def sauvegarder_canaux(self, nom_fichier:str) is the method giving me a problem when the file saves it only writes in this format:
5 - TQS (Télévision Quatres-saisons, 0.0 $ extra)
I need it to be like this:
5 : TQS : Télévision Quatres-saisons : 0.0 $ extra
This is the code that I have for now:
from canal import Canal
from forfait_tv import ForfaitTV
from abonne import Abonne
#============= Classe ===========================
class Distributeur :
Description :
Cette classe gère les listes de canaux, de forfaits (et plus tard
Données membres privées :
__canaux # [Canal] Liste de canaux existants
__forfaits # [ForfaitTV] Liste des forfaits disponibles
#----------- Constructeur -----------------------------
def __init__(self):
self.__canaux = None
self.__forfaits = None
self.__canaux = [] #list
self.__forfaits = [] #list
#----------- Accesseurs/Mutateurs ----------------------
def ajouter_canal(self,un_canal:Canal):
def chercher_canal (self,p_poste:int):
postex = None
for i in range(0,len(self.__canaux),1):
if postex.get_poste()== p_poste:
return print(poste_trouve)
def telecharger_canaux(self,nom_fichier:str):
fichierCanaux = open(nom_fichier, "r")
for line in fichierCanaux:
eleCanal = line.strip(" : ")
canal = Canal(eleCanal[0],eleCanal[1],eleCanal[2],eleCanal[3])
return canal
def sauvegarder_canaux(self, nom_fichier:str):
fichCanaux = open(nom_fichier,"w")
for i in self.__canaux:
fichCanaux.write(str(i) + "\n")
You need only to edit the string before you write it. The string.replace command is your friend. Perhaps ...
for i in self.__canaux:
out_line = str(i)
for char in "-(,":
out_line = out_line.replace(char, ':')
fichCanaux.write(out_line + "\n")
If removing the accents is okay, you can normalize the text to NFD with unicodedata, then find the segments of interest, modify them with the desired formatting, and replace them with the formatted segments using regex:
import unicodedata
import re
def format_string(test_str):
# normalize accents
test_str = test_str.decode("UTF-8")
test_str = unicodedata.normalize('NFD', test_str).encode('ascii', 'ignore')
# segment patterns
segment_1_ptn = re.compile(r"""[0-9]*(\s)* # natural number
[-](\s)* # dash
(\w)*(\s)* # acronym
segment_2_ptn = re.compile(r"""(\w)*(\s)* # acronym
(\() # open parenthesis
((\w*[-]*)*(\s)*)* # words
segment_3_ptn = re.compile(r"""((\w*[-]*)*(\s)*)* # words
(,)(\s)* # comma
[0-9]*(.)[0-9]*(\s)*(\$)(\s) # real number
# format data
segment_1_match =, test_str).group()
test_str = test_str.replace(segment_1_match, " : ".join(segment_1_match.split("-")))
segment_2_match =, test_str).group()
test_str = test_str.replace(segment_2_match, " : ".join(segment_2_match.split("(")))
segment_3_match =, test_str).group()
test_str = test_str.replace(segment_3_match, " : ".join(segment_3_match.split(",")))[:-1]
test_str = " : ".join([txt.strip() for txt in test_str.split(":")])
return test_str
Then you can call this function within sauvegarder_canaux
def sauvegarder_canaux(self, nom_fichier:str):
with open(nom_fichier, "w") as fichCanaux
for i in self.__canaux:
fichCanaux.write(format_string(str(i)) + "\n")
You can also add format_string as a method within your Distributeur class.
Example input:
5 - TQS (Télévision Quatres-saisons, 0.0 $ extra)
Example output:
5 : TQS : Television Quatres-saisons : 0.0 $ extra
This question has been asked here in one form or another but not quite the thing I'm looking for. So, this is the situation I shall be having: I already have one file, named file_a and I'm creating another file - file_b. file_a is always bigger than file_b in size. There will be a number of duplicate lines in file_b (hence, in file_a as well) but both the files will have some unique lines. What I want to do is: to copy/merge only the unique lines from file_a to file_b and then sort the line order, so that the file_b becomes the most up-to-date one with all the unique entries. Either of the original files shouldn't be more than 10MB in size. What's the most efficient (and fastest) way I can do that?
I was thinking something like that, which does the merging alright.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os, time, sys
# Convert Date/time to epoch
def toEpoch(dt):
dt_ptrn = '%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S'
return int(time.mktime(time.strptime(dt, dt_ptrn)))
# input files
o_file = "file_a"
c_file = "file_b"
n_file = [o_file,c_file]
m_file = "merged.file"
for x in range(len(n_file)):
P = open(n_file[x],"r")
output = P.readlines()
# Sort the output, order by 2nd last field
#sp_lines = [ line.split('\t') for line in output ]
#sp_lines.sort( lambda a, b: cmp(toEpoch(a[-2]),toEpoch(b[-2])) )
F = open(m_file,'w')
#for line in sp_lines:
for line in output:
if "group_" in line:
But, it's:
not with only the unique lines
not sorted (by next to last field)
and introduces the 3rd file i.e. m_file
Just a side note (long story short): I can't use sorted() here as I'm using v2.3, unfortunately. The input files look like this:
On 23/03/11 00:40:03
JobID Group.User Ctime Wtime Status QDate CDate
430792 group_atlas.pltatl16 0 32 4 02/03/11 21:52:38 02/03/11 22:02:15
430793 group_atlas.atlas084 30 472 4 02/03/11 21:57:43 02/03/11 22:09:35
430794 group_atlas.atlas084 12 181 4 02/03/11 22:02:37 02/03/11 22:05:42
430796 group_atlas.atlas084 8 185 4 02/03/11 22:02:38 02/03/11 22:05:46
I tried to use cmp() to sort by the 2nd last field but, I think, it doesn't work just because of the first 3 lines of the input files.
Can anyone please help? Cheers!!!
Update 1:
For the future reference, as suggested by Jakob, here is the complete script. It worked just fine.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os, time, sys
from sets import Set as set
def toEpoch(dt):
dt_ptrn = '%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S'
return int(time.mktime(time.strptime(dt, dt_ptrn)))
def yield_lines(fileobj):
#I want to discard the headers
for i in xrange(3):
for line in fileobj:
yield line
def app(path1, path2):
file1 = set(yield_lines(open(path1)))
file2 = set(yield_lines(open(path2)))
return file1.union(file2)
# Input files
o_file = "testScript/03"
c_file = "03.bak"
m_file = "finished.file"
print time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.localtime())
# Sorting the output, order by 2nd last field
sp_lines = [ line.split('\t') for line in app(o_file, c_file) ]
sp_lines.sort( lambda a, b: cmp(toEpoch(a[-2]),toEpoch(b[-2])) )
F = open(m_file,'w')
print "No. of lines: ",len(sp_lines)
for line in sp_lines:
MF = '\t'.join(line)
It took about 2m:47s to finish for 145244 lines.
[testac1#serv07 ~]$ ./
No. of lines: 145244
Update 2:
Hi eyquem, this is the Error message I get when I run your script(s).
From the first script:
[testac1#serv07 ~]$ ./
File "./", line 44
fm.writelines( '\n'.join(v)+'\n' for k,v in output )
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
From the second script:
[testac1#serv07 ~]$ ./
File "./", line 24
output = sett(line.rstrip() for line in fa)
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
Update 3:
The previous one wasn't sorting the list at all. Thanks to eyquem to pointing that out. Well, it does now. This is a further modification to Jakob's version - I converted the set:app(path1, path2) to a list:myList() and then applied the sort( lambda ... ) to the myList to sort the merged file by the nest to last field. This is the final script.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os, time, sys
from sets import Set as set
def toEpoch(dt):
# Convert date/time to epoch
dt_ptrn = '%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S'
return int(time.mktime(time.strptime(dt, dt_ptrn)))
def yield_lines(fileobj):
# Discard the headers (1st 3 lines)
for i in xrange(3):
for line in fileobj:
yield line
def app(path1, path2):
# Remove duplicate lines
file1 = set(yield_lines(open(path1)))
file2 = set(yield_lines(open(path2)))
return file1.union(file2)
print time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.localtime())
# I/O files
o_file = "testScript/03"
c_file = "03.bak"
m_file = "finished.file"
# Convert set into to list
myList = list(app(o_file, c_file))
# Sort the list by the date
sp_lines = [ line.split('\t') for line in myList ]
sp_lines.sort( lambda a, b: cmp(toEpoch(a[-2]),toEpoch(b[-2])) )
F = open(m_file,'w')
print "No. of lines: ",len(sp_lines)
# Finally write to the outFile
for line in sp_lines:
MF = '\t'.join(line)
There is no speed boost at all, it took 2m:50s to process the same 145244 lines. Is anyone see any scope of improvement, please let me know. Thanks to Jakob and eyquem for their time. Cheers!!
Update 4:
Just for future reference, this is a modified version of eyguem, which works much better and faster then the previous ones.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os, sys, re
from sets import Set as sett
from time import mktime, strptime, strftime
def sorting_merge(o_file, c_file, m_file ):
# RegEx for Date/time filed
pat = re.compile('[0123]\d/[01]\d/\d{2} [012]\d:[0-6]\d:[0-6]\d')
def kl(lines,pat = pat):
# match only the next to last field
line = lines.split('\t')
line = line[-2]
return mktime(strptime((,'%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S'))
output = sett()
head = []
# Separate the header & remove the duplicates
def rmHead(f_n):
for line1 in f_n:
if break
else: head.append(line1) # line of the header
for line in f_n:
fa = open(o_file, 'r')
fb = open(c_file, 'r')
# Sorting date-wise
output = [ (kl(line),line.rstrip()) for line in output if line.rstrip() ]
fm = open(m_file,'w')
# Write to the file & add the header
fm.write(strftime('On %d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S\n')+(''.join(head[0]+head[1])))
for t,line in output:
fm.write(line + '\n')
c_f = "03_a"
o_f = "03_b"
sorting_merge(o_f, c_f, 'outfile.txt')
This version is much faster - 6.99 sec. for 145244 lines compare to the 2m:47s - then the previous one using lambda a, b: cmp(). Thanks to eyquem for all his support. Cheers!!
My previous codes have problems with output = sett(line.rstrip() for line in fa) and output.sort(key=kl)
Moreover, they have some complications.
So I examined the choice of reading the files directly with a set() function taken by Jakob Bowyer in his code.
Congratulations Jakob ! (and Michal Chruszcz by the way) : set() is unbeatable, it's faster than a reading one line at a time.
Then , I abandonned my idea to read the files line after line.
But I kept my idea to avoid a sorting with the help of cmp() function because, as it is described in the doc:
The sort() method takes an optional
argument specifying a comparison
function of two arguments (list items)
(...) Note that this slows the sorting
process down considerably
Then, I managed to obtain a list of tuples (t,line) in which the t is
time.mktime(time.strptime(( 1st date-and-hour in line ,'%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S'))
by the instruction
output = [ (kl(line),line.rstrip()) for line in output]
I tested 2 codes. The following one in which 1st date-and-hour in line is computed thanks to a regex:
def kl(line,pat = pat):
return time.mktime(time.strptime((,'%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S'))
output = [ (kl(line),line.rstrip()) for line in output if line.rstrip()]
And a second code in which kl() is:
def kl(line,pat = pat):
return time.mktime(time.strptime(line.split('\t')[-2],'%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S'))
The results are
Times of execution:
0.03598 seconds for the first code with regex
0.03580 seconds for the second code with split('\t')
that is to say the same
This algorithm is faster than a code using a function cmp() :
a code in which the set of lines output isn't transformed in a list of tuples by
output = [ (kl(line),line.rstrip()) for line in output]
but is only transformed in a list of the lines (without duplicates, then) and sorted with a function mycmp() (see the doc):
def mycmp(a,b):
return cmp(time.mktime(time.strptime(a.split('\t')[-2],'%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S')),
time.mktime(time.strptime(b.split('\t')[-2],'%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S')))
output = [ line.rstrip() for line in output] # not list(output) , to avoid the problem of newline of the last line of each file
for line in output:
has an execution time of
0.11574 seconds
The code:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os, time, sys, re
from sets import Set as sett
def sorting_merge(o_file , c_file, m_file ):
pat = re.compile('[0123]\d/[01]\d/\d{2} [012]\d:[0-6]\d:[0-6]\d'
'(?=[ \t]+[0123]\d/[01]\d/\d{2} [012]\d:[0-6]\d:[0-6]\d)')
def kl(line,pat = pat):
return time.mktime(time.strptime((,'%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S'))
output = sett()
head = []
fa = open(o_file)
fa.readline() # first line is skipped
while True:
line1 = fa.readline()
mat1 =
if not mat1: head.append(line1) # line1 is here a line of the header
else: break # the loop ends on the first line1 not being a line of the heading
output = sett( fa )
fb = open(c_file)
while True:
line1 = fb.readline()
if break
output = output.union(sett( fb ))
output = [ (kl(line),line.rstrip()) for line in output]
fm = open(m_file,'w')
fm.write(time.strftime('On %d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S\n')+(''.join(head)))
for t,line in output:
fm.write(line + '\n')
te = time.clock()
print time.clock()-te
This time, I hope it will run correctly, and that the only thing to do is to wait the times of execution on real files much bigger than the ones on which I tested the codes
pat = re.compile('[0123]\d/[01]\d/\d{2} [012]\d:[0-6]\d:[0-6]\d'
'(?=[ \t]+'
'[0123]\d/[01]\d/\d{2} [012]\d:[0-6]\d:[0-6]\d'
'[ \t]+aborted/deleted)')
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os, time, sys, re
from sets import Set
def sorting_merge(o_file , c_file, m_file ):
pat = re.compile('[0123]\d/[01]\d/\d{2} [012]\d:[0-6]\d:[0-6]\d'
'(?=[ \t]+'
'[0123]\d/[01]\d/\d{2} [012]\d:[0-6]\d:[0-6]\d'
'[ \t]+aborted/deleted)')
def kl(line,pat = pat):
return time.mktime(time.strptime((,'%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S'))
head = []
output = Set()
fa = open(o_file)
fa.readline() # first line is skipped
for line1 in fa:
if break # first line after the heading
else: head.append(line1) # line of the header
for line in fa:
fb = open(c_file)
for line1 in fb:
if break
for line in fb:
if '' in output: output.remove('')
output = [ (kl(line),line) for line in output]
fm = open(m_file,'w')
fm.write(time.strftime('On %d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S\n')+(''.join(head)))
for t,line in output:
te = time.clock()
print time.clock()-te
Maybe something along these lines?
from sets import Set as set
def yield_lines(fileobj):
#I want to discard the headers
for i in xrange(3):
for line in fileobj:
yield line
def app(path1, path2):
file1 = set(yield_lines(open(path1)))
file2 = set(yield_lines(open(path2)))
return file1.union(file2)
EDIT: Forgot about with :$
I wrote this new code, with the ease of using a set. It is faster that my previous code. And, it seems, than your code
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os, time, sys, re
from sets import Set as sett
def sorting_merge(o_file , c_file, m_file ):
# Convert Date/time to epoch
def toEpoch(dt):
dt_ptrn = '%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S'
return int(time.mktime(time.strptime(dt, dt_ptrn)))
pat = re.compile('([0123]\d/[01]\d/\d{2} [012]\d:[0-6]\d:[0-6]\d)'
'[ \t]+[0123]\d/[01]\d/\d{2} [012]\d:[0-6]\d:[0-6]\d')
fa = open(o_file)
head = []
while True:
line1 = fa.readline()
mat1 =
if not mat1:
output = sett((toEpoch( , line.rstrip())
for line in fa)
output.add((toEpoch( , line1.rstrip()))
fb = open(c_file)
while True:
line1 = fb.readline()
mat1 =
if mat1: break
for line in fb:
output.add((toEpoch( , line.rstrip()))
output.add((toEpoch( , line1.rstrip()))
output = list(output)
output[0:0] = head
output[0:0] = [('',time.strftime('On %d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S'))]
fm = open(m_file,'w')
fm.writelines( line+'\n' for t,line in output)
te = time.clock()
print time.clock()-te
Note that this code put a heading in the merged file
Aaaaaah... I got it... :-))
Execution's time divided by 3 !
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os, time, sys, re
from sets import Set as sett
def sorting_merge(o_file , c_file, m_file ):
pat = re.compile('[0123]\d/[01]\d/\d{2} [012]\d:[0-6]\d:[0-6]\d'
'(?=[ \t]+[0123]\d/[01]\d/\d{2} [012]\d:[0-6]\d:[0-6]\d)')
def kl(line,pat = pat):
return time.mktime(time.strptime((,'%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S'))
fa = open(o_file)
head = []
while True:
line1 = fa.readline()
mat1 =
if not mat1:
output = sett(line.rstrip() for line in fa)
fb = open(c_file)
while True:
line1 = fb.readline()
mat1 =
if mat1: break
for line in fb:
output = list(output)
output[0:0] = [time.strftime('On %d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S')] + head
fm = open(m_file,'w')
fm.writelines( line+'\n' for line in output)
te = time.clock()
print time.clock()-te
Last codes, I hope.
Because I found a killer code.
First , I created two files "xxA.txt" and "yyB.txt" of 30 lines having 30000 lines as
430559 group_atlas.atlas084 12 181 4 04/03/10 01:38:02 02/03/11 22:05:42
430502 group_atlas.atlas084 12 181 4 23/01/10 21:45:05 02/03/11 22:05:42
430544 group_atlas.atlas084 12 181 4 17/06/11 12:58:10 02/03/11 22:05:42
430566 group_atlas.atlas084 12 181 4 25/03/10 23:55:22 02/03/11 22:05:42
with the following code:
from random import choice
n = tuple( str(x) for x in xrange(500,600))
days = ('01','02','03','04','05','06','07','08','09','10','11','12','13','14','15','16',
# not '29','30,'31' to avoid problems with strptime() on last days of february
months = days[0:12]
hours = days[0:23]
ms = ['00','01','02','03','04','05','06','07','09'] + [str(x) for x in xrange(10,60)]
repeat = 30000
with open('xxA.txt','w') as f:
# 430794 group_atlas.atlas084 12 181 4 02/03/11 22:02:37 02/03/11 22:05:42
ch = ('On 23/03/11 00:40:03\n'
'JobID Group.User Ctime Wtime Status QDate CDate\n'
for i in xrange(repeat):
line = '430%s group_atlas.atlas084 12 181 4 \t%s/%s/%s %s:%s:%s\t02/03/11 22:05:42\n' %\
with open('yyB.txt','w') as f:
# 430794 group_atlas.atlas084 12 181 4 02/03/11 22:02:37 02/03/11 22:05:42
ch = ('On 25/03/11 13:45:24\n'
'JobID Group.User Ctime Wtime Status QDate CDate\n'
for i in xrange(repeat):
line = '430%s group_atlas.atlas084 12 181 4 \t%s/%s/%s %s:%s:%s\t02/03/11 22:05:42\n' %\
with open('xxA.txt') as g:
print 'readlines of xxA.txt :',len(g.readlines()),0)
print 'set of xxA.txt :',len(set(g))
with open('yyB.txt') as g:
print 'readlines of yyB.txt :',len(g.readlines()),0)
print 'set of yyB.txt :',len(set(g))
Then I ran these 3 programs:
#!/usr/bin/env python
from time import clock,mktime,strptime,strftime
from sets import Set
import re
infunc = []
def sorting_merge(o_file, c_file, m_file ):
infunc.append(clock()) #infunc[0]
pat = re.compile('([0123]\d/[01]\d/\d{2} [012]\d:[0-6]\d:[0-6]\d)')
output = Set()
def rmHead(filename, a_set):
f_n = open(filename, 'r')
head = []
for line in f_n:
head.append(line) # line of the header
if line.strip('= \r\n')=='': break
for line in f_n:
return head
infunc.append(clock()) #infunc[1]
head = rmHead(o_file, output)
infunc.append(clock()) #infunc[2]
head = rmHead(c_file, output)
infunc.append(clock()) #infunc[3]
if '' in output: output.remove('')
infunc.append(clock()) #infunc[4]
output = [ (mktime(strptime(,'%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S')),line)
for line in output ]
infunc.append(clock()) #infunc[5]
infunc.append(clock()) #infunc[6]
fm = open(m_file,'w')
fm.write(strftime('On %d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S\n')+(''.join(head)))
for t,line in output:
fm.write(line + '\n')
infunc.append(clock()) #infunc[7]
c_f = "xxA.txt"
o_f = "yyB.txt"
t1 = clock()
sorting_merge(o_f, c_f, 'zz_mergedr.txt')
t2 = clock()
print 'merging regex'
print 'total time of execution :',t2-t1
print ' launching :',infunc[1] - t1
print ' preparation :',infunc[1] - infunc[0]
print ' reading of 1st file :',infunc[2] - infunc[1]
print ' reading of 2nd file :',infunc[3] - infunc[2]
print ' output.remove(\'\') :',infunc[4] - infunc[3]
print 'creation of list output :',infunc[5] - infunc[4]
print ' sorting of output :',infunc[6] - infunc[5]
print 'writing of merging file :',infunc[7] - infunc[6]
print 'closing of the function :',t2-infunc[7]
#!/usr/bin/env python
from time import clock,mktime,strptime,strftime
from sets import Set
infunc = []
def sorting_merge(o_file, c_file, m_file ):
infunc.append(clock()) #infunc[0]
output = Set()
def rmHead(filename, a_set):
f_n = open(filename, 'r')
head = []
for line in f_n:
head.append(line) # line of the header
if line.strip('= \r\n')=='': break
for line in f_n:
return head
infunc.append(clock()) #infunc[1]
head = rmHead(o_file, output)
infunc.append(clock()) #infunc[2]
head = rmHead(c_file, output)
infunc.append(clock()) #infunc[3]
if '' in output: output.remove('')
infunc.append(clock()) #infunc[4]
output = [ (mktime(strptime(line.split('\t')[-2],'%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S')),line)
for line in output ]
infunc.append(clock()) #infunc[5]
infunc.append(clock()) #infunc[6]
fm = open(m_file,'w')
fm.write(strftime('On %d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S\n')+(''.join(head)))
for t,line in output:
fm.write(line + '\n')
infunc.append(clock()) #infunc[7]
c_f = "xxA.txt"
o_f = "yyB.txt"
t1 = clock()
sorting_merge(o_f, c_f, 'zz_mergeds.txt')
t2 = clock()
print 'merging split'
print 'total time of execution :',t2-t1
print ' launching :',infunc[1] - t1
print ' preparation :',infunc[1] - infunc[0]
print ' reading of 1st file :',infunc[2] - infunc[1]
print ' reading of 2nd file :',infunc[3] - infunc[2]
print ' output.remove(\'\') :',infunc[4] - infunc[3]
print 'creation of list output :',infunc[5] - infunc[4]
print ' sorting of output :',infunc[6] - infunc[5]
print 'writing of merging file :',infunc[7] - infunc[6]
print 'closing of the function :',t2-infunc[7]
"merging killer"
#!/usr/bin/env python
from time import clock,strftime
from sets import Set
import re
infunc = []
def sorting_merge(o_file, c_file, m_file ):
infunc.append(clock()) #infunc[0]
patk = re.compile('([0123]\d)/([01]\d)/(\d{2}) ([012]\d:[0-6]\d:[0-6]\d)')
output = Set()
def rmHead(filename, a_set):
f_n = open(filename, 'r')
head = []
for line in f_n:
head.append(line) # line of the header
if line.strip('= \r\n')=='': break
for line in f_n:
return head
infunc.append(clock()) #infunc[1]
head = rmHead(o_file, output)
infunc.append(clock()) #infunc[2]
head = rmHead(c_file, output)
infunc.append(clock()) #infunc[3]
if '' in output: output.remove('')
infunc.append(clock()) #infunc[4]
output = [ (,2,1,4),line)for line in output ]
infunc.append(clock()) #infunc[5]
infunc.append(clock()) #infunc[6]
fm = open(m_file,'w')
fm.write(strftime('On %d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S\n')+(''.join(head)))
for t,line in output:
fm.write(line + '\n')
infunc.append(clock()) #infunc[7]
c_f = "xxA.txt"
o_f = "yyB.txt"
t1 = clock()
sorting_merge(o_f, c_f, 'zz_mergedk.txt')
t2 = clock()
print 'merging killer'
print 'total time of execution :',t2-t1
print ' launching :',infunc[1] - t1
print ' preparation :',infunc[1] - infunc[0]
print ' reading of 1st file :',infunc[2] - infunc[1]
print ' reading of 2nd file :',infunc[3] - infunc[2]
print ' output.remove(\'\') :',infunc[4] - infunc[3]
print 'creation of list output :',infunc[5] - infunc[4]
print ' sorting of output :',infunc[6] - infunc[5]
print 'writing of merging file :',infunc[7] - infunc[6]
print 'closing of the function :',t2-infunc[7]
merging regex
total time of execution : 14.2816595405
launching : 0.00169211450059
preparation : 0.00168093989599
reading of 1st file : 0.163582242995
reading of 2nd file : 0.141301478261
output.remove('') : 2.37460347614e-05
creation of output : 13.4460212122
sorting of output : 0.216363532237
writing of merging file : 0.232923737514
closing of the function : 0.0797514767938
merging split
total time of execution : 13.7824474898
launching : 4.10666718815e-05
preparation : 2.70984161395e-05
reading of 1st file : 0.154349784679
reading of 2nd file : 0.136050810927
output.remove('') : 2.06730184981e-05
creation of output : 12.9691854691
sorting of output : 0.218704332534
writing of merging file : 0.225259076223
closing of the function : 0.0788362766776
merging killer
total time of execution : 2.14315311024
launching : 0.00206199391263
preparation : 0.00205026057781
reading of 1st file : 0.158711791582
reading of 2nd file : 0.138976601775
output.remove('') : 2.37460347614e-05
creation of output : 0.621466415424
sorting of output : 0.823161602941
writing of merging file : 0.227701565422
closing of the function : 0.171049393149
During killer program, sorting output takes 4 times longer , but time of creation of output as a list is divided by 21 !
Then globaly, the execution's time is reduced at least by 85 %.