Thanks for fixing it! Unfortunatelly, it messed up the logic. I'll explain what this program does. It's a solution to a task about playing cards trick. There are N cards on the table. First and Second are numbers on the front and back of the cards. The trick can only be done, if the visible numbers are in non-decreasing order. Someone from audience can come and swap places of cards. M represents how many cards will be swapped places. A and B represent which cards will be swapped. Magician can flip any number of cards to see the other side. The program must tell, if the magician can do the trick.
from collections import namedtuple
Pair = namedtuple("Pair", ["first", "second"])
pairs = []
with open('data.txt', 'r') as data, open('results.txt', 'w') as results:
n = data.readline()
n = int(n)
for _ in range(n):
first, second = (int(x) for x in data.readline().split(':'))
first, second = sorted((first, second))
pairs.append(Pair(first, second)) # add to the list by appending
m = data.readline()
m = int(m)
for _ in range(m):
a, b = (int(x) for x in data.readline().split('-'))
a -= 1
b -= 1
temp = pairs[a]
pairs[a] = pairs[b]
pairs[b] = temp
p = -1e-9
ok = True
for k in range(0, n):
if pairs[k].first >= p:
p = pairs[k].first
elif pairs[k].second >= p:
p = pairs[k].second
ok = False
if ok:
What should be in results:
The code is full of bugs: you should write and test it incrementally instead of all at once. It seems that you started using readlines (which is a good way of managing this kind of work) but you kept the rest of the code in a reading one by one style. If you used readlines, the line for i, line in enumerate(data): should be changed to for i, line in enumerate(lines):.
Anyway, here is a corrected version with some explanation. I hope I did not mess with the logic.
from collections import namedtuple
Pair = namedtuple("Pair", ["first", "second"])
# The following line created a huge list of "Pairs" types, not instances
# pairs = [Pair] * (2*200*1000+1)
pairs = []
with open('data.txt', 'r') as data, open('results.txt', 'w') as results:
n = data.readline()
n = int(n)
# removing the reading of all data...
# lines = data.readlines()
# m = lines[n]
# removed bad for: for i, line in enumerate(data):
for _ in range(n): # you don't need the index
first, second = (int(x) for x in data.readline().split(':'))
# removed unnecessary recasting to int
# first = int(first)
# second = int(second)
# changed the swapping to a more elegant way
first, second = sorted((first, second))
pairs.append(Pair(first, second)) # we add to the list by appending
# removed unnecessary for: once you read all the first and seconds,
# you reached M
m = data.readline()
m = int(m)
# you don't need the index... indeed you don't need to count (you can read
# to the end of file, unless it is malformed)
for _ in range(m):
a, b = (int(x) for x in data.readline().split('-'))
# removed unnecessary recasting to int
# a = int(a)
# b = int(b)
a -= 1
b -= 1
temp = pairs[a]
pairs[a] = pairs[b]
pairs[b] = temp
p = -1e-9
ok = True
for k in range(0, n):
if pairs[k].first >= p:
p = pairs[k].first
elif pairs[k].second >= p:
p = pairs[k].second
ok = False
if ok:
Response previous to edition
range(1, 1) is empty, so this part of the code:
for i in range (1, 1):
n = data.readline()
n = int(n)
does not define n, at when execution gets to line 12 you get an error.
You can remove the for statement, changing those three lines to:
n = data.readline()
n = int(n)
I have an output of .xyz file from a molecular simulation software. I need to calculate the distance between two sets of atoms. First line is the number of atoms (1046), the next line can be seen as a comment which I wouldn't need. Then comes the coordinates of the atoms. The general view of the file is as follows.
i = 13641, time = 5456.400, E = -6478.1065220464
O -7.4658679231 -8.2711817669 -9.8539631371
H -7.6241360163 -9.2582538006 -9.9522290769
H -8.2358222851 -7.6941601822 -9.9653770757
O -4.9711266650 -4.7190696213 -15.2513827675
H -4.0601366272 -4.8452939622 -14.9451462873
H -5.3574156180 -5.6550789412 -15.1154558067
... ~ 1000 more lines
O -3.7163764338 -18.4917410571 -11.7137020838
H -3.3000068500 -18.5292231200 -12.6331415740
H -4.3493512803 -19.2443154891 -11.6751925772
i = 13642, time = 5456.800, E = -6478.1027892656
O -7.4669935102 -8.2716185134 -9.8549232159
H -7.6152044024 -9.2599276969 -9.9641510528
H -8.2364333010 -7.6943001983 -9.9565217204
O -4.9709831745 -4.7179801609 -15.2530422573
H -4.0670595153 -4.8459686871 -14.9472675802
H -5.3460565517 -5.6569802374 -15.1037050119
The indices of first set of atoms that I want to extract goes like 0,3,6,9,...,360. Considering the first two lines of header in the file, I implemented this as
w_index = list(range(2,362,3))
And the other set is only 8 atoms, which I again gave as a list.
c_index = [420,488,586,688,757,847,970,1031]
My thinking is to append the corresponding lines to separate lists in order to operate on them by the function 'dist_calculate_with_pbc_correction'.
def open_file(filename):
global step
waters = []
carbons = []
with open(filename, 'r') as infile:
for index, line in enumerate(infile):
items = line.split()
if index % (natoms+2) in w_index:
kind, x, y, z = items[0], float(items[1]), float(items[2]), float(items[3])
if (index - 2)% (natoms+2) in c_index:
kind, x, y, z = items[0], float(items[1]), float(items[2]), float(items[3])
if index > 0 and index % (natoms+2) == natoms:
carbons, waters = [], []
And this is the function that does all the calculation and write the outcomes to a file.
def dist_calculate_with_pbc_correction(c,w):
write_file(output_fn,'%s %r \n' % ('#Step:',step))
for i in range(len(c)):
hydration = 0
min_d = 100
for j in range(len(w)):
x_diff, y_diff, z_diff = c[i][1] - w[j][1], c[i][2] - w[j][2], c[i][3] - w[j][3]
if x_diff > pbc_a/2:
x_diff -= pbc_a
elif x_diff < -pbc_a/2:
x_diff += pbc_a
if y_diff > pbc_b/2:
y_diff -= pbc_b
elif y_diff < -pbc_b/2:
y_diff += pbc_b
if z_diff > pbc_c/2:
z_diff -= pbc_c
elif z_diff < -pbc_c/2:
z_diff += pbc_c
dist = math.sqrt(x_diff**2 + y_diff**2 + z_diff**2)
if dist < min_d:
min_d, min_index = dist, w_index[j]-2
if dist < r_cutoff :
hydration +=1
write_file(output_fn,'%d %s %d %d \n' % (c_index[i], round(min_d,3), min_index, hydration))
def write_file(filename,out):
with open(filename,'a') as g:
The problem is that, this code works but it works not fast enough (read extremely slow). It takes about 27 minutes to go through the whole file of ~200K steps (~200M lines). I say 'extremely slow' since a colleague of mine came up with her own version in Fortran -that does the exact same thing if not more- runs 10 times faster. Her code runs the entire file under 3 minutes even though she bothers to calculate in order to determine the smallest distance between all the atoms unlike the way I dictate the indices of atoms. I am aware that the majority of time is spent on selecting the atoms in the 'open_file' function to add them to corresponding lists, but I don't know how to improve that. Any help will be appreciated.
Here is a sample xyz file maker of carbons if you want to have a sample file handy.
import numpy as np
def sample_xyz(steps,natoms):
with open('','w') as f:
for step in range(steps):
f.write('i = {} \n'.format(step))
for foo in range(natoms):
line = 'C {} {} {}\n'.format(np.random.random()*10, np.random.random()*10, np.random.random()*10)
I am doing the Project Euler #67 in Python. My program, which worked for Project 18, does not work for Project 67.
Code (excludes the opening of the file and the processing of information):
for i in range(len(temp)):
list1 = temp[i]
list2 = temp[i+1]
trynum1 = list1[lastinput] + max(list2[lastinput],list2[lastinput+1])
trynum2 = list1[lastinput+1] + max(list2[lastinput+1],list2[lastinput+2])
if trynum1 > trynum2:
lastinput += 1
except IndexError:
except IndexError:
if list1[lastinput] > list1[lastinput+1]:
temp is the triangle of integers
outputlist is a list which stores the numbers chosen by the program
I know the answer is 7273, but my program finds 6542. I cannot find an error which causes the situation. Please may you help me on it.
My approach to this program is to find one number (list1[lastinput]) and add it up with the larger number of the two below it (trynum1), compare with the number to the right of the first number (list1[lastinput+1]), adding the larger number of two below it (trynum2). I append the larger one to the output list.
This approach is logically flawed. When you're in row 1, you don't have enough information to know whether moving right or left will lead you to the largest sum, not with only a 2-row lookahead. You would need to look all the way to the bottom to ensure getting the best path.
As others have suggested, start at the bottom and work up. Remember, you don't need the entire path, just the sum. At each node, add the amount of the better of the two available paths (that's the score you get in taking that node to the bottom). When you get back to the top, temp[0][0], that number should be your final answer.
I thought day and night about problem 18 and I solved it, the same way I solved this one.
P.S. 100_triangle.txt is without 1st string '59'.
# Maximum path sum II
import time
def e67():
start = time.time()
for s in f:
lst=[int(item) for item in slst]
for i in range(len(lst)):
if i==0:
elif i==len(lst)-1:
elif (lst[i]+summ[i-1])>(lst[i]+summ[i]):
end = time.time() - start
print("Runtime =", end)
return max(summ)
print(e67()) #7273
Though starting from the bottom is more efficient, I wanted to see if I could implement Dijkstra's algorithm on this one; it works well and only takes a few seconds (didn't time it precisely):
from math import inf
f = open("p067_triangle.txt", "r")
tpyramid =
n = len(tpyramid)
pyramid = [[100 - int(tpyramid[i].split()[j]) for j in range(i+1)] for i in range(n)]
paths = [[inf for j in range(i+1)] for i in range(n)]
paths[0][0] = pyramid[0][0]
def mini_index(pyr):
m = inf
for i in range(n):
mr = min([i for i in pyr[i] if i >= 0]+[inf])
if mr < m:
m, a, b = mr, i, pyr[i].index(mr)
return m, a, b
counter = 0
omega = inf
while counter < n*(n+1)/2:
min_weight, i, j = mini_index(paths)
if i != n-1:
paths[i+1][j] = min( paths[i+1][j], min_weight + pyramid[i+1][j])
paths[i+1][j+1] = min( paths[i+1][j+1], min_weight + pyramid[i+1][j+1])
omega = min(omega, min_weight)
paths[i][j] = -1
counter += 1
print(100*n - omega)
Here is my solution. Indeed you have to take the bottom - up approach.
Result confirmed with PE. Thanks!
def get_triangle(listLink):
triangle = [[int(number) for number in row.split()] for row in open(listLink)]
return triangle
listOfLists = get_triangle('D:\\Development\\triangle.txt')
for i in range(len(listOfLists) - 2, -1, -1):
for j in range(len(listOfLists[i])):
listOfLists[i][j] += max(listOfLists[i+1][j], listOfLists[i+1][j+1])
I have recently started learning programming, just completed a course on edX. I was trying to solve this problem on HackerRank and it is running out of time in each case. What am I doing wrong?
n,k = input().strip().split(' ')
n,k = [int(n),int(k)]
x = [int(x_temp) for x_temp in input().strip().split(' ')]
def transmitter(aList=[], target=0):
accepts a list of house location, and a target location for the transmitter
returns the optimal number of transmitters required to cover all the houses
List = aList[:]
start = target - k
end = target + k + 1
for i in range(start, end):
if i in List:
if not List:
return 1
m = max(List)
for e in List:
if transmitter(List, e) < m:
m = transmitter(List, e)
return 1 + m
m = max(x)
for e in x:
if transmitter(x, e) < m:
m = transmitter(x, e)
I am pretty new to this. Sorry for making any obvious mistakes, or for posting this here in case this is not the suitable site. In that case, it will be really helpful if you can recommend a site where I can ask such question.
the screenshot of the question
I'm pretty sure a greedy algorithm solves this problem optimally in just O(N) time. There's not need for any recursion. Just place each transmitter in turn as far to the right as you can without leaving any houses to its left uncovered. Stop when the last house is covered.
Here's how I'd code that:
def hackerland(houses, k): # houses should be sorted list of locations
first = None # location of first uncovered house
last = 0 # last location covered by a previous transmitter
prev = None
count = 0 # transmitters = []
for x in houses:
if first is not None and x > first + k:
first = None
count += 1 # transmitters.append(prev)
last = prev + k
if last is not None and x > last:
last = None
first = x
prev = x
if first is not None:
count += 1 # transmitters.append(prev)
return count # return transmitters
I've included comments that show how this code could be easily modified to return a list of the transmitter locations, rather than just a count of how many are needed.
It is not necessary to take a recursive approach. In fact, you can just work forward, iterate over the houses, placing transmitters when the previously placed one does not reach far enough to cover the current house, etc.
It is a bit more complicated than that, but not much. See this code:
# input
n,k = input().strip().split(' ')
n,k = [int(n),int(k)]
x = [int(x_temp) for x_temp in input().strip().split(' ')]
# eliminate duplicate house x-xoordinates, they don't influence the result
houses = list(set(x))
# add extreme far dummy house (will make the loop easier)
reachedX = 0 # coordinate until where the previously placed transmitter reaches
unreachedX = -1 # coordinate that the next one needs to cover (to the left)
lastHouseId = -1 # index where previous transmitter was placed
transmitters = [] # coordinates of the placed transmitters
for houseId, houseX in enumerate(houses):
if reachedX > unreachedX: # we might still be in range of last transmitter
if houseX > reachedX: # we just went out of reach
unreachedX = houseX # this house must be covered by next one
elif houseX - k > unreachedX: # transmitter here wouldn't reach far enough back
lastHouseId = houseId - 1 # place it on previous house
reachedX = houses[lastHouseId] + k
I have been thinking about this issue and I can't figure it out. Perhaps you can assist me. The problem is my code isn't working to output 1000 digits of pi in the Python coding language.
Here's my code:
def make_pi():
q, r, t, k, m, x = 1, 0, 1, 1, 3, 3
while True:
if 4 * q + r - t < m * t:
yield m
q, r, t, k, m, x = (10*q, 10*(r-m*t), t, k, (10*(3*q+r))//t - 10*m, x)
q, r, t, k, m, x = (q*k, (2*q+r)*x, t*x, k+1, (q*(7*k+2)+r*x)//(t*x), x+2)
digits = make_pi()
pi_list = []
my_array = []
for i in range(1000):
my_array.append(str("hello, I'm an element in an array \n" ))
big_string = "".join(my_array)
print "here is a big string:\n %s" % big_string
I know this code can be fixed to work, but I'm not sure what to fix... The print statement saying here is a big string and the my_array.append(str("hello, im an element in an array \n)) is just a filler for now. I know how all the code is used to work, but like I said before, I can't get it to shoot out that code.
If you don't want to implement your own algorithm, you can use mpmath.
# import version included with old SymPy
from sympy.mpmath import mp
except ImportError:
# import newer version
from mpmath import mp
mp.dps = 1000 # set number of digits
print(mp.pi) # print pi to a thousand places
Update: Code supports older and newer installations of SymPy (see comment).*
Run this
def make_pi():
q, r, t, k, m, x = 1, 0, 1, 1, 3, 3
for j in range(1000):
if 4 * q + r - t < m * t:
yield m
q, r, t, k, m, x = 10*q, 10*(r-m*t), t, k, (10*(3*q+r))//t - 10*m, x
q, r, t, k, m, x = q*k, (2*q+r)*x, t*x, k+1, (q*(7*k+2)+r*x)//(t*x), x+2
my_array = []
for i in make_pi():
my_array = my_array[:1] + ['.'] + my_array[1:]
big_string = "".join(my_array)
print "here is a big string:\n %s" % big_string
And read about yield operator from here:
What does the "yield" keyword do?
Here is the answer:
The accepted answer is incorrect, as noted in comments.
The OP's code appears to be based on an implementation of Spigot's algorithm copied from here.
To fix the code per the OP's question (although I renamed the variables and functions to match what they were in the original source), one solution might be:
#!/usr/bin/env python
DIGITS = 1000
def pi_digits(x):
"""Generate x digits of Pi."""
q,r,t,k,n,l = 1,0,1,1,3,3
while x >= 0:
if 4*q+r-t < x*t:
yield n
x -= 1
q,r,t,k,n,l = 10*q, 10*(r-n*t), t, k, (10*(3*q + r))/t-10*n, l
q,r,t,k,n,l = q*k, (2*q+r)*l, t*l, k+1, (q*(7*k+2)+r*l)/(t*l), l+2
digits = [str(n) for n in list(pi_digits(DIGITS))]
print("%s.%s\n" % (digits.pop(0), "".join(digits)))
Also, here is a much faster* implementation, also apparently based on Spigot's algorithm:
#!/usr/bin/env python
DIGITS = 1000
def pi_digits(x):
"""Generate x digits of Pi."""
k,a,b,a1,b1 = 2,4,1,12,4
while x > 0:
p,q,k = k * k, 2 * k + 1, k + 1
a,b,a1,b1 = a1, b1, p*a + q*a1, p*b + q*b1
d,d1 = a/b, a1/b1
while d == d1 and x > 0:
yield int(d)
x -= 1
a,a1 = 10*(a % b), 10*(a1 % b1)
d,d1 = a/b, a1/b1
digits = [str(n) for n in list(pi_digits(DIGITS))]
print("%s.%s\n" % (digits.pop(0), "".join(digits)))
I tested both a few times against this online Pi digit generator.
All credit to this Gist by deeplook.
* Based on testing 10,000 digits, where I got about 7 seconds compared to about 1 second.
For up to 1 million digits of pi use math_pi (note: I am the author of the module)
Install with pip:
pip install math-pi
In Python:
>>> import math_pi
>>> print(math_pi.pi(b=1000))
From Fabrice Bellard site: Pi Computation algorithm. Sorry for such a straightforward implementation. 1000 is fast enough (0.1s for me), but 10000 isn't such fast - 71s :-(
import time
from decimal import Decimal, getcontext
def compute(n):
getcontext().prec = n
res = Decimal(0)
for i in range(n):
a = Decimal(1)/(16**i)
b = Decimal(4)/(8*i+1)
c = Decimal(2)/(8*i+4)
d = Decimal(1)/(8*i+5)
e = Decimal(1)/(8*i+6)
r = a*(b-c-d-e)
res += r
return res
if __name__ == "__main__":
t1 = time.time()
res = compute(1000)
dt = time.time()-t1
I was solved with bellow formula 5-6 years ago.
Machin-like formula
Sorry for the code quality. Variable names can be meaningless.
#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Author: Fatih Mert Doğancan
# Date: 02.12.2014
def arccot(x, u):
sum = ussu = u // x
n = 3
sign = -1
while 1:
ussu = ussu // (x*x)
term = ussu // n
if not term:
sum += sign * term
sign = -sign
n += 2
return sum
def pi(basamak):
u = 10**(basamak+10)
pi = 4 * (4*arccot(5,u) - arccot(239,u))
return pi // 10**10
if __name__ == "__main__":
print pi(1000) # 1000
I'm not familiar with your algorithm. Is it an implementation of BBP?
In any case, your make_pi is a generator. Try using it in a for loop:
for digit in make_pi():
print digit
Note that this loop is infinite: make_pi() never throws StopIteration
Here you can check whether your program outputs correct 1000 digits:
Of course you can use diff or tc as well but you'd have to copy these 1000 digits from somewhere and there you just submit your program and check whether the score is bigger than 999.
You can try to print even more digits there and thus get more points. Perhaps you'd enjoy it.
Does this do what you want?
i = 0;
pi_str = ""
for x in make_pi():
pi_str += str(x)
i += 1
if i == 1001:
print "pi= %s.%s" % (pi_str[0],pi_str[1:])
Here is a different way I found here --> Python pi calculation? to approximate python based on the Chudnovsky brothers formula for generating Pi which I have sightly modified for my program.
def pifunction():
numberofdigits = int(input("please enter the number of digits of pi that you want to generate"))
getcontext().prec = numberofdigits
def calc(n):
t = Decimal(0)
pi = Decimal(0)
deno = Decimal(0)
k = 0
for k in range(n):
t = (Decimal(-1)**k)*(math.factorial(Decimal(6)*k))*(13591409+545140134*k)
deno = math.factorial(3*k)*(math.factorial(k)**Decimal(3))*(640320**(3*k))
pi += Decimal(t)/Decimal(deno)
pi = pi * Decimal(12)/Decimal(640320**Decimal(1.5))
pi = 1/pi
return str(pi)
I hope this helps as you can generate any number of digits of pi that you wish to generate.
wallis formula can get to 3.141592661439964 but a more efficient way is needed to solve this problem.
and now my code
x, y, summing = 2, 3, 4
for count in range (0,100000000):
summing *= (x/y)
x += 2
summing *= (x/y)
y += 2
print (summing)