How to increase multiple values from one tkinter Scale widget - python

I have a button which recalls 24 values from a text file. I now want to recall these values using a tkinter Scale widget but obviously I will want these values to increase in increments of 1 up to the value that is stored in the text file, these values will all be different.
So, for example, a shortened version of my text file is:
So at the minute, my button will instantly recall these values, but I no want to slowly increment all of them using a scale so that when the scale is at the top of its travel it will represent all of the numbers shown above.
Here is my code which will do what I want but using a button, I now need to change the button for a slider:
from Tkinter import *
master= Tk()
def print_value(val):
print ("c1="+str (c1v.get()))
print ("c2="+str(c2v.get()))
c1 = Scale(master, from_=255, to=0, length =400,width =100, troughcolor = 'blue',command=print_value, variable =c1v)
c2 = Scale(master, from_=255, to=0, length =400,width =100, troughcolor = 'blue',command=print_value, variable =c2v)
def load_p1():
lp1 = open("/home/pi/Desktop/IEP/test/preset_test.txt")
val1, val2 = (x.split("=")[1] for x in lp1)
def record():
save_path = '/home/pi/Desktop/IEP/test'
name_of_file = ("preset_test")
completeName = os.path.join(save_path, name_of_file+".txt")
file1 = open(completeName , "w")
toFile = ("c1="+str (c1.get())+ "\n""c2="+str(c2.get()))
rec=Button(master, text="Record",width=20, height=10, bg='Red', command=record)
rec.grid(row=2, column=1)
load=Button(master, text="Load",width=20, height=10, bg='gold',command=load_p1)
load.grid(row=2, column=2)

The best place to start is to find a tkinter tutorial and learn the basics of tkinter, completely ignoring the problem you are trying to solve. Then, using what you've learned, try to solve your problem. When you get stuck on a specific problem come back here and show us what you've tried.


PhotoImage won't Display in tkinter treeview

I am trying to display an image in tkinter treeview. I have been reading possible solutions but none seems to work, I keep getting a blank tree only with the column heading. For what I have been reading, I have to keep a reference to the PhotoImage, but regardless of how much I try it just won't happen. A simple code example can be found below:
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import ttk
from PIL import ImageTk as itk
import PIL.Image
import io
s= tk.Tk()
s.title('No *£/**##* image showing')
s.rowconfigure(1, weight = 1)
p = '032f8072.gif'
img1 ='032f8072.gif')
#img1 = img1.resize((10,10))
img = itk.PhotoImage(img1)
tree = ttk.Treeview(s)
for i in headings:
tree.column(0, width=125,stretch=True)
#tree.column(1, width=125,stretch=True)
tree.insert('','end','0', open =True, image= img)
tree.image = img
I have tried with .gif and .png, i have tried with both PIL.Image and Imagetk.PhotoImage togeter and individually. I have also tried keeping img inside a list to be called from the list to avoid a missing reference.
I really need to get this small piece of code right and I am really frustrated with this little piece holding me back. I would really appreciate if someone could help me with this.
kind regards
This took awhile to figure out! I eventually found this answer to a similar question from 10 months ago (not officially an answer but look in the comments under the question):
Treeview Image not displaying
The user said the comment solved their problem, so I tried applying it to your example. What the commenter means is that the line tree['show'] = 'headings' forces the Treeview to only display the headings, and not the main body of the tree. To fix this, replace that line with the following:
tree['show'] = ('headings', 'tree')
to show all of the tree, and the image should start showing up.
You can create the columns using tree['columns'], but as ne0n p1atypus say, you can't display them using tree['show']. You can still enter the name for the columns manually with explorer_tree.heading("#0",text="Image",anchor= 'center') note that '#0' refers to the column in which the image will be displayed. I didn't try entering the column name using for loop.
Also, when trying to construct a treeview to display images in different rows using a for loop, this algorithm has to be within the function that defines the treeview and all the PhotoImage objects must be append to a list to keep its reference, otherwise they'll be collected as garbage. I'll leave an example below.
global eow
global dffile
global temp_result
global explorer_tree
#Define window and treeview
explorer_headings = ["Name",'Code', 'Supplier Code']
eow= Toplevel(acm)
eow.title('Stock Explorer')
style2 = ttk.Style()
style2.configure("2style.Treeview.Heading",font=('Calibri', 18,'bold')) # Modify the font of the headings
style2.configure("2style.Treeview", font=('Calibri', 20),rowheight=100)
#Columns and rows
eow.columnconfigure(0, weight=1)
eow.columnconfigure(1, weight =2)
eow.columnconfigure(2, weight =2)
eow.columnconfigure(3, weight =1)
eow.rowconfigure(1, weight=4)
eow.rowconfigure(2, weight=2)
eow.rowconfigure(3, weight=2)
eow.rowconfigure(4, weight=2)
eow.rowconfigure(5, weight=1)
#Treeview to display data
explorer_tree = ttk.Treeview(eow, style='2style.Treeview',height=3)
explorer_tree.grid(column=1,row=2,sticky='NSEW', columnspan=2, rowspan=2)
#treeview scrollbars
xscroll_file_data= tk.Scrollbar(eow, orient='horizontal', command= explorer_tree.xview)
yscroll_file_data= tk.Scrollbar(eow, orient='vertical', command= explorer_tree.yview)
yscroll_file_data.grid(column=3,row=2,sticky='WNS',rowspan= 3)
add_part_button = Button(eow, text='Add Part',font=('Calibri', 14,'bold'),
activebackground='white', activeforeground='black',relief='raised', borderwidth=5
, command = add_part_from_pic_list)
add_part_button.grid(column=1, row=5, sticky='NSEW', padx=100, pady=40)
notfound_button = Button(eow, text='Part Not In List',font=('Calibri', 14,'bold'),
activebackground='white', activeforeground='black',relief='raised', borderwidth=5)
notfound_button.grid(column=2, row=5, sticky='NSEW', padx=100, pady=40)
code_label = Label(eow, text='Code: '+str(code)+' Name: '+online_name,background='black',
foreground='white',font=('Calibri', 18))
code_label.grid(column=1,row=1, sticky = 'NSEW',pady=10, padx=20)
#Name the headings
explorer_tree.heading("#0",text="Image",anchor= 'center')
explorer_tree.heading(0,text="Name",anchor= 'center')
explorer_tree.heading(1,text="Code",anchor= 'center')
explorer_tree.heading(2,text="Supplier Code",anchor= 'center')
#Format the columns
explorer_tree.column('#0', width=130,stretch=False)
explorer_tree.column(0,width=200, anchor='center',stretch=True)
explorer_tree.column(1,width= 200, anchor='center', stretch=False)
explorer_tree.column(2, anchor='center',stretch=False)
children = explorer_tree.get_children()
explorer_tree.bind("<Double-1>", add_part_from_pic_list)
#construct tree
for i in range(len(temp_result)):
for j in range(len(dffile['Name'])):
if temp_result[i] == dffile['Name'][j]:
children1 = explorer_tree.get_children()
temp_row = [dffile['Name'][j],dffile['Code'][j],dffile['Supplier Code'][j]]
p = temp_row[1]+".png"
pp = "images/"+temp_row[1]+".png"
np = 'images/noimage.png'
try:#Append the PhotoImage object to a list rather than to a variable This will avoid the image being collected as garbage
except FileNotFoundError:
if len(children1)%2 == 0: #When calling the image for tree.insert, call the image from the list i.e. temp_list[i]
explorer_tree.insert('','end',iid=(len(children1)), image=temp_list[i], values=(temp_row[0],temp_row[1],
explorer_tree.insert('','end',iid=(len(children1)), image=temp_list[i], values=(temp_row[0], temp_row[1],
eow.mainloop() ```
try this, for me worked.
tree = ttk.Treeview(master=canvas, columns=car_header, show="tree headings", height=11)
img = tk.PhotoImage(file=r"frames/imgs/image.gif")
tree.insert(parent="",index="end", image=img, text='Information', values=collection_tree[i], tags=('oddrow'))
tk.Label.image = img

Tkinter: Problems having access to text input in text widget

I tried creating a program that will take in the symptoms of a person and return the disease they have. This is the GUI part of the project.
from tkinter import *
root = Tk()
root.title("Health GUI")
symptoms_list = []
def print_symptoms():
def typeSymptoms():
gap3 = Label(text="").pack()
symptoms_entry = Text(width=50, height=20)
symptoms_list.append(symptoms_entry.get(1.0, END))
done_symptoms = Button(text="I have written my symptoms", width=25, height=5, command=lol)
gap1 = Label(text="").pack()
title = Label(text="HEALTH GUI", font=30).pack()
gap2 = Label(text="").pack()
start_button = Button(text="Click here to start", width=30, height=5, command=typeSymptoms, font=20).pack()
Just for simplicity, I tried printing out the symptoms given by the user to the console but it gives me a list with '\n'. Please help. Thanks!(PS: I lerned Tkinter day before yesterday so I don't know much)
At the moment, your variable symptoms_list just holds the contents of the newly created Text widget, since you append this content at startup.
If you want to add the symptoms to the list, you need to have your function lol() that you call when pressing the button.
This function should look something like:
def lol():
symptoms_text = symptoms_entry.get(1.0, END)
symptoms_list = symptoms_text.split('\n')
However, your widgets and the symptoms_list would have to be global variables in order for this program to work. It would probably be better, while you are getting acquainted with Tkinter, to learn how to create a dialog as Class with attributes. That makes sharing values between methods so much easier.

How to properly use buttons in tkinter with same window

This is my first day using tkinter, and I wanted to know how to properly code what I have done.
What I wanted to make was a kind of diaporama so I wanted to find a way to display pictures in a canvas and have two buttons so I could go to the previous picture or the following one. The way I stored pictures is using a list lof numpy arrays, with l of size n, so I have n pictures and they are the same size. So I wrote the following code:
from tkinter import *
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image, ImageTk
import sys
sys.setrecursionlimit(10000) #I increased the recursion limit because I had some issues
l = [(255*np.random.rand(50,50)).astype(np.uint8) for i in range(105)] #this is a random list in case you want to test the code
def next(i,n):
if i == n-1:
return 0
return i+1
def previous(i,n):
if i==0:
return n-1
return i-1
window = Tk()
def display(i):
#This is to clear my window at each iteration because I would like to keep the same window
for widget in window.winfo_children():
array = l[i] #this is the i-th picture
img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(image=Image.fromarray(array),master = window)
canvas = Canvas(window, width=48, height=48), y=20)
canvas.create_image(0,0, anchor="nw", image=img)
Label(window, text="Picture n°"+str(i), fg="black").place(x=5, y=0)
Button(window, text ='Next',command=lambda: display(next(i,len(l)))).place(x=140, y=35)
Button(window, text ='Previous',command = lambda: display(previous(i,len(l)))).place(x=70, y=35)
I know that is bad code and not the way it should be written. It is working fine but I need help to improve the code please.
You should only put the code of updating the image inside display() and create the interface outside the function. Then recursion is not needed.
Also a global variable is required to keep track the current index to the image list. This variable should be updated when Next or Previous button is clicked.
Below is a modified example:
from tkinter import *
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image, ImageTk
l = [(255*np.random.rand(50,50)).astype(np.uint8) for i in range(105)] #this is a random list in case you want to test the code
current = 0
def display(dir):
global current
# update "current" based on "dir"
current = (current + dir) % len(l)
# show the "current" image
image = ImageTk.PhotoImage(Image.fromarray(l[current]))
imgbox.config(image=image, text=f"Picture n°{current}")
imgbox.image = image # keep a reference to avoid "image" from being garbage collected
window = Tk()
# use a label for showing image and text together
imgbox = Label(window, fg="black", compound="bottom", width=70), y=0)
Button(window, text ='Next', command=lambda: display(+1)).place(x=150, y=35)
Button(window, text ='Previous', command=lambda: display(-1)).place(x=80, y=35)
display(0) # show first image

How can I save text files for tkinter

I write a code like this:
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import *
def note1():
window = tk.Tk()
notes = Entry(window,font="Verdana 14 italic")
notesf = tk.Label(text=notes,font = "Verdana 10 italic" )
window = tk.Tk()
monhts = tk.Label(text="OCAK",font = "Verdana 50 italic")
day1= tk.Button(text="1 Ocak",font = "Verdana 30 italic",command=note1),y=250)
But my problem isn't with all code if you look at the Def line everything seems normal but I just want to save this entry like you just write x person will pay 10 dollars and you close the program after that. When you open it again it shouldn't disappear. I have just trying to solve this for a couple of hours but I still don't have an idea. Please help me.
Here we are writing entries:
Welcome to Stack Overflow!
In order to achieve this, you will need to save the contents in a text file and then retrieve them when required. Here is a working example of what you are looking for:
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import *
def save(cont, win):
with open ('save.txt', 'w+') as file:
def retrieve(cont):
with open ('save.txt', 'r') as file:
data =
return data
def note1():
window1 = tk.Toplevel()
content = StringVar()
notes = Entry(window1, font="Verdana 14 italic", textvariable = content)
notesf = tk.Label(text=notes,font = "Verdana 10 italic" )
window1.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", lambda cont = content, win = window1: save(cont, win))
window = tk.Tk()
monhts = tk.Label(text="OCAK",font = "Verdana 50 italic")
day1= tk.Button(text="1 Ocak",font = "Verdana 30 italic",command=note1),y=250)
I have attached the Entry to a StringVar(), by doing so, I can easily use the .get() and .set() method for getting and setting the content respectively.
You were having 2 instances of Tk() in the same mainloop(), which is not appreciated, make sure you have one Tk() in one mainloop() and the others as Toplevel().
I have used .protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", ...) method on the window since you wanted the save to happen upon closing the window.
The approach that I have mentioned ensures your Entry will display the previously entered data even if you kill the parent window after saving, but if you like to not have the data after killing the parent window and only have it during the runtime, I suggest you to just make use of the StringVar and then set it's previous value, every time you click the button.

Tkinter - Creating multiple check boxes using a loop

I am trying to create a program that allows the user to select any number of check boxes and hit a button to return a random result from those check boxes. Since I am basing my list off the roster of Smash bros ultimate, I am trying to avoid creating 70+ variables just to place check boxes. However, I am unable to figure out how to iterate this. The various values set for rows are just placeholders until I can figure this out. I would also like to have a reset button at the top that allows the user to automatically uncheck every box. This code is what I have so far. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
from tkinter import *
window = Tk()
#window name and header
window.title("Custom Random SSBU")
lbl = Label(window, text="Select the fighters you would like to include:")
lbl.grid(column=1, row=0)
f = [] #check boxes
ft = open("Fighters.txt").readlines() #list of all the character names
fv=[0]*78 #list for tracking what boxes are checked
ff=[] #list to place final character strings
def reset():
for i in fv:
rst = Button(window, text="Reset", command=reset)
rst.grid(column=0, row=3)
for y in range (0,77):
f[y] = Checkbutton(window, text = ft[y], variable = fv[y])
f[y].grid(column=0, row=4+y)
def done():
for j in fv:
if fv[j] == 1:
result = random.choice(ff)
r=Label(window, text=result)
d = Button(window, text="Done", command=done)
d.grid(column=0, row = 80)
Unfortunately I'm afraid you are going to have to create variables for each checkbox.
tkinter has special purpose Variable Classes for holding different types of values, and if you specify an instance of one as the variable= option when you create widgets like Checkbutton, it will automatically set or reset its value whenever the user changes it, so all your program has to do is check its current value by calling its get() method.
Here's an example of the modifications to your code needed to create them in a loop (and use them in the done() callback function):
import random
from tkinter import *
window = Tk()
#window name and header
window.title("Custom Random SSBU")
lbl = Label(window, text="Select the fighters you would like to include:")
lbl.grid(column=1, row=0)
with open("Fighters.txt") as fighters:
ft = # List of all the character names.
fv = [BooleanVar(value=False) for _ in ft] # List to track which boxes are checked.
ff = [] # List to place final character strings.
def reset():
for var in fv:
rst = Button(window, text="Reset", command=reset)
rst.grid(column=0, row=3)
for i, (name, var) in enumerate(zip(ft, fv)):
chk_btn = Checkbutton(window, text=name, variable=var)
chk_btn.grid(column=0, row=i+4, sticky=W)
def done():
global ff
ff = [name for name, var in zip(ft, fv) if var.get()] # List of checked names.
# Randomly select one of them.
choice.configure(text=random.choice(ff) if ff else "None")
d = Button(window, text="Done", command=done)
d.grid(column=0, row=len(ft)+4)
choice = Label(window, text="None")
choice.grid(column=1, row=3)
I wasn't sure where you wanted the Label containing the result to go, so I just put it to the right of the Reset button.
variable = fv[y]
This looks up the value of fv[y] - i.e, the integer 0 - at the time the Checkbutton is created, and uses that for the variable argument.
You need to use an instance of one of the value-tracking classes provided by TKinter, instead. In this case we want BooleanVar since we are tracking a boolean state. We can still create these in a list ahead of time:
text = open("Fighters.txt").readlines()
# Let's not hard-code the number of lines - we'll find it out automatically,
# and just make one for each line.
trackers = [BooleanVar() for line in text]
# And we'll iterate over those pair-wise to make the buttons:
buttons = [
Checkbutton(window, text = line, variable = tracker)
for line, tracker in zip(text, trackers)
(but we can not do, for example trackers = [BooleanVar()] * len(text), because that gives us the same tracker 78 times, and thus every checkbox will share that tracker; we need to track each separately.)
When you click the checkbox, TKinter will automatically update the internal state of the corresponding BooleanVar(), which we can check using its .get() method. Also, when we set up our options for random.choice, we want to choose the corresponding text for the button, not the tracker. We can do this with the zip trick again.
So we want something more like:
result_label = Label(window) # create it ahead of time
def done():
result_label.text = random.choice(
for label, tracker in zip(text, trackers)
if tracker.get()

