Im trying to remove the \n from a list created in a function. My code for removing it doesnt seem to be working. Im not getting an error either??
Basic Domain bruteforcer
Usage: (-f <file>) (-d <domain>) [-t 10] [-v] -h | --help
-f --file File to read potential Sub-domains from. (Required)
-d --domain Domain to bruteforce. (Required)
-h --help Show this screen.
-p --proxy Proxy address and port. [default:] (Optional)
-t --thread Thread count. (Optional)
-v --verbose Turn debug on. (Optional)
from docopt import docopt
def fread(dwords, *args):
flist = open(dwords).readlines()
#print current list
print flist
nlist = flist
for i in nlist:
return nlist
if __name__ == "__main__":
arguments = docopt(__doc__, version='0.1a')
# print new list with removed \n
print fread(arguments['--file'])
Strings are not mutable, i.rstrip('\n') returns a new string.
Use a list comprehension:
def fread(dwords):
flist = open(dwords).readlines()
return [s.rstrip('\n') for s in flist]
or, since you are reading the whole file into memory anyway, str.splitlines():
def fread(dwords):
return open(dwords).read().splitlines()
I'm trying to call ffmpeg command using on linux, but I'm unable to get the arguments right. Before hand, I used os.system and it worked, but this method is not recommended.
Using arguments with a dash such as "-i" gets me this error
Unrecognized option 'i "rtsp://"'.
Error splitting the argument list: Option not found
Using arguments without dash like "i" gets me this error
[NULL # 0x7680a8b0] Unable to find a suitable output format for 'i rtsp://'
i rtsp:// Invalid argument
Here's the code
class IPCamera(Camera):
IP Camera implementation
def __init__(self,
self.path = path
def __ffmpeg(self, nb_frames=1, filename='capture%003.jpg'):
ffm_input = "-i " + self.path
ffm_rate = "-r 5"
ffm_nb_frames = "-vframes " + str(nb_frames)
ffm_filename = filename
if platform.system() == 'Linux':
ffm_path = 'ffmpeg'
ffm_format = '-f v4l2'
ffm_path = 'C:/Program Files/iSpy/ffmpeg.exe'
ffm_format = '-f image2'
command = [ffm_path, ffm_input, ffm_rate, ffm_format, ffm_nb_frames, ffm_filename]
BTW, I'm running this command on a MT7688.
You have to split the options:
command = [ffm_path, '-i', ffm_input, '-r', ffm_rate, '-f', ffm_format, '-vframes', ffm_nb_frames, ffm_filename]
The ffm_input, ffm_rate, ffm_format should only contain the value:
ffm_input = self.path
ffm_rate = '5'
ffm_nd_frames = str(nb_frames)
ffm_format = 'v412' if platform.system() == 'Linux' else 'image2'
When you pass a list no parsing is done so -r 5 is taken as a single argument but the program expects you to provide two separate arguments -r followed by 5.
Basically if you put them as a single element in the list it's as if you quoted them on the command line:
$ echo "-n hello"
-n hello
$ echo -n hello
In the first example echo sees a single argument -n hello. Since it does not match any option it just prints it. In the second case echo sees two arguments -n and hello, the first is the valid option to suppress end of line and as you can see the prompt is printed right after hello and not on its own line.
I am trying to use argparse to create my script with parameters but I am not being able to.
The name of my script is pipeline and it has some options arguments like -b, -c, -i and -r.
If you call the script ./pipeline -b should give an error asking for a git repository path but I am not being able to do this.
from git import Repo
import os
import sys
import subprocess
import argparse
class Ci:
def build(self,args):
cloned_repo = Repo.clone_from(args)
print("clonning repository " + args)
dir = git.split('/')(-1)
if os.path.isdir(dir):
print("repository cloned successfully")
print("error to clone repository")
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-b','-build',action='store_true', help='execute mvn clean install')
parser.add_argument('-c','-compress',action='store_true',help='zip a directory recursively')
parser.add_argument('-i','-integration',action='store_true',help='execute mvn verify')
parser.add_argument('-r','-release',action='store_true',help='execute build,integration and compress respectively')
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.b:
a = Ci()
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
I can't make this sub-parameter work and I can't find a way to pass this parameter to my build function.
./pipeline -b
Output: error missins git path
./pipeline -b https://git/repo
Output: clonning repo
and the string "https://git/repo" has to be passed as the argument to my build function:
How can I make it work?
first a note about convention: usually the longer option name is preceded by two hyphens like this '--build'
second, 'store_true' is the action you perform with '-b', which means argparse doesnt expect an argument after it, it just sets the variable to True (and if the argument wasn't there it would set it to False)
try removing the action='store_true' and then it will default to storing the next value it finds in the argument list into
Reducing your code to:
import argparse
class Ci:
def build(self,args):
print("clonning repository " + args)
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-b','-build',action='store_true', help='execute mvn clean install')
parser.add_argument('-c','-compress',action='store_true',help='zip a directory recursively')
parser.add_argument('-i','-integration',action='store_true',help='execute mvn verify')
parser.add_argument('-r','-release',action='store_true',help='execute build,integration and compress respectively')
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.b:
a = Ci()
I get:
1313:~/mypy$ python3 -b
Namespace(b=True, c=False, i=False, r=False)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 22, in <module>
TypeError: build() missing 1 required positional argument: 'args'
The parser runs fine, seeing args.b to True. But the call to build is wrong. It does not match the method's definition.
Providing a 'directory' doesn't help either, because -b is True/False
1313:~/mypy$ python3 -b foo
usage: [-h] [-b] [-c] [-i] [-r] error: unrecognized arguments: foo
You need to either change -b to take an value, or add another argument that takes a value.
#AntiMatterDynamite showed how to change -b. Instead let's add:
parser.add_argument('adir', help='a directory for build')
and change the build call
Now the value is passed on to the method:
1322:~/mypy$ python3 -b
usage: [-h] [-b] [-c] [-i] [-r] adir error: the following arguments are required: adir
1322:~/mypy$ python3 -b foo
Namespace(adir='foo', b=True, c=False, i=False, r=False)
clonning repository foo
Instead redefining -b:
parser.add_argument('-b','-build', help='execute mvn clean install')
if args.b is not None:
a = Ci()
test runs:
1322:~/mypy$ python3 -b
usage: [-h] [-b B] [-c] [-i] [-r] error: argument -b/-build: expected one argument
1324:~/mypy$ python3 -b foo
Namespace(b='foo', c=False, i=False, r=False)
clonning repository foo
So your parser needs to accept a value. And you need to pass that value on to your code. You seem to have read enough of the argparse docs to get things like print_help and store_true, but missed the simpler use of store (default) or positional. Were you trying to do something more sophisticated?
I agree with #hpaulj (why isn't an accepted answer?). I guess you found your problem, i.e., store_true does not take argument, then follow hpaulj indications.
In addition, I opened the question because of its title, I was expecting something different such as the following. I wanted to find a way to pass the argparse arguments to a function and possibly modify them with the function arguments. Here is the solution I wrote in case others come looking for this. It may need to be adjusted to account for positional arguments, I also highlight the possible use of vars(args) to get a dictionary from the argparse arguments to compare dict-to-dict with the args_dict:
def get_options(args_dict: dict):
""" get options from command-line,
update with function args_dict if needed """
args = get_cmd() # this is the function taking cmd-line arguments
for key, val in args_dict.items():
if not hasattr(args, key):
raise AttributeError('unrecognized option: ', key)
setattr(args, key, val)
I am trying to call ssh from a Python program but it seems to be ignoring the arguments.
This is the Python program:
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, call
vm_name = 'vmName with-space'
vm_host = 'user#'
def ssh_prefix_list(host=None):
if host:
# return ["ssh", "-v", "-v", "-v", host]
return ["scripts/ssh_wrapper", "-v", "-v", "-v", host]
return []
def start(vm_name, vm_host=None): # vm_host defaults to None
print "vm_host = ", vm_host
vbm_args = ssh_prefix_list(vm_host) + ["VBoxManage", "startvm", vm_name]
print vbm_args
return call(vbm_args, shell=True)
start(vm_name, vm_host)
The wrapper prints the number of arguments, their values, and calls ssh.
echo Number of arguments: $#
echo ssh arguments: "$#"
ssh "$#"
This is the output.
$ scripts/
vm_host = stephen#
['scripts/ssh_wrapper', '-v', '-v', '-v', 'stephen#', 'VBoxManage', 'startvm', 'atp-systest Clone']
Number of arguments: 0
ssh arguments:
usage: ssh [-1246AaCfgKkMNnqsTtVvXxY] [-b bind_address] [-c cipher_spec]
[-D [bind_address:]port] [-e escape_char] [-F configfile]
[-i identity_file] [-L [bind_address:]port:host:hostport]
[-l login_name] [-m mac_spec] [-O ctl_cmd] [-o option] [-p port]
[-R [bind_address:]port:host:hostport] [-S ctl_path]
[-w local_tun[:remote_tun]] [user#]hostname [command]
This is on Python 2.5.
When you are using shell=True , you need to pass in a string, not a list of arguments. Try -
return call(' '.join(vbm_args), shell=True)
Also, you should consider constructing the string from start, rather than list.
When you pass a list to call() or Popen() with shell=True , only the first element in the list is actually called , and that is the reason you are seeing the wrapper called with 0 arguments.
You should also try first without using shell=True , since its a security hazard, as clearly stated in the documentation of subprocess -
Using shell=True can be a security hazard. See the warning under Frequently Used Arguments for details.
I think this might be it:
prefix_list = ssh_prefix_list(vm_host)
prefix_list.append(["VBoxManage startvm %s" % vm_name])
however I would strongly recommend using paramiko - it makes things much easier.
When you use call with shell=True, you need to pass a single string, not an array of strings. So:
call("scripts/ssh_wrapper -v -v -v "+host+" VBoxManage startvm "+vmname)
I'm taking a list generated from reading a file and trying to take each item and concatenating it to another input string. I can understand the error; I can't concat a list item with a string. But how do I convert each item from the list into a string. I tried ' '.join(list) but that didn't work either.
I'm getting the following error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./", line 40, in <module>
print subcheck(returned_list, ['--domain'])
File "./", line 31, in subcheck
socket.gethostbyname(sub + domain)
TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'list' objects
Basic Domain bruteforcer
Usage: (-f <file>) (-d <domain>) [-t 10] [-v] -h | --help
-f --file File to read potential Sub-domains from. (Required)
-d --domain Domain to bruteforce. (Required)
-h --help Show this screen.
-p --proxy Proxy address and port. [default:] (Optional)
-t --thread Thread count. (Optional)
-v --verbose Turn debug on. (Optional)
import socket
from docopt import docopt
def fread(dwords):
flist = open(dwords).readlines()
return [s.replace('\n', '.') for s in flist]
def subcheck(subdomain, domain):
for sub in subdomain:
socket.gethostbyname(sub + domain)
return output
if __name__ == "__main__":
arguments = docopt(__doc__, version='0.1a')
print arguments
print fread(arguments['--file'])
returned_list = fread(arguments['--file'])
print subcheck(returned_list, ['--domain'])
print subcheck(returned_list, ['--domain'])
Did you mean to retrieve the domain option from the arguments object?
print subcheck(returned_list, arguments['--domain'])
Im trying to implement the --verbose option in my script. The idea is to turn on extra printing of errors etc for debugging, but for some reason it doesnt seem to work. Ive tried a few variations of the if verbose statement but no joy. Im hoping someone could point me in the right direction?
./ -f wordfile.txt -d --verbose 1
unknown#ubuntu:~$ ./ -f wordfile.txt -d --verbose 1
{'--domain': '',
'--file': 'wordfile.txt',
'--help': False,
'--thread': False,
'--verbose': True,
'10': False,
'<1>': '1'}
Basic Domain bruteforcer
Usage: (-f <file>) (-d <domain>) [-t 10] [-v <1>] -h | --help
-f --file File to read potential Sub-domains from. (Required)
-d --domain Domain to bruteforce. (Required)
-h --help Show this screen.
-p --proxy Proxy address and port. [default:] (Optional)
-t --thread Thread count. (Optional)
-v --verbose Turn debug on. (Optional)
import socket
from docopt import docopt
def fread(dwords):
flist = open(dwords).readlines()
return [s.replace('\n', '.') for s in flist]
def subcheck(subdomain, domain, verbose):
vdomain = {}
for sub in subdomain:
check = socket.gethostbyname(sub + domain)
vdomain[sub + domain] = check
except socket.gaierror, e:
if verbose == True:
print arguments
print e, sub + domain
return vdomain
if __name__ == "__main__":
arguments = docopt(__doc__, version='0.1a')
returned_list = fread(arguments['--file'])
returned_domains = subcheck(returned_list, arguments['--domain'], ['--verbose'])
The below line in function subcheck
returned_domains = subcheck(returned_list, arguments['--domain'], ['--verbose'])
should be
returned_domains = subcheck(returned_list, arguments['--domain'], arguments['--verbose'])
You forgot to pass the verbose param from arguments, instead you passed a list
It seems I was calling the subcheck incorrectly.
Code should have looked like this
Working CODE
if __name__ == "__main__":
arguments = docopt(__doc__, version='0.1a')
returned_list = fread(arguments['--file'])
returned_domains = subcheck(returned_list, arguments['--domain'], arguments['--verbose'])
print returned_domains