Scipy leastsq constraint by ks_2samp - python

I want to fit a histogram by the sum of two gaussians, both with different amplitude, mean and deviation. To do that, I have used scipy's curve_fit, but the KS-test afterwards was awful. That was mostly because the first few (as in the most negativ x values) values were not very accurate, and therefor the cumulative function was way off. I also noted that the cumulative function was off by 20%, and therefor an accurate outcome of the KS-test is impossible.
Then I tried to make a constraint to the integrand, following this question. The relevant code I got is the following (without importing and plotting part):
def residuals(p, x,y):
integral = quad( gauss2, -300, 300, args= (p[0],p[1],p[2],p[3],p[4],p[5]))[0]
penalization = abs(1-integral)*10000
print penalization
return y - gauss2(x, p[0],p[1],p[2],p[3],p[4],p[5] ) - penalization
def gauss2(x,A, mu, sigma, A2, mu2, sigma2):
if A2<0:
return 1000
return A*np.exp(-(x-mu)**2/(2.*sigma**2))+ A2*np.exp(-(x-mu2)**2/(2.*sigma2**2))
hist, bin_edges = np.histogram(data, normed=True, bins=bins)
bin_centres = (bin_edges[:-1] + bin_edges[1:])/2
coeff, pcov2 = leastsq(residuals, x0=(0.01,0.,60.,0.01,150.,40.) ,args=(bin_centres, hist)
hist_fit = gauss2(bin_centres, *coeff)
KStest= stats.ks_2samp(hist_cm,hist_fit_cm)
This results in a pretty good estimate, and a P-value of 0.629. As far as I know, this means that the histogram and the fit have a 62.9% change of coming from the same data, is this correct?
Now I thought that I could improve the answer by not penalising for the integrand, but for the P-value. For this I changed the def residuals with the following:
def residuals(p, x,y):
global bin_centres #its global defined, so should be good
iets = np.cumsum(gauss2(bin_centres,p[0],p[1],p[2],p[3],p[4],p[5]))
penalization = 1000*(1-pizza)
return y - gauss2(x, p[0],p[1],p[2],p[3],p[4],p[5] ) - penalization
Since the P-value (which I call pizza) should reach as close to 1 as possible, the penalization becomes smaller with a higher P-value. But this gives results which make less sense: the P-value turns out to be 0.160. When plotting it's even worse: two spikes, instead of the smooth fit I obtained with the first method.
Is a KS-test a good penalisation method, instead of the integrand? How can implement it in a good way then?

(brief answer, as far as I understand reading the code)
The first penalization penalization = abs(1-integral)*10000 is a constraint on the total integral. I think this is the same as imposing A + A2 == 1 so the mixture in gauss2 integrates to one. An alternative without constraints would be to impose this directly by, for example, using a Logit function for the mixing probability.
The Kolmogorov-Smirnov penalization uses a L1 distance and penalized the largest deviation between the empirical and the parametric cdf, approximately (*)
L1 = np.max(np.abs(np.cumsum(y) - iets))
The p-value is just a monotonic transformation of the L1 distance, but will have a different curvature and will penalize differently.
(*) The actual calculation looks at all the step points directly.
As aside: The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test is designed for continuous not for discrete or binned variables. The appropriate distance measure would be based on chi-square test or power divergence. However, this only affects ks_2samp as a hypothesis test, and not if we just use it as a distance measure.
Another aside: the use of integrate.quad could be replaced by using norm.cdf directly.


Can i tell numpy curve_fit to find the best parameters that meet some conditions?

I have this set of experimental data:
x_data = np.array([0, 2, 5, 10, 15, 30, 60, 120])
y_data = np.array([1.00, 0.71, 0.41, 0.31, 0.29, 0.36, 0.26, 0.35])
t = np.linspace(min(x_data), max(x_data), 151)
scatter plot
I want to fit them with a curve that follows an exponential behaviour for t < t_lim and a linear behaviour for t > t_lim, where t_lim is a value that i can set as i want. I want to use curve_fit to find the best fit. I would like to find the best fit meeting these two conditions:
The end point of the first behaviour (exponential) must be the starting point of the second behaviour (linear): in other words, I don't want the jump discontinuity in the middle.
I would like the second behaviour (linear) to be descending.
I solved in this way:
t_lim = 15
def y(t, k, m, q):
return np.concatenate((np.exp(-k*t)[t<t_lim], (m*t + q)[t>=t_lim]))
popt, pcov = curve_fit(y, x_data, y_data, p0=[0.5, -0.005, 0.005])
y_model = y(t, k_opt, m_opt, q_opt)
I obtain this kind of curve:
I don't know how to tell python to find the best values of m, k, q that meet the two conditions (no jump discontinuity, and m < 0)
Instead of trying to add these conditions as explicit constraints, I'd go about modifying the form of y so that these conditions are always satisfied.
For example, try replacing m with -m**2. That way, the coefficient in the linear part will always be negative.
For the continuity condition, how about this: For an exponential with a given decay factor and a linear curve with a given slope which are supposed to meet at a given t_lim there's only exactly one value for q that will satisfy that condition. You can explicitly compute that value and just plug that in.
Basically, q won't be a fit parameter anymore; instead, inside of y, you'd compute the correct q value based on k, m, t_lim.
This post is not a direct answer to the question. This is a preliminary study.
First : Fitting to a simple exponential function with only a constant (without decreasing or increasing linear part) :
The result is not bad considering the wide scatter on the right part.
Second : Fitting to an exponential function with a linear function (without taking account of the expected decreasing on the right).
The slope of the linear part is very low : 0.000361
But the slope is positive which is not as wanted.
Since the scatter is very large one suspects that the slope of the linear function might be governed mainly by the scatter. In order to check this hypothesis one make the same fitting calculus whitout one point. Taking only the seven first points (that is forgetting the eighth point) the result is :
Now the slope is negative as wanted. But this is an untruthful result.
Of course if some technical reason implies that the slope is necessarily negative one could use a picewise function made of an exponenlial and a linear function. But what is the credibility of such a model ?
This doesn't answer to the question. Neverthelss I hope that this inspection will be of interest.
For information :
The usual nonlinear regression methods are often non convergent in case of large scatter due to the difficulty to set initial values of the parameters sufficienly close to the unknown correct values. In order to avoid the difficulty the above fittings where made with a non usual method which doesn't requires "guessed" initial value. For the principle refer to :
In the referenced document the case of the function exponential and linear isn't fully treated. In order to overcome this deficiency the method is shown below with the numerical calculus (MathsCAD).
If more accuracy is needed use a nonlinear regression software with the values of p,a,b,c found above as initial values to start the iterative calculus.

Fitting a model with some known parameters to an experimental dataset in python, in order to optimise other parameters

I have an experimental dataset 1 which plots intensity as a function of energy. These are arrays of 1800 datapoints.
I have been trying to fit a model to this data, given by the equation below:
Imodel = I0 * ((math.cos(phi) + (beta * f1))**2 + (math.sin(phi) + (beta*f2))**2 + Ioff
I have 2 other datasets of f1 vs. energy and f2 vs. energy 2. These are arrays of 700 datapoints, albeit over the same energy range as the first dataset.
I want to use this model function together with the f1 and f2 data to find optimal values of the other 4 parameters (I0, phi, beta, Ioff) where this model function fits the experimental dataset exactly.
I have been looking into curve_fit and least_squares from the scipy.optimize package, as well as linear regression packages such as lmfit and scikit, but to no avail.
can anyone help? Thanks
Presently I have no representative data from Ayrtonb1 in order to test the method proposed below. The method seems convenient from theoretical basis but one cannot be sure that it will be satisfying with the OP data.
Nevertheless a preliminary test was carried out with a "toy" data (shown below).
I suppose that the screencopy below is sufficient to understand the method and to reproduce the calculus with real data.
The result of this preliminary test is rather good :
LRMSE<2 for a range up to 600. (Least Root Mean Square Error).
LRMSRE<2% (Least Root Mean Square Relative Error).
Your data and formula look suspiciously like resonant (or anomalous) X-ray diffraction data, with measurements of scattered intensity going across the Zn K-edge. Although you do not say this, the discussion here will assume that. You say you have 1800 measurements, presumably as a function of X-ray energy in eV. The resonant scattering factors (f1, f2) you show seem to be idealized and possibly "typical", and perhaps not specifically for the Zn K-edge -- at the very least the energy scale shown is not the same as your data.
You will want to treat the data and model the intensity as a function of X-ray energy. And you will want realistic values for f1 and f2 for the element of interest, and at the actual energy points for your data. I recommend using xraydb (full disclosure: I am the lead author) [pip install xraydb], so that you can do
import numpy as np
import xraydb
#edata, idata = function_to_extract_your_data()
# or perhaps testing with
edata = np.linspace(9500, 10500, 501)
f1 = xraydb.f1_chantler('Zn', edata)
f2 = xraydb.f2_chantler('Zn', edata)
As written, your intensity function does not directly depend on energy, though it might at a later date, say to make that offset be linear in energy, not just a constant. You might write a function like:
def intensity(en, phi, beta, scale=1, slope=0, offset=0, f1=-1, f2=1):
costerm = np.cos(phi) + beta*f1
sinterm = np.sin(phi) + beta*f2
return scale * (costerm**2 + sinterm**2) + slope*en + offset
with that you can start just trying out some values to get a feel for the function and how it compares to your data:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
beta = 0.025 # Wild Guess!
for phi in np.pi*np.arange(20)/10:
plt.plot(edata, intensity(edata, phi, beta, f1=f1, f2=f2), label='%.1f'%phi)
It kind of looks like your value for phi would be around 5.5 to 6 (or -0.8 to -0.3). You could also try different values of beta and plot that with your actual data.
With that model for intensity and a feel for what the range of parameters is, you could then try to fit your data. To do that, I would recommend using lmfit (full disclosure: I am the lead author) [pip install lmfit], where you can create a model from your intensity model function - this will use the names of the function arguments to name the fitting parameters.
from lmfit import Model
imodel = Model(intensity, independent_vars=['en', 'f1', 'f2'])
params = imodel.make_params(scale=1, offset=0, slope=0, beta=0.1, phi=5.5)
That independent_vars will tell Model to not make fitting Parameters for the function arguments f1 and f2 and to expect them to be passed into any evaluation or fit. The other function arguments (scale, phi, etc) will be expected to become fitting variables. You do have to create a "Parameters" object and must give initial values for all parameters. You can put bounds on these or fix them so they are not altered in the fit, as with
params['scale'].min = 0 # force scale to be positive
params['slope'].vary = False # slope will be fixed at 0.
You can then evaluate the model with
init_value = imodel.eval(params, en=edata, f1=f1, f2=f2)
And then eventually do a fit with
result =, params, en=edata, f1=f1, f2=f2)
plt.plot(edata, idata, label='data')
plt.plot(edata, init_value, label='initial fit')
plt.plot(edata, result.best_fit, label='best fit')
Finally, for analysis of X-ray resonant scattering be sure to consider including absorption corrections in that intensity calculation. As you go across the Zn K edge, the absorption depth of the sample may change dramatically if the Zn concentration is high.

Mean and standard deviation of lognormal distribution do not match analytic values

As part of my research, I measure the mean and standard deviation of draws from a lognormal distribution. Given a value of the underlying normal distribution, it should be possible to analytically predict these quantities (as given at
However, as can be seen in the plots below, this does not seem to be the case. The first plot shows the mean of the lognormal data against the sigma of the gaussian, while the second plot shows the sigma of the lognormal data against that of the gaussian. Clearly, the "calculated" lines deviate from the "analytic" ones very significantly.
I take the mean of the gaussian distribution to be related to the sigma by mu = -0.5*sigma**2 as this ensures that the lognormal field ought to have mean of 1. Note, this is motivated by the area of physics that I work in: the deviation from analytic values still occurs if you set mu=0.0 for example.
By copying and pasting the code at the bottom of the question, it should be possible to reproduce the plots below. Any advice as to what might be causing this would be much appreciated!
Mean of lognormal vs sigma of gaussian:
Sigma of lognormal vs sigma of gaussian:
Note, to produce the plots above, I used N=10000, but have put N=1000 in the code below for speed.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
mean_calc = []
sigma_calc = []
mean_analytic = []
sigma_analytic = []
ss = np.linspace(1.0,10.0,46)
N = 1000
for s in ss:
mu = -0.5*s*s
ln = np.random.lognormal(mean=mu, sigma=s, size=(N,N))
mean_calc += [np.average(ln)]
sigma_calc += [np.std(ln)]
mean_analytic += [np.exp(mu+0.5*s*s)]
sigma_analytic += [np.sqrt((np.exp(s**2)-1)*(np.exp(2*mu + s*s)))]
Lognormal are positively skewed and heavy tailed distribution. When performing float arithmetic operations (such as sum, mean or std) on sample drawn from a highly skewed distribution, the sampling vector contains values with discrepancy over several order of magnitude (many decades). This makes the computation inaccurate.
The problem comes from those two lines:
mean_calc += [np.average(ln)]
sigma_calc += [np.std(ln)]
Because ln contains both very low and very high values with order of magnitude much higher than float precision.
The problem can be easily detected to warn user that its computation are wrong using the following predicate:
(max(ln) + min(ln)) <= max(ln)
Which is obviously false in Strictly Positive Real but must be considered when using Finite Precision Arithmetic.
Modifying your MCVE
If we slightly modify your MCVE to:
from scipy import stats
for s in ss:
mu = -0.5*s*s
ln = stats.lognorm(s, scale=np.exp(mu)).rvs(N*N)
f =, floc=0)
mean_calc += [f[2]*np.exp(0.5*s*s)]
sigma_calc += [np.sqrt((np.exp(f[0]**2)-1)*(np.exp(2*mu + s*s)))]
mean_analytic += [np.exp(mu+0.5*s*s)]
sigma_analytic += [np.sqrt((np.exp(s**2)-1)*(np.exp(2*mu + s*s)))]
It gives the reasonably correct mean and standard deviation estimation even for high value of sigma.
The key is that fit uses MLE algorithm to estimates parameters. This totally differs from your original approach which directly performs the mean of the sample.
The fit method returns a tuple with (sigma, loc=0, scale=exp(mu)) which are parameters of the scipy.stats.lognorm object as specified in documentation.
I think you should investigate how you are estimating mean and standard deviation. The divergence probably comes from this part of your algorithm.
There might be several reasons why it diverges, at least consider:
Biased estimator: Are your estimator correct and unbiased? Mean is unbiased estimator (see next section) but maybe not efficient;
Sampled outliers from Pseudo Random Generator may not be as intense as they should be compared to the theoretical distribution: maybe MLE is less sensitive than your estimator New MCVE bellow does not support this hypothesis, but Float Arithmetic Error can explain why your estimators are underestimated;
Float Arithmetic Error New MCVE bellow highlights that it is part of your problem.
A scientific quote
It seems naive mean estimator (simply taking mean), even if unbiased, is inefficient to properly estimate mean for large sigma (see Qi Tang, Comparison of Different Methods for Estimating Log-normal Means, p. 11):
The naive estimator is easy to calculate and it is unbiased. However,
this estimator can be inefficient when variance is large and sample
size is small.
The thesis reviews several methods to estimate mean of a lognormal distribution and uses MLE as reference for comparison. This explains why your method has a drift as sigma increases and MLE stick better alas it is not time efficient for large N. Very interesting paper.
Statistical considerations
Recalling than:
Lognormal is a heavy and long tailed distribution positively skewed. One consequence is: as the shape parameter sigma grows, the asymmetry and skweness grows, so does the strength of outliers.
Effect of Sample Size: as the number of samples drawn from a distribution grows, the expectation of having an outlier increases (so does the extent).
Building a new MCVE
Lets build a new MCVE to make it clearer. The code bellow draws samples of different sizes (N ranges between 100 and 10000) from lognormal distribution where shape parameter varies (sigma ranges between 0.1 and 10) and scale parameter is set to be unitary.
import warnings
import numpy as np
from scipy import stats
# Make computation reproducible among batches:
# Parameters ranges:
sigmas = np.arange(0.1, 10.1, 0.1)
sizes = np.logspace(2, 5, 21, base=10).astype(int)
# Placeholders:
rv = np.empty((sigmas.size,), dtype=object)
xmean = np.full((3, sigmas.size, sizes.size), np.nan)
xstd = np.full((3, sigmas.size, sizes.size), np.nan)
xextent = np.full((2, sigmas.size, sizes.size), np.nan)
eps = np.finfo(np.float64).eps
# Iterate Shape Parameter:
for (i, s) in enumerate(sigmas):
# Create Random Variable:
rv[i] = stats.lognorm(s, loc=0, scale=1)
# Iterate Sample Size:
for (j, N) in enumerate(sizes):
# Draw Samples:
xs = rv[i].rvs(N)
# Sample Extent:
xextent[:,i,j] = [np.min(xs), np.max(xs)]
# Check (max(x) + min(x)) <= max(x)
if (xextent[0,i,j] + xextent[1,i,j]) - xextent[1,i,j] < eps:
warnings.warn("Potential Float Arithmetic Errors: logN(mu=%.2f, sigma=%2f).sample(%d)" % (0, s, N))
# Generate different Estimators:
# Fit Parameters using MLE:
fit =, floc=0)
xmean[0,i,j] = fit[2]
xstd[0,i,j] = fit[0]
# Naive (Bad Estimators because of Float Arithmetic Error):
xmean[1,i,j] = np.mean(xs)*np.exp(-0.5*s**2)
xstd[1,i,j] = np.sqrt(np.log(np.std(xs)**2*np.exp(-s**2)+1))
# Log-transform:
xmean[2,i,j] = np.exp(np.mean(np.log(xs)))
xstd[2,i,j] = np.std(np.log(xs))
Observation: The new MCVE starts to raise warnings when sigma > 4.
MLE as Reference
Estimating shape and scale parameters using MLE performs well:
The two figures above show than:
Error on estimation grows alongside with shape parameter;
Error on estimation reduces as sample size increases (CTL);
Note than MLE also fits well the shape parameter:
Float Arithmetic
It is worthy to plot the extent of drawn samples versus shape parameter and sample size:
Or the decimal magnitude between smallest and largest number form the sample:
On my setup:
np.finfo(np.float64).precision # 15
np.finfo(np.float64).eps # 2.220446049250313e-16
It means we have at maximum 15 significant figures to work with, if the magnitude between two numbers exceed then the largest number absorb the smaller ones.
A basic example: What is the result of 1 + 1e6 if we can only keep four significant figures?
The exact result is 1,000,001.0 but it must be rounded off to 1.000e6. This implies: the result of the operation equals to the highest number because of the rounding precision. It is inherent of Finite Precision Arithmetic.
The two previous figures above in conjunction with statistical consideration supports your observation that increasing N does not improve estimation for large value of sigma in your MCVE.
Figures above and below show than when sigma > 3 we haven't enough significant figures (less than 5) to performs valid computations.
Further more we can say that estimator will be underestimated because largest numbers will absorb smallest and the underestimated sum will then be divided by N making the estimator biased by default.
When shape parameter becomes sufficiently large, computations are strongly biased because of Arithmetic Float Errors.
It means using quantities such as:
When computing estimate will have huge Arithmetic Float Error because of the important discrepancy among values stored in xs. Figures below reproduce your issue:
As stated, estimations are in default (not in excess) because high values (few outliers) in sampled vector absorb small values (most of the sampled values).
Logarithmic Transformation
If we apply a logarithmic transformation, we can drastically reduces this phenomenon:
xmean[2,i,j] = np.exp(np.mean(np.log(xs)))
xstd[2,i,j] = np.std(np.log(xs))
And then the naive estimation of the mean is correct and will be far less affected by Arithmetic Float Error because all sample values will lie within few decades instead of having relative magnitude higher than the float arithmetic precision.
Actually, taking the log-transform returns the same result for mean and std estimation than MLE for each N and sigma:
np.allclose(xmean[0,:,:], xmean[2,:,:]) # True
np.allclose(xstd[0,:,:], xstd[2,:,:]) # True
If you are looking for complete and detailed explanations of this kind of issues when performing scientific computing, I recommend you to read the excellent book: N. J. Higham, Accuracy and Stability of Numerical Algorithms, Siam, Second Edition, 2002.
Here an example of figure generation code:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig, axe = plt.subplots()
idx = slice(None, None, 5)
axe.loglog(sigmas, xmean[0,:,idx])
axe.axhline(1, linestyle=':', color='k')
axe.set_title(r"MLE: $x \sim \log\mathcal{N}(\mu=0,\sigma)$")
axe.set_xlabel(r"Standard Deviation, $\sigma$")
axe.set_ylabel(r"Mean Estimation, $\hat{\mu}$")
lgd = axe.legend([r"$N = %d$" % s for s in sizes[idx]] + ['Exact'], bbox_to_anchor=(1,1), loc='upper left')
fig.savefig('Lognorm_MLE_Emean_Sigma.png', dpi=120, bbox_extra_artists=(lgd,), bbox_inches='tight')

Getting more refined results from Python SciPy curve_fit

I've got the following bit of Python (v2.7.14) code, which uses curve_fit from SciPy (v1.0.1) to find parameters for an exponential decay function. Most of the time, I get reasonable results. Occasionally though, I'll get some results which are completely out of my expected range, even though the found parameters will look fine when plotted against the original graph.
First, my understanding of the exponential decay formula comes from which I've translated to Python as:
y = a * numpy.exp(-b * x) + c
Where by:
a is the initial value of the data
b is the decay rate, which is the inverse of when the signal gets to 1/e from initial value
c is an offset, as I am dealing with non-negative values in my data which never reach zero
x is the current time
The script takes into account that non-negative data is being fitted and offsets the initial guess appropriately. But even without guessing, not offsetting, using max/min (instead of first/last values) and other random things I've tried, I cannot seem to get curve_fit to produce sensible values on the troublesome datasets.
My hypothesis is that the troublesome datasets don't have enough of a curve that can be fit without going way outside the realm of the data. I've looked at the bounds argument for curve_fit, and thought that might be a reasonable option. I'm unsure as to what would make good lower and upper bounds for the calculation, or if it is actually the option I am looking for.
Here is the code. Commented out code are things I've tried.
import numpy as numpy
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
import matplotlib.pyplot as pyplot
def exponential_decay(x, a, b, c):
return a * numpy.exp(-b * x) + c
def fit_exponential(decay_data, time_data, decay_time):
# The start of the curve is offset by the last point, so subtract
guess_a = decay_data[0] - decay_data[-1]
#guess_a = max(decay_data) - min(decay_data)
# The time that it takes for the signal to reach 1/e becomes guess_b
guess_b = 1/decay_time
# Since this is non-negative data, above 0, we use the last data point as the baseline (c)
guess_c = decay_data[-1]
#guess_c = min(decay_data)
guess=[guess_a, guess_b, guess_c]
print "guess: {0}".format(guess)
#popt, pcov = curve_fit(exponential_decay, time_data, decay_data, maxfev=20000)
popt, pcov = curve_fit(exponential_decay, time_data, decay_data, p0=guess, maxfev=20000)
#bound_lower = [0.05, 0.05, 0.05]
#bound_upper = [decay_data[0]*2, guess_b * 10, decay_data[-1]]
#print "bound_lower: {0}".format(bound_lower)
#print "bound_upper: {0}".format(bound_upper)
#popt, pcov = curve_fit(exponential_decay, time_data, decay_data, p0=guess, bounds=[bound_lower, bound_upper], maxfev=20000)
a, b, c = popt
print "a: {0}".format(a)
print "b: {0}".format(b)
print "c: {0}".format(c)
plot_fit = exponential_decay(time_data, a, b, c)
pyplot.plot(time_data, decay_data, 'g', label='Data')
pyplot.plot(time_data, plot_fit, 'r', label='Fit')
print "Gives reasonable results"
time_data = numpy.array([0.0,0.040000000000000036,0.08100000000000018,0.12200000000000011,0.16200000000000014,0.20300000000000007,0.2430000000000001,0.28400000000000003,0.32400000000000007,0.365,0.405,0.44599999999999995,0.486,0.5269999999999999,0.567,0.6079999999999999,0.6490000000000002,0.6889999999999998,0.7300000000000002,0.7700000000000002,0.8110000000000002,0.8510000000000002,0.8920000000000001,0.9320000000000002,0.9730000000000001])
decay_data = numpy.array([1.342146870531986,1.405586070225509,1.3439802492549762,1.3567811728250267,1.2666276377825874,1.1686375326985337,1.216119360088685,1.2022841507836042,1.1926979408026064,1.1544395213303447,1.1904416926531907,1.1054720201415882,1.112100683833435,1.0811434035632939,1.1221671794680403,1.0673295063196415,1.0036146509494743,0.9984005680821595,1.0134498134883763,0.9996920772051201,0.929782730581616,0.9646581154122312,0.9290690593684447,0.8907360533169936,0.9121560047238627])
fit_exponential(decay_data, time_data, 0.567)
print "Gives results that are way outside my expectations"
time_data = numpy.array([0.0,0.040000000000000036,0.08099999999999996,0.121,0.16199999999999992,0.20199999999999996,0.24300000000000033,0.28300000000000036,0.32399999999999984,0.3650000000000002,0.40500000000000025,0.44599999999999973,0.48599999999999977,0.5270000000000001,0.5670000000000002,0.6079999999999997,0.6479999999999997,0.6890000000000001,0.7290000000000001,0.7700000000000005,0.8100000000000005,0.851,0.8920000000000003,0.9320000000000004,0.9729999999999999,1.013,1.0540000000000003])
decay_data = numpy.array([1.4401611921948776,1.3720688158534153,1.3793465463227048,1.2939909686762128,1.3376345321949346,1.3352710161631154,1.3413634841956348,1.248705138603995,1.2914294791901497,1.2581763134585313,1.246975264018646,1.2006447776495062,1.188232179689515,1.1032789127515186,1.163294324147017,1.1686263160765304,1.1434009568472243,1.0511578409946472,1.0814520440570896,1.1035953824496334,1.0626893599266163,1.0645580326776076,0.994855722989818,0.9959891485338087,0.9394584009825916,0.949504060086646,0.9278639431146273])
fit_exponential(decay_data, time_data, 0.6890000000000001)
And here is the text output:
Gives reasonable results
guess: [0.4299908658081232, 1.7636684303350971, 0.9121560047238627]
a: 1.10498934435
b: 0.583046565885
c: 0.274503681044
Gives results that are way outside my expectations
guess: [0.5122972490802503, 1.4513788098693758, 0.9278639431146273]
a: 742.824622191
b: 0.000606308344957
c: -741.41398516
Most notably, with the second set of results, the value for a is very high, with the value for c being equally low on the negative scale, and b being a very small decimal number.
Here is the graph of the first dataset, which gives reasonable results.
Here is the graph of the second dataset, which does not give good results.
Note that the graph itself plots correctly, though the line does not really have a good curve to it.
My questions:
Is my implementation of the exponential decay algorithm with curve_fit correct?
Are my initial guess parameters good enough?
Is the bounds parameter the correct solution for this problem? If so, what is a good way to determine lower and upper bounds?
Have I missed something here?
Again, thank you!
When you say that the second fit gives results that are "way outside" of your expectations and that although the second graph "plots correctly" the line does not really "have a good curve fit" you are on the right track to understanding what is going on. I think you are just missing a piece of the puzzle.
The second graph is fit pretty well by a curve that does look linear. That probably means that you don't really have enough change in your data (well, perhaps below the noise level) to detect that it is an exponential decay.
I would bet that if you printed out not only the best-fit values but also the uncertainties and correlations for the variables that you would see that the uncertainties are huge and some of the correlations are very close to 1. That may mean that taking into account the uncertainties (and measurements always have uncertainties) the results might actually fit with your expectation. And that may also tell you that the data you have does not support an exponential decay very well.
You might also try other models for this data ("linear" comes to mind ;)) and compare goodness-of-fit statistics such as chi-square and Akaike information criterion.
scipy.curve_fit does return the covariance matrix -- the pcov that you did not use in your example. Unfortunately, scipy.curve_fit does not convert these values into uncertainties and correlation values, and it does not attempt to return any goodness-of-fit statistics at all.
To fully explain any fit to data, you need not only the best-fit values but also an estimate of the uncertainties for the variable parameters. And you need the goodness-of-fit statistics in order to determine if a fit is good, or at least whether one fit is better than another.

SciPy + Numpy: Finding the slope of a sigmoid curve

I have some data that follow a sigmoid distribution as you can see in the following image:
After normalizing and scaling my data, I have adjusted the curve at the bottom using scipy.optimize.curve_fit and some initial parameters:
popt, pcov = curve_fit(sigmoid_function, xdata, ydata, p0 = [0.05, 0.05, 0.05])
>>> print popt
[ 2.82019932e+02 -1.90996563e-01 5.00000000e-02]
So popt, according to the documentation, returns *"Optimal values for the parameters so that the sum of the squared error of f(xdata, popt) - ydata is minimized". I understand here that there is no calculation of the slope with curve_fit, because I do not think the slope of this gentle curve is 282, neither is negative.
Then I tried with scipy.optimize.leastsq, because the documentation says it returns "The solution (or the result of the last iteration for an unsuccessful call).", so I thought the slope would be returned. Like this:
p, cov, infodict, mesg, ier = leastsq(residuals, p_guess, args = (nxdata, nydata), full_output=True)
>>> print p
Param(x0=281.73193626250207, y0=-0.012731420027056234, c=1.0069006606656596, k=0.18836680131910222)
But again, I did not get what I expected. curve_fit and leastsq returned almost the same values, with is not surprising I guess, as curve_fit is using an implementation of the least squares method within to find the curve. But no slope back...unless I overlooked something.
So, how to calculate the slope in a point, say, where X = 285 and Y = 0.5?
I am trying to avoid manual methods, like calculating the derivative in, say, (285.5, 0.55) and (284.5, 0.45) and subtract and divide results and so. I would like to know if there is a more automatic method for this.
Thank you all!
This is my "sigmoid_function", used by curve_fit and leastsq methods:
def sigmoid_function(xdata, x0, k, p0): # p0 not used anymore, only its components (x0, k)
# This function is called by two different methods: curve_fit and leastsq,
# this last one through function "residuals". I don't know if it makes sense
# to use a single function for two (somewhat similar) methods, but there
# it goes.
# p0:
# + Is the initial parameter for scipy.optimize.curve_fit.
# + For residuals calculation is left empty
# + It is initialized to [0.05, 0.05, 0.05]
# x0:
# + Is the convergence parameter in X-axis and also the shift
# + It starts with 0.05 and ends up being around ~282 (days in a year)
# k:
# + Set up either by curve_fit or leastsq
# + In least squares it is initially fixed at 0.5 and in curve_fit
# + to 0.05. Why? Just did this approach in two different ways and
# + it seems it is working.
# + But honestly, I have no clue on what it represents
# xdata:
# + Positions in X-axis. In this case from 240 to 365
# Finally I changed those parameters as suggested in the answer.
# Sigmoid curve has 2 degrees of freedom, therefore, the initial
# guess only needs to be this size. In this case, p0 = [282, 0.5]
y = np.exp(-k*(xdata-x0)) / (1 + np.exp(-k*(xdata-x0)))
return y
def residuals(p_guess, xdata, ydata):
# For the residuals calculation, there is no need of setting up the initial parameters
# After fixing the initial guess and sigmoid_function header, remove []
# return ydata - sigmoid_function(xdata, p_guess[0], p_guess[1], [])
return ydata - sigmoid_function(xdata, p_guess[0], p_guess[1], [])
I am sorry if I made mistakes while describing the parameters or confused technical terms. I am very new with numpy and I have not studied maths for years, so I am catching up again.
So, again, what is your advice to calculate the slope of X = 285, Y = 0.5 (more or less the midpoint) for this dataset? Thanks!!
Thanks to Oliver W., I updated my code as he suggested and understood a bit better the problem.
There is a final detail I do not fully get. Apparently, curve_fit returns a popt array (x0, k) with the optimum parameters for the fitting:
x0 seems to be how shifted is the curve by indicating the central point of the curve
k parameter is the slope when y = 0.5, also in the center of the curve (I think!)
Why if the sigmoid function is a growing one, the derivative/slope in popt is negative? Does it make sense?
I used sigmoid_derivative to calculate the slope and, yes, I obtained the same results that popt but with positive sign.
# Year 2003, 2005, 2007. Slope in midpoint.
k = [-0.1910, -0.2545, -0.2259] # Values coming from popt
slope = [0.1910, 0.2545, 0.2259] # Values coming from sigmoid_derivative function
I know this is being a bit peaky because I could use both. The relevant data is in there but with negative sign, but I was wondering why is this happening.
So, the calculation of the derivative function as you suggested, is only required if I need to know the slope in other points than y = 0.5. Only for midpoint, I can use popt.
Thanks for your help, it saved me a lot of time. :-)
You're never using the parameter p0 you're passing to your sigmoid function. Hence, curve fitting will not have any good measure to find convergence, because it can take any value for this parameter. You should first rewrite your sigmoid function like this:
def sigmoid_function(xdata, x0, k):
y = np.exp(-k*(xdata-x0)) / (1 + np.exp(-k*(xdata-x0)))
return y
This means your model (the sigmoid) has only two degrees of freedom. This will be returned in popt:
initial_guess = [282, 1] # (x0, k): at x0, the sigmoid reaches 50%, k is slope related
popt, pcov = curve_fit(sigmoid_function, xdata, ydata, p0=initial_guess)
Now popt will be a tuple (or array of 2 values), being the best possible x0 and k.
To get the slope of this function at any point, to be honest, I would just calculate the derivative symbolically as the sigmoid is not such a hard function. You will end up with:
def sigmoid_derivative(x, x0, k):
f = np.exp(-k*(x-x0))
return -k / f
If you have the results from your curve fitting stored in popt, you could pass this easily to this function:
print(sigmoid_derivative(285, *popt))
which will return for you the derivative at x=285. But, because you ask specifically for the midpoint, so when x==x0 and y==.5, you'll see (from the sigmoid_derivative) that the derivative there is just -k, which can be observed immediately from the curve_fit output you've already obtained. In the output you've shown, that's about 0.19.

