I have multiple forms in a html file, which all call the same python cgi script. For example:
<form method="POST" name="form1" action="script.cgi" enctype="multipart/data-form">
<form method="POST" name="form2" action="script.cgi" enctype="multipart/data-form">
And in my cgi script I do the following:
import os
import cgi
print "content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8\n\n"
form = cgi.FieldStorate();
I am unable to get the data from the second from. I have tried to call FieldStorage multiple times, but that did not seem to work. So my question is how do I access different forms in the same cgi script?
You cannot. The browser submits one form, or the other, but not both.
If you need data from both forms, merge the forms into one <form> tag instead.
First, FieldStorage() consumes standard input, so it should only be instantiated once.
Second, only the data in the submitted form is sent to the server. The other forms may
as well not exist.
So while you can use the same cgi script to process both forms, if you need process both forms at the same time, as Martijn suggested, merge the forms into one <form>.
So I have a standard Django project with a basic view that returns a simple HTML confirmation statement. Would it be plausible for me to define all of my HTML in the view itself as a really long string and return that using HttpResponse() I know it's a bit unorthodox, but this is an example of what I'm thinking about:
from django.shortcuts import render
from django.http import HttpResponse
from django.shortcuts import render_to_response
def index(request):
html = """
This is my bare-bones html page.
return HttpResponse(html)
My corresponding JS and stylesheets would be stored in the same directory as views. py in my app in this example. Just making sure: I'm not asking if this works, because I already know the answer is yes, I just want to know if there are any disadvantages/drawbacks to this method, and why don't more people do this?
You can use built-in template renderer to get works filters/templatetags/etc
Most people dont use this because it mixes Python with HTML and gets very messy and out of hand very quickly
To answer your question, this solution works alright, but it is not adopted by many programmers because it makes the whole code disorganized and not easy to understand.
Also, this system would not be good for large projects because the code would contain lots of html in the same file as the python. It is always nice and time saving to separate code into files based on performance.
A better solution
Save your html in a folder called templates in the current directory, in this case, the templates folder can contain an index.html file which would have
This is my bare-bones html page.
in the views create an index view for this template using the code below
def index(request):
return render(request, 'index.html')
if you would need to pass in some data to the html you can use context in the request as shown below:
def index(request):
context = {
"name":"some name"
return render(request, 'index.html', context=context)
access the data in html using the structure below:
The data passed to the page is {{name}}.
I hope this helps
I am using django-summernote editor for creating posts with text and images which are saved in a character field as HTML tags.
I want to add a read-more functionality where a limited sized preview is shown for all the posts. An idea could be to truncate the character field, but it may lead to truncation of HTML image tags if they happen to be positioned between the boundary.
How to get around this?
Django has two template filters you can use to make sure your HTML doesn't get malformed: truncatechars_html and truncatewords_html
Template filters are just functions, so you can import them anywhere you need in your Python code and assign the result to a variable you can use elsewhere, etc.
from django.template.defaultfilters import truncatechars_html
html = """<p>Look, I’m some HTML. You can truncate me
with Django template filters</p>"""
truncated_value = truncatechars_html(html, 30)
I'm late to this party but this post came up in search results. I just got a working solution to this myself with a custom template filter. This allows you to drop in the break on a case by case basis like WordPress. Here is what I did (with help from this post and the Django docs):
Sample post submitted in a textfield:
<p>Here is some sample text</p>
<img src="cool_photo.jpg" />
in templatetags/read_more.py
from django import template
from django.template.defaultfilters import stringfilter
register = template.Library()
def read_more(value):
pattern = "<!--more-->"
return value.split(pattern, 1)[0]
in the template that's rendering the truncated version:
{% load read_more %}
{{ object.body|read_more|safe }}
Since the split pattern is an html comment there's no need to cut it from the main post body template:
{{ object.body|safe }}
I'm using tornado and I want to Insert something to my MongoDB from values in a HTML form.
in the HTML file I have a form like this:
<form method="get" >
with 2 textbox and a submit button.
and I don't know what to set as "action"
I have a handler class with a function called "post" like bellow:
class MyHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
def post(self):
name = self.get_argument("Name", "")
index = self.get_argument("Index","")
.... code for updating MongoDB
I have a file called BaseUrl.py that contains:
(/admin/edit[/]?',MyHandler )
but it seems that the "post" function in myHandler does not execute.
could you please give me some advice about how to properly set my URLs and form actions?
Change the form method to POST as you are handling in a POST request:
<form method="POST" >
You also need to provide an action if the form is served from different page, so your form should be:
<form method="POST" action="/admin/edit">
Your post method isn't called because your form specifies method="get". Change that to method="post" and it'll probably work.
If the action is empty the browser will submit the request to the current page, so if you have a get handler serving the form at the same URL you don't need to specify it.
This is a function which (in a GET request) receives a case_url and case_key and serves the corresponding case (using mongoDB) to a html template called detail_case.
Im trying to add a feature where when a form is filled(on this same page detail_case) and it is submitted, it should submit a POST request to the same function and the code under 'if request.method=="POST"' should get executed.
#app.route('/case/<case_url>/<case_key>', methods=["GET","POST"])
def serve_case(case_url,case_key):
"""for saving a comment in db.comments"""
if request.method == "POST":
#code which inserts it in the database
return redirect(url_for('serve_case', \
Function serves the case as per the key indicated in the URL
#corresponding code here which fills values of variables and sends it to another page
return render_template('detail_case.html')
The problem is that I don't think the POST request is ever executed. This is the html code on the template page detail_case-
<textarea placeholder="Please enter your comments here" action="{{ url_for('serve_case',case_url=case_url,case_key=case_key)}}" method="POST" name="comment_text" rows="6"></textarea><br />
The problem i think is the action field. I don't know how should I send the variable comment_text to my function. Infact, the code under POST does not get executed when I submit.
Basically the issue is that during a GET request, it sends 2 variables which are needed in the parameters of the function serve_case. During my POST request, well, I don't know how to exactly frame the action field. If I send no parameters, its an error. If I don't send it to the same function, then how will it execute the POST code? Could someone please suggest sumthing?
i'm pretty new to flask, i'm editing someone else's code
You need to submit the POST request (for example through form) like below:
<form action="{{ url_for('serve_case',case_url=case_url,case_key=case_key)}}" method="POST">
<input type="text" placeholder="Please enter your comments here">
<input type="submit" name="comment_text" rows="6"><br />
The situation is simply that we want to send information to Django (our web framework), have it perform functions on the information, and receive information back from Django.
Just now our form to POST to the server looks like this.
<form method="post" onAction="/write" name="form1">
{% csrf_token %}
<button type="submit">Send Info for processing</button>
And we want this process to send a variable or transmit information.
This successfully reaches our views.py and gets to a function where information can be done.
But currently we don't know how to take information in from the POST nor how to send it back without loading a whole new page.
Since you don't want to refresh the page when you are posting a request, you would want to make a Asynchronous Request to the Server. JQuery, Javascript library has some neat functions which would help you make an asynchronous request. After the server receives the request, it can perform computation can send an HttpResponse with HTML, XML or JSON data as mentioned by Brandon
This is a wiki page for the Tutorial on Ajax with Django
You need to return an HttpResponse. It's up to you whether or not to return XML, JSON, HTML, etc. Your request has to be made via Ajax.