I can easily calculate something like:
R = numpy.column_stack([A,np.ones(len(A))])
M = numpy.dot(R,[k,m0])
where A is a simple array and k,m0 are known values.
I want something different. Having fixed R, M and k, I need to obtain m0.
Is there a way to calculate this by an inverse of the function numpy.dot()?
Or it is only possible by rearranging the matrices?
M = numpy.dot(R,[k,m0])
is performing matrix multiplication. M = R * x.
So to compute the inverse, you could use np.linalg.lstsq(R, M):
import numpy as np
A = np.random.random(5)
R = np.column_stack([A,np.ones(len(A))])
k = np.random.random()
m0 = np.random.random()
M = R.dot([k,m0])
(k_inferred, m0_inferred), residuals, rank, s = np.linalg.lstsq(R, M)
assert np.allclose(m0, m0_inferred)
assert np.allclose(k, k_inferred)
Note that both k and m0 are determined, given M and R (assuming len(M) >= 2).
I'm trying to implement a differential in python via numpy that can accept a scalar, a vector, or a matrix.
import numpy as np
def foo_scalar(x):
f = x * x
df = 2 * x
return f, df
def foo_vector(x):
f = x * x
n = x.size
df = np.zeros((n, n))
for mu in range(n):
for i in range(n):
if mu == i:
df[mu, i] = 2 * x[i]
return f, df
def foo_matrix(x):
f = x * x
m, n = x.shape
df = np.zeros((m, n, m, n))
for mu in range(m):
for nu in range(n):
for i in range(m):
for j in range(n):
if (mu == i) and (nu == j):
df[mu, nu, i, j] = 2 * x[i, j]
return f, df
This works fine, but it seems like there should be a way to do this in a single function, and let numpy "figure out" the correct dimensions. I could force everything into a 2-D array form with something like
x = np.array(x)
if len(x.shape) == 0:
x = x.reshape(1, 1)
elif len(x.shape) == 1:
x = x.reshape(-1, 1)
if len(f.shape) == 0:
f = f.reshape(1, 1)
elif len(f.shape) == 1:
f = f.reshape(-1, 1)
and always have 4 nested for loops, but this doesn't scale if I need to generalize to higher-order tensors.
Is what I'm trying to do possible, and if so, how?
I highly doubt there is a function to generate the second parameter returned by the function in Numpy. That being said you can play with the feature of Numpy and Python so to vectorize this and make the function faster. You first need to generate the indices and, then generate the target matrix and set it. Note that operating with N-dimensional generic arrays tends to be slow and tricky in non-trivial cases. The magic * unrolling operator is used to generate N parameters.
def foo_generic(x):
f = x ** 2
idx = np.stack(np.meshgrid(*[np.arange(e) for e in x.shape], indexing='ij'))
idx = tuple(np.concatenate((idx, idx)).reshape(2*x.ndim, -1))
df = np.zeros([*x.shape, *x.shape])
df[idx] = 2 * x.ravel()
return f, df
Note that foo_generic does not support scalar and it would be very inefficient to use it for that anyway, but you can add a condition in it to support this special case apart.
The df matrix will very quickly be huge for higher order so I strongly advise you not to use dense matrices for that since the number of zeros is huge compared to the number of values in the matrix case already. Sparse matrices fix this. In fact, for a 5x5 matrix, there are >95% of zeros. Not to mention the matrix becomes quickly huge and willing a huge matrix full of zeros is not efficient.
I have a complex matrix C with dimensions (r, r) as well as a complex vector of size r. I need to compute a new matrix from C and v following this equation:
where K is also a square matrix of dimensions (r, r). Here is the code to compute K with three loops:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
r = 9
# Create random matrix
C = np.random.rand(r,r) + np.random.rand(r,r) * 1j
v = np.random.rand(r) + np.random.rand(r) * 1j
# Original loops
K = np.zeros((r, r))
for m in range(r):
for n in range(r):
for i in range(r):
K[m,n] += np.imag( C[i,m] * np.conj(C[i,n]) * np.sign(np.imag(v[i])) )
Removing the loop with i is relatively easy:
# First optimization
K = np.zeros((r, r))
for m in range(r):
for n in range(r):
K[m,n] = np.imag(np.sum(C[:,m] * np.conj(C[:,n]) * np.sign(np.imag(v)) ))
but I am not sure how to proceed to vectorize the two remaining loops. Is it actually possible in this case?
I had a lot of these of problems and here is how I usually proceeded to find solutions to writing out vectorized code.
Here is what I have noticed about your summation. Cool conclusion is that you probably do not need vectorization at all, as you can express your whole calculation as a single product of 2D matrics. Here comes...
Lets first define following matrix (sorry for lack of Latex notation, Stackoverflow does not support Mathjax) :
A_{i,j} = c_{i,j}.
B_{i,j} = c_{i,j} * sgn(Im(v_i))
Then you can write your summation as:
k_{m,n} = Im( \sum_{i=1}^{r} c_{i,m} * sgn(Im(v_i)) * c_{i,n}^* ) = Im ( \sum_{i=1}^{r} B_{i,m} * A_{i,n}^* ) = Im( \sum_{i=1}^{r} B_{m,i}^T * A_{i,n}^* )
The expression above inside of Im(.) is the by definition of matrix multiplication equivalent to following :
k_{m,n} = Im( (B^T * A^*)_{m,n} )
Which means that your matrix k can be expressed as product of transpose of matrix B and product of matrix A. In your code the matrix matrix A is assigned already to variable C. So the vectorization could be done as follows:
C = np.random.rand(r,r) + np.random.rand(r,r) * 1j
v = np.random.rand(r) + np.random.rand(r) * 1j
k = np.imag( (C * np.sign(np.imag(v)).T # np.conj(C) )
And you have avoided both nasty loops and convoluted expressions
This looks like matrix multiplication:
out = np.imag((C*np.sign(np.imag(v))[:,None]).T # np.conj(C))
Or you can use np.einsum:
out = np.imag(np.einsum('im,in,i', C, np.conj(C), np.sign(np.imag(v))))
Verification with your approach:
np.all(np.abs(out-K) < 1e-6)
# True
I found something that can work for now. However, one loop remains and since the resulting matrix is symetric, there is still some optimization to be made.
Instead of removing the i loop, I removed the two other ones:
K = np.zeros((r, r), dtype=np.complex128)
for i in range(r):
K += adjointMatrix(C) # (np.sign(np.imag(v)) * C)
K = np.imag(K)
def adjointMatrix(X):
return np.conjugate( np.transpose(X) )
Let say we have 2 matrices:
mat = torch.randn([20, 7]) * 100
mat2 = torch.randn([7, 20]) * 100
n, m = mat.shape
The simplest usual matrix multiplication looks like this:
def mat_vec_dot_product(mat, vect):
n, m = mat.shape
res = torch.zeros([n])
for i in range(n):
for j in range(m):
res[i] += mat[i][j] * vect[j]
return res
res = torch.zeros([n, n])
for k in range(n):
res[:, k] = mat_vec_dot_product(mat, mat2[:, k])
But what if I need to apply L2 norm instead of dot product? The code is next:
def mat_vec_l2_mult(mat, vect):
n, m = mat.shape
res = torch.zeros([n])
for i in range(n):
for j in range(m):
res[i] += (mat[i][j] - vect[j]) ** 2
res = res.sqrt()
return res
for k in range(n):
res[:, k] = mat_vec_l2_mult(mat, mat2[:, k])
Can we do this somehow in an optimal way using Torch or any other libraries? Cause naive O(n^3) Python code works really slow.
Use torch.cdist for L2 norm - euclidean distance
res = torch.cdist(mat, mat2.permute(1,0), p=2)
Here, I have used permute to swap dim of mat2 from 7,20 to 20,7
First of all, matrix multiplication in PyTorch has a built-in operator: #.
So, to multiply mat and mat2 you simply do:
mat # mat2
(should work, assuming dimensions agree).
Now, to compute the Sum of Squared Differences(SSD, or L2-norm of differences) which you seem to compute in your second block, you can do a simple trick.
Since the squared L2-norm ||m_i - v||^2 (where m_i is the i'th row of matrix M and v is the vector) is equal to the dot product <m_i - v, m_i-v> - from linearity of the dot product you obtain: <m_i,m_i> - 2<m_i,v> + <v,v> so you can compute the SSD of each row in M from vector v by computing once the squared L2-norm of each row, once the dot product between each row and the vector and once the L2-norm of the vector. This can be done in O(n^2).
However, for the SSD between 2 matrices you will still get O(n^3). Improvements can be made though by vectorizing the operations instead of using loops.
Here is a simple implementation for 2 matrices:
def mat_mat_l2_mult(mat,mat2):
rows_norm = (torch.norm(mat, dim=1, p=2, keepdim=True)**2).repeat(1,mat2.shape[1])
cols_norm = (torch.norm(mat2, dim=0, p=2, keepdim=True)**2).repeat(mat.shape[0], 1)
rows_cols_dot_product = mat # mat2
ssd = rows_norm -2*rows_cols_dot_product + cols_norm
return ssd.sqrt()
mat = torch.randn([20, 7])
mat2 = torch.randn([7,20])
print(mat_mat_l2_mult(mat, mat2))
The resulting matrix will have at each cell i,j the L2-norm of the difference between each row i in mat and each column j in mat2.
I have coded Isomap function starting with computing the eulidean distance matrix (using scipy.spatial.distance.cdist), next basing on K-nearest neighbors method and Dijkstra algorithm (to determinate the shortest path) I have Computed the full distance matrix over all paths, finally I have did map computations, following by the dimensionality reduction.
BUT, I want to use epsilon instead of K-nearest neighbors like in the following :
Y = isomap (X, epsilon, d)
• X is an n × m matrix which corresponds to n points with m attributes.
• epsilon is an anonymous function of the distance matrix used to find the parameters of neighborhood. (The neighborhood graph must be formed by eliminating the edges whose width is greater to epsilon of the complete distance graph).
• d is a parameter which signifies the output dimension.
• Y is an n × d matrix, which signifies the embedding resulting from isomap.
THANKS in advance
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
def distance_Matrix(X):
return cdist(X,X,'euclidean')
def Dijkstra(h):
q = h.copy()
for i in range(ndata):
for j in range(ndata):
k = np.argmin(q[i,:])
while not(np.isinf(q[i,k])):
q[i,k] = np.inf
for l in neighbours[k,:]:
possible = h[i,l] + h[l,k]
if possible < h[i,k]:
h[i,k] = possible
k = np.argmin(q[i,:])
return h
def MDS(D,newdim=2):
n = D.shape[0]
# Torgerson formula
I = np.eye(n)
J = np.ones(D.shape)
J = I-(1/n)*J
B = (-1/2)*np.dot(np.dot(J,D),np.dot(D,J)) # B = -(1/2).JD²J
eigenval, eigenvec = np.linalg.eig(B)
indices = np.argsort(eigenval)[::-1]
eigenval = eigenval[indices]
eigenvec = eigenvec[:, indices]
# dimension reduction
K = eigenvec[:, :newdim]
L = np.diag(eigenval[:newdim])
# result
Y = K # L **(1/2)
return np.real(Y)
def isomap(data,newdim=2,K=12):
ndata = np.shape(data)[0]
ndim = np.shape(data)[1]
d = distance_Matrix(X)
# replace begin
# K-nearest neighbours
indices = d.argsort()
#notneighbours = indices[:,K+1:]
neighbours = indices[:,:K+1]
# replace end
h = np.ones((ndata,ndata),dtype=float)*np.inf
for i in range(ndata):
h[i,neighbours[i,:]] = d[i,neighbours[i,:]]
h = Dijkstra(h)
return MDS(h,newdim)
Try sklearn.neighbors.radius_neighbors_graph for your distance matrix
I have a very large matrix, but I only want to find the eigenvectors (more than 1) with one specific eigenvalue. How can I get this without solving the whole eigenvalues and eigenvectors of this matrix in python?
One option could be perhaps to use shift-invert method. The method eigs in scipy has an optional parameter sigma using which it is possible to specify the value close to which it should search for eigenvalues:
import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse.linalg import eigs
N = 10
A = np.random.random_sample((N, N))
A += A.T
A += N*np.identity(N)
#get N//2 largest eigenvalues
l,_ = eigs(A, N//2)
#get 2 eigenvalues closest in magnitude to 12
l,_ = eigs(A, 2, sigma = 12)
This produces:
[ 19.52479260+0.j 12.28842653+0.j 11.43948696+0.j 10.89132148+0.j
[ 12.28842653+0.j 11.43948696+0.j]
In case you know the eigenvalues in advance, then you could try to calculate the basis of the corresponding nullspace. For example:
import numpy as np
from numpy.linalg import eig, svd, norm
from scipy.sparse.linalg import eigs
from scipy.linalg import orth
def nullspace(A, atol=1e-13, rtol=0):
A = np.atleast_2d(A)
u, s, vh = svd(A)
tol = max(atol, rtol * s[0])
nnz = (s >= tol).sum()
ns = vh[nnz:].conj().T
return ns
eigen_values = [1,2,3,3,4,5]
N = len(eigen_values)
D = np.matrix(np.diag(eigen_values))
#generate random unitary matrix
U = np.matrix(orth(np.random.random_sample((N, N))))
#construct test matrix - it has the same eigenvalues as D
A = U.T * D * U
#get eigenvectors corresponding to eigenvalue 3
Omega = nullspace(A - np.eye(N)*3)
_,M = Omega.shape
for i in range(0, M):
v = Omega[:,i]
print(i, norm(A*v - 3*v))