I'm trying to generate a custom HTML and I have a value I want to pass into xml.startElement (or root if you're thinking in generic terms). How do I go about doing this?
I'm currently using django rest framework a class view and a custom renderer -
This is the beginning of the renderer -
class TESTRenderer(renderers.BaseRenderer):
media_type = 'application/xml'
format = 'xml'
charset = 'utf-8'
def render(self, data, accepted_media_type=None, renderer_context=None):
Renders *obj* into serialized XML.
if data is None:
return ''
stream = StringIO()
xml = SimplerXMLGenerator(stream, self.charset)
xml.startElement(header.data, {})
So as you can see I'm trying to pass a variable called header into the xml.startElement
Here's the view where that data lies -
class TestDetail(APIView):
permission_classes = (AllowAny,)
Retrieve, update or delete a snippet instance.
def get(self, request, pk, format=None):
jobmst_name = queryset1
nodmst_alias = queryset2
sysval_integer = queryset3
mst = queryset4
dtl = queryset5
dep = queryset6
trg = queryset7
name = str(jobmst_name)
master = str(nodmst_alias)
dbversion = str(sysval_integer)
header = 'job id="%s" name="%s" master="%s" dbversion="%s" xmlversion="1"' % (pk, name, master, dbversion)
jobmststring = JobmstSerializer(mst)
jobdtlstring = JobdtlSerializer(dtl)
jobdepstring = JobdepSerializer(dep, many=True)
trgjobstring = TrgjobSerializer(trg, many=True)
jobmst_serialized = {'jobmst': jobmststring.data}
jobdtl_serialized = {'jobdtl': jobdtlstring.data}
jobdep_serialized = [{'jobdep':item} for item in jobdepstring.data]
trgjob_serialized = [{'trgjob':item} for item in trgjobstring.data]
jobgroup = header, jobmst_serialized, jobdtl_serialized, jobdep_serialized, trgjob_serialized
return TestResponse(jobgroup)
The response it's using is here -
class TestResponse(HttpResponse):
An HttpResponse that renders its content into XML.
def __init__(self, data, **kwargs):
content = TESTRenderer().render(data)
kwargs['content_type'] = 'application/xml'
super(TestResponse, self).__init__(content, **kwargs)
Is there something I'm missing with the TestDetail where I should separate the header from the data?
maybe like this?
return TestResponse (header, jobgroup)
and then alter TestResponse to include?
def __init__(self, header, data, **kwargs):
I don't know python/django. but it seems the "Value" you are talking about are actually attributes you want to assign to the element node. I posted the same on your /r/django thread about this.
I have a class-based view:
class Create(View):
note_id = None
http_method_names = ['post', 'patch']
default_title = "You fool! This was left empty"
default_body = "Why did you leave this blank :("
def dispatch(self, *args, **kwargs):
method = self.request.POST.get('_method', '').lower()
print('method = ', method)
if method == 'patch':
return self.patch(*args, **kwargs)
elif method == 'post':
self.post(*args, **kwargs)
return super(Create, self).dispatch(*args, **kwargs)
def post(self, note_id):
date = datetime.date.today()
title = self.request.POST.get('title', '')
body = self.request.POST.get('note', '')
# check for blank attributes
if title == "":
title = Create.default_title
if body == "":
body = Create.default_body
note = Note(note_title=title, note_body=body, publish_date=date, edit_date=None)
return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('notes:note'))
def patch(self, note_id):
note = Note.objects.get(id=note_id)
title = self.request.POST.get('title', '')
body = self.request.POST.get('note', '')
# if something changed
if title != note.note_title or body != note.note_body:
# check for blank attributes
if title == "":
title = Create.default_title
if body == "":
body = Create.default_body
note.note_title = title
note.note_body = body
note.edit_date = datetime.date.today()
return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('notes:note'))
and in url.py I have
urlpatterns = [
path('<int:note_id>/create/', views.Create.as_view(), name='create'),
path('<int:note_id>/edit/', views.Create.as_view(), name='edit')
Previously, with function-based views the note_id would just be passed to the function automatically. I can not figure out the equivalent of this in class based views. I've tried explictiely passing note_id to each function, but that did not work. I tried included Create.as_view(note_id=note_id) in my url.py, but to no avail.
Currently, running this code I get:
post() got multiple values for argument 'note_id'
As mentioned in the comment above, you need to access these values through self.kwargs. e.g:
class Create(View):
note_id = None # Delete this line
# delete the dispatch method - no need to overwrite this.
# Don't include note_id as an argument, but request should be an argument
def post(self, request):
note_id = self.kwargs['note_id']
def put(self, request): # Likewise here
note_id = self.kwargs['note_id']
It doesn't look like you need to write a custom dispatch method. If all you are doing is calling the appropriate method, then the dispatch method that comes for free with View is just fine :)
I want to export my changelist (fields in list_display) as csv. I used the code from https://books.agiliq.com/projects/django-admin-cookbook/en/latest/export.html But it creates csv for the model fields. But in my case, I want to export changelist as csv, not the model fields.
Also, note that most of the fields in changelist(list_display) are calculated fields in Admin.
This is my code
class ExportCsvMixin:
def export_as_csv(self, request, queryset):
meta = queryset.model._meta
field_names = [field.name for field in meta.fields]
response = HttpResponse(content_type='text/csv')
response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename={}.csv'.format(meta)
writer = csv.writer(response)
for obj in queryset:
row = writer.writerow([getattr(obj, field) for field in field_names])
return response
export_as_csv.short_description = "Export Selected"
class MyAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin, ExportCsvMixin):
list_display = ('field1',
list_filter = ('field2')
actions = ["export_as_csv"]
def field1(self, obj):
<return logic here>
def field2(self, obj):
<return logic here>
field1 and field2 are calculated fields, and not model fields.
My model is a proxy model. But I don't think it would any difference in this case.
I want the csv to contain data for field1 and field2only, as they are in my changelist.
May be the trick would be to somehow point the queryset to that of changelist. but how do that ? Or if someone can suggest some other solution or even api to achieve this goal?
I had the same issue and I managed to hack it this way.
I looked into the ModelAdmin base class and I found the function responsible for handling actions methods, it's called response_action, I looked into it and changed the queryset it return what I need.
Let say you have a query set that return 'field1' and 'field2'.
Here is how I edited the function to return a custom queryset:
def response_action(self, request, queryset):
Handle an admin action. This is called if a request is POSTed to the
changelist; it returns an HttpResponse if the action was handled, and
None otherwise.
# There can be multiple action forms on the page (at the top
# and bottom of the change list, for example). Get the action
# whose button was pushed.
action_index = int(request.POST.get('index', 0))
except ValueError:
action_index = 0
# Construct the action form.
data = request.POST.copy()
data.pop(admin.helpers.ACTION_CHECKBOX_NAME, None)
data.pop("index", None)
# Use the action whose button was pushed
data.update({'action': data.getlist('action')[action_index]})
except IndexError:
# If we didn't get an action from the chosen form that's invalid
# POST data, so by deleting action it'll fail the validation check
# below. So no need to do anything here
action_form = self.action_form(data, auto_id=None)
action_form.fields['action'].choices = self.get_action_choices(request)
# If the form's valid we can handle the action.
if action_form.is_valid():
action = action_form.cleaned_data['action']
select_across = action_form.cleaned_data['select_across']
func = self.get_actions(request)[action][0]
# Get the list of selected PKs. If nothing's selected, we can't
# perform an action on it, so bail. Except we want to perform
# the action explicitly on all objects.
selected = request.POST.getlist(admin.helpers.ACTION_CHECKBOX_NAME)
if not selected and not select_across:
# Reminder that something needs to be selected or nothing will
# happen
msg = _("Items must be selected in order to perform "
"actions on them. No items have been changed.")
self.message_user(request, msg, messages.WARNING)
return None
if not select_across:
##### change this line with your queryset that return field one and two
queryset = 'your_queryset_with_field'
response = func(self, request, queryset)
# Actions may return an HttpResponse-like object, which will be
# used as the response from the POST. If not, we'll be a good
# little HTTP citizen and redirect back to the changelist page.
if isinstance(response, HttpResponseBase):
return response
return HttpResponseRedirect(request.get_full_path())
msg = _("No action selected.")
self.message_user(request, msg, messages.WARNING)
return None
Check in this function the part I command with #####
redefine that function in the class that inherits from the model admin class
The function returns a custom queryset , now you can edit your export_as_csv_function according to that.
def export_as_csv(self, request, queryset):
field_names = ["field_one", "field_two"]
response = HttpResponse(content_type='text/csv')
response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename={}.csv'.format(
writer = csv.writer(response)
for obj in queryset:
writer.writerow([obj.get(field) for field in field_names])
return response
That it and you can go and download your CSV with the customs field.
I hope it's not too late and this helps other folks with the same issue.
class Biochemical_analysis_of_blood(CreateView):
model = BiochemicalAnalysisOfBlood
form_class = BiochemicalAnalysisOfBloodForm
template_name = "biochemical_analysis_of_blood.html"
success_url = reverse_lazy("patients")
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
context = super(Biochemical_analysis_of_blood, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
patient = Patient.objects.get(id=1)
context["patient"] = patient
return context
def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
analysis = Analyzes()
sid = transaction.savepoint()
analysis.name = request.POST["name"]
analysis.patient_id = Patient.objects.get(id=1)
analysis.who_send = request.POST["who_send"]
analysis.who_is_doctor = request.POST["who_is_doctor"]
analysis.lab_user_id = Doctor.objects.get(id=request.POST["lab_user_id"])
analysis.additional_lab_user = request.POST["lab_user_add"]
analysis.date = '2017-06-18'
analysis.type = 3
analysis.date_analysis = '2017-06-18'
return super(Biochemical_analysis_of_blood, self).post(request, *args, **kwargs)
I have next algorithm:
Render BiochemicalAnalysisOfBloodForm to the user
When he fills fields and presses button "save" I create a new instance of Analyzes() and fill it programmatically and when in the post method I call super().post() then users data will be written to the model BiochemicalAnalysisOfBlood automatically? But I have next error:
NOT NULL constraint failed:
How can I in hand mode add to the model to the field "analysis" the early created instance of Analyzes()? I don't understand this class to the end where I can find information about all it's opportunities
The main part of your algorithm should reside in your form, because you want to pass the analysis_id to the instance being saved
class BiochemicalAnalysisOfBloodForm(ModelForm):
def save(self, commit=True):
analysis = Analyzes()
sid = transaction.savepoint()
analysis.name = self.data["name"]
analysis.patient_id = Patient.objects.get(id=1)
analysis.who_send = self.data["who_send"]
analysis.who_is_doctor = self.data["who_is_doctor"]
analysis.lab_user_id = Doctor.objects.get(id=self.data["lab_user_id"])
analysis.additional_lab_user = self.data["lab_user_add"]
analysis.date = '2017-06-18'
analysis.type = 3
analysis.date_analysis = '2017-06-18'
# Your analysis is created, attach it to the form instance object
self.instance.analysis_id = analysis.id
return super().save(commit)
Before doing the super().post you can modify the request.POST data to include your analysis id:
request.POST['analysis_id'] = analysis.id
that might help.
Also note that if the form validation fails in super().post, you will still have created an Analysis object which might not be useful. You could use override the form_invalid method of the CreateView to handle this.
Im using django 1.10 + Apache in Linux.
I've created a small webapp to upload documents (with dropzone.js) and want to implement the ability for a user to specify who can view/modify/delete a specific file but i can't figure out a way how. I attempted using a ManyToManyField but maybe im not understading the Field itself correctly.
The "Document" model is this:
class Document(models.Model):
file = models.FileField(upload_to = 'files/')
uploaded_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add = True)
extension = models.CharField(max_length = 30, blank = True)
thumbnail = models.ImageField(blank = True, null = True)
is_public = models.BooleanField(default = False)
accesible_by = models.ManyToManyField(User) #This is my attempt at doing this task.
def clean(self):
self.extension = self.file.name.split('/')[-1].split('.')[-1]
if self.extension == 'xlsx' or self.extension == 'xls':
self.thumbnail = 'xlsx.png'
elif self.extension == 'pptx' or self.extension == 'ppt':
self.thumbnail = 'pptx.png'
elif self.extension == 'docx' or self.extension == 'doc':
self.thumbnail = 'docx.png'
def delete(self, *args, **kwargs):
#delete file from /media/files
self.file.delete(save = False)
#call parent delete method.
super().delete(*args, **kwargs)
#Redirect to file list page.
def get_absolute_url(self):
return reverse('dashby-files:files')
def __str__(self):
return self.file.name.split('/')[-1]
class Meta():
ordering = ['-uploaded_at']
My View to handle the creation of documents:
class DocumentCreate(CreateView):
model = Document
fields = ['file', 'is_public']
def form_valid(self, form):
self.object = form.save(commit = False)
## I guess here i would Add the (self.request.user) to the accesible_by Field.
data = {'status': 'success'}
response = JSONResponse(data, mimetype =
return response
Thanks in advance to anyone for any ideas or suggestions...
You have a model and a view that hopefully works for adding new documents, you still have a number of steps to go.
You'll need a place to assign users that can view/modify/delete your files. If you need to store access levels (view/delete...), your accessible_by will not suffice and you'll do well with a through table to add more information like access level.
You need to write views for various actions like view, delete... that users will request and here you ensure users have the right privileges. An implementation would be to get the request.user and the document id, look up if the user has the permission for what she's doing, return an http unauthorized exception or allow the action to proceed.
Edit: My question is about how can I assign user-permissions to each
individual file
If we're keeping this to access control from the django level, using the document model you already have, and you've taken some steps and for every document, you can assign users (accessible_by). Something like this can get you started:
from django.core.exceptions import PermissionDenied
def view_document(request, doc_pk):
doc = get_object_or_404(Document, pk=doc_pk)
if not doc.accessible_by.filter(username=request.user.username):
raise PermissionDenied
#perform rest of action
Or do you mean to use the permissions framework itself?
I would much appreciate some help on rendering a JSON object on client-side from a Google App Engine entity.
Here is all of my relevant code:
def render_str(template, **params):
t = jinja_env.get_template(template)
return t.render(params)
class BlogHandler(webapp2.RequestHandler):
def write(self, *a, **kw):
self.response.out.write(*a, **kw)
def render_str(self, template, **params):
params['user'] = self.user
return render_str(template, **params)
def render(self, template, **kw):
self.write(self.render_str(template, **kw))
class Post(ndb.Model):
subject = ndb.TextProperty(required = True)
created = ndb.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add = True)
startdate = ndb.DateTimeProperty()
enddate = ndb.DateTimeProperty()
class PostPage(BlogHandler):
def get(self, post_id):
key = ndb.Key('Post', int(post_id), parent=blog_key())
post = key.get()
postdict = post.to_dict()
postdict['startdate'] = postdict['startdate'].isoformat()
self.render("permalink.html", postdict = postdict)
In my script tag on the template page, I include
var jsonobject = JSON.parse({{ postdict['startdate']}});
var jsonobject1 = new Date(jsonobject);
Am I on the right track here? I would like to ultimately use the datetime object on the client-side for some Jquery functions.
Any help in pointing me in the right direction would be much appreciated.
There are a number of problems with your code. First of all, once you convert post to a dictionary postdict, you can't reference the elements with the dot notation. You have to use a dictionary reference postdict['startdate'] to reference the startdate element.
Next, I use the isoformat() function when storing a date in JSON format:
postdict['startdate'] = postdict['startdate'].isoformat()
This makes it easier to convert to a Javascript Date object:
var jsonobject = JSON.parse({{ postdict.jsonobject}});
jsonobject[0].y = new Date(jsonobject[0].y);