Robust weighted random string generator - python

I have implemented the following class to generate either 'p' or 'q' based on a input frequency of 'p'. However, this implementation breaks if the frequency gets smaller than the size of the list used to store the options. Is there a way in which I can implement this to work for any value of p?
from random import random
class AlleleGenerator(object):
allele generator - will break if p < 0.001
def __init__(self, p):
"""construct class and creates list to select from"""
self.values = list()
for i in xrange(int(1000*p)):
while len(self.values) <= 1000:
def next(self):
"""Returns p or q based on allele frequency"""
rnd = int(random() * 1000)
return self.values[rnd]
def __call__(self):

Don't use self.values. In next, just generate a random number between 0 and 1, and return 'p' if the random number is less than p:
from random import random
class AlleleGenerator(object):
def __init__(self, p):
"""construct class and creates list to select from"""
self.p = p
def next(self):
"""Returns p or q based on allele frequency"""
return 'p' if random() < self.p else 'q'
def __call__(self):
Also, be careful not to use classes when a function suffices.
For example, you might consider using a generator function:
from random import random
def allele_generator(p):
while True:
yield 'p' if random() < p else 'q'
agen = allele_generator(0.001)
for i in range(3):


How to get python variable within class and method

I am currently creating my genetic algorithm and want to print the number of generations at the very end of the program when it finishes. However I am unsure how to access the counter variable that is the number of generations when it is outside of the class and method. So for example, at the end it would be like
Generation 100, average fit 18966, best fit 18947
Your best chromosone at generation 100
'\x06pzÂ\x8cYÆr¯n0q\x07l¿M8\x93Þ\x19\x87"\x01\x85\x1er\x89[F_VyER\x9b\x0bm=)\x9a\x9a¿¥\x10F\x12A\x84\x0fZ^\x14\x99\x8a4®\x9f¿*\\\xa0yi\x19E\x8aÇ+6(_<¾£cO~\x9c\x99\x932\x06\x0f\x82\x7f¤\x808xǸñA\x13\x0e<%\x06ÿ#í\x91Pô\x98 ®\r\x1b}\x89y¦\x0cqAK\tp\x95\x99ÔNj=Wn\x16\x94\x0cu!¯ñ\x13Qü[e8_ÂóU\x10\x1av_+%Q_¡ù\x87=\x08~ciÎ_Ï[\x8f#AëT\x14©qG\x89#Z«L\x9b¢\x94WL\x1dV¶R03\x84æ^ßr\x1fÃÈ\x1d\x8e Læª&®x\x94?TAÒD\x14£i\x82J\x15=w~\x03\x0c\xa0¾5\x02f5T\x91ol¢bIÞfk¬¡27W16(}6\x92\x87\n®xm0\x1a\n<8(à}ñ\x88̾\x17g\x9bj6\x8fI&\x12\x9aÂ\x9a_F\x1a\r[\x1dK\x15<.±DjcIy`98d>\x197Z\x91£%tIJ\x820\x93|\x07\x8dnÚ QÂ!Pf\x1d\nåòf\x91\x1d#S¾|\x9ff[d>O=T$ݶI\x9e»QÛÂ\x1d"¿U=û´F÷\x83C}wA\xa0É\x8aD\x93x»\x85\x7f\x14^\x0eL'
100 generations
How do I exactly access the 100 from the method in the class?
import random
class GeneticAlgorithm(object):
def __init__(self, genetics):
self.genetics = genetics
def run(self):
population = self.genetics.initial()
while True:
fits_pops = [(, ch) for ch in population]
if self.genetics.check_stop(fits_pops): break
population =
return population
def next(self, fits):
parents_generator = self.genetics.parents(fits)
size = len(fits)
nexts = []
while len(nexts) < size:
parents = next(parents_generator)
cross = random.random() < self.genetics.probability_crossover()
children = self.genetics.crossover(parents) if cross else parents
for ch in children:
mutate = random.random() < self.genetics.probability_mutation()
nexts.append(self.genetics.mutation(ch) if mutate else ch)
return nexts[0:size]
class GeneticFunctions(object):
def probability_crossover(self):
r"""returns rate of occur crossover(0.0-1.0)"""
return 1.0
def probability_mutation(self):
r"""returns rate of occur mutation(0.0-1.0)"""
return 0.0
def initial(self):
r"""returns list of initial population
return []
def fitness(self, chromosome):
r"""returns domain fitness value of chromosome
return len(chromosome)
def check_stop(self, fits_populations):
r"""stop run if returns True
- fits_populations: list of (fitness_value, chromosome)
return False
def parents(self, fits_populations):
r"""generator of selected parents
gen = iter(sorted(fits_populations))
while True:
f1, ch1 = next(gen)
f2, ch2 = next(gen)
yield (ch1, ch2)
def crossover(self, parents):
r"""breed children
return parents
def mutation(self, chromosome):
r"""mutate chromosome
return chromosome
if __name__ == "__main__":
example: Mapped guess prepared Text
class GuessText(GeneticFunctions):
def __init__(self, target_text,
limit=100, size=100,
prob_crossover=0.9, prob_mutation=0.2): = self.text2chromo(target_text)
self.counter = 0
self.limit = limit
self.size = size
self.prob_crossover = prob_crossover
self.prob_mutation = prob_mutation
# GeneticFunctions interface impls
def probability_crossover(self):
return self.prob_crossover
def probability_mutation(self):
return self.prob_mutation
def initial(self):
return [self.random_chromo() for j in range(self.size)]
def fitness(self, chromo):
# larger is better, matched == 0
return -sum(abs(c - t) for c, t in zip(chromo,
def check_stop(self, fits_populations):
self.counter += 1
if self.counter % 100 == 0:
best_match = list(sorted(fits_populations))[-1][1]
fits = [f for f, ch in fits_populations]
best = -(max(fits))
ave = -(sum(fits) / len(fits))
"Generation %3d, average fit %4d, best fit %4d" %
(self.counter, ave, best,
print("Your best chromosone at generation %3d" % self.counter)
print("%r" % self.chromo2text(best_match))
return self.counter >= self.limit
def parents(self, fits_populations):
while True:
father = self.tournament(fits_populations)
mother = self.tournament(fits_populations)
yield (father, mother)
def crossover(self, parents):
father, mother = parents
index1 = random.randint(1, len( - 2)
index2 = random.randint(1, len( - 2)
if index1 > index2: index1, index2 = index2, index1
child1 = father[:index1] + mother[index1:index2] + father[index2:]
child2 = mother[:index1] + father[index1:index2] + mother[index2:]
return (child1, child2)
def mutation(self, chromosome):
index = random.randint(0, len( - 1)
vary = random.randint(-5, 5)
mutated = list(chromosome)
mutated[index] += vary
return mutated
# internals
def tournament(self, fits_populations):
alicef, alice = self.select_random(fits_populations)
bobf, bob = self.select_random(fits_populations)
return alice if alicef > bobf else bob
def select_random(self, fits_populations):
return fits_populations[random.randint(0, len(fits_populations)-1)]
def text2chromo(self, text):
return [ord(ch) for ch in text]
def chromo2text(self, chromo):
return "".join(chr(max(1, min(ch, 255))) for ch in chromo)
def random_chromo(self):
return [random.randint(1, 255) for i in range(len(]
GeneticAlgorithm(GuessText("""The smartest and fastest Pixel yet.
Google Tensor: Our first custom-built processor.
The first processor designed by Google and made for Pixel, Tensor makes the new Pixel phones our most powerful yet.
The most advanced Pixel Camera ever.
Capture brilliant color and vivid detail with Pixels best-in-class computational photography and new pro-level lenses.""")).run()
print("%3d " 'generations' % counter)
Define the GuessText first. Then access the counter.
gt = GuessText("""The smartest and fastest Pixel yet.
Google Tensor: Our first custom-built processor.
The first processor designed by Google and made for Pixel, Tensor makes the new Pixel phones our most powerful yet.
The most advanced Pixel Camera ever.
Capture brilliant color and vivid detail with Pixels best-in-class computational photography and new pro-level lenses.""")
print("%3d " 'generations' % gt.counter)

Why is this returning a pop index out of range error?

So I'm trying to simulate the NBA lottery and when I create an array of teams and attempt to assign each team its combinations within a for loop, I get a pop index out of bounds error in this line:
However, if I simply assign one team item its combinations, no error occurs. The error occurs when I try to assign its combinations iteratively.
from Team import *
from LotteryMachine import *
"""Main class"""
lotteryMachine = LotteryMachine()
"""Initialize Teams"""
teams = [Team('Lakers', '81-0',1),Team('Wizards', '81-0',2)]
for team in teams:
Team class:
class Team():
combination_dict={1:250, 2:199, 3:156, 4:119, 5:88, 6:63, 7:43, 8:28, 9:17, 10:11, 11:8, 12:7, 13: 6, 14:5}
def __init__(self, name, record, standing):
self.record = record
self.standing = standing
self.numCombinations= Team.combination_dict[self.standing]
def __str__(self):
Lottery Machine Class:
from random import *
class LotteryMachine():
def __init__(self):
self.combinations = list(self.createCombinations([x for x in range(1,15)],4))
self.copyCombinations = self.combinations
def combination(self,n,k):
return int(self.factorial(n)/(self.factorial(k)*self.factorial(n-k)))
def factorial(self,n):
assert n>=0
if n==0 or n==1:
return 1
return n*self.factorial(n-1)
def createCombinations(self,elements,length):
for i in range(len(elements)):
if length==1:
yield [elements[i],]
for next in self.createCombinations(elements[i+1:len(elements)],length-1):
yield [elements[i],]+next
def deleteRandom(self):
def assignCombinations(self,length):
for x in range(length):
return combos
#error occurs in above line
def drawCombinations(self):
for x in range(3):
combos.append(self.copyCombinations.pop(randint(0, len(self.copyCombinations))))
return combos
def __str__(self):
return "NBA Lottery Machine"
The randint function returns a random integer from a range up to and including the upper bound. If you want it to generate random indexes into a list, you probably want randrange instead, which selects from a half-open interval (including the lower bound, but excluding the upper bound).

Parallel random distribution

I have two iterators in python and both should follow the same "random" distribution (both should run in parallel). For instance:
class Iter1(object):
def __iter__(self):
for i in random_generator():
yield i
class Iter2(object):
def __iter__(self):
for i in random_generator():
yield i
for el1, el2 in zip(Iter1(), Iter2()):
print '{} {}'.format(el1, el2)
output should be somethig like:
0.53534 0.53534
0.12312 0.12312
0.19238 0.19238
How can I define random_generator() in a way that it creates the same random distributions in parallel for both iterators.
They should run in parallel
I can't generate the sequence in advance (it is a streaming, so I don't know the size of the sequence)
Specify the same seed to each call of random_generator:
import random
def random_generator(l, seed=None):
r = random.Random(seed)
for i in range(l):
yield r.random()
class Iter1(object):
def __init__(self, seed):
self.seed = seed
def __iter__(self):
for i in random_generator(10, self.seed):
yield i
class Iter2(object):
def __init__(self, seed):
self.seed = seed
def __iter__(self):
for i in random_generator(10, self.seed):
yield i
# The seed can be any hashable object, but don't use None; that
# tells random.seed() to use the current time. But make sure that
# Python itself isn't using hash randomization.
common_seed = object()
for el1, el2 in zip(Iter1(common_seed), Iter2(common_seed)):
print '{} {}'.format(el1, el2)
There is no way to control the random generation number in this way. If you want to do that you should create your own random function. But as another pythonic and simpler way you can just create one object and use itertools.tee in order to copy your iterator object to having the same result for your random sequences:
In [28]: class Iter1(object):
def __init__(self, number):
self.number = number
def __iter__(self):
for _ in range(self.number):
yield random.random()
In [29]:
In [29]: num = Iter1(5)
In [30]: from itertools import tee
In [31]: num, num2 = tee(num)
In [32]: list(zip(num, num2))
[(0.485400998727448, 0.485400998727448),
(0.8801649381536764, 0.8801649381536764),
(0.9684025615967844, 0.9684025615967844),
(0.9980073706742334, 0.9980073706742334),
(0.1963579685642387, 0.1963579685642387)]

Most object oriented way of solving this in python?

I've been told to write a simple program that generates coupon codes, which should offer more than two algorithms (any two) and that the algorithm and the number of codes generated should be read from a config file. Also I've been told that the solution would involve using a known design pattern and that I should look for what pattern is.
I've come up with two solutions for this, but I don't think I've found a proper OOP design pattern that fits for the problem, since objects are data with methods that operate over that data, and in this problem there is little data to operate over, it's more a function (functional?) problem to my naive eyes. Here are the two, one is basically executing the proper static method for the algorithm in the config file and the other returns a reference to a function. Both generate the numbers and print them to the screen.
First method:
class CouponGenerator:
SEQUENTIAL_NUMBERS = "sequentialNumbers"
FIBONACCI_NUMBERS = "fibonacciNumbers"
ALPHANUMERIC_SEQUENCE = "alphanumericSequence"
quantity = 0
algorithm = ""
def __init__(self, quantity, algorithm):
self.quantity = quantity
self.algorithm = algorithm
def generateCouponList(self):
numbers = list()
if self.algorithm == self.SEQUENTIAL_NUMBERS:
numbers = CouponGenerator.generateSequentialNumbers(self.quantity)
elif self.algorithm == self.FIBONACCI_NUMBERS:
numbers = CouponGenerator.generateFibonacciSequence(self.quantity)
for number in numbers:
print number
def getCouponGenerator(configFile):
cfile = open(configFile)
config =
jsonconfig = json.loads(config)
cg = CouponGenerator(jsonconfig['quantity'], jsonconfig['algorithm'])
return cg
def generateSequentialNumbers(quantity):
numbers = list()
for n in range(1, quantity+1):
zeroes = 6-len(str(n))
return numbers
def generateFibonacciSequence(quantity):
def fib(n):
a, b = 0, 1
for _ in xrange(n):
a, b = b, a + b
return a
numbers = list()
for n in range(1, quantity+1):
number = fib(n)
zeros = 6-len(str(number))
return numbers
if __name__ == "__main__":
generator = CouponGenerator.getCouponGenerator("config")
Second solution:
class CouponGenerator:
def getCouponGenerator(algorithm):
def generateSequentialNumbers(quantity):
numbers = list()
for n in range(1, quantity+1):
zeroes = 6-len(str(n))
return numbers
def generateFibonacciSequence(quantity):
def fib(n):
a, b = 0, 1
for _ in xrange(n):
a, b = b, a + b
return a
numbers = list()
for n in range(1, quantity+1):
number = fib(n)
zeros = 6-len(str(number))
return numbers
generators = {"sequentialNumbers": generateSequentialNumbers,
"fibonacciNumbers": generateFibonacciSequence}
return generators[algorithm]
class CouponGeneratorApp:
configFile = "config"
def __init__(self):
cfile = open(self.configFile)
config =
self.jsonconfig = json.loads(config)
def generateCouponCodes(self):
generator = CouponGenerator.getCouponGenerator(self.jsonconfig["algorithm"])
numbers = generator(self.jsonconfig["quantity"])
for n in numbers:
print n
if __name__ == "__main__":
app = CouponGeneratorApp()
If you want to make it a little more object oriented I suggest you use some kind of strategy pattern, that means, use a class per generation algorithm (which should have a common interface) and specify that CouponGenrator use an object which implements this interface to do whatever it has to do. This is theory and making interface and everything in your case might be a little to much.
you could try something like :
class SequentialGenerator(Object):
def implementation():
class FibonacciGenerator(Object):
def implementation():
class CouponGenerator(Object):
def set_generator(generator):
# set self.generator to either an instance
# of FibonacciGenerator or SequentialGenerator
def generate_coupon_code():
# at some point calls self.generator.implementation()

Creating Vectors with Python

I'm creating a vector class that has one parameter being the length of a vector. The length is automatically 0 if none is entered by user. If a vector is given a length, however, each number will be set to 0. For example: v(5) would be [0,0,0,0,0] and v() would be [].
This is the code i have thus far, but it's not quite working. Any advice?
class V:
def __init__(self, length = 0):
self.vector = [0]*length
def __str__(self):
def __len__(self):
return len(self.vector)
Then i plug in a = V() b = V(5) and when i print(a) and print(b) i get an TypeError. Any advice?
I'd probably cheat and go for sub-classing list:
class V(list):
def __init__(self, length=0):
super(V, self).__init__([0] * length)
This way you get the length, repr and other goodies for free.
class V:
def __init__(self, length = 0): = [0]*length
def __str__(self):
return '[{}]'.format(', '.join(str(d) for d in
def __len__(self):
return len(

