create_app or make_app).
The given name is imported, automatically detecting an
app (app or application) or factory (create_app or make_app).
You cannot customize this behavior, as its a specification in flask to follow.

Flask app doesn't recognize flask_restful resources

I'm trying to build an API with flask_restful, but I don't know how to connect classes that inherit from Resource, with the actual app.
I have the following structure
│ └───
│ └───
from flask_restful import Resource
from page import api
class HelloWorld(Resource):
def get(self):
return {"hello": "World"}
from flask import Flask
from flask_restful import Api
from page.config import Config1
api = Api()
def create_app(config_class=Config1):
app = Flask(__name__)
return app (outside of the page package):
from page import create_app
if __name__ == "__main__":
app = create_app()
import requests
BASE = ""
response = requests.get(BASE + "hello-world")
Obviously, making a request to "/hello-world" doesn't work. How can I "make Flask aware" of the resources, so that I get a valid response.
Probably there is a much clever way of doing this but for me, the solution would be to remove the decorator #api.resource decorator at page/api/ and make the following changes at page/
from flask import Flask
from page.config import Config1
def create_app(config_class=Config1):
app = Flask(__name__)
return app
I would also move the inside the page folder and rename it to according to Flask documentation. This should have your routes so change it to something like this:
from page import create_app
from page.api.resources import HelloWorld
from flask_restfull import api
app = create_app()
api = Api(app)
api.add_resource(HelloWorld, '/hello-world')
And to run it just type flask run inside the page folder.

How to use flask-caching in my structure of project

My code structure. I tried but kept getting error cannot import name 'caching'. I guess my method isn't correct as caching will not have app initiation when I import caching in external file.
from app import create_app
if __name__ == "__main__":
career_app = create_app(),
from flask import Flask
from flask_caching import Cache
caching = Cache(config={'CACHE_TYPE': 'simple'})
def create_app():
"""Create web app."""
app = Flask(__name__)
return app
from app import caching
v2_api.add_resource(UserConfigView, '/user/config',
It is a simple factory app setup
from flask_caching import Cache
cache = Cache()
def create_app():
app = Flask(__name__)
def register_extensions(app):
cache.init_app(app, config=settings.params.CACHE_CONFIG)

How to run Flask app by flask run with blueprint template

In a Python authorization app, in my main py I have the following code:
from flask import Blueprint, render_template
from flask_login import login_required, current_user
theapp = Blueprint('main', __name__)
def index():
return render_template('index.html')
When I try:
flask run
I get the following error:
Error: Could not locate a Flask application. You did not provide the "FLASK_APP" environment variable, and a "" or "" module was not found in the current directory.
Basically a Blueprint is a way for you to organize your flask application into smaller and reusable applications. I am not sure why you have used it here in the
You could do that some other file, for example, you have a set of endpoints to implement login functionality in a separate file then what you should be doing is:
Assume you have a .Sample Code looks like follows:
from flask import Blueprint
bp = Blueprint('login_bp', __name__)
def login_bp():
return bp
And the following code goes into you , you need to start the Flask Server using .run()
from flask import Flask
from flask import Blueprint, render_template
from login import login_bp #Assume you have a module login and I am importing login_bp from
theapp = Flask(__name__) #Creating Flask instance
theapp.register_blueprint(login_bp()) # Registering Blueprint here
def index():
return render_template('index.html')"", port=2019, debug=True) #Starting the Flask Server
Hope this works, please do look out for documents and code example to get deeper insights.

How do I properly declare subdomains in Flask using Blueprint?

I have been following the methods provided in this post:
Here is my relevant code:
from flask import Flask, render_template
app = Flask(__name__, static_url_path="", static_folder="static"
import myApp.views
from flask import Flask, render_template, request, Blueprint
from myApp import app
app.config['SERVER_NAME'] = ''
app.url_map.default_subdomain = "www"
def index():
return "This is index page."
test = Blueprint('test', 'test', subdomain='test')
def testindex():
return "This is test index page."
if __name__ == "__main__":
Using this method I am able to get subdomains 'test' and 'www' working, but now I am unable to access my website via IP address.
Any guidance into the right direction would be appreciated!

