my first question here, and im pretty sure its a case of me not knowing completely what im doing
when using a .tpl file (the one in question is 'comments.tpl' stored in /views). it does not retrieve the .css file i would like associated with it.
I've read through a few questions posted on here and on other places but am yet to find something that i can comprehend as a solution.
Here is my code:
import bottle
import pymongo
import sys
from bottle import static_file
def connect_db():
db = pymongo.MongoClient()
db = db
return db.reddit.comments
def stylesheets(comments):
return static_file(comments, root='./static/css')
def home_page():
db = connect_db()
result = db.find(limit = 10)
return bottle.template('comments', username = "YOU", result = result)
def test_page():
return "You made it!<br> <a href='/'>Now come back!</a><br>"
bottle.debug(True) = 'localhost', port = 8080)
the files are set out
any help would be fantastic, thanks in advance!
Changed :
def stylesheets(comments):
return static_file(comments, root='./static/css')
def stylesheets(style):
return static_file(style, root='./static/css')
Always read the bloody documentation kids....
try an absolute path in root='./static/css'
I try to save serialized BaseQuery object to the flask.session['t'] object but every time the get request is sent to this endpoint the session.get('t') is None.
q_transactions is non-empty list.
Could you help me to understand why it behaves that way? Did I miss or missunderstand something?
def testing():
import sys
from flask import session
from sqlalchemy.ext.serializer import loads, dumps
form = FiltersForm(request.args)
if session.get('t') is not None:
print(loads(session.get('t')), file=sys.stdout)
filters =
q_transactions = current_user.transactions()
q_transactions = Transaction.apply_filters(q_transactions, filters)
session['t'] = dumps(q_transactions)
return render_template('test_edit_transaction.html', form=form)
The issue is probably caused by too large data.
Am trying to add a new record into a python document and I think am stuck with an issue caused by the curl post function. I have attached the python file and the error received when posting to my url. Could anyone kindly point me towards the right direction.
I dont understand the error code to identify whether the problem comes from the python code bu I do suspect an issue with the curl url.
import json
from bson import json_util
from bson.json_util import dumps
import bottle
from bottle import route, run, request, abort
#imports for database
from pymongo import MongoClient
connection = MongoClient('localhost', 27017)
db = connection['city']
collection = db['inspections']
# set up URI paths for REST service
#route('/hello', method='GET')
def get_hello():
word = '"'+request.GET.get('name', None)+'"'
return json.loads(json.dumps(string, indent=4, default=json_util.default))
#route('/strings', method='POST')
def run_post():
first = '"'+request.json.get('string1')+'"'
second = '"'+request.json.get('string2')+'"'
data="{first:"+first+",second:"+ second+"}"
return json.loads(json.dumps(data, indent=4, default=json_util.default))
#route('/create', method='POST')
def run_create():
myid = request.json.get('id')
cert_number = request.json.get('certificate_number')
bus_name = request.json.get('business_name')
date = request.json.get('date')
result = request.json.get('result')
sector = request.json.get('sector')
added_id = collection.insert({"id":myid,"certificate_number":cert_number,"business_name":bus_name,"date":date,"result":result,"sector":sector})
added_doc = collection.find_one({"_id":added_id})
return json.loads(json.dumps(added_doc, indent=4, default=json_util.default))
#url does not allow spacing when passing an argument,
#therefore i use underscores when passing the business_name and the remove them
#when creating the query
#route('/read', method='GET')
def get_read():
word = request.params.get('business_name')
word = word.replace("_"," ")
found_doc = collection.find({"business_name":{'$regex':word}}) #will still get results when user pass parameter with white space
return dumps(found_doc)
#route('/update', method='GET')
def get_update(rslt = "Violation Issued"):
myid =
query = { "id" :myid}
new_update = { "$set":{"result":rslt}}
updated_doc = collection.find_one({"id":myid})
return json.loads(json.dumps(updated_doc, indent=4, default=json_util.default))
#route('/delete', method='GET')
def get_update():
myid =
query = {"id" :myid};
result = collection.delete_one(query)
return "document with id "+myid+" Has beed deleted from the City Collection"
if __name__ == '__main__':
run(debug=True,reloader = True)
#run(host='localhost', port=8080)
Returned HTML:
python error:
The Problem is that at one point in the json in your curl request you used “ instead of ". Therefore the json parser throws an error.
So instead of
"business_name" : “ACME Test INC."
"business_name" : "ACME Test INC."
Not sure if you solved this but here we go. Jakob was correct that you used “ instead of "
Next, get the values from the document you are inserting
data = request.json (Contains parsed content)
Assign a value to the variables you need such as id
id = data['id']
Store all the values in a dictionary variable (I think it is much cleaner this way)
document = {"id":myid,"certificate_number":cert_number,"business_name":bus_name,"date":date,"result":result,"sector":sector}
Lastly, use insert_one and catch errors
except Exception as e:
print("ERROR: ", e)
Also, there are several ways to fix the "space" problem you mention for cURL requests.
One way is to simply add a %20 between spaces like so:
I hope that helps.
I am using the cloudant python library to connect to my cloudant account.
Here is the code I have so far:
import cloudant
class WorkflowsCloudant(cloudant.Account):
def __init__(self):
super(WorkflowsCloudant, self).__init__(settings.COUCH_DB_ACCOUNT_NAME,
def get_single_workflow(account_id, workflow_id):
account = WorkflowsCloudant()
db = account.database(settings.COUCH_DB_NAME)
doc = db.document(workflow_id)
resp = doc.get().json()
if resp['account_id'] != account_id:
return error_helpers.forbidden('Invalid Account')
return jsonify(resp)
This Flask controller will have CRUD operations inside of it, but with the current implementation, I will have to set the account and db variables in each method before performing operations on the document I want to view/manipulate. How can I clean up (or DRY up) my code so that I only have to call to my main WorkflowsCloudant class?
I don't know cloudant, so I may be totally off base, but I believe this answers your question:
Delete the account, db, and doc lines from get_single_workflow.
Add the following lines to __init__:
db = account.database(settings.COUCH_DB_NAME)
self.doc = db.document(workflow_id)
Change the resp line in get_single_workflow to:
resp = WorkflowsCloudant().doc.get().json()
The test still writes to my MySQL database instead of a sqlite tempfile db. Why does this happen? Thanks!
Here's my code:
class UserTests(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self): = get_app()
#declare testing state["TESTING"] = True
self.db,["DATABASE"] = tempfile.mkstemp()
#spawn test client
self.client =
#temp db
def tearDown(self):
def test_save_user(self):
#create test user with 3 friends
app_xs_token = get_app_access_token(APP_ID, APP_SECRET)
test_user = create_test_user(APP_ID, app_xs_token)
friend_1 = create_test_user(APP_ID, app_xs_token)
friend_2 = create_test_user(APP_ID, app_xs_token)
friend_3 = create_test_user(APP_ID, app_xs_token)
make_friend_connection(test_user["id"], friend_1["id"], test_user["access_token"], friend_1["access_token"])
make_friend_connection(test_user["id"], friend_2["id"], test_user["access_token"], friend_2["access_token"])
make_friend_connection(test_user["id"], friend_3["id"], test_user["access_token"], friend_3["access_token"])
This line might be the problem:
self.db,["DATABASE"] = tempfile.mkstemp()
print out the values of self.db and["DATABASE"] and makes sure they are what you expect them to be.
You probably want to investigate where your config["DATABASE"] is referenced in your database code.
The Flask example code usually does a lot of work when the module is first imported. This tends to break things when you try to dynamically change values at run time, because by then its too late.
You probably will need to use an application factory so your app isn't built before the test code can run. Also, the app factory pattern implies you are using the Blueprint interface instead of the direct app reference, which is acquired using a circular import in the example code.
I want to retrieve some values I put in the data store with a model class name "Ani" and I have tried using the script below to do that but I am having problem with. Can someone please, help me with it
import random
import getpass
import sys
# Add the Python SDK to the package path.
# Adjust these paths accordingly.
from google.appengine.ext.remote_api import remote_api_stub
from google.appengine.ext import db
import models
# Your app ID and remote API URL path go here.
APP_ID = 'silasanio'
REMOTE_API_PATH = '/remote_api'
def auth_func():
email_address = raw_input('Email address: ')
password = getpass.getpass('Password: ')
return email_address, password
def initialize_remote_api(app_id=APP_ID,
def main():
Meanvalue = []
result = db. ("SELECT * FROM Ani ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 1")
for res in result:
Meanvalue = res.mean
std_dev = res.stdev
if __name__ == '__main__':
I am getting the error below:
raise KindError('No implementation for kind \'%s\'' % kind)
google.appengine.ext.db.KindError: No implementation for kind 'Ani'
Please, I need some help with it.
You need to import the file where you define the class Ani before you can run queries on the data.