How to print values of a string full of "chaos question marks" - python

I'm debugging with python audio, having a hard time with the audio coding.
Here I have a string full of audio data, say, [10, 20, 100].
However the data is stored in a string variable,
data = "����������������"
I want to inspect the values of this string.
Below is the things I tried
Print as int
I tried to use print "%i" % data[0]
ended up with
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 28, in <module>
print "%i" % data[i]
TypeError: %d format: a number is required, not str
Convert to int
int(data[0]) ended up with
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 27, in <module>
print int(data[0])
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '\xd1'
Any idea on this? I want to print the string in a numerical way since the string is actually an array of sound wave.
All your answers turned out to be really helpful.
The string is actually generated from the microphone so I believe it to be raw wave form, or vibration data. Further this should be referred to the audio API document, PortAudio.
After looking into PortAudio, I find this helpful example.
** This routine will be called by the PortAudio engine when audio is needed.
** It may called at interrupt level on some machines so don't do anything
** that could mess up the system like calling malloc() or free().
static int patestCallback( const void *inputBuffer, void *outputBuffer,
unsigned long framesPerBuffer,
const PaStreamCallbackTimeInfo* timeInfo,
PaStreamCallbackFlags statusFlags,
void *userData )
paTestData *data = (paTestData*)userData;
float *out = (float*)outputBuffer;
unsigned long i;
(void) timeInfo; /* Prevent unused variable warnings. */
(void) statusFlags;
(void) inputBuffer;
for( i=0; i<framesPerBuffer; i++ )
*out++ = data->sine[data->left_phase]; /* left */
*out++ = data->sine[data->right_phase]; /* right */
data->left_phase += 1;
if( data->left_phase >= TABLE_SIZE ) data->left_phase -= TABLE_SIZE;
data->right_phase += 3; /* higher pitch so we can distinguish left and right. */
if( data->right_phase >= TABLE_SIZE ) data->right_phase -= TABLE_SIZE;
return paContinue;
This indicates that there is some way that I can interpret the data as float

To be clear, your audio data is a byte string. The byte string is a representation of the bytes stored in the audio file. You are not going to simply be able to convert those bytes into meaningful values without knowing what is in the binary first.
As an example, the mp3 specification says that each mp3 contains header frames (described here: To read the header you would either need to use something like bitstring, or if you feel comfortable doing the bitwise manipulation yourself then you would just need to unpack an integer (4 bytes) and do some math to figure out the values of the 32 individual bits.
It really all depends on what you are trying to read, and how the data was generated. If you have whole byte numbers, then struct will serve you well.

If you're ok with the \xd1 mentioned above:
for item in data: print repr(item),
Note that for x in data will iterate over each value in the list rather than its location. If you want the location you can use for i in range(len(data)): ...
If you want them in numerical form, replace repr(item) with ord(item).

It is better if you use the new {}.format method:
data = "����������������"
print '{0}'.format(data[3])

You could use ord to map each byte to its numeric value between 0-255:
print map(ord, data)
Or, for Python 3 compatibility, do:
print([ord(c) for c in data])
It will also work with Unicode glyphs, which might not be what you want, so make sure you have a bytearray or an actual str or bytes object in Python 2.


Can pandas read c++ binary file directly?

I have a large file, which is outputed by my c++ code.
it save struct into file with binary format.
For example:
Struct A {
char name[32]:
int age;
double height;
output code is like:
std::fstream f;
for (int i = 0; i < 10000000; ++ i)
A a;
f.write(&a, sizeof(a));
I want to handle it in python with pandas DataFrame.
Is there any good methos that can read it elegantly?
Searching for read_bin I found this
issue that suggests using np.fromfile to load the data into a numpy array, then converting to a dataframe:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
dt = np.dtype(
("name", "S32"), # 32-length zero-terminated bytes
("age", "i4"), # 32-bit signed integer
("height", "f8"), # 64-bit floating-point number
records = np.fromfile("filename.bin", dt)
df = pd.DataFrame(records)
Please note that I have not tested this code, so there could be some problems in the data types I picked:
the byte order might be different (big/small endian dt = np.dtype([('big', '>i4'), ('little', '<i4')]))
the type for the char array is a null terminated byte array, that I think will result in a bytes type object in python, so you might want to convert that to string (using df['name'] = df['name'].str.decode('utf-8'))
More info on the data types can be found in the numpy docs.
Untested, based on a quick review of the Python struct module's documentation.
import struct
def reader(filehandle):
Accept an open filehandle; read and yield tuples according to the
specified format (see the source) until the filehandle is exhausted.
mystruct = struct.Struct("32sid")
while True:
buf =
if len(buf) == 0:
name, age, height = mystruct.unpack(buf)
yield name, age, height
with open(filename, 'rb') as data:
for name, age, height in reader(data):
# do things with those values
I don't know enough about C++ endianness conventions to decide if you should add a modifier to swap around the byte order somewhere. I'm guessing if C++ and Python are both running on the same machine, you would not have to worry about this.

How to create a C-string containing binary raster-data of a ppm image

I have a little problem concerning string generation in C.
The following code snippet is part of a C Extension for a Python/Tkinter app which generates images (mandelbrot, gradients and such). Before anyone asks: I don't want to power up Photoshop for such a simple task - overkill...
The problem I'm having is at the end of the snippet in the last for-loop.
This function generates a PPM image file for further processing. The main goal is to generate a string containing the raster data in binary format and pass that string back to Python and then to Tkinter image data to have a preview of the result.
At the moment I write a file to disk which is pretty slow.
The iterator-function returns a pointer to a RGB-array.
If I now write every single color-value to the file using
fputc(col[0], outfile)
it works (the section which is commeted out).
To get closer to my main goal I tried to merge the three color values into a string and write that into the file.
When I run that code from my Python app, I end up with a file containing just the header.
Could anyone please point me in the right direction? Tha whole C-thing is pretty new to me - so I'm pretty much stuck here...
static PyObject* py_mandelbrotppm(PyObject* self, PyObject* args)
//get filename from argument
char *filename;
PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "s", &filename);
//---------- open file for writing and create header
FILE *outfile = NULL;
outfile = fopen(filename, "w");
//---------- create ppm header
char header[17];
sprintf(header,"P6\n%d %d\n255\n", dim_x, dim_y);
fputs(header, outfile);
//---------- end of header generation
for(int y = 0;y<dim_y;y++)
for(int x = 0;x<dim_x;x++)
int *col = iterator(x,y);
char pixel[3] = {col[0], col[1], col[2]};
fputs(pixel, outfile);
for(int i = 0;i<3;i++)
fputc(pixel[i], outfile);
You have a couple of problems with your new code.
pixel is missing a null terminator (and space for it). Fix it like this:
char pixel[4] = {col[0], col[1], col[2], '\0'};
But I'll let you in on a little secret. Putting a bunch of ints into an array of chars is going to truncate them and do all sorts of weird, squirrly things. Maybe not for char-length numbers, but in terms of general style I wouldn't recommend it. Consider this:
for(int x = 0;x<dim_x;x++){
int *col = iterator(x,y);
fprintf(outfile, "%d, %d, %d", col[0], col[1], col[2]);
On the other hand, I'm a little confused as to why iterator returns ints when RGB values are from 0-255, which is precisely the range an unsigned char has:
unsigned char *col = iterator(x,y);
fprintf(outfile, "%u, %u, %u", col[0], col[1], col[2]);

collecting 'double' type data from arduino

I'm trying to send floating point data from arduino to python.The data is sent as 8 successive bytes of data (size of double) followed by newline character ('\n').How to collect these successive bytes and convert it to proper format at python end (system end)
void USART_transmitdouble(double* d)
union Sharedblock
char part[sizeof(double)];
double data;
}my_block; = *d;
for(int i=0;i<sizeof(double);++i)
int main()
double dble=5.5;
return 0;
python code.Sure this wouldn't print the data in proper format but just want to show what i have tried.
import serial,time
my_port = serial.Serial('/dev/tty.usbmodemfa131',19200)
while 1:
print my_port.readline(),
my_ser = serial.Serial('/dev/tty.usbmodemfa131',19200)
while 1:
#a = raw_input('enter a value:')
data =
f_data, = struct.unpack('<fx',data)
print f_data
Using struct module as shown in the above code is able to print float values. But,
50% of the time,the data is printed correctly.But if I mess with time.sleep() or stop the transmission and restart it,incorrect values are printed out.I guess the wrong set of 4 bytes are being unpacked in this case.Any idea on what we can do here??
On Arduino, a double is the same as float, i.e. a little-endian single-precision floating-point number that occupies 4 bytes of memory. This means that you should read exactly 5 bytes, use the little-endian variant of the f format to unpack it, and ignore the trailing newline with x:
import struct
data =
num, = struct.unpack('<fx', data)
Note that you don't want to use readline because any byte of the representation of the floating-point number can be '\n'.
As Nikklas B. pointed out, you don't even need to bother with the newline at all, just send the 4 bytes and read as many from Python. In that case the format string will be '<f'.

how to convert wav file to float amplitude

so I asked everything in the title:
I have a wav file (written by PyAudio from an input audio) and I want to convert it in float data corresponding of the sound level (amplitude) to do some fourier transformation etc...
Anyone have an idea to convert WAV data to float?
I have identified two decent ways of doing this.
Method 1: using the wavefile module
Use this method if you don't mind installing some extra libraries which involved a bit of messing around on my Mac but which was easy on my Ubuntu server.
import wavefile
# returns the contents of the wav file as a double precision float array
def wav_to_floats(filename = 'file1.wav'):
w = wavefile.load(filename)
return w[1][0]
signal = wav_to_floats(sys.argv[1])
print "read "+str(len(signal))+" frames"
print "in the range "+str(min(signal))+" to "+str(max(signal))
Method 2: using the wave module
Use this method if you want less module install hassles.
Reads a wav file from the filesystem and converts it into floats in the range -1 to 1. It works with 16 bit files and if they are > 1 channel, will interleave the samples in the same way they are found in the file. For other bit depths, change the 'h' in the argument to struct.unpack according to the table at the bottom of this page:
It will not work for 24 bit files as there is no data type that is 24 bit, so there is no way to tell struct.unpack what to do.
import wave
import struct
import sys
def wav_to_floats(wave_file):
w =
astr = w.readframes(w.getnframes())
# convert binary chunks to short
a = struct.unpack("%ih" % (w.getnframes()* w.getnchannels()), astr)
a = [float(val) / pow(2, 15) for val in a]
return a
# read the wav file specified as first command line arg
signal = wav_to_floats(sys.argv[1])
print "read "+str(len(signal))+" frames"
print "in the range "+str(min(signal))+" to "+str(max(signal))
I spent hours trying to find the answer to this. The solution turns out to be really simple: struct.unpack is what you're looking for. The final code will look something like this: # The raw PCM data in need of conversion
from struct import unpack # Import unpack -- this is what does the conversion
npts=len(rawdata) # Number of data points to be converted
formatstr='%ih' % npts # The format to convert the data; use '%iB' for unsigned PCM
int_data=unpack(formatstr,rawdata) # Convert from raw PCM to integer tuple
Most of the credit goes to Interpreting WAV Data. The only trick is getting the format right for unpack: it has to be the right number of bytes and the right format (signed or unsigned).
Most wave files are in PCM 16-bit integer format.
What you will want to:
Parse the header to known which format it is (check the link from Xophmeister)
Read the data, take the integer values and convert them to float
Integer values range from -32768 to 32767, and you need to convert to values from -1.0 to 1.0 in floating points.
I don't have the code in python, however in C++, here is a code excerpt if the PCM data is 16-bit integer, and convert it to float (32-bit):
short* pBuffer = (short*)pReadBuffer;
const float ONEOVERSHORTMAX = 3.0517578125e-5f; // 1/32768
unsigned int uFrameRead = dwRead / m_fmt.Format.nBlockAlign;
for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < uFrameCount * m_fmt.Format.nChannels; ++i )
short i16In = pBuffer[i];
out_pBuffer[i] = (float)i16In * ONEOVERSHORTMAX;
Be careful with stereo files, as the stereo PCM data in wave files is interleaved, meaning the data looks like LRLRLRLRLRLRLRLR (instead of LLLLLLLLRRRRRRRR). You may or may not need to de-interleave depending what you do with the data.
This version reads a wav file from the filesystem and converts it into floats in the range -1 to 1. It works with files of all sample widths and it will interleave the samples in the same way they are found in the file.
import wave
def read_wav_file(filename):
def get_int(bytes_obj):
an_int = int.from_bytes(bytes_obj, 'little', signed=sampwidth!=1)
return an_int - 128 * (sampwidth == 1)
with, 'rb') as file:
sampwidth = file.getsampwidth()
frames = file.readframes(-1)
bytes_samples = (frames[i : i+sampwidth] for i in range(0, len(frames), sampwidth))
return [get_int(b) / pow(2, sampwidth * 8 - 1) for b in bytes_samples]
Also here is a link to the function that converts floats back to ints and writes them to desired wav file:
The Microsoft WAVE format is fairly well documented. See for example. It wouldn't take much to write a file parser to open and interpret the data to get the information you require... That said, it's almost certainly been done before, so I'm sure someone will give an "easier" answer ;)

What is the fastest way to read in a large data file of text columns?

I have a data file of almost 9 million lines (soon to be more than 500 million lines) and I'm looking for the fastest way to read it in. The five aligned columns are padded and separated by spaces, so I know where on each line to look for the two fields that I want.
My Python routine takes 45 secs:
import sys,time
start = time.time()
filename = 'test.txt' # space-delimited, aligned columns
for line in open(linefile,'r'):
nu=float(line[-23:-11]); S=float(line[-10:-1])
if nu>numax: numax=nu
print len(trans),'transitions read in %.1f secs' % (end-start)
print 'numax =',numax
whereas the routine I've come up with in C is a more pleasing 4 secs:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#define BPL 47
#define FILENAME "test.txt"
#define NTRANS 8858226
int main(void) {
size_t num;
unsigned long i;
char buf[BPL];
char* sp;
double *nu, *S;
double numax;
FILE *fp;
time_t start,end;
nu = (double *)malloc(NTRANS * sizeof(double));
S = (double *)malloc(NTRANS * sizeof(double));
start = time(NULL);
if ((fp=fopen(FILENAME,"rb"))!=NULL) {
do {
if (i==NTRANS) {break;}
num = fread(buf, 1, BPL, fp);
sp = &buf[BPL-10]; S[i] = atof(sp);
sp = &buf[BPL-23]; nu[i] = atof(sp);
if (nu[i]>numax) {numax=nu[i];}
} while (num == BPL);
end = time(NULL);
fprintf(stdout, "%d lines read; numax = %12.6f\n", (int)i, numax);
fprintf(stdout, "that took %.1f secs\n", difftime(end,start));
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "Error opening file %s\n", FILENAME);
free(nu); free(S);
free(nu); free(S);
Solutions in Fortran, C++ and Java take intermediate amounts of time (27 secs, 20 secs, 8 secs).
My question is: have I made any outrageous blunders in the above (particularly the C-code)? And is there any way to speed up the Python routine? I quickly realised that storing my data in an array of tuples was better than instantiating a class for each entry.
Some points:
Your C routine is cheating; it is being tipped off with the filesize, and is pre-allocating ...
Python: consider using array.array('d') ... one each for S and nu. Then try pre-allocation.
Python: write your routine as a function and call it -- accessing function-local variables is rather faster than accessing module-global variables.
An approach that could probably be applied to the C, C++ and python version would be to use memory map the file. The most signficant benefit is that it can reduce the amount of double-handling of data as it is copied from one buffer to another. In many cases there are also benefits due to the reduction in the number of system calls for I/O.
In the C implementation, you could try swapping the fopen()/fread()/fclose() library functions for the lower-level system calls open()/read()/close(). A speedup may come from the fact that fread() does a lot of buffering, whereas read() does not.
Additionally, calling read() less often with bigger chunks will reduce the number of system calls and therefore you'll have less switching between userspace and kernelspace. What the kernel does when you issue a read() system call (doesn't matter if it was invoked from the fread() library function) is read the data from the disk and then copy it to the userspace. The copying part becomes expensive if you issue the system call very often in your code. By reading in larger chunks you'll end up with less context switches and less copying.
Keep in mind though that read() isn't guaranteed to return a block of the exact number of bytes you wanted. This is why in a reliable and proper implementation you always have to check the return value of the read().
You have the 1 and the BPL arguments the wrong way around in fread() (the way you have it, it could read a partial line, which you don't test for). You should also be testing the return value of fread() before you try and use the returned data.
You can might be able to speed the C version up a bit by reading more than a line at a time
#define LINES_PER_READ 1000
char buf[LINES_PER_READ][BPL];
/* ... */
while (i < NTRANS && (num = fread(buf, BPL, LINES_PER_READ, fp)) > 0) {
int line;
for (line = 0; i < NTRANS && line < num; line++)
sp = &buf[line][BPL-10]; S[i] = atof(sp);
sp = &buf[line][BPL-23]; nu[i] = atof(sp);
if (nu[i]>numax) {numax=nu[i];}
On systems supporting posix_fadvise(), you should also do this upfront, after opening the file:
posix_fadvise(fileno(fp), 0, 0, POSIX_FADV_SEQUENTIAL);
Another possible speed-up, given the number of times you need to do it, is to use pointers to S and nu instead of indexing into arrays, e.g.,
double *pS = S, *pnu = nu;
*pS++ = atof(sp);
*pnu = atof(sp);
Also, since you are always converting from char to double at the same locations in buf, pre-compute the addresses outside of your loop instead of computing them each time in the loop.

