Ok so im working on a basic dice game, But when it gets to the while loop it doesnt print the message inside, The message is just a placeholder.
dicenumber = None
numberchoice = None
ready = None
test = "Lol"
class playerClass():
points = 0
class enemyClass():
point = 0
def rolldice():
dicenumber = dicenumber.randint(1,9)
def start():
print("Hello welcome to the dice game.")
print("The goal of the game is to guess what number the dice will land on.")
print("The option are 1 to 6 and the game is won by getting 3 points.")
print("Are you ready to play?")
print("1 - Yes")
print("2 - No")
ready = int(input())
while ready == 1:
Use global inside your start function. Also, as you were trying to put while ready==1, it will be in infinite loop!
dicenumber = None
numberchoice = None
ready = None
test = "Lol"
class playerClass():
points = 0
class enemyClass():
point = 0
def rolldice():
dicenumber = dicenumber.randint(1,9)
def start():
global ready
print("Hello welcome to the dice game.")
print("The goal of the game is to guess what number the dice will land on.")
print("The option are 1 to 6 and the game is won by getting 3 points.")
print("Are you ready to play?")
print("1 - Yes")
print("2 - No")
ready = int(input())
while ready == 1:
When you access ready inside the start() method, you are accessing it as a local variable. Python assumes that all variables you use are local, not global. Put global ready in the start() method before you set the ready variable. This will tell python to access ready as a global variable.
There is a scoping issue. ready variable defined in a global scope is not updated inside the start() function.
Simple demo of what is happening:
>>> ready = None
>>> def start():
... ready = 1
>>> start()
>>> print ready
Better return ready variable from the start():
def start():
print("Hello welcome to the dice game.")
print("The goal of the game is to guess what number the dice will land on.")
print("The option are 1 to 6 and the game is won by getting 3 points.")
print("Are you ready to play?")
print("1 - Yes")
print("2 - No")
return int(input())
ready = start()
You can also make it global as #S.M. Al Mamun suggested, but i would not recommend it. Global variables are needed for sharing data, state between functions. In this case there is no need for it - your start() function defines a value for the ready variable. It is a single one place where ready is defined - no need to make it global. start() is an entry point and it would be a good idea to return a "state" (ready variable) from it.
See also:
Short Description of the Scoping Rules?
ready is defined in the global scope, but you are setting it in the local scope of the start function. Also, your rolldice function returns a number from 1 to 9 instead of 1 to 6.
from random import randint
class Player:
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
self.points = 0
self.won = False
def add_point(self):
self.points += 1
self.won = True
Hello welcome to the dice game.
The goal of the game is to guess what number the dice will land on.
The options are 1 to 6 and the game is won by getting 3 points.
Are you ready to play?
0 - No
1 - Yes'''
ready = int(input())
if ready:
players = []
number_of_players = int(input('How many players? '))
for i in range(number_of_players):
name = input('What is the name of player {}?'.format(i+1))
winners = []
while ready:
random_number = randint(1, 6)
for player in players:
guess = int(input('What is your guess, {}?'.format(player.name)))
if guess == random_number:
if player.won:
if winners:
print('Winners: {}'.format(', '.join(winners)))
You are accessing a variable(ready) which was defined originally as a global variable, then you are accessing it in your start function without mentioning in your code('start' function) that is a global variable and finally in your while loop you are again trying to access a variable which you assume it has a value assigned to it.
The other thing is you while loop. when you set ready==1, you need to some where break from your loop if you don't want it to be infinite loop.
There is module files as well but they work perfectly, the main problem is when you enter a module and it just printing out There is 'none' in here for every module. Additionally, if I wanted to change the fuel gain from 50 to randomly chose between 20,30,40 or 50.
The rest of the code works well but when the npc in a room is outputted it should say there is a 'workers' in here instead of just none for each module.
#Telium - Game
import random
#Global Variables
num_modules = 17 #Number of modules in the space station
module = 1 #Module of space station we are in
last_module = 0 #Last module we were in
possible_moves = [] #List of possible moves we can make
alive = True #Whether player is alive or not
won = False #Whether player has won
power = 100 #Amount of power the space station has
fuel = 500 #Amount of fuel the player has in flamethrower
locked = 0 #Module that has been locked by the player
queen = 0 #Location of queen alien
vent_shafts = [] #Location of ventilation shaft entrances
info_panels = [] #Location of info panels
workers = [] #Location of worker aliens
#procedure declarations
#This loads the global module
def load_module():
global module, possible_moves
possible_moves = get_modules_from(module)
def get_modules_from(module):
moves = []
text_file = open("Charles_Darwin\module" + str(module) + ".txt", "r")
for counter in range(0,4):
move_read = text_file.readline()
move_read = int(move_read.strip())
if move_read != 0:
return moves
def output_module():
global module
print("You are in module",module)
npc = spawn_npcs()
print("There is a ", npc ,"here")
def output_moves():
global possible_moves
print("From here you can move to modules: | ",end='')
for move in possible_moves:
print(move,'| ',end='')
def get_action():
global module, last_module, possible_moves, power
valid_action = False
while valid_action == False:
print("What do you want to do next ? (MOVE, SCANNER)")
action = input(">")
if action == "MOVE" or action.lower() == 'move' or action.lower()
== 'm' or action.higher() == 'M':
move = int(input("Enter the module to move to: "))
if move in possible_moves:
valid_action = True
last_module = module
module = move
#power is decreased by 1 for every move
power =- 1
print("The module must be connected to the current
def spawn_npcs():
global num_modules, queen, vent_shaft, greedy_info_panels, workers
module_set = []
for counter in range(2,num_modules):
i = 0
queen = module_set[i]
for counter in range(0,3):
for counter in range(0,2):
for counter in range(0,3):
def check_vent_shafts():
global num_modules, module, vent_shafts, fuel
if module in vent_shafts:
print("There is a bank of fuel cells here.")
print("You load one into your flamethrower.")
fuel_gained = 50
print("Fuel was",fuel,"now reading:",fuel+fuel_gained)
fuel = fuel + fuel_gained
print("The doors suddenly lock shut.")
print("What is happening to the station?")
print("Our only escape is to climb into the ventilation shaft.")
print("We have no idea where we are going.")
print("We follow the passages and find ourselves sliding down.")
last_module = module
module = random.randint(1,num_modules)
#Main Program starts here
#Menu options
print("ENTER 1 for instructions")
print("ENTER 2 to play")
print("ENTER 3 to quit")
menu = int(input("Please enter a number corresponding to what you want to
do: "))
if menu == 1:
instructions = input("Do you want to read the instructions(Y/N): ")
if instructions == "Y":
print("You, the player are trying to navigate around a space
station named the 'Charles Darwin' which contains many modules")
print("The aim of the game is to find a and trap the queen alien
called 'Telium' who is located somewhere randomly in the station, the
queen will try to escape to connectinhg modules so beware")
print("To win - you have to lock the queen in one of the modules
so she is trapped, you can kill her with a flamethrower, there is also
objects to help on the way so keep a look out")
#Outputs where the queen, shafts, panels and workers are located
print("Queen alien is located in module:",queen)
print("Ventilation shafts are located in modules:",vent_shafts)
print("Information panels are located in modules:",info_panels)
print("Worker aliens are located in modules:",workers)
#when the players is alive, the module will load
while alive and not won:
if won == False and alive == True:
#if power is 0 then the user will die and the game will end
if power == 0:
print("You ran out of life support, you died")
alive == False
#win message once you have trapped the queen or when you run out of life
if won == True:
print("The queen is trapped and you burn it to death with your
print("Game over. You win!")
if alive == False:
print("The station has run out of power. Unable to sustain life
support, you die.")
First the easy part. You can randomly get 20, 30, 40 or 50 by using random.randint like this:
random.randint(2, 5) * 10
The harder part:
As you discussed with #Random Davis in the comments, you want to assign the npcs to random modules and then print which one you encounter.
To append three random (possibly repeating) modules, use
for _ in range(0,3):
Using global variables (and the global keyword) is generally considered bad practice as it can cause sideeffects due to other parts of the program modifying a variable you wouldn't expect it to / forgot about. Try to use them as function parameters where needed and return the results
queen, vent_shafts, info_panels, workers = spawn_npcs(5)
def spawn_npcs(num_modules):
module_set = []
for i in range(2, num_modules):
for _ in range(0,3):
for _ in range(0,2):
for _ in range(0,3):
queen_module = module_set[0]
return queen_module, vent_shafts, info_panels, workers
I'am new to python, and i decided to make a simple quiz game.
The idea is:
Your base health is 100, every wrong answered question is -25 hp.
If hp equals 0 you lose.
And here lies the problem. I don't know how to pass the variable from function to a second function (in this case, every question in quiz is a different function)
The problem is that in every function, hp resets to its basic number (100).
Sorry if i poorly described my problem but im not very fluent in english.
Already tried to make a function that contains ,,hp = 100", making it global etc. Also tried various stuff with ,,return".
hp = 100
def test1():
test = input("yes no")
if test == "yes":
print("this is hp test")
print(hp - 25) # should be 100 - 25 = 75
if test == "no":
input("dead end")
def test2():
test2 = input("yes no")
if test2 == "yes":
print("this is second hp test")
print(hp - 25) # should be 75 - 25 = 50
if test2 == "no":
input("another dead end")
I am not really sure what your trying to achieve here.
But i would suggest using a class that will allow you to have better control over your variables.
class Game:
def __init__(self):
self.hp = 100
def takeInput(self):
self.current = input()
def computeScore(self):
if self.input ==="Something":
self.hp -= 25
if self.checkValidScore():
print "game over"
def checkValidScore(self):
return self.hp < 0
The statement print(hp - 25) simply prints the value of hp minus 25. It does not actually modify the value of hp. You probably want:
hp = hp - 25
Use global inside each function declartion
hp = 100
def test1():
global hp # do this in each of your functions
test = input("yes no")
if test == "yes":
print("this is hp test")
hp -= 25 # which is equivalent to hp = hp - 25
print(hp) # here just print the updated variable
Keep in mind that using global variables is not considered a good practice because it might make your code very hard to debug. You can read more about it here.
Not sure what you want to achieve. If it keeps that simple you could also go in the following direction...
def test1(hp):
test = input("yes no")
stop_msg = None
if test == "yes":
print("not ok")
hp -= 25
elif test == "no":
stop_msg = "dead end"
raise Exception("Expected input to be 'yes' or 'no'.")
return hp, stop_msg
def test2(hp):
test = input("yes no")
stop_msg = None
if test == "yes":
print("'yes' sucks")
hp -= 25
elif test == "no":
stop_msg = "another dead end"
raise Exception("Expected input to be 'yes' or 'no'.")
return hp, stop_msg
def run_game(hp=100):
tests = [test1, test2]
for test in tests:
hp, stop_msg = test(hp)
print("hp: {}".format(hp))
if stop_msg:
if __name__ == "__main__":
If you want to implement a more complex decision tree, you could use any simple tree representation.
If you have always the same structure within testX functions, introduce one function with parameters for questions, answer, etc.
I'm practice classes and inheritance in a program idea that I came up with myself. Basically Im making an arcade game menu simulator that can play two modes, single player and multiplayer. Every time I enter a choice, either 1 or 2, the menu displays a couple times and then it proceeds to accept the input, I only want the menu to be displayed once. Heres my code:
# Suppose you are at an arcade and you and your friend want to play a multiplayer game that requires UI.
# Make the game ask for the users name and age to see if they can play, make the program so that it can add a friend.
# If any of the players are under the age of 18, they are not allowed to play, otherwise proceed.
# **EXTRA CREDIT** --> Add a functionality which adds the players to a list until the list reaches 4 players, then stop adding to the list.
# arcade_game.py
import sys
# give the user a greeting
import self as self
lst = []
class menu:
def __init__(self, ready):
self.ready = ready
#display menu
def display_menu(self):
print("Pick from one of the choices below, type in the corressponding number")
print("1. single player \n"
"2. Multiplayer")
choice = int(input("Enter your choice here: "))
return choice
# ready or not function to see if the user is ready to play
def ready_or_not(self):
# see if user types 1 or 2 with try & except
# ask user if they are ready
self.ready = int(input("Are you ready to play? Type 1 for yes, 2 for no"))
except ValueError:
print("You did not type 1 or 2, please try again!")
# add players class
class player(menu):
# add a default player to __init__(), **(since there has to be at least one player)**
def __init__(self, ready, player1):
self.player1 = player1
# single player method
def set_name(self):
self.player1 = input("Enter your name for single player mode")
print("Lets play! ", self.player1)
# multiplayer method
def set_names(self):
self.player1 = input("Enter your name to begin")
# add another player to continue
while len(lst) <= 4:
add = input("Add player here: ")
if len(lst) == 4:
print("Player limit reached!")
except ValueError:
print("You didnt enter valid input, please try again")
# get the names of the players only if 1 is picked from display_menu() above, including player1
def check_choice(self):
if self.display_menu() == 1:
elif self.display_menu() == 2:
m = menu("yes")
p = player("yes", "test")
ready_or_not calls self.display_menu():
def ready_or_not(self):
# see if user types 1 or 2 with try & except
# ask user if they are ready
self.ready = int(input("Are you ready to play? Type 1 for yes, 2 for no"))
except ValueError:
print("You did not type 1 or 2, please try again!")
check_choice also calls self.display_menu() at least once, and twice if you type anything other than 1 the first time:
def check_choice(self):
if self.display_menu() == 1:
elif self.display_menu() == 2:
Your top-level code calls ready_or_not() on one menu instance:
m = menu("yes")
… and check_choice() on another:
p = player("yes", "test")
So, your program displays the menu twice, and then a third time if you type anything but 1.
If you don't want the menu displayed two or three times, don't call the method two or three times.
If you want to display the menu only once and remember the choice, instead of displaying it two or three times, you need to use that self.ready attribute that you create in ready_or_not, instead of calling the method again.
However, that still isn't going to work as-is, because your class design is weird. You've made two separate instances, m and p, each of which has its own independent attributes. I'm not sure why player inherits from menu in the first place (or why display_menu is a #classmethod, or why it calls its parameter self rather than cls if it is one, and various other things), but, given that a player is a menu in your design, you probably just want a single player instance, like this:
p = player("yes", "test")
And then, you can change check_choice like this:
def check_choice(self):
if self.choice == 1:
elif self.choice == 2:
Took me a while to figure out, but it seems like when you are done with display_menu() your calling ready_or_not() so you need to remove display_menu() from ready or not like this
# ready or not function to see if the user is ready to play
def ready_or_not(self):
# see if user types 1 or 2 with try & except
# ask user if they are ready
self.ready = int(input("Are you ready to play? Type 1 for yes, 2 for no"))
# self.display_menu()
except ValueError:
print("You did not type 1 or 2, please try again!")
looks like im late to the party
I am working on a project, and I have no idea how to avoid using global variables. I have a list of functions that perform bits and pieces but I am not able to pass variables between them!
Here is my current code:
def player_names_input():
global player_A_name,player_B_name
player_A_name = raw_input("Please enter name for Player A : ")
player_B_name = raw_input("Please enter name for Player B : ")
def coin_flip():
global player_A_name,player_B_name,start_player,end_player,game_state
game_state = "running"
import random
print "\nFlipping a coin to see who starts first..."
random_int = random.randint(0, 1)
if random_int == 0:
coin = 'Heads'
start_player = player_A_name
end_player = player_B_name
coin = 'Tails'
start_player = player_B_name
end_player = player_A_name
print '\nCoin flip --> ',coin
print '\nStarting player --> ',start_player
print '\nStarting player gets "X"'
Here is my failed attempt to use return instead of global:
def player_names_input():
player_A_name = raw_input("Please enter name for Player A : ")
player_B_name = raw_input("Please enter name for Player B : ")
return player_A_name,player_B_name
def coin_flip(player_A_name,player_B_name):
game_state = "running"
import random
print "\nFlipping a coin to see who starts first..."
random_int = random.randint(0, 1)
if random_int == 0:
coin = 'Heads'
start_player = player_A_name
end_player = player_B_name
coin = 'Tails'
start_player = player_B_name
end_player = player_A_name
print '\nCoin flip --> ',coin
print '\nStarting player --> ',start_player
print '\nStarting player gets "X"'
1- Please help make my second code run, I really wanna avoid global variables as everyone recommends.
2- Please critique my code, I am in the beginning and I am trying to learn writing good code (not just code). How bad is my attempt?
Since you have defined player_names_input() to return a 2-tuple (the two values, player_A_name and player_B_name), you could just assign them like so in the scope you are using that function,
player_A_name, player_B_name = player_names_input()
Now, when this is called:
coin_flip(player_A_name, player_B_name)
The two variables will be available for use.
You may want to consider wrapping the actual main program in a main method like
def main():
player_A_name, player_B_name = player_names_input()
coin_flip(player_A_name, player_B_name)
And call that if that file was directly executed - this is done by checking the magic __name__ variable to equal to the string '__main__', so add this too to the end of your program file.
if __name__ == '__main__':
I'm having some issues with this code. There is a lot of other code to go with it but none that will interfere or have any affect on the issue I'm having. So basically, when I run the code and we get to the for loop at the bottom, it prints nothing because apparently the variable 'walls' = 0, even though I've already given it a valid input. If anyone could help it would be much appreciated.
global walls
global wallLengths
walls = 0
wall = 0
wallLengths = 0
def clientDetails():
#global walls
print("Welcome to the InHouse Solutions Room Painting Price Calculator")
print("Please enter your full name")
userName = input(">>>")
print("Please enter your post code")
postCode = input(">>>")
print("Please enter you first address line here:")
addressLineOne = input(">>>")
print("Please enter your second address line here (OPTIONAL)")
addressLineTwo = input(">>>")
print("Thank you for your information")
print (userName)
print (addressLineOne + ", " + addressLineTwo + ", " + postCode)
print (" ")
def ValidationOne():
print ("Is this information correct? Pleast enter Yes or No")
clientDetailsCorrect = input(">>>")
if clientDetailsCorrect == "no" or clientDetailsCorrect == "No":
elif clientDetailsCorrect == "Yes" or clientDetailsCorrect == "yes":
("Invalid response, please try again")
def roomDimensions():
global walls
def ValidationTwo():
global walls
print ("How many walls does your room have?")
walls = int(input(">>>"))
if walls > 10 or walls < 3:
print("Invalid, please enter a number between 3 and 10")
elif walls == " " or walls == "":
def ValidationThree():
global walls
print ("How tall is the room in meters?")
roomHeight = float(input(">>>"))
if roomHeight < 2.4 or roomHeight > 6:
print ("Invalid, please enter a value between 2.4 and 6")
def IndividualWalls():
global wallLengths
global walls
for i in range(1,walls):
print("Please enter the width of wall" , i)
wallLengths[i] = float(input(">>>"))
there is no need to use 'global' keyword when declaring a global at the top of the script:
>>> walls = 0
>>> def increase_walls():
... global walls
... walls += 1
... print walls
>>> increase_walls()
I can't comment to your question because I don't have over 50 reputation so I will ask here
Can you tell me what the function roomDimensions does?
I tried to run it and you have some deep recursion problem (you can't call recursion function without any if - it will run forever) BUT the first thing that I notice is that you don’t initialize the walls variable so it will not be global variable it will be non-local variable. and you don't call any inner function ( ValidationTwo, ValidationThree,IndividualWalls)
so you main problems are: (handle them in this order)
walls initialize
you didn't call any inner function
deep recursion
here is my example for the use of the three of above:
global_var = 12
def outer():
global global_var
print('hello im outer function')
def inner1():
global global_var
print('hello im inner1 function')
if global_var < 10:
return 'end for inner1'
print ('global_var is: ' + str(global_var))
global_var -= 1
return inner1()
def inner2():
global global_var
print('hello im inner2 function')
if global_var >= 10:
return 'end for inner1'
print ('global_var is: ' + str(global_var))
global_var += 1
return inner2()
if global_var >= 10:
return inner1()
return inner2()
if __name__ == '__main__':
print outer()