I want to apply the following function to multiple instances of a, b, c but it seems I can't apply this function to a list. The goal is to compute a few inequalities and finally plug them into a new z = ax + bx equation in order to find the lowest or highest ordered pair.
This is a cleaner code that omits the use of lists:
xMin,yMin = 0,0
a,b,c = 2,-3,12
enter code here
def FindVar(object):
x = (-b*yMin)/a + c/a
y = (-a*xMin)/b + c/b
print '(', FindVar.x, ',', yMin, ')'
print '(', xMin, ',', FindVar.y, ')'
This is a longer code that uses lists a bit more sloppily:
xMin = 0
yMin = 0
def i1():
a,b,c = 2,-3,12
#Create and append l1
global l1
l1 = []
#Find X,Y
y = (-a*xMin)/b + (c/b)
x = (-b*yMin)/a + c/a
#Add to list
pair = []
print '%sx + %sy = %s' % (a,b,c)
print 'RETURNS'
print pair[0], z1
print pair[1], z2
def i2():
a,b,c = 1,1,5
#Create and append l2
global l2
l2 = []
#Find X,Y
y = (-a*xMin)/b + c/b
x = (-b*yMin)/a + c/a
#Add to list
pair = []
print '%sx + %sy = %s' % (a,b,c)
print 'RETURNS'
print pair[0], z1
print pair[1], z2
So with the second bit of code I end up with 4 list items, each of which should be applied to a final equation, z = ax + by where a and b are independent from other functions.
EDIT: The purpose is to take an equation like "z = 2x + 7y" and subject it to the rules:
2x - 3y ≤ 12,
x + y ≤ 5,
3x + 4y ≥ 24,
x ≥ 0,
y ≥ 0.
I take these equations and put them into a list so that a,b,c = [2,-3,12],[1,1,5],[3,4,24] (where a = 2,1,3, b = -3,1,4, and c = 12,5,24). Then I can find (x,y) according to each of the three instances and plug each of those ordered pairs into my initial "z = 2x + 7y". The point of all of this is to take sets of data and find which set is the most efficient.
z1 and z2 were used in a prior version of the code to apply the "z=2x+7y" to the first and second ordered pairs of the first equation.
This is the much cleaner code I came up with.
xMin = 0
yMin = 0
a = [10,11,1]
b = [7,-8,1]
c = [200,63,42]
def findxy(a,b,c):
#Finds x,y for ax+by=c
x = (-b*yMin)/a + c/a
y = (-a*xMin)/b + c/b
#The results, followed by the z function "z = 15x + 15y"
if x >= xMin:
print '(%s, %s)' % (x,yMin), 15 * x + 15 * yMin
if y >= yMin:
print '(%s, %s)' % (xMin,y), 15 * xMin + 15 * y
Results in
(20, 0) 300
(0, 28) 420
(5, 0) 75
(42, 0) 630
(0, 42) 630
To apply a function to each object in a list you can use the built in function map.
The list you pass to map can consist of primitives, class instances, tuples or lists.
list = [[159.2213, 222.2223, 101.2122]
[359.2222, 22.2210, 301.2144]]
if list[1][0] < list[0][0]:
avg = (list[1][0] + list[0][0] - 200)/2
avg = (list[1][0] + list[0][0] + 200)/2
Hello! I want to do this for every column and output the results in another list.
You may loop iterate the number of cols there is
values = [[159.2213, 222.2223, 101.2122], [359.2222, 22.2210, 301.2144]]
avgs = []
for idx_col in range(len(values[0])):
if values[1][idx_col] < values[0][idx_col]:
avg = (values[1][idx_col] + values[0][idx_col] - 200) / 2
avg = (values[1][idx_col] + values[0][idx_col] + 200) / 2
You can use zip to iterate on both rows at a time, and simplify the if/else condition
avgs = []
for first_row, second_row in zip(*values):
factor = -1 if second_row < first_row else 1
avgs.append((first_row + second_row + (200 * factor)) / 2)
Best with numpy
Easy syntax and best performance
import numpy as np
values = np.array(values)
res = values.sum(axis=0) / 2
res += np.where(values[1] < values[0], -100, 100)
A list comprehension would look like this:
avg = [(x + y + (200 if x <= y else -200)) / 2 for x, y in zip(*lst)]
Arguably easier if you use numpy:
arr = np.array(lst)
avg = 0.5 * (arr.sum(axis=0) + np.copysign(200, np.diff(arr, axis=0)))
lis = [[159.2213, 222.2223, 101.2122],
[359.2222, 22.2210, 301.2144]]
res = []
for i in range(len(lis[0])):
if lis[1][i] < lis[0][i]:
res.append((lis[1][i] + lis[0][i] - 200)/2)
res.append((lis[1][i] + lis[0][i] + 200)/2)
This should work, however using numpy would be a better solution for these kind of problems.
You can do it like this:
list = [[159.2213, 222.2223, 101.2122]
[359.2222, 22.2210, 301.2144]]
results = []
for x,y in zip(list[0],list[1]):
if y < x:
avg = (y + x - 200)/2
avg = (y + x + 200)/2
Not sure about the syntax of the output I am receving. Any help would be appreciated.
Here is my code:
import numpy
def g(): #generate random complex values
return numpy.random.random(1) + numpy.random.random(1) *1j
p = numpy.poly1d(numpy.squeeze([g(),g(),g()])) # test function p
pprime = numpy.polyder(p) #derivative of p
print 'Our p(x) is {} '. format(p)
print('\n') # new line
print'Our pprime(x) is {} '. format(pprime) #apply newtons method to p
print('\n') # new line
#apply newtons method to p
def root_newton ( f, df, tolerance = 1.0e-6):
dx = 2 * tolerance
while dx > tolerance:
x1 = x - f(x)/df(x)
dx = abs (x - x1)
x = x1
return x
print('Our first root is at {}'.format(root_newton(p,pprime)))
print('\n') # new line
Here's the output:
Our p(x) is 2
(0.6957 + 0.683j) x + (0.3198 + 0.5655j) x + (0.9578 + 0.1899j)
Our pprime(x) is
(1.391 + 1.366j) x + (0.3198 + 0.5655j)
Our first root is at (0.00925817978737+0.830966156841j)
The correct roots are [-0.64968928-1.01513333j 0.00925818+0.83096616j]
What does the 2 above the second component in my first line outputted mean? I can't find anything similar to my question online. I am guessing it may mean the x component is squared but I'm not sure? This is python 3 by the way.
The 2 is the exponent on the first x, misaligned because you put text before it on the same line.
If we take your output:
Our p(x) is 2
(0.6957 + 0.683j) x + (0.3198 + 0.5655j) x + (0.9578 + 0.1899j)
and remove the text you prepended:
(0.6957 + 0.683j) x + (0.3198 + 0.5655j) x + (0.9578 + 0.1899j)
the intended meaning of the 2 becomes clearer.
I'm fairly new to this but will try and be as clear as possible.
Essentially I have 5 different lists of lists. 4 are imported from txt files and the 5th is a merger of the 4. Each inner list contains a value at index position 3. My objective is to maximize the sum by picking appropriately.
I also have a couple constraints:
The sum of the values at index 6 position can't exceed 50000
I pick 2 items from set C, 3 from set W, 2 from set D, 1 from set G, and 1 from set U (the combined) and I can't pick the same item for each set. Ie. each pick in W has to be different.
My code is below. I'm having trouble in that the optimizer just spits out my initial list of picks. Looking at the data though, I know for sure there are better solutions. I read that the issue may be related to late binding but I'm not sure if that's right and if it is, not sure how to update to fix error either. Appreciate any help. Thanks!
Read: Scipy.optimize.minimize SLSQP with linear constraints fails
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import minimize
C = open('C.txt','r').read().splitlines()
W = open('W.txt','r').read().splitlines()
D = open('D.txt','r').read().splitlines()
G = open('G.txt','r').read().splitlines()
def splitdata(file):
for index,line in enumerate(file):
file[index] = line.split('\t')
def objective(x, sign=-1.0):
x = list(map(int, x))
pos = 3
Cvalue = float(C[x[0]][pos]) + float(C[x[1]][pos])
Wvalue = float(W[x[2]][pos]) + float(W[x[3]][pos]) + float(W[x[4]][pos])
Dvalue = float(D[x[5]][pos]) + float(D[x[6]][pos])
Gvalue = float(G[x[7]][pos])
Uvalue = float(U[x[8]][pos])
grand_value = sign*(Cvalue + Wvalue + Dvalue + Gvalue + Uvalue)
return grand_value
def constraint_cost(x):
x = list(map(int, x))
pos = 6
Ccost = int(C[x[0]][pos]) + int(C[x[1]][pos])
Wcost = int(W[x[2]][pos]) + int(W[x[3]][pos]) + int(W[x[4]][pos])
Dcost = int(D[x[5]][pos]) + int(D[x[6]][pos])
Gcost = int(G[x[7]][pos])
Ucost = int(U[x[8]][pos])
grand_cost = 50000 - (Ccost + Wcost + Dcost + Gcost + Ucost)
return grand_cost
def constraint_C(x):
if x[0] == x[1]:
return 0
return 1
def constraint_W(x):
if x[2] == x[3] or x[2] == x[4] or x[3] == x[4]:
return 0
return 1
def constraint_D(x):
if x[5] == init[6]:
return 0
return 1
con1 = {'type':'ineq','fun':constraint_cost}
con2 = {'type':'ineq','fun':constraint_C}
con3 = {'type':'ineq','fun':constraint_W}
con4 = {'type':'ineq','fun':constraint_D}
con = [con1, con2, con3, con4]
c0 = [0,1]
w0 = [0,1,2]
d0 = [0,1]
g0 = [0]
u0 = [0]
init = c0+w0+d0+g0+u0
C = splitdata(C)
W = splitdata(W)
D = splitdata(D)
G = splitdata(G)
U = C + W + D + G
sol = minimize(objective, init, method='SLSQP',constraints=con)
My algorithm to find the HCF of two numbers, with displayed justification in the form r = a*aqr + b*bqr, is only partially working, even though I'm pretty sure that I have entered all the correct formulae - basically, it can and will find the HCF, but I am also trying to provide a demonstration of Bezout's Lemma, so I need to display the aforementioned displayed justification. The program:
# twonumbers.py
inp = 0
a = 0
b = 0
mul = 0
s = 1
r = 1
q = 0
res = 0
aqc = 1
bqc = 0
aqd = 0
bqd = 1
aqr = 0
bqr = 0
res = 0
temp = 0
fin_hcf = 0
fin_lcd = 0
seq = []
inp = input('Please enter the first number, "a":\n')
a = inp
inp = input('Please enter the second number, "b":\n')
b = inp
mul = a * b # Will come in handy later!
if a < b:
print 'As you have entered the first number as smaller than the second, the program will swap a and b before proceeding.'
temp = a
a = b
b = temp
print 'As the inputted value a is larger than or equal to b, the program has not swapped the values a and b.'
print 'Thank you. The program will now compute the HCF and simultaneously demonstrate Bezout\'s Lemma.'
print `a`+' = ('+`aqc`+' x '+`a`+') + ('+`bqc`+' x '+`b`+').'
print `b`+' = ('+`aqd`+' x '+`a`+') + ('+`bqd`+' x '+`b`+').'
c = a
d = b
while r != 0:
if s != 1:
c = seq[s-1]
d = seq[s]
res = divmod(c,d)
q = res[0]
r = res[1]
aqr = aqc - (q * aqd)#These two lines are the main part of the justification
bqr = bqc - (q * aqd)#-/
print `r`+' = ('+`aqr`+' x '+`a`+') + ('+`bqr`+' x '+`b`+').'
aqd = aqr
bqd = bqr
aqc = aqd
bqc = bqd
s = s + 1
fin_hcf = seq[-2] # Finally, the HCF.
fin_lcd = mul / fin_hcf
print 'Using Euclid\'s Algorithm, we have now found the HCF of '+`a`+' and '+`b`+': it is '+`fin_hcf`+'.'
print 'We can now also find the LCD (LCM) of '+`a`+' and '+`b`+' using the following method:'
print `a`+' x '+`b`+' = '+`mul`+';'
print `mul`+' / '+`fin_hcf`+' (the HCF) = '+`fin_lcd`+'.'
print 'So, to conclude, the HCF of '+`a`+' and '+`b`+' is '+`fin_hcf`+' and the LCD (LCM) of '+`a`+' and '+`b`+' is '+`fin_lcd`+'.'
I would greatly appreciate it if you could help me to find out what is going wrong with this.
Hmm, your program is rather verbose and hence hard to read. For example, you don't need to initialise lots of those variables in the first few lines. And there is no need to assign to the inp variable and then copy that into a and then b. And you don't use the seq list or the s variable at all.
Anyway that's not the problem. There are two bugs. I think that if you had compared the printed intermediate answers to a hand-worked example you should have found the problems.
The first problem is that you have a typo in the second line here:
aqr = aqc - (q * aqd)#These two lines are the main part of the justification
bqr = bqc - (q * aqd)#-/
in the second line, aqd should be bqd
The second problem is that in this bit of code
aqd = aqr
bqd = bqr
aqc = aqd
bqc = bqd
you make aqd be aqr and then aqc be aqd. So aqc and aqd end up the same. Whereas you actually want the assignments in the other order:
aqc = aqd
bqc = bqd
aqd = aqr
bqd = bqr
Then the code works. But I would prefer to see it written more like this which is I think a lot clearer. I have left out the prints but I'm sure you can add them back:
a = input('Please enter the first number, "a":\n')
b = input('Please enter the second number, "b":\n')
if a < b:
a,b = b,a
r1,r2 = a,b
s1,s2 = 1,0
t1,t2 = 0,1
while r2 > 0:
q,r = divmod(r1,r2)
r1,r2 = r2,r
s1,s2 = s2,s1 - q * s2
t1,t2 = t2,t1 - q * t2
print r1,s1,t1
Finally, it might be worth looking at a recursive version which expresses the structure of the solution even more clearly, I think.
Hope this helps.
Here is a simple version of Bezout's identity; given a and b, it returns x, y, and g = gcd(a, b):
function bezout(a, b)
if b == 0
return 1, 0, a
q, r := divide(a, b)
x, y, g := bezout(b, r)
return y, x - q * y, g
The divide function returns both the quotient and remainder.
The python program that does what you want (please note that extended Euclid algorithm gives only one pair of Bezout coefficients) might be:
import sys
def egcd(a, b):
if a == 0:
return (b, 0, 1)
g, y, x = egcd(b % a, a)
return (g, x - (b // a) * y, y)
def main():
if len(sys.argv) != 3:
's program caluclates LCF, LCM and Bezout identity of two integers
usage %s a b''' % (sys.argv[0], sys.argv[0])
a = int(sys.argv[1])
b = int(sys.argv[2])
g, x, y = egcd(a, b)
print 'HCF =', g
print 'LCM =', a*b/g
print 'Bezout identity: %i * (%i) + %i * (%i) = %i' % (a, x, b, y, g)
I have a set of data, where each value has a (x, y) coordinate. Different values can have the same coordinate. And I want to draw them in a rectangular collection of boxes.
For example, if I have the data:
A -> (0, 0)
B -> (0, 1)
C -> (1, 2)
D -> (0, 1)
I want to get the following drawing:
0 1 2
0 + A + B + +
+ + D + +
1 + + + C +
2 + + + +
How can I do it in Python using Matplotlib?
Just thought, maybe what you actually wanted to know was just this:
def drawbox(list,x,y):
# write some graphics code to draw box index x,y containing items 'list'
[[drawbox(u,x,y) for u in X.keys() if X[u]==(y,x)] for x in range(0,3) for y in range(0,3)]
# enter the data like this
# size of grid
xrng = (min(xi), max(xi)+1)
yrng = (min(yi), max(yi)+1)
for y in range(*yrng): # rows
print '+' * ((xrng[1]-xrng[0])*3) + '+'
k={} # each item k[x] is list of elements in xth box in this row
for x in range(*xrng):
# list of items in this cell
k[x]=[u for u in X.keys() if X[u]==(y,x)]
h=max(map(len, k.values())) # row height
for v in range(h): # lines of row
for x in range(*xrng): # columns
if k[x]:
del k[x][0]
else: c.append(' ') # shorter cell
s="+ " + "+ ".join(c) + "+"
print s
print "+" * ((xrng[1]-xrng[0])*3) + '+'
Perhaps it would be better to use the ReportLab.