Celery not running with flask application - python

I'm using celery in my flask application but celery(3.1.8).This is my configuration with the flask application
from __future__ import absolute_import
from celery import Celery
from cuewords.settings import CELERY_BROKER_URL,CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND
app = Celery('proj',
if __name__ == '__main__':
class Webcontent(Resource):
def post(self,session=session):
args = self.parser.parse_args()
site_url = args["url"]
if site_url.strip() != "" and not url_present:
#add data and commit
return "No data created / data already present"
And in my model i'm adding a method to task
from cuewords.celery import app
class Websitecontent(Base):
def update_url(self,id,session):
...code goes here..
And this how i run the celery from command prompt
celery -A cuewords.celery worker
And i also using flower to monitor the task i can see a worker running but i couldn't see any task its empty .Any idea what im missing or doing wrong ..

The problem is that your tasks never get imported into the Python runtime when running the worker(s). The celery command is your entry point. And you're telling Celery to import your cuewords.celery module because thats where you're app instance resides. However, this is where the chain of events ends and no further Python code is imported.
Now, the most common mistake is to import the tasks into the same module as the Celery app instance. Unfortunately this will result in two modules trying to import things from each other and will result in a circular import error. This is no good.
To get around this one could import the task functions into the Celery app module and register them without using the decorator style. For example:
from celery import Celery
from models import my_task
app = Celery()
This would remove the need to import the app instance in your model module.
However, you're using method tasks. Method tasks need to be treated differently than function tasks as noted here: http://docs.celeryproject.org/en/latest/reference/celery.contrib.methods.html. Method tasks are different from function tasks, because they are associated with an instance of an object. In other words, the function is a class function. So to use the previous style of registering tasks, you'd need an instance of the class first. To get around this you should consider making your tasks functions instead of methods.


Celery Flower - tasks not shown when I define tasks by custom task classes

now I'm using celery and flower for async jobs.
when I define tasks.py like this:
import os
import time
from celery import Celery, Task
celery = Celery(__name__)
celery.conf.broker_url = os.environ.get("CELERY_BROKER_URL", "redis://localhost:6379")
celery.conf.result_backend = os.environ.get("CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND", "redis://localhost:6379")
def create_task(task_type):
time.sleep(int(task_type) * 10)
return True
the executed tasks are shown on ${flower host}/tasks, but
when I define create_task() like this, executed tasks aren't shown on ${flower host}/tasks.
class MyTask(Task):
def run(self, task_type):
time.sleep(int(task_type) * 10)
return True
create_task = celery.register_task(MyTask())
both of them are executed tasks successfully, and I can see the number of executed task from here:
and as I can see from the documentation, the definition of tasks are fine.
what's the difference?
I found a reason,
when I execute a task, I need to specify the name of args (in this case, task_type) explicitly.
task = create_task.delay(task_type=int(task_type))
sorry for my TED Talk.

Function running in background all the time (and startup itself) in Django app

I create simple Django app. Inside this app I have single checkbox. I save this checkbox state to database if it's checked in database I have True value if checkbox is uncecked I have False value. There is no problem with this part. Now I created function that prints for me every 10 second all the time this checkbox state value from database.
Function I put into views.py file and it looks like:
def get_value():
while True:
value_change = TurnOnOff.objects.first()
if value_change.turnOnOff:
The point is that function should work all the time. For example If I in models.py code checkbox = models.BooleanField(default=False) after I run command python manage.py runserver it should give me output like:
Performing system checks...
System check identified no issues (0 silenced).
January 04, 2019 - 09:19:47
Django version 2.1.3, using settings 'CMS.settings'
Starting development server at
Quit the server with CTRL-BREAK.
then if I visit website and change state is should print false this is obvious. But as you notice problem is how start this method. It should work all the time even if I don't visit the website yet. And this part confuse me. How to do this properly ?
I need to admit that I tried some solutions
put this function at the end of manage.py file,
put this function into def ready(self),
create middleware class and put method here (example code below).
But this solutions doesn't work.
middleware class :
class SimpleMiddleware:
def __init__(self, get_response):
self.get_response = get_response
You can achieve this by using the AppConfig.ready() hook and combining it with a sub-process/thread.
Here is an example apps.py file (based on the tutorial Polls app):
import time
from multiprocessing import Process
from django.apps import AppConfig
from django import db
class TurnOnOffMonitor(Process):
def __init__(self):
self.daemon = True
def run(self):
# This import needs to be delayed. It needs to happen after apps are
# loaded so we put it into the method here (it won't work as top-level
# import)
from .models import TurnOnOff
# Because this is a subprocess, we must ensure that we get new
# connections dedicated to this process to avoid interfering with the
# main connections. Closing any existing connection *should* ensure
# this.
# We can do an endless loop here because we flagged the process as
# being a "daemon". This ensures it will exit when the parent exists
while True:
value_change = TurnOnOff.objects.first()
if value_change.turnOnOff:
class PollsConfig(AppConfig):
name = 'polls'
def ready(self):
monitor = TurnOnOffMonitor()
Celery is the thing that best suits your needs from what you've described.
Celery is an asynchronous task queue/job queue based on distributed message passing. It is focused on real-time operation, but supports scheduling as well.
The execution units, called tasks, are executed concurrently on a single or more worker servers using multiprocessing, Eventlet, or gevent. Tasks can execute asynchronously (in the background) or synchronously (wait until ready).
You need to create task, run it periodically, call if you want to manually trigger is (in some view/controller).
NOTE: do not use time.sleep(10)

Running a simple period task with celery

I can't seem to figure out how to get this working. I want to run a function every ten seconds
from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals, print_function
from celery import Celery
import app as x # the library which hold the func i want to task
app = Celery(
app.conf.timezone = 'UTC'
def shed_task():
def setup_periodic_tasks(sender, **kwargs):
# Calls say('hello') every 10 seconds.
sender.add_periodic_task(10.0, shed_task.s(), name='add every 10')
if __name__ == '__main__':
Then when I run the script it just shows me a bunch of commands I can use with celery. How can I get this running ? Do I have to run it in command line or something ?
Additionally when I get it running will I be able to see a list of complete tasks along with any errors ?
You can do it simply with python threading module like below
import time, threading
def foo():
threading.Timer(10, foo).start()

Multiprocessing apply_async() not working on Ubuntu

I am running this code as a CherryPy Web Service both on Mac OS X and Ubuntu 14.04. By using multiprocessing on python3 I want to start the static method worker() in an asynchronous way, within a Process Pool.
The same code runs flawlessly on Mac OS X, in Ubuntu 14.04 worker() does not run. I.e. by debugging the code inside the POST method I am able to see that each line is executed - from
reqid = str(uuid.uuid4())
return handle_error(202, "Request ID: " + reqid)
Starting the same code in Ubuntu 14.04, it does not run the worker() method, not even a print() at the top of the method (which would be logged).
Here's the relevant code (I only omitted the handle_error() method):
import cherrypy
import json
from lib import get_parameters, handle_error
from multiprocessing import Pool
import os
from pymatbridge import Matlab
import requests
import shutil
import uuid
from xml.etree import ElementTree
class Schedule(object):
exposed = True
def __init__(self, mlab_path, pool):
self.mlab_path = mlab_path
self.pool = pool
def POST(self, *paths, **params):
if validate(cherrypy.request.headers):
reqid = str(uuid.uuid4())
path = os.path.join("results", reqid)
wargs = [(self.mlab_path, reqid)]
self.pool.apply_async(Schedule.worker, wargs)
return handle_error(202, "Request ID: " + reqid)
return handle_error(500, "Internal Server Error")
return handle_error(401, "Unauthorized")
#### this is not executed ####
def worker(args):
mlab_path, reqid = args
mlab = Matlab(executable=mlab_path)
mlab.run_code("cd mlab")
a = mlab.get_variable("a")
return reqid
# to start the Web Service
if __name__ == "__main__":
# start Web Service with some configuration
global_conf = {
"global": {
"server.environment": "production",
"engine.autoreload.on": True,
"engine.autoreload.frequency": 5,
"server.socket_host": "",
"log.screen": False,
"log.access_file": "site.log",
"log.error_file": "site.log",
"server.socket_port": 8084
conf = {
"/": {
"request.dispatch": cherrypy.dispatch.MethodDispatcher(),
"tools.encode.debug": True,
"request.show_tracebacks": False
pool = Pool(3)
cherrypy.tree.mount(Schedule('matlab', pool), "/sched", conf)
# activate signal handler
if hasattr(cherrypy.engine, "signal_handler"):
# start serving pages
Your logic is hiding the problem from you. The apply_async method returns an AsyncResult object which acts as a handler to the asynchronous task you just scheduled. As you ignore the outcome of the scheduled task, the whole thing looks like "failing silently".
If you try to get the results from that task, you'd see the real problem.
handler = self.pool.apply_async(Schedule.worker, wargs)
... traceback here ...
cPickle.PicklingError: Can't pickle <type 'function'>: attribute lookup __builtin__.function failed
In short, you must ensure the arguments you pass to the Pool are Picklable.
Instance and class methods are Picklable if the object/class they belong to is picklable as well. Static methods are not picklable because they loose the association with the object itself, therefore the pickle library cannot serialise them correctly.
As a general line, is better to avoid scheduling to multiprocessing.Pool anything different than a top level defined functions.
To run a background tasks with Cherrypy it's better if you use an asynchronous task queue manager like Celery or RQ. This services are very easy to install and run, your tasks will run in a completely separated process and if you need to scale because your load is increasing it'll be very straight forward.
You have a simple example with Cherrypy here.
I solved changing the method from #staticmethod to #classmethod. Now the job runs inside the ProcessPool. I found classmethods to be more useful in this case, as explained here.

User defined celery task class : init is getting called during import

I am trying to use celery task as a class and looking at following behavior. I guess that I missed something. Let me first tell you what I am trying to achieve :
1. Create a class with its init function which would be called only once by celery. This will setup required params for my class. I am gonna create a threadpool here.
2. Create instance of this celery task object in producer and put jobs in it.
To achieve the same I tried naive example mentioned on celery site and created a sample class. I am creating task using :
celery -c 1 -A proj worker --loglevel=debug
it seems to be working at first but then I observed that init of task is getting called at import in tester.py, I could stop this init in object usage by passing flag but init during import is a real concern here.
Can you please point me to correct usage of this example. I do not want init of task class to be called more than what I invoked using celery command. In real life scenario it would create unnecessary threads.
Also if possible, point me to right an example which is closest to my requirement mentioned above.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from celery import Celery
app = Celery('proj',
# Optional configuration, see the application user guide.
if __name__ == '__main__':
from __future__ import absolute_import
from proj.celery import app
class NaiveAuthenticateServer(app.Task):
def __init__(self, celeryInst = 1):
if celeryInst == 1:
print "Hi, I am celery instant"
else :
print "Did you invoke me from command"
self.users = {'george': 'password'}
def run(self, username, password):
return self.users[username] == password
except KeyError:
return False
from proj import tasks
obj = tasks.NaiveAuthenticateServer(0)
res = obj.delay('hi', 'hello')
print res.get()
o/p of tester.py
Hi, I am celery instant
Did you invoke me from command
You should not create an instance of the task class yourself, but rather let celery do that for you automatically when the process starts up.
Therefore, you need to define a task function that uses the base class:
def my_task(arg1, arg2):
print arg1, arg2
And then submit the task like this:
from proj import tasks
tasks.my_task.delay('hi', 'hello')

