Set the weights of decision functions through stdin in Sklearn - python

Is there a method that I can input the coefficients to the clf of SVC in my script, then apply clf.score() or clf.predict() function for further test?
Currently I am using joblib.dump(clf,'file.plk') to save all the information of a trained clf. But this involves the disk writing/reading. It will be helpful for me if I can just define a clf with two arrays representing the support vector (clf.support_vectors_), weights (clf.coef_/clf.dual_coef_), and bias (clf.intercept_) respectively.

This line calls the prediction function from libsvm. It looks like this (but please take a look at the whole function _dense_predict):
X, self.support_, self.support_vectors_, self.n_support_,
self.dual_coef_, self._intercept_,
self.probA_, self.probB_, svm_type=svm_type, kernel=kernel,, coef0=self.coef0, gamma=self._gamma,
You can use this line and give it all the relevant information directly and will obtain a raw prediction. In order to do this, you must import the libsvm from sklearn.svm import libsvm. If your initial fitted classifier is called svc, then you can obtain all the relevant information from it by replacing all the self keywords with svc and keeping the values. If svc._impl gives you "c_svc", then you set svm_type=0.
Note that at the beginning of the _dense_predict function you have X = self._compute_kernel(X). If your data is X, then you need to transform it by doing K = svc._compute_kernel(X), and call the libsvm.predict function with K as the first argument
Scoring is independent from all this. Take a look at sklearn.metrics, where you will find e.g. the accuracy_score, which is the default score in SVM.
This is of course a somewhat suboptimal way of doing things, but in this specific case, if is impossible (I didn't check very hard) to set coefficients, then going into the code and seeing what it does and extracting the relevant part is surely an option.

Check out this blog post on memory usage of sklearn models using succinct tries to see if it is applicable.
If the other location does not have access to the sklearn packages you would need to create your own score and predict functions. clf.score() and clf.predict() requires clf to be an sklearn object.


Is it possible to fit() a scikit-learn model in a loop or with an iterator

Usually people use scikit-learn to train a model this way:
from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingClassifier as gbc
clf = gbc(), y_train)
predicted = clf.predict(X_test)
It works fine as long as users' memory is large enough to accommodate the entire dataset. The dilemma for me is exactly this--the dataset is too big for my memory. My current solution is to enlarge the virtual memory of my machine and I have already made the system extremely slow by having too much virtual memory--so I start to think whether or not is it possible to feed the fit() method with samples in batches like this (and the answre is no, please keep reading and stop reminding me that the answer is no):
clf = gbc()
for i in range(X_train.shape[0]):[i], y_train[i])
so that I can read the training set from hard drive only when needed. I read the sklearn's manual and it seems to me that it does not support this:
Calling fit() more than once will overwrite what was learned by any previous fit()
So, is this possible?
This do not work in scikit-learn as explained in the comment section as well as in the documentation. However you can use river ( which is a python package for online/streaming machine learning). This package should be well-suited for you problematic.
Below is an example of training a LinearRegression using river.
from river import datasets
from river import linear_model
from river import metrics
from river import preprocessing
dataset = datasets.TrumpApproval()
model = (
preprocessing.StandardScaler() |
metric = metrics.MAE()
for x, y, in dataset:
y_pred = model.predict_one(x)
# Update the running metric with the prediction and ground truth value
metric.update(y, y_pred)
# Train the model with the new sample
model.learn_one(x, y)
It is not clear in your question is which steps in the machine learning are slow for you. As also noted in the manual for riverml and this post in sklearn there is an option to do a partial fit. You will be restricted in terms of the models you can use for this incremental learning.
So using your example lets say we use a stochastic gradient descent classifier:
from sklearn.linear_model import SGDClassifier
from sklearn.datasets import make_classification
X,y = make_classification(100000)
clf = SGDClassifier(loss='log')
all_classes = list(set(y))
for ix in np.split(np.arange(0,X.shape[0]),100):
clf.partial_fit(X[ix,:],y[ix],classes = all_classes)
After reading the section 6. Strategies to scale computationally: bigger data of the official manual mentioned by #StupidWolf in this post, I am aware that this question is more to this than meets the eye.
The real difficulty is about the design of a lot of models.
Take Random Forest as an example, one of the most important techniques used to improve its performance compared with the simpler Decision Tree is the application of bagging, which means that the algorithm has to pick some random samples from the entire dataset to construct several weak learners as the basis of the Random Forest. It means that feeding the model with one sample after another won't work with this design.
Although it is still possible for scikit-learn to define an interface for end-users to implement so that scikit-learn can pick a random sample by calling this interface and end-users will decide how their implementation of the interface is about to return the needed data by scanning the dataset on the hard drive, it becomes way more complicated than I initially thought and the performance gain may not be very significant given that the IO-heavy "full table scan" (in database's term) is frequently needed.

xgboost.train versus XGBClassifier

I am using python to fit an xgboost model incrementally (chunk by chunk). I came across a solution that uses xgboost.train but I do not know what to do with the Booster object that it returns. For instance, the XGBClassifier has options like fit, predict, predict_proba etc.
Here is what happens inside the for loop that I am reading in the data little by little:
dtrain=xgb.DMatrix(X_train, label=y)
param = {'max_depth':2, 'eta':1, 'silent':1, 'objective':'binary:logistic'}
XGBClassifier is a scikit-learn compatible class which can be used in conjunction with other scikit-learn utilities.
Other than that, its just a wrapper over the xgb.train, in which you dont need to supply advanced objects like Booster etc.
Just send your data to fit(), predict() etc and internally it will be converted to appropriate objects automatically.
I'm not entirely sure what was your question. under the hood calls xgb.train() so it is a matter of matching us arguments of relevant functions.
If you are interested how to implement the learning that you have in mind, then you can do
clf = xgb.XGBClassifier(**params), y, xgb_model=your_model)
See the documentation here. On each iteration you will have to save the booster using something like clf.get_booster().save_model(xxx).
PS I hope you do learning in mini-batches, i.e. chunks and not literally line-by-line, i.e. example-by-example, as that would result in performance drop due to writing/reading the model each time

Gradient Boosting with a OLS Base Learner

I've been playing with the Boostings function in Sklearn and I've noticed a key difference between sklearn.ensemble.GradientBoostingRegressor and sklearn.ensemble.AdaBoostRegressor. While the latter allows the user to specify the base learner, the former does not. Specifically, sklearn.ensemble.GradientBoostingRegressor only utilize trees. This is a bit annoying, as it would be nice to utilize OLS and Spline base learners within Gradient Boosting. Am I missing something? Does another function within the Sklearn library or a different python library offer this functionality?
Here's one way of doing it.
Replace sklearn/ensemble/ with this script.
You'll then be able to pass base_estimator to GradientBoostingRegressor.
If you're satisfied, please enjoy. If not, please see below for a discussion.
Before we begin, I'd like to mention a few things. All of the plots in this post can be reproduced from the scripts available in my repo for this project. Simply replace the contents of and with the appropriate directories for your local installation of Sklearn. Just keep in mind that the two bash scripts will permanently overwrite your existing Sklearn file ( You may recover the file by simply copying it from the Sklearn repo. I don't claim that anything demonstrated in this post is good practice for developing new features for Sklearn. I'm not affiliated with Sklearn nor am I an experienced software developer. All scripts were tested on Sklearn 18.2.
Now, using the new script, we may specify the linear base learner (as you typically would for AdaBoostRegressor). As a sanity check, we may fit the linear-base GBR on a single variable and ensure that it produces a linear visual when plotted against that variable. Here's the result for four (arbitrary) variables from the Boston Housing dataset.
As another sanity check, we may ensure that the results of the original tree-base GBR can be reproduced by passing a tree base_estimator to the new GBR. The following plot is an MSE 10-fold cross-validation profile with respect to the boosting iterations. That is, for each number of boosting iterations, I cross-validate to obtain a vector of 10 MSE scores and compute the mean/min of this vector. The left plot is the original GBR, while the right plot is the one using the new
What exactly has been changed?
We can use any diffchecker to compare the original to the new one. This will show you all the steps I took to create this new script, but the main step is to modify the _fit_stage() and _decision_function() methods. Within _fit_stage(), which is responsible for fitting the learner at each boosting iteration, we notice that the base learner (named tree) is instantiated with DecisionTreeRegressor, so we simply need to add the following conditions in order for this method to use the custom learner specified by the base_estimator argument instead:
if (self.base_estimator is None or
(BaseDecisionTree, BaseForest))):
# Original code for decision trees will go here.
base_learner = self.base_estimator
if X_csc is not None:, residual, sample_weight=sample_weight)
else:, residual, sample_weight=sample_weight)
if X_csr is not None:
y_pred[:, k] += self.learning_rate * base_learner.predict(X_csr).ravel()
y_pred[:, k] += self.learning_rate * base_learner.predict(X).ravel()
self.estimators_[i, k] = base_learner
Next, we may inspect _decision_function(), which is responsible for computing the boosted result when the top-level predict() function is called from GradientBoostingRegressor. Here, the heart of the calculation lies in a function called predict_stages(), which is the rather low-level Cython (.pyx) implementation of the boosting step intended for the tree-based ensemble only. In order to compute this step for an arbitrary base learner instead, we circumvent the entire predict_stages() calculation and enter it manually at the Python level:
def _decision_function(self, X):
score = self._init_decision_function(X)
score += self.learning_rate*sum(estimator[0].predict(X) for estimator in self.estimators_).reshape((-1, 1))
# predict_stages(self.estimators_, X, self.learning_rate, score)
return score
The above two changes are what I consider to be the main changes that need to be made. The rest are minor technical details, and they include:
Showing an error message if feature importances are requested when using a base learner that doesn't include a feature importance method
Including the base estimator in parameter checking and estimator validation (refer to the original script to see details on these, as I'm not entirely familiar)
Including the base estimator in the class headers and interfaces (e.g., including the super text in the class definitions for BaseGradientBoosting and GradientBoostingRegressor)
What can't be done (yet)?
The base learner that you choose must be able to support a sample_weights parameter. For this reason, I was unable to plug in a spline-like regressor (such as PyEarth). Please let me know if you or anyone manages to achieve this.
Also note that when using non-tree base learners, you may still pass tree-related arguments without error, but of course, they will be entirely ignored.
Here are things my script can't (necessarily) do:
Work with other losses besides the default, 'ls'. (Perhaps it can, but I haven't tried.)
Allow base_estimator to be passed to GradientBoostingClassifier
Overall, this was only a modest beginning toward truly custom base learners. Hope it helps.

Scikit learn fit estimator with predefined number of classes

So, I need to use some of the estimators in scikit-learn, namely LogisticRegression and SVM, but I have a problem, I have an extremely unbalanced dataset and need to run Kfold cross validation. The thing is sometimes the fold I am fitting can have only one target class of the available ones. I wanted to know if there's any way with these estimators to predefine the number of classes, maybe something like passing them a one-hot encoding representations of the target where it doesn't matter if all the examples are from one class, the shape of the target matrix will define the number of classes already.
Is there any way to do this with scikit-learn? Maybe with another library? I know those two algorithms use liblinear, maybe there's some interface I can use in that case.
Any way, thank you for your time.
EDIT: StratifiedFold cross validation is not useful for me because sometimes I have less amount of occurrences than the number of folds. E.g. it can happen that I have a dataset with 50 instances and 3 classes, but 46 can be of one class, 2 of a second class and 2 of a third class and though I can go for 3 fold cross validation I would generally need results of more folds than that, plus even with 3 folds still leaves open the case where one class is the only available for one fold.
The comment that said you need to gather more data may be right. However if you believe you have enough data for your model to learn something useful, you can over sample your minority classes (or possibly under sample the majority classes, but this sounds like a problem for over sampling). Having only one class in the data set makes it pretty much impossible for your model to learn anything about that class.
Here are some links to over sampling and under sampling libraries in python. The famous imbalanced-learn library is great.
Your case sounds like a good candidate for SMOTE. You also mentioned you wanted to change the ratio. There is a parameter in imblearn.over_sampling.SMOTE called ratio, where you would pass a dictionary. You can also do it with percentages (see the documentation).
SMOTE uses the K-Nearest-Neighbors algorithm to make "similar" data points to those under sampled ones. This is a more powerful algorithm than traditional over-sampling because then when your model gets the training data it helps avoid the issue where your model is memorizing key points of specific examples. Instead, smote creates a "similar" data point (likely in a multi-dimensional space) so your model can learn to generalize better.
NOTE: It is vital that you do not use SMOTE on the full data set. You MUST use SMOTE on the training set only (i.e. after you split), and then validate on the validation set and test sets to see if your SMOTE model out performed your other model(s). If you do not do this, there will be data leakage and you will get a model that doesn't even closely resemble what you want.
from collections import Counter
from imblearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from imblearn.over_sampling import SMOTE
import numpy as np
from xgboost import XGBClassifier
import warnings
warnings.filterwarnings(action='ignore', category=DeprecationWarning)
sm = SMOTE(random_state=0, n_jobs=8, ratio={'class1':100, 'class2':100, 'class3':80, 'class4':60, 'class5':90})
X_resampled, y_resampled = sm.fit_sample(X_normalized, y)
print('Original dataset shape:', Counter(y))
print('Resampled dataset shape:', Counter(y_resampled))
X_train_smote, X_test_smote, y_train_smote, y_test_smote = train_test_split(X_resampled, y_resampled)
X_train_smote.shape, X_test_smote.shape, y_train_smote.shape, y_test_smote.shape, X_resampled.shape, y_resampled.shape
smote_xgbc = XGBClassifier(n_jobs=8).fit(X_train_smote, y_train_smote)
print(accuracy_score(smote_xgbc.predict(np.array(X_train_normalized)), y_train))
print(f1_score(smote_xgbc.predict(np.array(X_train_normalized)), y_train))
print(accuracy_score(smote_xgbc.predict(np.array(X_test_normalized)), y_test))
print(f1_score(smote_xgbc.predict(np.array(X_test_normalized)), y_test))

Classification tree in sklearn giving inconsistent answers

I am using a classification tree from sklearn and when I have the the model train twice using the same data, and predict with the same test data, I am getting different results. I tried reproducing on a smaller iris data set and it worked as predicted. Here is some code
from sklearn import tree
from sklearn.datasets import iris
clf = tree.DecisionTreeClassifier(),
r1 = clf.predict_proba(,
r2 = clf.predict_proba(
r1 and r2 are the same for this small example, but when I run on my own much larger data set I get differing results. Is there a reason why this would occur?
EDIT After looking into some documentation I see that DecisionTreeClassifier has an input random_state which controls the starting point. By setting this value to a constant I get rid of the problem I was previously having. However now I'm concerned that my model is not as optimal as it could be. What is the recommended method for doing this? Try some randomly? Or are all results expected to be about the same?
The DecisionTreeClassifier works by repeatedly splitting the training data, based on the value of some feature. The Scikit-learn implementation lets you choose between a few splitting algorithms by providing a value to the splitter keyword argument.
"best" randomly chooses a feature and finds the 'best' possible split for it, according to some criterion (which you can also choose; see the methods signature and the criterion argument). It looks like the code does this N_feature times, so it's actually quite like a bootstrap.
"random" chooses the feature to consider at random, as above. However, it also then tests randomly-generated thresholds on that feature (random, subject to the constraint that it's between its minimum and maximum values). This may help avoid 'quantization' errors on the tree where the threshold is strongly influenced by the exact values in the training data.
Both of these randomization methods can improve the trees' performance. There are some relevant experimental results in Lui, Ting, and Fan's (2005) KDD paper.
If you absolutely must have an identical tree every time, then I'd re-use the same random_state. Otherwise, I'd expect the trees to end up more or less equivalent every time and, in the absence of a ton of held-out data, I'm not sure how you'd decide which random tree is best.
See also: Source code for the splitter
The answer provided by Matt Krause does not answer the question entirely correctly.
The reason for the observed behaviour in scikit-learn's DecisionTreeClassifier is explained in this issue on GitHub.
When using the default settings, all features are considered at each split. This is governed by the max_features parameter, which specifies how many features should be considered at each split. At each node, the classifier randomly samples max_features without replacement (!).
Thus, when using max_features=n_features, all features are considered at each split. However, the implementation will still sample them at random from the list of features (even though this means all features will be sampled, in this case). Thus, the order in which the features are considered is pseudo-random. If two possible splits are tied, the first one encountered will be used as the best split.
This is exactly the reason why your decision tree is yielding different results each time you call it: the order of features considered is randomized at each node, and when two possible splits are then tied, the split to use will depend on which one was considered first.
As has been said before, the seed used for the randomization can be specified using the random_state parameter.
The features are always randomly permuted at each split. Therefore, the best found split may vary, even with the same training data and max_features=n_features, if the improvement of the criterion is identical for several splits enumerated during the search of the best split. To obtain a deterministic behaviour during fitting, random_state has to be fixed.
I don't know anything about sklearn but...
I guess DecisionTreeClassifier has some internal state, create by fit, which only gets updated/extended.
You should create a new one?

